I have two web servers, one is Located in Europe, and another is Located in Asia, both of them have the same web application. My question is , how can I make my website or mobile app choose the right server, the Asia users connect to the Asia Server, and the Europe users connect to the Europe Server ?

I have tried load balancing, proxy in the server side, but they do not work.

And I think maybe I can do it in the client side, just let the client choose the right server base on their position?

Thank you for helping.

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2 Answers2


You will need some kind of geo-aware DNS service, so that DNS requests coming from Asia get the IP address of the Asia-based server and then connect directly to that, and likewise for the European users.

You may be able to do this in your DNS server - is your DNS hosted by you or others?

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Any small vm acting as reverse proxy sould do. Just use nginx with GEOIP module. Here a nice tutorial https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-nginx-as-a-global-traffic-director-on-debian-or-ubuntu

Then you point your dns to this vm and thia vm will then act as traffic director

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