List of Grand Cordons of the Order of Leopold

The Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold is the highest and oldest rank of chivalrie and a formal diplomatic gift of the Kingdom of Belgium. This honours is bestowed very rarely in name of the Grand-master: the King of the Belgians. This list is Chronological by official authorisation of the Royal Decree (RD).

19th century

Leopold I, Founder, until 1865

Horace François Sébastiani
Etienne-Denis Pasquier (1767-1852)
Pedro II was Grand Cordon only ten years old, and probably the youngest grand Cordon in Belgian History
king of Sardinia
King of Bavaria
The King Grand-Master and Founder1832By Law of 11.07.1832
King Louis-Philippe1833[1]Wedding gift to his Father-in-Law
The Duke of Orleans1833[2]Wedding gift to his Brother in law
The Duke of Nemours1833[3]Wedding gift to his Brother in law
The 2nd Count of Flahaut1833[4]French Ambassador to the Court of St James's
Horace-François Sébastiani de La Porta1833[5]French Minister of Foreign Affairs
1st Duke of Dalmatia1833[6]10th Prime Minister of France
The Count of Lobau1833[7]Marshal of France
The 1st Count Gérard1833[8]11th Prime Minister of France
Gabriel Neigre1833[9]
The Duke of Pasquier1833[10]president of the Chamber of Peers
The Baron Saint-Cyr Nugues1833[11]
The Earl of Durham1833[12]Lord Privy Seal
François-Nicolas-Benoît Haxo1833[13]French Army general
The Duke of Choiseul-Stainville1833[14]Governor of the Louvre Palace
The 3rd Duke of Broglie1833[15]Pair of France
Pedro II of Brazil1835[16]
Ernest I of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha1835[17]Reigning Duke
Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha1835[18]Brother of the King
Ferdinand II of Portugal1835[19]
Baron Gaspard Gourgaud1837French General
The 1st Count of Bonfim1838[20]12th Prime Minister of Portugal
Prosper Louis, 7th Duke of Arenberg [21]1838
Eugène, 8th Prince of Ligne1838[22]President of the Senate
Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha1839[23]Wedding gift to the Nephew of the King
Henri Count of Merode, Marquess of Westerloo1839[24]ambassador
Bernard Pierre Magnan1839Marshal of France
Ludwig I of Bavaria1840[25]King of Bavaria
Charles Albert, King of Sardinia1840[26]
Mgr.Luigi Lambruschini1840[27]Cardinal Secretary of State
The Duke of Saxe-Meinigen1840[28]
Georg of Saxe-Meiningen1840[29]Heretier Duke of Saxe
The Duke of Saxe-Altenburg1840[30]Duke of Saxe-Altenburg
The Duke of Württemberg1841[31]
Otto of Greece1841[32]King of Greece
The Duke of Aumale1842[33]Brother in Law
The Prince of Joinville1842[34]Brother in Law
The Grand Duke of Baden1843
King Frederick Augustus II1843[35]King of Saxony
Louis, prince of Baden1843[36]Crown prince
King Christian VIII1843[37]King of Denmark
The Grand Duke of Oldenburg1844[38]
Prince August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha1844[39]
The Grand Duke of Tuscany1844[40]
The Duke of Montpensier1844[41]Brother in Law
