Arrondissement of Amiens

The arrondissement of Amiens is an arrondissement of France in the Somme department in the Hauts-de-France region. It has 291 communes.[1] Its population is 304,282 (2016), and its area is 2,343.1 km2 (904.7 sq mi).[2]

Location within the region Hauts-de-France
No. of communes291
  Total2,343.1 km2 (904.7 sq mi)
  Density130/km2 (300/sq mi)
INSEE code802


The communes of the arrondissement of Amiens are:[1]

  1. Agenville (80005)
  2. Ailly-sur-Somme (80011)
  3. Airaines (80013)
  4. Allonville (80020)
  5. Amiens (80021)
  6. Andainville (80022)
  7. Argœuves (80024)
  8. Arguel (80026)
  9. Aubigny (80036)
  10. Aumâtre (80040)
  11. Aumont (80041)
  12. Autheux (80042)
  13. Authieule (80044)
  14. Avelesges (80046)
  15. Avesnes-Chaussoy (80048)
  16. Bacouel-sur-Selle (80050)
  17. Baizieux (80052)
  18. Barly (80055)
  19. Bavelincourt (80056)
  20. Béalcourt (80060)
  21. Beaucamps-le-Jeune (80061)
  22. Beaucamps-le-Vieux (80062)
  23. Beaucourt-sur-l'Hallue (80066)
  24. Beaumetz (80068)
  25. Beauquesne (80070)
  26. Beauval (80071)
  27. Béhencourt (80077)
  28. Belleuse (80079)
  29. Belloy-Saint-Léonard (80081)
  30. Belloy-sur-Somme (80082)
  31. Bergicourt (80083)
  32. Bermesnil (80084)
  33. Bernâtre (80085)
  34. Bernaville (80086)
  35. Berneuil (80089)
  36. Bertangles (80092)
  37. Berteaucourt-les-Dames (80093)
  38. Bettembos (80098)
  39. Bettencourt-Saint-Ouen (80100)
  40. Blangy-sous-Poix (80106)
  41. Blangy-Tronville (80107)
  42. Boisbergues (80108)
  43. Bonnay (80112)
  44. Bonneville (80113)
  45. Bosquel (80114)
  46. Bouchon (80117)
  47. Bougainville (80119)
  48. Bouquemaison (80122)
  49. Bourdon (80123)
  50. Bovelles (80130)
  51. Boves (80131)
  52. Brassy (80134)
  53. Breilly (80137)
  54. Bresle (80138)
  55. Brévillers (80140)
  56. Briquemesnil-Floxicourt (80142)
  57. Brocourt (80143)
  58. Bussy-lès-Daours (80156)
  59. Bussy-lès-Poix (80157)
  60. Cachy (80159)
  61. Cagny (80160)
  62. Camon (80164)
  63. Camps-en-Amiénois (80165)
  64. Canaples (80166)
  65. Candas (80168)
  66. Cannessières (80169)
  67. Cardonnette (80173)
  68. Caulières (80179)
  69. Cavillon (80180)
  70. Cerisy (80184)
  71. Cerisy-Buleux (80183)
  72. La Chaussée-Tirancourt (80187)
  73. Chipilly (80192)
  74. Clairy-Saulchoix (80198)
  75. Coisy (80202)
  76. Contay (80207)
  77. Conteville (80208)
  78. Contre (80210)
  79. Conty (80211)
  80. Corbie (80212)
  81. Courcelles-sous-Moyencourt (80218)
  82. Courcelles-sous-Thoix (80219)
  83. Creuse (80225)
  84. Croixrault (80227)
  85. Crouy-Saint-Pierre (80229)
  86. Daours (80234)
  87. Domart-en-Ponthieu (80241)
  88. Domesmont (80243)
  89. Domléger-Longvillers (80245)
  90. Doullens (80253)
  91. Dreuil-lès-Amiens (80256)
  92. Dromesnil (80259)
  93. Dury (80261)
  94. Épaumesnil (80269)
  95. Épécamps (80270)
  96. Éplessier (80273)
  97. Équennes-Éramecourt (80276)
  98. Essertaux (80285)
  99. Estrées-sur-Noye (80291)
  100. L'Étoile (80296)
  101. Étréjust (80297)
  102. Famechon (80301)
  103. Ferrières (80305)
  104. Fieffes-Montrelet (80566)
  105. Fienvillers (80310)
  106. Flesselles (80316)
  107. Fleury (80317)
