Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
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IIS published website is not accessible with public ip and port

I have IIS published web application that I can connect with my local ip and port. Like After adding inbounding rules, router DMZ and port forwarding, closing both windows and router firewall, I can not access to web application with…
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I have some background in developing .NET applications, but I am new to Azure. When trying to publish my first web app, I am getting this error statement: When logging into the cloud the app is up and running but apparently does not perform the…
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IIS AppPool shutdown due to inactivity

Using Windows 10 / IIS 10 I have a Web Application and have set the following: AppPool: Start Mode = AlwaysRunning Web Application: Enable Preload = true But still, the web application gets shut down: A worker process with process id of 'nnnnn'…
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Impact of Amazon RDS location on speed?

I have web server on local box(at India) which connects to Amazon RDS(at US location). In this case response is too slow as web server at India fetching data from US Amazon RDS. But when i travel to US and access the same RDS from same local box. It…
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Openstack cluster for parallel execution?

I want to try Ubuntu OpenStack with Metal-as-a-Service (MaaS) for web application purposes. I would be using Apache2, PHP, MySQL and Postgres. If I got 5 or more machines setup and installed all those application would it be able work as cluster,…
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How does Apache Load balancing work if DNS Caching is involved?

Assuming the simple scenario of an Intranet with lot of users, there will be a DNS Server which translates IP address for the end user system. Now you also have a yourapp.intranet that is deployed over Apache for load balancing. How will the load…
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How to handle localized connectivity issues between web services

Our web application uses various web services, most of which are not managed by us, but by an external service provider (e.g. Auth0 is one of those services). Recently, our application failed because a critical service was not reachable. Various…
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Prefix client's name to domain name

I have a product registered on godaddy having website-name, when someone registers on my website, I want to generate a website for him by name How can I achieve this, which record I need to setup in my dns. This…
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web application audit task require my remote IP to be allowed on application network firewall

I want to audit a web application which is hosted on a web server sitting behind a cyberoam firewall. My task is to run a scan from my remote machine which has ISP MTNL broadband. My machine gets a private IP address through DHCP and currently it…
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What are the MOST Important Things to Configure on a WAF? Specifically Barracuda Web Application Firewall

I will be hosting a web application on a cloud provider. This will be protected behind a WAF specifically Barracuda's Web Application Firewall Vx. I do not have too much experience with WAF security. I believe we will block most ports from the…
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Scaling to millions of users with a Twitter tool

How do Twitter tools like Buffer scale to millions of users where they have to write thousands of tweets every second? I have a similar service where I am running a cron script however just going through 50 users takes about 10 seconds - so I'm…
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infrastructure of an web app

I'm curious as to the infrastructure of an web app... is it a network of cloned servers with the same exact app/source code, a network of cloned database servers and a network of media/asset servers sitting behind a network of load balancing…
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How to migrate a webapplication to a cluster?

I have a python web application running on linux nginx + uwsgi. I am currently running this on a single machine. I would like to migrate this setup to a cluster. I am new to clusters. What are the steps to do this migration. Do we require the web…
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Multiple request from a web server

First of all I think this is a common problem, but cannot find a really good solution; We have a web application, some of its request takes more than a minute. In the mean time we should be able to do more job with that application (for instance a…
Harun Baris Bulut
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Apache Web Server with Multiple PHP Webapp Servers

What is the best scalable architecture for an Apache/PHP environment? I would like to use a single Apache instance and offload requests to N web application (PHP) servers; how is this typically accomplished?
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