Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
2 answers

How many VMs is too many?

I have a server with two 2.6GHz quad core processors and 32GB of RAM (along with pleanty of storage). I have a Django app which I intend to run on this server, and I'd like to set up (using VMWare) 2 DB servers (Postgres on Ubuntu), 2-3 app servers…
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Mask URL part while proxying Tomcat webapp through Nginx

I've got the webbapp at the server Now I need to hide port and AppName dir URL part. So I installed Nginx on server with virthost name Here is the virthost config: server { listen 80; server_name…
Michael A.
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1 answer

Can access site from external network, but not from internal network

I have registered a domain name (say, it points to a web based application (web app) hosted in a windows server machine running apache2. I have port forwarded http/s traffic of the server LAN address 192.168.0.x in the…
1 answer

Network Configuration WebInterface

I'm search a simple webinterface for manage the network configuration of an ubuntu server. On default our machines are on dhcp. But i want the option to change to an fix ipaddress. Is there nothing available for this task? I have only found this…
Tom Baires
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Find a load on my Web Server

As requested, I am asking the question here. Is there a way to find a load on my web application server without a load / stress testing? I have deployed my application in the Apache Tomcat server. As per as I know, each web server have some…
1 answer

What is the best way to do this site redirection

Have a site in which we are pointing some links to Recently changed to Now if we access it will automatically redirect In still it point to…
2 answers

Restricting Access from BOTS

I would like to protect my server from too many hits from Bots. Considering a scenario, where in a server (physical) located in a private network and hitting my server continuously. Do i have a mechanism to identify the server behind the hits, say…
1 answer

IIS Windows Authentication - Change Password at next login

I have set windows authentication and forms based authentication (FBA) in IIS for my web application. I added users to windows so they can login using the windows prompt. I set the checkbox to force them to change their password at the next login.…
1 answer

Restrict Access from certain machines to my Web Application in LAN

I am trying to deploy a Local Network web application, which should not necessitate a client login. The requirement is to block certain machines, (not users, just a few computers, the application doesnot have a login page, so users are anonymous)…
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