Questions tagged [custom-errors]

74 questions
4 answers

IIS 7.5: How to configure custom Authentication Error page with Windows Authentication. 401 header problems

I have a php website running under IIS 7.5. The site is secured by Windows authentication and that works fine: When users go to the site, they are asked for username/password and get through if authenticated. If users click Cancel or mistype…
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Why does Nginx's proxy_intercept_errors directive require a rewrite to work properly?

Following is a sample Nginx server configuration. Without the "magical talisman" location block, proxied error content results in an Nginx 404 page rather than the customized error page being served. Removing the proxy_intercept_errors directive…
Aubrey Falconer
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Apache: insecure request sent to secure port...want to redirect

Preface Firstly: A simply Port 80 -> Port 443 Rewrite WILL NOT fix this. In almost every previous question, mail thread, forum thread, etc., I have found this was the first ignorant response and was parroted several times. Secondly: Yes I know you…
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nginx: error_page directive is silently ignored

I'm trying to return a custom 400 error page for non-HTTPS requests in nginx. I'm new to nginx, but I've read many pages of examples on custom error pages and nothing seems to work for me. My config: server { listen 80; error_page 400…
Derek Shockey
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What is the difference between ".NET Error Pages" and "Error Pages" in IIS7?

In IIS 7 (.5) on my Windows Server 2008 r2, there are two places for error pages: ".NET Error Pages" under "ASP.NET" in Features View, and "Error Pages" under "IIS" in the same view. It seems like the first does not do anything, but the latter does…
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How to trigger a custom error from inside a Jinja template?

Though Ansible itself has a way for triggering a custom error, I can not find anything similar for Jinja. My current method uses a syntax error: {% if 'ansible_mounts' in hostvars[host] %} # {{ host }} knows its mount-points {% else %} # {% error!!…
Mikhail T.
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nginx won't serve an error_page in a subdirectory of the document root

Here's a snippet of my nginx configuration: server { error_page 500 /errors/500.html; } When I cause a 500 in my application, Chrome just shows its default 500 page (Firefox and Safari show a blank page) rather than my custom error page. I know…
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Apache: how to set custom 401 error page and save original behaviour

I have Kerberos-based authentication with Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE). When user is trying to open some url, browser ask him about domain login and password like in HTTP Basic Auth. If user cancel such request 3 times Apache returns 401 Authorization…
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Displaying custom error pages on different VirtualHosts in Apache

I have a reverse proxy Apache that is moving the request to a Tomcat servlet. The configuration on the Virtual Host in Apache is: ProxyPass /Site1/ServLet1 ProxyPassReverse /Site1/ServLet1…
Mr Aleph
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3 answers

Disabling IIS 7.5 server error response for 5xx and 4xx HTTP status codes

Is there any way to prevent IIS from automatically overriding the output of a web app that is returning a status code in the 500 or 400 range? Just as an example, in ColdFusion I can create the following page:
Jordan Reiter
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Custom error pages on Apache Tomcat

I'm running an Apache Tomcat server with 2 custom servlets. The tree structure looks like: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ ROOT/ WEB-INF/ servlet1/ META-INF/ WEB-INF/ servlet2/ …
Mr Aleph
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nginx: error_page does not work

I try to set up a maintenance page for my rails app, using this snipplet. error_page 503 /system/maintenance.html; if (-f $document_root/system/maintenance.html) { return 503; } This works as far as the presence of the maintenance.html causes the…
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nginx custom 404 error page for virtual host

I'm running a few virtual hosts off nginx, and I would like them to each have their own custom 404 pages. Each virtual host has their own nginx.conf that I include my global nginx.conf. Inside the config file for the particular virtual host that I…
Doug Stephen
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1 answer

IIS7 error config and remote errors

Certain IIS7/7.5 500.19 configuration errors only render on a browser running on the local server. This appears to happen regardless of whether I set in the system.webServer section…
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Overriding AWS ALB's default error page(s) with custom one(s) using CloudFront

I have an ALB, containing Rules that forward requests to my private EC2s, hosted on AWS, and when I make a new deployment, I have a script in Lambda that turns off my ASGs and turns them back on. During this period when the ASGs are down and I try…
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