Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
2 answers

How to make web client choose the right server in different location?

I have two web servers, one is Located in Europe, and another is Located in Asia, both of them have the same web application. My question is , how can I make my website or mobile app choose the right server, the Asia users connect to the Asia…
2 answers

Is it advisable to use Google Apps Email for application to user communication?

I'm generally sick of managing my own e-mail server, but there are some applications I'm working on that will be needing to communicate with 3rd party users over e-mail. For things such as registration confirmation, alerts, and account…
Scott Markwell
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1 answer

How to send all HTTP error codes dynamically to one PHP file when access to all other files is denied?

I'm having the following situation, I'm developing an API. I rewrite all traffic to one PHP script named: route.php, using mod_rewrite like: 1: RewriteEngine On 2: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] 3: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d 4:…
2 answers

Web app running on tomcat not updating when modified

I'm modifiying a web app coded by another guy with AngularJS. This app is fed by csv data files and is running fine in the first place. However, when I'm trying to change some data in the csv files, every part of the app that relies on data taken…
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1 answer

Reverse proxy subdomain to subfolder on IIS7

I'm currently trying to implement an Owncloud system at our company. I have the Owncloud system up and running on an internal webserver which is behind a firewall. I can access the installation internally by navigating to…
Malcolm Ward
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0 answers

Using a py file as an API endpoint on a hosted server

I need a bit of help and clarity involving how to set up an API service on my web server. I have written a Python script that is able to do some calculations and string parsing, and I need to make this py file into something that I can query like an…
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5 answers

How many simultaneous requests would you expect a webserver to handle

I know there is no straight answer to this question - depends on specs etc. But what is the order of magnitude of simultaneous requests you'd expect a server to handle? Currently, our server starts to really slow down after more than 10 threads…
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0 answers

Enable x509 Authentication in Tomcat on Openshift

I have a web application deployed on Tomcat 7 running on Openshift. I managed to enable HTTP-to-HTTPS redirection on the server (instruction). I don't have valid certificate. So I have to use the original URL (no custome…
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1 answer

Distribute application as virtual machine but require external storage

I'd like to distribute a Web application as a VM image in order to make distribution, installation and maintenance as easy as possible for customers (virtual appliance). This image should include everything software related (application, Web server,…
1 answer

Training for load testing web apps?

We've discussed the tools used for load testing here on ServerFault, but what about training on how to use them properly? Are there companies that specialize in IT training that cover load testing? How do you properly come up with a simulated…
Justin Scott
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0 answers

Web encryption on uncontrolled LAN

I have a situation in which I wish to produce (physical hardware) widgets that plug into a LAN and act as a web server, serving content to web clients that are also on the LAN. The traffic from the widgets to the client should be encrypted, but…
1 answer

Result (Aborted) when navigating to web portal

I administer a webapp (HP Service Manager). After upgrading browsers (IE, FF) we are not able to access the web front end. Using the "Dev Tools" in IE, I see the "result" of the request was "(Aborted)." I was expecting to see a 400 or 500 error, so…
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0 answers

configure apache to use sql server authentication using password and salt

I got a web application which I want to protect using apache authentication. I found out that it uses sha1+salt to store passwords. Since auth_mysql_module is deprecated I try to use authn_dbd_module. Currently I'm running debian wheezy. Here is how…
1 answer

Tomcat: keeping specific files when deploying a WAR file

Is there a way to tell tomcat to keep specific files under a exploded WAR file's directory? let's say I have the following folder that I've created after the WAR has been deployed: /webapps/myApp/uploads Everytime I deploy the WAR it is deleted.…
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1 answer

Postfix & external domain account at gmail

I need some help with a postfix server && a google apps gmail account. Basically, I have a mail server to handle accounts. At the same time, I have a google apps account for the domain, which manages this email account:…
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