Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
4 answers

High load without explanation

I have a very high load on my machine and don't know what is responsible or how to find out. On the machine runs a jboss appserver and mysql. Here is a top from the user at peak time: top - 16:23:01 up 101 days, 6:50, 1 user, load average: 23.42,…
2 answers

Tomcat deployment overwrites context.xml

I'm pretty new to Tomcat in general, so please point out if got anything wrong. My question is regarding updates to already deployed apps, using the Tomcat manager. But first thing first. I'm using the META-INF/Context.xml for storing connection…
6 answers

What is a good web interface for remote linux load monitoring?

I'm looking for some type of remote linux monitoring software that you can view using a web interface. And I'm not just looking for the basic load information. I'm also looking for process information, similar to the info that you get from TOP. Like…
Jake Wilson
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1 answer

Graceful maintenance of web applications

I asked this question on Stack Overflow and got some good responses. A couple of SO members mentioned I should ask it here also to see what the SysAdmin perspective on this is. So here goes: I live in Australia (though this is probably true for most…
Ganesh Shankar
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5 answers

Server crashed - corporate web application is down - considering moving to an online host - any suggestions?

I'm in a mess here. For a couple of years we've been running our own custom made application on a local server in our office. The servers had its well bad days and good days now and then - however the server literally died a couple of days ago -…
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6 answers

How do we create fail-over DNS for web services?

I am trying to setup a completely failsafe DNS system. Our web application serving infrastructure is sound with multiple failover servers but DNS is a weak-point for us. We currently tell our domain registrar to use our hosting providers…
0 answers

TomEE redeploy webapp forcefully

In tomee i have a webapp which is deployed from the context XML file. TomEE\conf\Catalina\localhost\test.xml with contents: Now i have some leaks in this web…
2 answers

Enable Application Insights Azure Web App ARM Template

I successfully deployed an app service plan, web application and application insights resources using an ARM Template. The APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY and APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING app settings have been added to the configuration/app…
1 answer

Azure ARM Template - Folder Location App Setting

I'm trying to specify an app setting in my ARM template that points to a specific folder location where the web application I'm deploying should store log files, ex: D:\folder\logs. When I specify the folder location though it complains about the…
1 answer

Google Cloud Java API calls from a servlet: blocking or connection concerns?

Just trying out the Java API for GCP (the compute lib). I'm making calls to the API from a servlet ... Compute.Instances.Insert insert = compute.instances().insert("tester", "us-easts1-db", instance); Operation o = insert.execute(); The docs read…
0 answers

Azure Cloud Service / IIS 8 does not reach client browser after long process to generate PDF report

I'm running a .net web app on Azure Cloud Service, Cloud Service provides a VM running Windows 2012 R2 OS with IIS 8. Issue occurs when client browser goes to a page to trigger a PDF report generation. Report generation takes about 5-6 minutes. Once…
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1 answer

AWS Application Load Balancer - processed bytes metric

I have just finished setting up Application Load Balancer on AWS. I am trying to figure why my Processed Bytes metric is giving such a high number (and as a result Consumed Capacity Units go up and it becomes expensive). How is this actually…
0 answers

Azure web app access through VNet with certificates on gateway

My goal is to have a Web App in a VNet which goes through a VNet gateway using certificates to grant access to the web app. My test uses a standard image in Azure (Node.js). I have followed "Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a VNet using…
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1 answer

Azure Web Application Logs to Storage Account Container

My team has a .NET (4.7) web application running in Azure. Right now there are three directories being creations on the web in the D drive - cache, temp and root. Log files are dumped here. My concern is that these log files will take up space and…
0 answers

How to Set Up Application Insights from an ARM Template

I'm trying to set up an App Service, an App Service Plan, and App Insights via an Azure DevOps release pipeline. I'm creating the three resources successfully with resource group templates, but I can't work out how to install App Insights…