Questions tagged [python]

Python is a dynamically and strongly typed programming language that encourages readability.

1717 questions
3 answers

How do I list the files associated with a Python package installed using pip or easy_install?

I've installed a Python package using pip, which is a replacement for easy_install. How do I get a list of which installed files are associated with this package? Basically, I'm looking for the Python package equivalent of dpkg -L or rpm -ql
Lorin Hochstein
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What advantages/features does Puppet or Chef offer over Salt (or vice versa)?

I am looking at rolling out a new configuration management tool to replace our home-grown solution. The defacto standards are Chef and Puppet, both of which are Ruby-centric (though can be used to deploy non-Ruby environment, obviously). The vast…
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7 answers

How to automatically start supervisord on Linux (Ubuntu)

Supervisord does not come with an init script or does not indicate how to get it started automatically, ie. after a reboot. I've tried some user-contributed /etc/init.d scripts, but they all fail. What would be the preferred solution ?
6 answers

How can I upgrade Python to 2.7.9 on Ubuntu 14.4?

Ubuntu 14.4 comes with Python 2.7.6 built-in, but I'd like to upgrade it to 2.7.9 (it has security features that I want). Is that even possible? If so, how can this be achieved?
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4 answers

How to run easy_install in cygwin?

I am trying to install some package in cygwin's python, but I'm getting the following error: "easy_install: command not found". I have tried to run "", the result is also " command not found". I have tried to search…
Alex Gontmakher
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3 answers

Best way to run python 3.7 on Ubuntu 16.04 which comes with python 3.5

I would like to avoid backports, they always seem to mess up my packages. So I was thinking tools like conda / virtualenv / maybe even docker can help. What's the most simple / cleanest way to work with python 3.7 on my system?
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7 answers

How to set up Mod_WSGI for Python on Ubuntu

I am trying to setup MOD_WSGI on my Ubuntu box. I have found steps that said I needed to do the following steps I found at sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi sudo a2enmod mod-wsgi sudo…
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3 answers

Shinken - Anyone using it?

I've recently discovered Shinken, which is a new implementation of Nagios using python. Shinken "divides" Nagios in 5 different types of daemons, each one performing separated tasks. I haven't tried it yet but for what I've seen the whole…
Marco Ramos
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1 answer

Python CGI on Amazon AWS EC2 micro-instance -- a how-to!

How can you make an EC2 micro instance serve CGI scripts from lighthttpd? For instance Python CGI? Well, it took half a day, but I have gotten Python cgi running on a free Amazon AWS EC2 micro-instance, using the lighttpd server. I think it will…
1 answer

Recommended Nginx + WSGI Configurations

Please explain pros/cons when using the different Nginx WSGI interfaces? Please explain in detail what differentiates each configuration? Which configuration should scale the best? If relevant, what are you running right now, and why? Some…
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1 answer

Keepalive setting for Gunicorn behind ELB without Nginx

Our app's REST API is served by Gunicorn (not behind Nginx) running on AWS EC2 instances with a typical auto-scaling/load balancing setup. The load balancer's idle timeout is 60 seconds, and Gunicorn's keep-alive timeout is 2 seconds. We've been…
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3 answers

How do I uninstall gitosis?

I've installed gitosis on my dramhost machine but now I want to uninstall it because it's causing more problems than solutions. The thing is that I can't find how to uninstall it. I deleted the ~/repositories directories but of course all the bins…
Oscar Del Ben
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3 answers

Running multiple workers using Celery

I need to read from Rabbitmq and execute task in parallel using Celery in a single system. [2014-12-30 15:54:22,374: INFO/Worker-1] ... [2014-12-30 15:54:23,401: INFO/Worker-1] ... [2014-12-30 15:54:30,878: INFO/Worker-1] ... [2014-12-30…
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1 answer

Are Elastic Beanstalk's environment variables an appropriate place to store secret values?

I have deployed my Django application to Elastic Beanstalk with the intention of using its environment variable configuration interface to store my API keys instead of storing them in my source (as described here…
M. Keller
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6 answers

IO Wait causing so much slowdown (EXT4 JDB2 at 99% IO ) During Mysql Commit

I am writing an indexer, using python, which indexes documents and insert them into Database, Before it was single process but now i made it to multiprocessing with 4 parallel processes running.After every text extraction , it insert into database…
Phyo Arkar Lwin
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