Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
1 answer

Installing to Default Website Moves Application Pools

I'm having a problem installing a web application into IIS 7.5. I'm using a standard web application installer build with VS2010, but when I install the application I want it to be placed at the root of the site (instead of inside a virtual folder).…
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1 answer

Web application deployment - checkout or not

When deploying a Python web application what are the pros and cons of using the following methods to deploy the application: Use the VCS to make a checkout on the server Use FTP/SSH/rsync to transfer a copy of a local checkout Create a proper…
2 answers

Webapp causes java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.mail.Authenticator

I have tomcat6 running on ubuntu, with java 1.6.0_20. One of the webapps causes an error, which has as root cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.mail.Authenticator the mail.jar and activation.jar (found these as culprit in my online…
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What would be the easiest way to host an intranet Mono web application?

I've just finished migrating a lightweight Microsoft® .NET™ web application to Mono and now I'm looking for a straight-forward way to host such development on a (perhaps virtualized) Ubuntu 10.10 server within an intranet environment. I was…
Nano Taboada
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11 answers

Is there a preferred flavor of linux for hosting web applications?

I'm working for a startup and we are using a Virtual Private Server to host the web application and have been given a plethora of Linux flavors to choose from. Which flavors are better for which kinds of web applications and why?
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1 answer

Puppet or Chef to configure webapplication

I'm looking for a deployment tool for java based webapps deployment to QA/preprod enviroments. Application is typical webapp, compiled to war/ear with .properties file. During deployment (Jboss,tomcat or webshpere) some of properties inside war/ear…
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5 answers

Application pool settings for a public facing web site?

What app pool settings are recommended for a public facing web site in IIS? What matters when making decisions about this (e.g. traffic, type of web application, etc...)? Will the default settings be OK? I'm mostly interested in hosting SharePoint…
Alex Angas
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3 answers

Diagnosing Solaris 8 server memory and swap space usage

Essentially, my question is related to memory allocation for Solaris virtual machines. I am running a couple of old Sun ONE 6 Java web servers on two Solaris 8 virtual machines. I see that there's a reasonable amount of swap space being used, but…
1 answer

Building Cloud WebHosting using Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud OS

Currently I run a few CentOS dedicated boxes on which I run a few hosted applications (these are online). It currently caters to a little over 200 clients. For the sake of scalability as this is going to soon be a globally used application soon(due…
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4 answers

Is there an app/script I can deploy to enable my users to change their own LDAP passwords?

I've recently enabled LDAP based authentication on my domain. This has allowed us to use a single set of credentials to administer the blog, the forum and the wiki. Unfortunately, this has come at the cost of users being able to change their own…
Tom Wright
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1 answer

Simple document/file management software

I'm looking for a simple way to share documents/files with other people via a web-based interface. The requirements are the following: runs on Linux web-based download/upload versioning basic authorization (users/groups) free The enduser-visible…
3 answers

smallest footprint for Web Application server?

There are times when you need to spare hardware resources (either to keep using legacy hardware, to play the embedded card, or just to be efficient because a large footprint is trashing CPU caches, leading to unacceptable levels of idle-states). In…
2 answers

What database app is best for including in a distributable app?

MySQL versus SQLite, for example? I understand that MySQL is harder to setup and configure... Would SQLite or another db be better suited in this regard?
1 answer

How to setup a user account for a web application

What are the main guidelines to setting up a user account on a Linux machine for a web app? In my case it is a Rails application that does file management. First thing I can think of is to limit access rights to only the directories it needs. But…
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2 answers

What is the harm in giving developers read access to application server application event logs?

I am a developer working on an ASP.NET application. The application writes logging messages to the Windows event log - a custom application log just for this application. However, I do not have any access to testing or staging web/application…