Questions tagged [azure-arm-template]

27 questions
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Azure ARM Templates for deleting the resources

I know we can create infrastructure using ARM templates. Can we do the same for deleting the Resources. I dont want to delete all the entire resource group but few resources in a resource group. Is this possible through ARM Templates?
2 answers

Determine disk name on Azure VM created from ARM template

Azure ARM template allows to specify dataDisks for VMs like: "dataDisks": [ { "lun": 0, "name": "[concat(variables('dataDiskName'), variables('nodesSuffixes')[copyIndex()])]", "diskSizeGB": "[parameters('dataDiskSizeGB')]", …
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Enable Application Insights Azure Web App ARM Template

I successfully deployed an app service plan, web application and application insights resources using an ARM Template. The APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY and APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING app settings have been added to the configuration/app…
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Configure Azure file share backup with ARM template

I was trying to configure Azure file share backup using ARM template deployment. Below is the template I'm trying to deploy. First I create a backup policy then trying to configure backup for the file share. The question is, to the template I have…
Lakal Malimage
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Azure ARM Template - Folder Location App Setting

I'm trying to specify an app setting in my ARM template that points to a specific folder location where the web application I'm deploying should store log files, ex: D:\folder\logs. When I specify the folder location though it complains about the…
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Set Azure FileShare Size - ARM Template

I'm looking for a way to set the quota size (ex, 100gb) for the file share I am deploying using Azure ARM Templates. As of now when I deploy it defaults to 5TB which is not ideal. Ideally I would just add a setting to my template.json or…
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Azure Portal VM ARM Template Deployment With KeyVault

I want to deploy a VM in Azure and store the local admin password in Keyvault. I was wondering if it is possible to do the deployment through the Azure Portal? I've added the required info to my parameters file but I'm still being forced to manually…
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Change Azure Master Database Collation ARM Template

I'm deploying an environment in Azure using ARM Templates. I'm using Azure SQL Server and 4 databases. I went to restore a bacpac file and got an error complaining about different collation settings between my master database and the database my…
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Run script in Windows Azure VM after launch during packer build to configure WinRM and the firewall

Background: Apparently Packer has major issues configuring WinRM on Azure VMs created from the Microsoft Windows Server publisher. This is only one of the several issues and threads I've found on this and it dates back several years. Because of this…
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After a failed Azure Deploy, our deployed AppService is empty

We have a Azure DevOps pipeline that first deploys our resources using ARM-templates and then deploys our AppServices using zips. We've run the pipeline multiple times, and the application is correctly running. Sometime after in another deployment…
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Unable to create custom activity log alert rule via ARM template, Powershell or automation account runbook

I am trying to create a custom activity log alert rule, but no matter which method I try, it results in errors as below or the ARM template does not create the conditions specified even though its successful and cannot figure out what I need to…
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ARM Template - Azure SQL Database Diagnostics & Log Analytics Workspace

Using an ARM Template I want to enable diagnostics settings for my Azure SQL Database and have that data stored in a Log Analytics workspace I created. I want to enable the errors, timeouts, blocks and wait statistics logs and the basic metric…
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Attach NSG to Existing Subnet Using ARM Template

I'm looking to create a Network Security Group (NSG) in Azure and attach it to an existing subnet using an ARM Template. I've already come across this site:…
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Azure scale set ARM template redeployment resets node count

I'm trying to set up a continuous delivery pipeline for my ARM templates in Azure. The template contains resource definition for a scale set with some initial number of instances configured and also autoscale rules. An example of a similar…
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Get outputs values from the linked arm template

hoping someone can help pinpoint what's missing in my approach. I'm using visual studio 2017 if this makes any difference. I've two arm templates; maintemplate and the linkedtemplate. In the maintemplate I'm trying to reference a linked template…
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