Emmanuel, Count of Mensdorff-Pouilly1845[42]brother-in-law of the King
Archduke John of Austria1845[43]Imperial regent
The Elector of Hesse1846[44]
Mgr. Pecci.1846 [45]Nonce Apostolique
Baron Louis Atthalin1847[46]ADC of King Louis
King Charles XV of Sweden1847[47]
King Ferdinand II1847 [48]King of the Two Sicilies
The Duke of Skåne1849[49]Crown Prince
William III[50]1849King of the Netherlands
Emperor Franz Joseph1849[51]Emperor of Austria
King Oscar I1849[52]King of Sweden
King Maximilan II1850[53]King of Bavaria
King Frederick William IV1850[54]King of Prussia
Otto Theodor von Manteuffel[55]1852Minister
Maximilian, Archduke of Austria1853[56]Wedding Gift of the King.
Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria1853[57]Wedding Gift of the king.
The King of Saxony1853[58]
The Duke of Brabant1853[59]9 April
King George V1853[60]King of Hannover
The Grand Duke of Oldenburg1853[61]
Charles, Prince of Prussia1853[62]
Emperor Napoleon III1854[63]Emperor of the French
The Prince Imperial1854[64]
The Duke of Oporto1854[65]Futur King of Portugal
King Pedro V of Portugal1854[66]King of Portugal
Count Charles Lanckoroński1855[67]Imperial Lord Chamberlain
The king of Saxony1855[68]
The Count of Flanders1855[69]heir presumptive to the Belgian throne
the King of Westphalia1855[71]
Antonio López de Santa Anna1855[72]President of Mexico
Francis, Duke of Calabria1855[73]
Luigi, Count Cibrario1855[74]Minister of the Foreign Office
Mehmed Fuad Pasha1855[75]Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Ottoman Empire
Mgr. Giacomo Antonelli1855[76]Cardinal Secretary of State
Alexandre, Count Colonna-Walewski1855[77]Diplomate
Raymond-Theodore Troplong1855[78]President of the French Senat
Friedrich von Thurn und Taxis1855[79]Imperial Lord Chamberlain
Baron von Budberg1855[80]Aide-de-camp of the Tsar
Jean-Baptiste, 1st Count Vaillant1855[81]Marechal of France
Victor Emmanuel1855[82]King of Sardinia
Heinrich von Wedel1855[83]military Governor
Bernard Pierre Magnan1855[84]French Marchall
Count Felix de Muelenaere1856[85]3rd Prime Minister of Belgium
Baron Étienne Constantin de Gerlache1856[86]1st President of the Court of Cassation
The Count of Theux de Meylandt1856[87]5th Prime Minister of Belgium
Oscar, Duke of Östergötland1856[88]
Albrecht, Duke of Teschen1856[89]
Heinrich LXVII, prince of Reuss1856[90]
Alexander II of Russia1856[91]
Joseph, 17th Prince of Chimay1856[92]diplomat
Count Félix de Mérode1857[93]defence minister of Belgium
The Duke of Loulé1857[94]President of the Council
Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia1857[95]
Anatole de Montesquiou-Fezensac1857[96]
The 2nd Marquess of Rumigny1857[97]Diplomate of the French King
Baron Pierre de Schiervel1857[98]President of the Senate
Alphonse O'Sullivan de Grass1859[99]Ambassador
Henri de Liem1859[100]ADC of the King
Paul Devaux[101]Promotor of King Leopold I
Mathieu Leclercq[102]Minister of justice
The Count de Castellane1859[103]Marshals of France