  108. Flixecourt (80318)
  109. Fluy (80319)
  110. Fontaine-le-Sec (80324)
  111. Forceville-en-Vimeu (80330)
  112. Fossemanant (80334)
  113. Foucaucourt-Hors-Nesle (80336)
  114. Fouilloy (80338)
  115. Fourcigny (80340)
  116. Fourdrinoy (80341)
  117. Framicourt (80343)
  118. Franqueville (80346)
  119. Fransu (80348)
  120. Franvillers (80350)
  121. Fréchencourt (80351)
  122. Frémontiers (80352)
  123. Fresnes-Tilloloy (80354)
  124. Fresneville (80355)
  125. Fresnoy-Andainville (80356)
  126. Fresnoy-au-Val (80357)
  127. Frettecuisse (80361)
  128. Fricamps (80365)
  129. Frohen-sur-Authie (80369)
  130. Gauville (80375)
  131. Gentelles (80376)
  132. Gézaincourt (80377)
  133. Glisy (80379)
  134. Gorges (80381)
  135. Grattepanche (80387)
  136. Grouches-Luchuel (80392)
  137. Guignemicourt (80399)
  138. Guizancourt (80402)
  139. Halloy-lès-Pernois (80408)
  140. Le Hamel (80411)
  141. Hamelet (80412)
  142. Hangest-sur-Somme (80416)
  143. Havernas (80423)
  144. Hébécourt (80424)
  145. Heilly (80426)
  146. Hem-Hardinval (80427)
  147. Hénencourt (80429)
  148. Hescamps (80436)
  149. Heucourt-Croquoison (80437)
  150. Heuzecourt (80439)
  151. Hiermont (80440)
  152. Hornoy-le-Bourg (80443)
  153. Humbercourt (80445)
  154. Inval-Boiron (80450)
  155. Lachapelle (80455)
  156. Lafresguimont-Saint-Martin (80456)
  157. Lahoussoye (80458)
  158. Laleu (80459)
  159. Lamaronde (80460)
  160. Lamotte-Brebière (80461)
  161. Lamotte-Warfusée (80463)
  162. Lanches-Saint-Hilaire (80466)
  163. Lignières-Châtelain (80479)
  164. Lignières-en-Vimeu (80480)
  165. Liomer (80484)
  166. Longueau (80489)
  167. Longuevillette (80491)
  168. Lucheux (80495)
  169. Maizicourt (80503)
  170. Marcelcave (80507)
  171. Marlers (80515)
  172. Le Mazis (80522)
  173. Meigneux (80525)
  174. Le Meillard (80526)
  175. Méréaucourt (80528)
  176. Méricourt-en-Vimeu (80531)
  177. Méricourt-l'Abbé (80530)
  178. Le Mesge (80535)
  179. Métigny (80543)
  180. Mézerolles (80544)
  181. Mirvaux (80550)
  182. Molliens-au-Bois (80553)
  183. Molliens-Dreuil (80554)
  184. Monsures (80558)
  185. Montagne-Fayel (80559)
  186. Montigny-les-Jongleurs (80563)
  187. Montigny-sur-l'Hallue (80562)
  188. Montonvillers (80565)
  189. Morcourt (80569)
  190. Morvillers-Saint-Saturnin (80573)
  191. Mouflières (80575)
  192. Moyencourt-lès-Poix (80577)
  193. Namps-Maisnil (80582)
  194. Nampty (80583)
  195. Naours (80584)
  196. Nesle-l'Hôpital (80586)
  197. Neslette (80587)
  198. Neuville-au-Bois (80591)
  199. Neuville-Coppegueule (80592)
  200. Neuvillette (80596)
  201. Occoches (80602)
  202. Ô-de-Selle (80485)
  203. Offignies (80604)
  204. Oisemont (80606)
  205. Oissy (80607)
  206. Oresmaux (80611)
  207. Outrebois (80614)
  208. Pernois (80619)
  209. Picquigny (80622)
  210. Pierregot (80624)
  211. Pissy (80626)
  212. Plachy-Buyon (80627)
  213. Poix-de-Picardie (80630)
  214. Pont-de-Metz (80632)
  215. Pont-Noyelles (80634)
  216. Poulainville (80639)
  217. Prouville (80642)
  218. Prouzel (80643)
  219. Querrieu (80650)
  220. Le Quesne (80651)
  221. Quesnoy-sur-Airaines (80655)
  222. Quevauvillers (80656)
  223. Rainneville (80661)
