Questions tagged [tomcat8]

The Apache Tomcat software is an open source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.

114 questions
2 answers

Apache 2.4 sends 502 errors when backend sends 401 on large file uploads

Using Apache 2.4.25 (Windows) and backend server Tomcat 8 (Windows). We have some client software that uploads files using HTTPS on an authenticated session that is proxied through Apache to Tomcat. However, if an authenticated session is not used…
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Configuring Munin's Tomcat plugin for Tomcat 8

Hi i've followed several guides about configuring tomcat plugin on a munin node but all of them was for tomcat 6 although i did neccessary corrections in tomcat-users.xml and whatnot, i couldn't get any data from the plugin. Is there anyone who did…
0 answers

Cannot get SSL working on Tomcat8.5

I had my Tomcat8 running fine in port 8080, but now I'm trying to enable https in 8443 and, even though logs look fine it doesn't work (not even in 8080 without https right now). My sistem is Ubuntu 17.10 and I'm using Tomcat 8.5.21 What I did: Get…
Jordi Nebot
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How to enable JMX on elastic beanstalk running amazon linux tomcat8

I have to enable the following configuration for tomcat running in elastic beanstalk environment I have absolutely…
PHP Avenger
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Apache httpd mod_proxy POST issue on home page like

I have apache server 2.4.18 on centos as a web server in the front end. Now I have multiple websites which are deployed on tomcat 8.0.33 as webapps in the default webapps folder of tomcat. Configuration on apache end:
0 answers

Tomcat 8 missing stacktrace logs on both log4j and catalina

I used to see unhandled error stacktrace in catalina (like NullPointerExceptions or even db constraints) on our remote servers but now I don't. The log4j setting hasn't change from before so I'm guessing the problem is with the catalina logging…
2 answers

How to pass secret in rewriterule to AJP protocol

I have a Apache server running 2.4.6, Tomcat 8.5.33 running lucee. We have rewrite rules that proxy to AJP on port 8009. ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/ timeout=3600 RewriteEngine On # Rewrite sitemap RewriteRule ^/sitemap\.txt$…
1 answer

Tomcat restarts even after explicit shutdown

I needed to set up an Ubuntu server based Tomcat server and I followed this well written post. Everything works great. Ran into an odd behavior though; I needed to stop the Tomcat server, so I used the command: sudo…
Web User
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2 answers

Apache Cluster + Tomcat websocket

We've recently configured a new Cluster with the following configuration: | APACHE + MOD_JK (AJP) Load Balancer / \ Tomcat1 Tomcat2 All the requests are made through HTTPS and…
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AWS ELB rewrite http to https

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I would like to rewrite all http traffic to https. I have the following configuration: But if I try change the Instance Protocol of either of the above two to https (443), then when I try access my site, it just…
1 answer

Openldap not sending certificate on handshake

I am trying to set up PWM for my OpenLDAP server on Ubuntu 16.04, but it fails to connect to LDAP with error Can not connect to remote server: 5059 ERROR_CERTIFICATE_ERROR (unable to read server certificates from, port=389…
1 answer

Tomcat 8.5.4 SSL configuration troubles

The version details : Using CATALINA_BASE: /apps/TOMCAT/tomcat Using CATALINA_HOME: /apps/TOMCAT/tomcat Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /apps/TOMCAT/tomcat/temp Using JRE_HOME: /usr Using CLASSPATH: …
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Tomcat 8 HTTP header parsing error

I have been deploying tomcat 8.5.45 on a Centos 7 docker container. I deployed and after setting the logs to Fine I found an Error parsing HTTP header error every time I use: http://localhost:8080 I have the feeling this error is related to my…
Jose Cabrera Zuniga
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Apache HTTPD and Tomcat - how to harden and/or disable Apache when only using Tomcat?

I have a fairly open ended question. My goal is to ensure that my server is secure and hardened and only using HTTPS/SSL. Certificates installed already etc. We are only using tomcat for the server. It is serving everything fine. However in doing a…
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2 answers

monit failed protocol test [HTTP] at [localhost]:8080

I get the error "monit failed protocol test [HTTP] at [localhost]:8080" every so often. The application, tomcat, has not stopped and is still running just fine. I know port 8080 is open because I can get to it in the browser on my personal PC ( so…
Tony B
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