Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
1 answer

Handling traffic spikes for a medium scale ecommerce application

Let me first briefly describe our stack. Single EC2 instance with 4 vCPU and 16 GB RAM running Ubuntu [m4.xlarge] Single RDS instance with 2 vCPU and 8 GB RAM running MySQL 8 [db.m5.large] We are using cloudfront to cache static assets We are using…
1 answer

Can i run c++ on aws elasticbeanstalk in php application

Since cloud instance is just a machine hosted remotely it should be able to behave like a local server. I have written some programs in C++ which I usually call in a PHP file through exec() function on my Windows 10 server. For instance, I save the…
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How to configure multiple nested subdirectories in Nginx using wildcards?

Sorry if this was asked before. I've searched, but couldn't find anything close to what I'm trying to accomplish and I would appreciate any indication that could get me closer to solving this. I have the following server setup: -…
1 answer

Will having 2 web app instances ensure availability incase of WPA problems?

I have an azure web app (S2 app Service plan) that is set to autoscale but has a min instance count of 1. As it mostly idles, the real instance count also is 1 almost all of the time. Last week "something" happened and the site was no longer…
2 answers

How to protect a web application from IPv6 bots?

I'm interested in this in the context of protecting a web application from bots, but I guess it applies to all kind of attacks that can be done over IPv6 by bots. In a web application, you have some pages you want to protect from bots. It could be a…
1 answer

How to setup SSL certs for a LAN web app server

I want to setup a ticketing system in my company for managing/tracking support tickets and a knowledge-base of past issues. I am having trouble figuring out the best way to encrypt the traffic to this server. It won't be externally accessible and I…
2 answers

Ubuntu Server and Tomcat 6 WebApp SecurityUtil Exception

I am running clean install of Ubuntu Server 9.10 with Tomcat 6 installed from the Ubuntu installation. When I upload a WebApp through the Tomcat Manager and it starts automatically on boot with /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start my Lib Jars in my Web Apps…
Bernie Perez
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0 answers

Linode : Installing a working Jetty 9.x on DSL (Damn Small Linux)

I am exploring an option to deploy a java application with jetty on Linode. While my endeavor to create a production grade system with the minimum resource utilization (so that scarce resources could be saved for actual customer request); I came…
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1 answer

Nginx: / for both static content and proxied application my site the proxied backend I'm trying to setup an nginx server block as both a static content server and a reverse proxy. Nginx should first check for static files and then redirect to the proxied…
0 answers

Tomcat8 unable to upgrade TLS version

I have a Tomcat8 instance running behind an Apache server which takes care of SSL offloading. The Java webapp deployed on Tomcat needs to connect to an external service which only supports TLSv1.2. I added -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 to of…
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1 answer

How to host R-Shiny app with MongoDB on Azure

I want to host an R-shiny app on Windows Server platform on Azure VM and this R-Shiny app will retrieve data from MongoDB. So far: I cannot install R-Shiny server because it doesn't support Windows platform It's an external cloud. So, I cannot run…
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1 answer

How to serve a huge static and pregenerated website?

My current web project has the following characteristics: A website which is basically a read-only archive of information. There are no interactive actions a visitor could do. All pages (currently around 15k) of the website are pre-generated HTML…
2 answers

Password Vaults

The company I work for is looking to setup a web based application that will host the passwords. So it should use SSL and be able to have access controls implemented by user. It does not necessarily need to tie into AD. What applications have worked…
1 answer

Host file configuration in Windows

I want to access a web application located on a server in the same network as my PC . I have put a new entry in host file i.e : //server ipAddress //hostname used in web browser for accessing the application It works fine…
Alex Lemesios
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3 answers

Google Mail Like IMAP (Web) Application

I'm looking for an IMAP web frontend (or client application) that has the features and speed of Google Mail minus the ads and privacy concerns. Most important are simple user interface, fast search speed even on large boxes and the conversation…
Elmar Weber
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