  224. Rambures (80663)
  225. Remaisnil (80666)
  226. Remiencourt (80668)
  227. Revelles (80670)
  228. Ribeaucourt (80671)
  229. Ribemont-sur-Ancre (80672)
  230. Riencourt (80673)
  231. Rivery (80674)
  232. Rubempré (80686)
  233. Rumigny (80690)
  234. Sailly-Laurette (80693)
  235. Sailly-le-Sec (80694)
  236. Sains-en-Amiénois (80696)
  237. Saint-Acheul (80697)
  238. Saint-Aubin-Montenoy (80698)
  239. Saint-Aubin-Rivière (80699)
  240. Sainte-Segrée (80719)
  241. Saint-Fuscien (80702)
  242. Saint-Germain-sur-Bresle (80703)
  243. Saint-Gratien (80704)
  244. Saint-Léger-lès-Domart (80706)
  245. Saint-Léger-sur-Bresle (80707)
  246. Saint-Maulvis (80709)
  247. Saint-Ouen (80711)
  248. Saint-Sauflieu (80717)
  249. Saint-Sauveur (80718)
  250. Saint-Vaast-en-Chaussée (80722)
  251. Saisseval (80723)
  252. Saleux (80724)
  253. Salouël (80725)
  254. Saulchoy-sous-Poix (80728)
  255. Saveuse (80730)
  256. Senarpont (80732)
  257. Sentelie (80734)
  258. Seux (80735)
  259. Soues (80738)
  260. Surcamps (80742)
  261. Tailly (80744)
  262. Talmas (80746)
  263. Terramesnil (80749)
  264. Thézy-Glimont (80752)
  265. Thieulloy-l'Abbaye (80754)
  266. Thieulloy-la-Ville (80755)
  267. Thoix (80757)
  268. Le Translay (80767)
  269. Treux (80769)
  270. Vadencourt (80773)
  271. Vaire-sous-Corbie (80774)
  272. Vauchelles-lès-Domart (80778)
  273. Vaux-en-Amiénois (80782)
  274. Vaux-sur-Somme (80784)
  275. Vecquemont (80785)
  276. Velennes (80786)
  277. Vergies (80788)
  278. Vers-sur-Selle (80791)
  279. Vignacourt (80793)
  280. La Vicogne (80792)
  281. Ville-le-Marclet (80795)
  282. Villeroy (80796)
  283. Villers-Bocage (80798)
  284. Villers-Bretonneux (80799)
  285. Villers-Campsart (80800)
  286. Vraignes-lès-Hornoy (80813)
  287. Wargnies (80819)
  288. Warloy-Baillon (80820)
  289. Warlus (80821)
  290. Woirel (80828)
  291. Yzeux (80835)


The arrondissement of Amiens was created in 1800.[3] In January 2009 the canton of Oisemont passed from the arrondissement of Amiens to the arrondissement of Abbeville.[3] At the January 2017 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Somme, it received 38 communes from the arrondissement of Abbeville and seven communes from the arrondissement of Péronne, and it lost two communes to the arrondissement of Abbeville, five communes to the arrondissement of Montdidier and 26 communes to the arrondissement of Péronne.[4]

As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Amiens were, as of January 2015:[5]

gollark: Compact Binary Object Representation.
gollark: (Why? Because CBOR is better for everything but support and Hooman readability)
gollark: Also, it uses CBOR in the dev version now.
gollark: Seriously; suggestions for improvement would be good.
gollark: Why is my code *bad*?


  1. "Arrondissement d'Amiens (802)". INSEE. Retrieved 2019-10-04.
  2. "Comparateur de territoire, géographie au 01/01/2019". INSEE. Retrieved 2019-10-04.
  3. Historique de la Somme
  4. "Arrêté préfectoral, 23 December 2016" (PDF). pp. 3–21. Retrieved 2019-10-27.
  5. "Populations légales 2012" (PDF). INSEE. December 2014. Retrieved 2019-10-07.

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