Questions tagged [performance-monitoring]

Questions about monitoring server hardware and software performance, or network performance.

Questions about monitoring server hardware and software performance, or network performance.

527 questions
3 answers

What exactly do the colors in htop status bars mean?

By default, htop shows colored status bars for processors, memory, and swap. From left to right, the bars are colored green, blue, yellow, and red depending on some thresholds. What does it mean when the Memory bar has a small level of green and…
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8 answers

How passively monitor for tcp packet loss? (Linux)

How can I passively monitor the packet loss on TCP connections to/from my machine? Basically, I'd like a tool that sits in the background and watches TCP ack/nak/re-transmits to generate a report on which peer IP addresses "seem" to be experiencing…
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10 answers

How to [politely?] tell software vendor they don't know what they're talking about

Not a technical question, but a valid one nonetheless. Scenario: HP ProLiant DL380 Gen 8 with 2 x 8-core Xeon E5-2667 CPUs and 256GB RAM running ESXi 5.5. Eight VMs for a given vendor's system. Four VMs for test, four VMs for production. The four…
2 answers

How can I save the counters’ setup in windows performance monitor

I need a comprehensive and complex set of performance counters in windows performance monitor. At this point every time that I use performance monitor, I have to add the counters, one by one. Is there any way to save the counter set and load it at…
Allan Xu
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5 answers

Measure total latency of SSH session

Is there a way to measure/report the overall latency in a tunneled SSH session? My particular setup is: Client (OS X + wifi router + ADSL modem) Gateway SSH server exposed to Internet Internal SSH target to which I'm tunneling I'm interested in…
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5 answers

How to reset munin graphs

I'd like to reset all graphs for a certain host in Munin. Anyone who knows how I can do this?
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6 answers

Top-like tool for IP traffic

I need to keep watch on how much bandwidth some connections are taking in a server, and I know I have seen a top-like tool for that before. However, I can't remember the name of the tool, and I'm not having much luck searching for it. So, is there a…
Daniel C. Sobral
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2 answers

What is "a lot" of Page Faults?

I am monitoring the memory object in Windows 2k8, and am tracking the Page Faults/sec counter. Is there any threshold to determining what is an excessive amount of page faults? Or should I be more concerned with a sustained, high, amount of page…
6 answers

Finegrained performance reporting on svchost.exe

This is something that's always bothered me, so I'll ask the Server Fault community. I love Process Explorer for keeping track of more than just the high-level tasks you get in the Task Manager. But I constantly want to know which of those dozen…
6 answers

Weird memory usage in Windows Server 2008 R2

I hope someone can help. We've got a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine with 16GB of RAM that keeps getting all its available memory eaten by something. Nothing in Task Manager or Resource Monitor reveals any process using memory above 300MB... but…
6 answers

Why the discrepancy between Speedtest and Wget?

My customer complains about low internet speeds. When measured with speeds are acceptable. Periodic measured downloads are 10% to 30% of the nominal speed. I cannot explain that. Some background. The problematic connection is on one of…
3 answers

Measure Linux IOPS for a running system

How do I measure IOPS of a running Linux server? I know that the theoretical IOPS of a SATA drive is around 90 and enterprise 10k SAS/FC disk is 180. I want to know how much my running system is using currently? Currently I am using iotop and…
Rajkumar S
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2 answers

What's difference between monitoring, tracing and profiling?

I have seen these three words showing up a lot, but don't understand the exact differences between them. For example, collecting CPU utilisation is often called profiling and can also fall into performance monitoring. What is the (subtle) difference…
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4 answers

sar: enable data collecting

I've just installed the sysstat package on Manjaro. When running sar for the first time I see: Cannot open /var/log/sa/sa21: No such file or directory Please check if data collecting is enabled How do I check whether data collecting is enabled? If…
Tom Hale
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5 answers

Find out which task is generating a lot of context switches on linux

According to vmstat, my Linux server (2xCore2 Duo 2.5 GHz) is constantly doing around 20k context switches per second. # vmstat 3 procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu---- r b swpd free buff cache si…
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