Just trying out the Java API for GCP (the compute lib). I'm making calls to the API from a servlet ...

Compute.Instances.Insert insert = compute.instances().insert("tester", "us-easts1-db", instance);
Operation o = insert.execute();

The docs read that this is an asynch call (non-blocking), but, this will ultimately mean there will be child thread(s) created, and the servlet is going to return a response without checking (or waiting for) the status of the operation. Can anyone confirm (I'm little lazy to dig through the source) that they've made such calls from a servlet and did not experience any issues with memory leaks or problems (such as connections not being closed) due to making the calls from a servlet?

I've read a ton of the docs and have the code for two sample compute apps, but have yet to see any example code showing API calls made from a servlet (and the compute API seems to be only in alpha right now).

1 Answers1


I suggest you to ask your question on stackoverflow and/or ask your question directly to engineers on github as you should get much better result in term of answers.

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