Leopold II, 1865-1909

Archduke Rudolf is wearing the Grand Cordon for the official engagement photo. This was a wedding gift of his father-in-law in 1880.
Ludwig Wilhelm, Duke in Bavaria was only 14 years old, when he received the wedding Gift in honour of his sister.
Cardinal Vanutelli
Itō Hirobumi, Prime Minister of Japan
Emperor Alexander III1865Emperor of All the Russias
Henri de Brouckère[104]1866Minister
Viscount Charles Vilain XIIII[105]1866Minister
Amadeo, Prince of Asturia1866 [106]Crown Prince of Spain
Barthélémy du Mortier1870 [107]botanist and Minister of State
Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn1873Governor General of Canada
Naser al-Din Shah Qajar1873[108]King of Persia
Archduke Rainer1874[109]President of the Expo Vienna
Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha1874[110]Wedding gift to his Son in law
Baron Alfred von Fabrice1874[111]Diplomate of Saxe
The Duke of Magenta1874[112]President of France
Hüseyin Avni Pasha1874[113]Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
António Cardoso Avelino1874[114]Minister of Portugal
BaronJomini1874[115]Russian Diplomate, President of the congress in Brussels
Prince Charles III1874[116]Sovereign of Monaco
Edouard d'Huart1878Minister of Finance
Mathieu Brialmont1878
Count Bloudoff1878[117]Ambassador of the Tsar.
Bohuslav, Count Chotek1878[118]Ambassador of the Emperor.
Rafael Carlos Merry del Val1878[119]Ambassador to the King of Spain.
Mgr. Vincenzo Vannutelli1878[120]Cardinal, Nonce Apostolique.
von Brandenburg1878[121]Ambassador to the Emperor.
Charles Duchatel1878[122]Ambassador to the French Republic.
Archduke Rudolf1880[123]Wedding gift.
Walthère Frère-Orban1881[124]Prime Minister
Louis Gallait1881[125]Painter
Jules Malou1882[126]Minister
Count Edmond de Sélys Longchamps1882President of Senate
the Duke of Clarence1885 [127]Cousin, Once removed
Prince Baudouin1887 [128]Heir to the Belgian Throne
baron Auguste Lambermont1888 [129]Minister of State
Henry Morton Stanley1890[130]Royal Explorer of Congo.
Prince Karl Anton of Hohenzollern1894 [131]Nephew
Friedrich Krafft Graf von Crailsheim1894[132]Foreign Minister of Bavaria
Auguste Beernaert1894 [133]Prime Minister.
François-Auguste Gevaert1896Composer
Christian X1897[134]King of Denmark
Prince Valdemar1897[135]
Prince Svasti Sobhana1897[136]Prince of Siam
Marquis Itō Hirobumi1897[137]Prime Minister of Japan
Prince Rupprecht1897[138]Crown Prince of Bavaria
the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein1898 [139]Wedding Gift of the King
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands1898[140]Queen of the Netherlands
Queen Emma of the Netherlands1898[141]Queen Mother
Émile Loubet1900[142]President of France
Prince Kan'in Kotohito1900[143]Chief of the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff
Duke Ludwig Wilhelm in Bavaria1900[144]Wedding gift
Prince Arnulf of Bavaria1900[145]Wedding gift
Karl Theodor, Duke in Bavaria1900[146]Wedding gift
Ludwig III of Bavaria1900[147]Wedding gift
Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria1900[148]Wedding gift
Adolf von Auer1900[149]Member of the Bavarian Chamber - Royal Wedding Gift
Jules von Auer1900[150]President of the Regency- Royal Wedding Gift
Gustav zu Castell-Castell1900[151]Grand Master of the Royal Court - Royal Wedding Gift
Afons von Lerchenfeld1900[152]Aide de Camp of the Regent - Royal Wedding Gift
Karl von Perfall1900[153]Intendant of the Court - Royal Wedding Gift
Albert von Seinsheim1900[154]Grand Marshall of the Court - Royal Wedding Gift
Franz Joseph von Stein1900[155]Archbishop, Royal Wedding Gift
Rudolphe von der Tann1900[156]Ambassador of the Regent, Royal Wedding Gift
Carl von Wolfskeel von Reichenberg1900[157]Grand Eqquiery of the Regent Royal Wedding Gift
Ritter von Xylander1900[158]ADC of Leopold II, Royal Wedding Gift
Theophile Delclassé1900 [159]Minister
Cardinal Goossens1900 [160]Cardinal
Gojong of Korea1901[161]Emperor of Korea
Alfonso XIII1902[162]King of Spain
the Queen of Spain1902[163]
Cardinal Granito di Belmonte1904 [164]Nonce Apostolique
count of Wallwitz1904 [165]Ambassador of the German Emperor
Sunjong of Korea1904 [166]Imperial Crown Prince
the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha1905[167]Wedding gift
Mgr. Merry del val 1906[168]Cardinal
Count Kiyoura Keigo1906[169]23rd Prime Minister of Japan
Haakon VII1906[170]King of Norway
Tōgō Heihachirō1907 [171]Japanese Marshal-Admiral
Count Charles WoesteLeopold IIMinister
Baron Jules-Joseph d'AnethanLeopold IIMinister
Count Paul de Smet de NaeyerLeopold IIMinister
Jules GreindlLeopold IIMinister Of state
Count Charles John d'OultremontLeopold IIMarschall to the Royal Court
Baron Auguste GoffinetLeopold IIGrand Master of the Imperial Household of Empress Charlotte

20th century

The Emperor of Japan
The Maharaja of Patiala
Emperor of Ethiopia
King of Siam
Adolf Max,Lord mayor of the City of Brussels

