Questions tagged [application]

190 questions
3 answers

This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights

I have created a basic task under our windows server 2008 r2 Task Scheduler.but when I try saving the task I got the following error:- This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights. now I am not sure if this…
2 answers

what is the point of stripping a binary/elf program?

I'm just wondering if stripping a program file has more benefits than just saving disk space.
6 answers

What are the popular (free?) options for application deployment?

I manage a small school network with about 150 machines. I am looking for an easy way to deploy software to all the machines without having to visit each one. I've used Symantec Ghost to get the machines all set up identically, but for one…
7 answers

Adding an HTTP request header with Squid

I want to permit my users to login to Google apps only for my domain. I found a solution by adding the HTTP header X-GoogApps-Allowed-Domains as described in this Google help page. I use Squid, but can't figure out how to configure Squid to do this.…
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3 answers

start exe in a Remote Session with PsExec

I would like to start an application remotely. I am using the following PsExec command: PsExec \\computerOne -u Domain\User1 -p 123456 -x "C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe" I tried to use -i so that the program interacts with the desktop: PsExec…
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1 answer

install .app file on MacOS via script?

I have an .app executable generated for MacOSX. Is it any easy way to install this app into Applications so it can be used by end users, via script? (need to install on multiple computers and really don't want to create intermediate .pkg installer…
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Working around Gmail mailing-list "feature."

We're using Google Apps for our domain's e-mail via IMAP. Whenever mail is sent to a mailing list, copies of the original mail are not received in inboxes. According to Google, this is a "feature." Is there a way to disable this "feature" so that…
Paul J. Lucas
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10 answers

How to protect against against data access if USB drive gets lost?

Using any external USB drive under Windows XP, how to encrypt/decrypt files on the fly, but without too much slow-down from the overhead. Most of the obvious solutions like Truecrypt won't work because with these the host system needs to have…
Rob Kam
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1 answer

Add-AppxPackage : 0x80073CF6, ... could not be registered. Merge Failure : error 0x80070003 :

I have a PC running windows 10 enterprise th2 build 1511/10586 The PC is joined to a domain. The issue occurs in a Domain User Account with Standard User permissions. First - The photo app kept on crashing after about 5 seconds of being launched.…
Mike Pengelly
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2 answers

Windows Server 2012: Add/Remove Programs?

In Windows Server (currently using 2012), is there an interface to uninstall 3rd party applications that have been previously installed by an installer (i.e., files as well as registry settings must be removed during uninstall)? Obviously in desktop…
Brian Lacy
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3 answers

Where can I find the source for the unix app 'free'?

Free is a rather hard word to Google for, all my variations failed to bring up anything related to the unix app free (it's for viewing memory usage - free -m etc.). If anyone has a link to the source so I can have a try at compiling it that would…
Adam Taylor
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8 answers

Portable scripting language for a multi-server admin?

Please Note: Portable as in, not the traditional definition. Originally posted on, asking here at another user's suggestion. I'm a DBA and sysadmin, mostly for Windows machines running SQL Server. I'm looking for a…
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2 answers

IIS6 host multiple websites under same sub-domain (or something similar)

I'm trying to figure out a structure for a hosted application that i'm working on. I've got a domain lets call it (a sub-domain of course) that is setup to redirect to my IIS 6 web server. I would like to set up one…
2 answers

Recommended tools for mass file delete

We have a challenge in deleting circa X million files that meet a certain criteria - specifically must be over 90 days old and exclude certain file formats. To date, we've been using a multi-threaded powershell script which is good but still not as…
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5 answers

How SAN Storage or NAS devices are typically used?

Can these storage devices be accessed like normal hard drives or applications specifically target a device? The applications you guys use against these devices, do you have tell your application what they are connected to? I mean if I have an…
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