Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
5 answers

Load balancing based on session cookie?

I have a web app that is going to run on multiple servers. I'd like to make sure, that requests using the same session (HTTP cookie header with value JSESSIONID=x) always communicate with the same server. That is, until the session "moves" to a…
Chris Lercher
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2 answers

keepass web interface

I'm just getting started with Keepass as a password database. It works great as an standalone application. The problem I'm having is when I am with out MY computer or USB key and I need to get a password out of the database.…
Steven Smethurst
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0 answers

Best way to add "Virtual Path" to application running inside docker container

Current Situation I have 2 applications running inside Docker Container, one is an angular app and the other is a .Net Core WebApi. Each one has a binded port, (WebApi is running on 8090 host port, and Angular App is running on 4300 host port) which…
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3 answers

Webapp for secure file delivery to customers?

Situation: For each customer, I have a script that generates some customized configuration files for their installation (host addresses, options, organization names, etc.) I need to get these to the customers, but I can't just e-mail them, since I…
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1 answer

Where is the best location for an app made ​​in NodeJS on a server?

For some time I am developing an application in Nodejs. And I asked where in the Linux file system on a server was the best place to leave it running. Since PHP5 and Apache2 is in /var/www , and tomcat has its own system. I wonder where is the best…
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3 answers

Best practices to update a live web service

I am always curious about how large-scale live web application updates are done. Since the application is live, that is why it complicates everything -you should not down your service and at the same time you should recover the activity/changes (in…
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5 answers

Intranet music web application for an office media server?

My office is thinking of setting up a media server with speakers connected to it so that everyone in our office can queue up music via a web app. Right now we just pass around a speaker cable. I'd like something like a jukebox, where the server…
Chad Johnson
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5 answers

Mitigating the 'firesheep' attack at the network layer?

What are the sysadmin's thoughts on mitigating the 'firesheep' attack for servers they manage? Firesheep is a new firefox extension that allows anyone who installs it to sidejack session it can discover. It does it's discovery by sniffing packets on…
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3 answers

Why shouldn't I serve my Java webapp directly with Tomcat?

I have heard several times that one should not serve a Java webapp directly to the outside world from the Tomcat server it is running on. Rather, one should have a regular web server in between -- e.g. Apache. Why is this?
4 answers

App Pool limitations

We currently have about 600 .net sites in a single app pool. We're starting to get out of memory exceptions and have to recycle the app pool to fix the problem. I know it's generally a good idea to have separate app pools per site, but i'm not sure…
2 answers

Http-Only cookies in WebLogic: what versions support them/how and why are they supported?

We want to make all cookies set by our webapp http-only. I only have a basic understanding of the benefits of doing this but I'm told by security people that it's a Good Thing (tm) Our app is running under JDK1.6.05 and WebLogic10.3.0 After way too…
3 answers

How would I recognize the "spoon-feeding problem" on a dynamic webapp server?

The "spoon-feeding problem", as it was recently explained to me, happens when connections to your application server are tied up feeding data across slow network connections to your clients. This makes sense to me and now I understand the…
1 answer

how does a web application cope with thousands of requests?

I went to a few websites and noticed that they all use AJAX technology for many tasks such as chat, messages, and so forth. They use a lot of httprequests obviously. My question is if you build a simple website using AJAX and you expected only few…
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2 answers

IIS Application Initialization isn't running even though all settings are configured

The end goal is to make it so that whenever my app pool is recycled (which should happen whenever I release an update for the site), my site gets visited once to "warm up". Typically the first visit after a recycle takes 2.5 seconds and then…
1 answer

node js app issues after AWS Instance snapshot

I had a node.js app with nginx running totally fine on a domain i purchased. It was run on an ubuntu server and all was well. I accidentally clicked "create image" on the aws site and ever since then the site doesn't work. The local ip address…
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