Albert I, 1909-1934

Prince Fushimi Hiroyasu1910[172]Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy
Baron Kurino Shin'ichiro1910[173]Imperial ambassador
Lord Piershil1910[174]Diplomate of the Netherlands
Jhr. René de Marees van Swinderen1910[175]Minister for Foreign Affairs.
The Marquess di San Giuliano1911[176]Italian diplomat and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Prince Mohammed Ali1911[177]Egyptian Prince
Count Toda Ujitaka1911[178]Master of Ceremonies to the Emperor
Abbas II of Egypt1911
Fuad I1912[179]King of Egypt
Joseph Marie Hellenbout1912Minister
Raymond Poincaré1913[180]Prime Minister of France
Prince Axel1913[181]Prince of Denmark
Erik Scavenius1914[182]12th Prime Minister of Denmark
Lou Tseng-Tsiang1914[183]Premier of the Republic of China
The 2nd Marquess of Lema1915[184]Minister Foreign Affairs,
Alexander Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone1915Major General
John French, Earl of Ypres1916Field Marshall
Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig1916Field Marshall
Emperor Taishō1916[185]The Emperor of Japan
John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe1917
General John Pershing1917[186]Chief of Staff of the United States Army
King Alexander I1918[187]King of Yugoslavia
Cardinal Désiré-Joseph Mercier1918[188]Belgian Primate
Ernest Solvay1918[189]
Gérard Cooreman1918
Bhupinder Singh1918[190]Maharaja of the princely state of Patiala
Baron Paul-Louis de Favereau 1919[191]Minister of State
Count Charles de Broqueville1919[192]Minister
General Count Gérard Leman1919[193]General
Lieutenant-General Louis Bernheim1919[194]General
Lieutenant-General Louis Ruquoy1919[195]General
Lieutenant-General Baron Alphonse Jacques de Dixmude1919[196]General
Lieutenant-General Baron de Ceuninck1919[197]General
Lieutenant-General Baron Édouard Michel du Faing d'Aigremont1919General
Lieutenant-General Gillain1919[198]General
Lieutenant-General Biebuyck1919[199]General
Lieutenant-General Baron Drubbel1919[200]General
Vice Admiral William Sowden Sims1919[201]President of the Naval War College
admiral Hugh Rodman1919[202]Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet
Mario García Menocal1919[203]3rd President of Cuba
Faisal I of Iraq1919[204]King of Syria
Emile Verhaeren1920[205]Post Mortem
Count Maurice Maeterlinck1920[206]Nobel Prize in Literature
Gustave Ador1920[207]President of the Swiss Confederation
Sir Adatci, Mineichiro1921[208]Imperial ambassador to Belgium
Count Amedée Visart de Bocarmé1921President of the Chamber and Mayor of Brugge
Nicholas Murray Butler1921[209]12th President of Columbia University
Lieutenant-General Harry Jungbluth1923[210]Chief of the Military Household of His Majesty
Pieter Cort van der Linden1923[211]Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Edvard Beneš1923[212]4th President of Czechoslovakia
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk1923[213]1st President of Czechoslovakia
Jhr. John Loudon1923[214]Minister of Foreign Affairs
Baron Léon de Witte de Haelen1924[215]Inspector-General of the Cavalry
Lieutenant-General Victor Bertrand1924[216]Général
Emperor Haile Selassie1924[217]Emperor of Ethiopia
Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso1924[218]President of Cuba
count Makino Nobuaki1925[219]9th Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal of Japan
Baron Kijūrō Shidehara1925[220]31st Prime Minister of Japan
Prince Prince Yasuhiko Asaka1925[221]
Reza Shah1925[222]Imperial Shah of Iran
Karl Robert Pusta1925[223]Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
Cardinal Clemente Micara1925[224]Papal Nonce in Belgium
the 17th Duke of Alba1925[225]Duke of Berwick
The 1st Marquess of Reading1925[226]Governor-General of India
Baron Eugène Beyens1925[227]Belgian minister
Jhr.Charles Ruijs de Beerenbrouck1925[228]Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Jhr. Herman Adriaan van Karnebeek1925[229]Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Prajadhipok 1926[230]King of Siam
Pedro Nel Ospina Vázquez1926[231]11th President of Colombia
Miguel Abadía Méndez1926[232]12th President of Colombia
Louis Betrand1926[233]Minister of State
Emile Francqui1926[234]Belgian Minister of State
Antonín Švehla1927[235]
Prince Devawong Varodaya1927[236]Prince of Siam
Amanullah Khan1928[237]King of Afghanistan
Prince Gustav1928[238]Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia
Prince Knud of Denmark1928[239]Hereditary Prince of Denmark
Laust Moltesen1928[240]Foreign Minister of Denmark
Thomas Madsen-Mygdal1928[241]10th Prime Minister of Denmark
Zog I1929[242]King of the Albanians
Raouf Fitso1929[243]Diplomat
Konstatin Kotta1929[244]14th Prime Minister of Albania
Sir William Herbert Phillipps1929[245]honorary consul for Belgium in South Australia
Henry Fletcher1929[246]United States Ambassador to Belgium
Gerardo Machado1929[247]5th President of Cuba
Émile-Joseph Galet1930[248]General
Prince Takamatsu1930[249]Imperial Prince of Japan
Isidro Ayora1930[250]President of Ecuador
Petar Živković1930[251]8th Prime Minister of Yugoslavia
Adolphe Max1932[252]Mayor of Brussels
Jules Renkin[253]193228th Prime Minister of Belgium
Ferdinand FochAlbert IFrench Marshal
Aloys Van de VyvereAlbert IMinister

Leopold III 1934-1951

Eggert Reeder1938governor of Cologne
Winston Churchill1945Prime Minister
Dwight D. Eisenhower[254]1945
Queen JulianaLeopold IIIQueen of the Netherlands
Irene of Orange-NassauLeopold IIIDutch Princess

King Baudouin 1951-1993

Shah Reza Pahlevi of Persia1960[255]Sjah of Persia
Joseph Kasa-Vubu1960[256]1st President of Kongo.
Rama IX1960King of Thailand
Queen Sirikit1960Consort of Thailand
Queen Elizabeth II1963Queen of the UK
the Duke of Edinburgh1963Consort of the UK
Josip Broz Tito1970
Hirohito1971Emperor of Japan
Kōjun1971Empress Consort of Japan.
Edmond Leburton1977 [257]Minister
King Juan Carlos1978King of Spain
Queen Sofia1978Consort of Spain
Mstislav Rostropovich1989Soloist
AkihitoEmperor of Japan
Prince Philippe[258]1990Oldest son of the Prince of Liège

Note : Laurent of Belgium was created By Counsel of Ministers on 6 augustus 1993.

King Albert II 1993- 2013

Queen Paola[259]1994Queen Consort of the King of the Belgians
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg1994Nepew
Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg1994Consort of Luxemburg
Felipe, Prince of Asturias1994Crown prince of Spain
Infanta Elena, Duchess of Lugo1994Infanta of Spain
Cristina, Infanta of Spain1994Infanta of Spain
Andries Kinsbergen[260]1995Minister
Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan1996Crown prince
Lucien Buysse [261]1997Grand Marshal of the Royal Court
Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este [262]1997Daughter
Stranard [263]1998president Court of Cassatie
Eliane Liekendael[264]1998procureur-generaal bij het Hof van Cassatie
Aleksander Kwaśniewski1999President of Poland
Jolanta Kwaśniewska1999Consort of Poland
Roger Lallemand[265]1999Minister of State
Leo Tindemans[266]1999Minister
Louis De Grève1999Pres. Arbitragehof
Frank Swaelen[267]1999Minister

21st Century

Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este[268]2000Son-in-Law
Jean-Marie Piret[269]2000emeritus-procureur-generaal bij het Hof van Cassatie
Mathilde, Duchess of Brabant[270]2000Daughter in Law
Jorge Sampaio2000President of Portugal
Maria Jose Ritta 2000Consort of President of Portugal
Victoria, Duchess of Västergötland2001Crown Princess of Sweden
Jan Willems[271]2001Grand Marshal of the Royal Court
Georgi Parvanov2003President of Bulgaria
Zorka Parvanova2003Consort of President of Bulgaria
Princess Claire[272]2004Daughter in Law
Tarja Halonen[273]2004President of Finland
King Mohammed VI[274]2004King of Morocco
Roman Herzog2005President of Germany
General Mertens[275]2005Chief of the Military Household of the King
J. du Jardin2005procureur-generaal bij het Hof van Cassatie
Frank de Conick [276]2006Grand Marshal of the Royal Court
Roland Gillet[277]2006Member of Senate
Valdas Adamkus2006[278]President of Lithuania
Alex Arts2007[279]President of Constitutionial Court
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga2007President of Latvia
Marc Lahousse2008[280]First President Court of Cassastion
László Sólyom2008Presindent of Hungary
Toomas Hendrik Ilves2008President of Estonia
Guy Verhofstadt2008[281]47th Prime Minister of Belgium
Count Herman Van Rompuy 2009[282]President of the Chamber of Representatives and President of the European Council
Michel Melchior2010[283]President of Constitutional Court
Count Jean-Pierre de Launoit2012[284]President Queen Elisabeth Concours
Countess Solange de Liedekerke de Pailhe2012[285]Lady-in-Waiting of Queen Fabiola.

King Philippe 2013

Baron Marc Bossuyt[286]2013President of the Constitutional Court
Count Jacques Rogge2013Honorary President IOC
Major General Wilfried Van Kerckhove [287]2013Grand Master of Queen Fabiola's Household
Xi Jinping2015President of China
Recep Tayyip Erdogan[288]2015President of Turkey
Andrzej Duda2015President of Poland
Agata Kornhauser-Duda2015First Lady of Poland
Joachim Gauck2016President of Germany
Daniela Schadt2016First Lady of Germany
King Abdullah II2016King of Jordan
Queen Rania2016Consort of Jordan
Masako2016Consort of Japan
King Willem-Alexander2016King of the Netherlands
Queen Maxima2016Consort of the Netherlands
Vice-admiraal Pierre Warnauts2016[289]Chief of Protocol of His Majesty the King of the Belgians
General Joseph Van den put2016[290]Chief of the Military Household of his Majesty the King of the Belgians
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa2018President of Portugal
Emmanuel Macron2018President of France
Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant2019Oldest daughter, heir to the throne



  • F. Veldekens, Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer (Brussels: Lelong, 1858-1861).
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gollark: No, but you can do `return a, b, c`.


  1. RD of 10.03.1833
  2. RD of 10.03.1833
  3. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  4. RD of 10.03.1833
  5. RD of 10.03.1833
  6. RD of 10.03.1833
  7. RD of 01.12.1833
  8. RD of 10.03.1833
  9. RD of 10.03.1833
  10. RD of 10.03.1833
  11. RD of 10.03.1833
  12. RD of 10.03.1833
  13. RD of 10.03.1833
  14. RD of 10.03.1833
  15. RD of 22.04.1833
  16. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2
  17. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  18. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  19. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  20. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 2
  21. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  22. RD of 16.06.1838
  23. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  24. Rd of 07.06.1839
  25. Almanach de la cour (1841): contenant les indications les plus complètes sur les cours ... /Hauman & Cie, 1841
  26. Almanach de la cour (1841): contenant les indications les plus complètes sur les cours ... /Hauman & Cie, 1841
  27. Almanach de la cour (1841): contenant les indications les plus complètes sur les cours ... /Hauman & Cie, 1841
  28. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  29. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  30. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  31. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  32. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  33. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  34. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  35. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  36. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  37. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  38. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  39. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  40. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  41. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  42. RD of 13.03.1845
  43. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  44. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  45. Laatste Nieuws (Het) 01-01-1910
  46. RD of 23.07.1847
  47. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  48. Handelsblad (Het) 16-04-1847
  49. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1: Tarlier, 1854, p. 37
  50. Handelsblad (Het) 23-04-1849
  51. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  52. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  53. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  54. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  55. Indépendance Belge (L') 20-04-1852
  56. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  57. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  58. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  59. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  60. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  61. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  62. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  63. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  64. Almanach royal officiel, publié, exécution d'un arrête du roi, Volume 1 ; Tarlier, 1854
  65. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  66. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  67. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  68. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  69. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  70. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  71. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  72. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  73. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  74. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  75. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  76. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  77. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  78. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  79. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  80. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  81. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  82. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  83. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  84. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier
  85. RD of 19.07.1856
  86. RD of 19.07.1856
  87. RD of 19.07.1856
  88. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  89. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  90. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  91. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  92. RD of 19.07.1856
  93. RD of 07.02.1857
  94. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 2
  95. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 1 /Ferdinand Veldekens
  96. Rd of 29.07.1857
  97. Le livre d'or de l'ordre de Léopold et de la croix de fer, Volume 2
  98. RD 26.02.1857 / Met gezag bekleed, p.65.
  99. RD of 21.6.1859
  100. RD of 14.03.1859
  101. RD of 12.06.1859
  102. RD of 12.06.1859
  103. RD of 13.09.1859
  104. Bien Public (Le) 11-06-1866/ RD of 10.6.1866
  105. Bien Public (Le) 11-06-1866/ RD of 10.6.1866
  106. Koophandel (De) 02-03-1866
  107. Handelsblad (Het) 25-07-1870
  109. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  110. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  111. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  112. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  113. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  114. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  115. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  116. Almanach royal officiel: 1875; p. 55
  117. Handelsblad (Het) 28-08-1878
  118. Handelsblad (Het) 28-08-1878
  119. Handelsblad (Het) 28-08-1878
  120. Handelsblad (Het) 28-08-1878
  121. Handelsblad (Het) 28-08-1878
  122. Handelsblad (Het) 28-08-1878
  123. Koophandel (De) 06-03-1880
  124. Handelsblad (Het) 11-06-1881 / Wedding honour of Princess Stephanie in Vienna
  125. Handelsblad (Het) 15-05-1881
  126. Handelsblad (Het) 12-06-1882
  127. Handelsblad (Het) 12-02-1885
  128. Handelsblad (Het) 02-06-1887, RD of 8th Jun 1887
  129. Handelsblad (Het) 21-07-1888
  130. Handelsblad (Het) 09-03-1890
  131. Nieuws Van Den Dag (Het) 03-02-1894
  132. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  133. Laatste Nieuws (Het) 29-03-1894
  134. Rd of 22.07.1897
  135. Rd of 22.07.1897
  136. Mémorial du centenaire de l'Ordre de Léopold. 1832-1932. Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1933.
  137. Mémorial du centenaire de l'Ordre de Léopold. 1832-1932. Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1933.
  138. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2; pag.30.
  139. Handelsblad (Het) 27-07-1898
  140. Handelsblad (Het) 01-09-1898
  141. Handelsblad (Het) 01-09-1898
  142. Nieuws Van Den Dag (Het) 07-10-1900
  143. Het Nieuws Van Den Dag / 03-05-1900
  144. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  145. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  146. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  147. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  148. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  149. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  150. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  151. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  152. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  153. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  154. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  155. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  156. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  157. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  158. Albert I;Museum Dynasticum N° .21: 2009/ n° 2.
  159. Handelsblad (Het) 03-11-1900
  160. Golden Priesthood / Handelsblad (Het) 07-03-1905
  161. RD of 10.08.1901
  162. RD of 14.02.1902
  163. Rd of 19.01.1902
  164. Nieuws Van Den Dag (Het) 31-01-1904
  165. Nieuws Van Den Dag (Het) 02-02-1904
  166. Nieuws Van Den Dag (Het) 02-06-1904
  167. 03.07.1905
  168. Handelsblad (Het) 27-04-1906
  169. RD of 12.07.1906
  170. RD of 02.10.1906
  171. Tōgō Heihachirō
  172. RD of 04.05.1910
  173. RD of 19.01.1910
  174. RD of 14.05.1910
  175. RD of 15.09.1910
  176. RD of 02.02.1911
  177. RD of 28.08.1911
  178. RD of 28.02.1911
  179. RD of 03.08.1912
  180. RD of 26.02.1913
  181. RD of 22.06.1913
  182. RD of 19.05.1914
  183. RD of 04.05.1914
  184. RD of 20.11.1915
  185. RD of 14.11.1916
  186. RD of 29.12.1917
  187. RD of 10.11.1918
  188. RD of 08.12.1918
  189. RD of 08.12.1918
  190. RD of 04.07.1918
  191. RD of 15.11.1919
  192. RD of 18.11.1919
  193. RD of 14.08.1919
  194. RD of 14.08.1919
  195. RD of 14.08.1919
  196. RD of 14.08.1919
  197. RD of 14.08.1919
  198. RD of 14.08.1919
  199. RD of 14.08.1919
  200. RD of 14.08.1919
  201. Rd of 22.12.1919
  202. RD of 22.12.1919
  203. Rd of 05.03.1919
  204. Rd of 18.09.1919
  205. RD of 27.01.1920
  206. RD of 27.01.1920
  207. RD of 15.09.1920
  208. RD of 01.07.1921
  209. RD of 28.07.1921
  210. RD of 21.07.1923
  211. RD of 10.02.1923
  212. RD of 20.10.1923
  213. RD of 20.10.1923
  214. RD of 10.02.1923
  215. RD of 06.10.1924
  216. RD of 06.10.1924
  217. RD of 22.05.1924
  218. RD of 24.11.1924
  219. RD of 07.02.1925
  220. RD of 07.02.1925-Mémorial du centenaire de l'Ordre de Léopold. 1832-1932. Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1933.
  221. RD of 29.04.1925
  222. RD 10.06.1925-Mémorial du centenaire de l'Ordre de Léopold. 1832-1932. Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1933.
  223. RD of 08.38.1925
  224. RD of 23.12.1925
  225. RD of 17.06.1925
  226. RD of 05.10.1925
  227. RD of 01.12.1925
  228. RD of 10.04.1925
  229. RD of 10.04.1925
  230. Mémorial du centenaire de l'Ordre de Léopold. 1832-1932. Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1933.
  231. Rd of 12.11.1926
  232. Rd of 12.11.1926
  233. RD of 12.01.1926
  234. RD of 15.11.1926
  235. RD of 11.07.1927
  236. Mémorial du centenaire de l'Ordre de Léopold. 1832-1932. Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1933.
  237. RD of 08.02.1928
  238. Rd of 20.04.1928
  239. Rd of 20.04.1928
  240. Rd of 20.04.1928
  241. Rd of 20.04.1928
  242. RD of 04.11.1929
  243. RD of 04.09.1929
  244. RD of 04.09.1929
  245. RD of 15.12.1929
  246. RD of 15.12.1929
  247. RD of 25.03.1929
  248. RD of 12.12.1930
  249. Rd of 30.07.1930
  250. RD of 05.09.1930
  251. RD of 30.10.1930
  252. RD of 26.11.1932
  253. RD of 26.11.1932
  254. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2016-11-18. Retrieved 2012-06-10.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  257. RD 16.04.1977
  258. De monarchie in België. Author: Wyvekens, Pierre Year: 1992 Publisher: Brussel Inbel
  259. RD of 2 March 1994
  260. 1995 /RD of 21 December 1995
  261. RD of 12 juni 1997
  262. RD 6 July 1997
  263. RD 2 April 1998
  264. RD of 26 November 1998
  266. RD of 13 April 1999
  267. RD of 19 October 1999
  268. RD of 20 December 2000
  269. 26 juni 2000
  270. RD of 19 September 2000
  271. 19 December 2001
  272. RD of 14 July 2004
  273. state visit of 2004
  274. state visit of 2004
  275. RD 2 maart 2005
  276. RD 3 October 2006
  277. RD 11 October 2006
  279. RD of 25 September 2007
  280. RD of 23 April 2008
  281. RD of 13 April 2008
  282. RD of 17 December 2009
  283. RD of 24 November 2010
  284. 13 July 2012
  285. RD of 10 October 2012
  286. Royal decree of 8 December 2013
  287. Royal Decree of 6 July 2013
  289. RD 13 December 2016
  290. RD 27 November 2016
  291. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier /p. 126
  292. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier /p. 126
  293. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier /p. 126
  294. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier /p. 126
  295. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier /p. 126
  296. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier /p. 126
  297. Almanach royal de Belgique: Classé Et Mis En Ordre Par H. Tarlier /p. 126
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