Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
2 answers

Would upgrading my server specs make my app faster?

I'm launching a web app, which is currently in beta running on a "Lite" VPN account from my hosting provider. It has 2 cores and 1GB RAM. I have only about 10 users now but Im considering whether I should just boost up the server to the "Pro" setup…
0 answers

Nginx, proxy_pass and vm backends

My intention is to have several webapps run on different VMs, all put through a nginx proxy. The main Problem is, that the URL gets changed, e.g. Gets to the webapp (but CSS doesn't get displayed) and on click on e.g.…
Mat Fluor
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IIS removed application still remain appearing as folder content view (able to convert to application back again)

*IIS 7.5 *Windows Server 2008 R2 I have a folder physical path which is directed from two applications in IIS. 'Pineapple' and 'PineappleJR'. 'PineappleJR' was deleted, but it remains appearing in the node tree as content view folder which I can't…
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How can i set SCRIPT_NAME when using proxy_pass with nginx

I have a perl catalyst application that i'm mounting on a specific url (vs mounting on a subdomain) and am having problems setting SCRIPT_NAME on the request to the backend. This affects the urls generated by the application. It needs to know where…
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Is there a software package that safely allows SSH via web on simple web host?

I want to be able to use a secured web page on my shared web host to make SSH connections out to any destination. A shared web host is cheap and easy to maintain, and usually allows ssh to the web server. There are times I'd like to ssh into my…
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Calling Physical Path Credentials for Web Applications in IIS

How would I call on the Physical Path credentials property for web applications in IIS using PowerShell? I can't print out the username or password, but I can print the logonMethod which uses the same property? Below is my code for web applications.…
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Add single sign-on into existing web app

Apologies if this isn't the best site, I've search for an answer but can't find anything quite right. I don't actually know the correct terminology I should be using here, so any pointers will be appreciated. I have a web application that accessed…
0 answers

How to enable authentication for cargo webapp in jetty container? (docs does not work for me)

It looks like I'm stuck with a simple and well documented issue, but nevertheless. I'm trying to enable basic authentication in cargo web-app deployed to the Jetty server. I'm following this document -…
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Deploying applications in Jetty (as a former Tomcat user)

I'm trying to deploy a GWT app with Jetty. I have a folder with both static content and servlets (including web.xml and java class files). In Tomcat I was able to simply move this folder into the webapps directory, and…
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0 answers

Storage of large number of files for a web application

There's an old discussion whether and application should store its files in a database or in the filesystem. Both have their pros and cons. I want to know if there's any specific system for application file storage than can overcome some of the…
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2 answers

What tech. is required to build a firewall that dynamically opens ports after users authenticate through a web form against Active Directory?

I need to expose via Internet an insecure internal web app that can't be modified to be made intrinsically more secure. The most common solution for this problem is to access the web app through VPN. Unfortunately, this isn't possible in my…
1 answer

Enabling NTLM Auto login on IIS for fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

I have noticed in our network that when I want to enable users to connect to a Web Application and be automatically logged in, I need to provide them with a URL such as http://server/path/application.aspx. If I use…
Ken Pespisa
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1 answer

Sandboxing Web applications

I want to sandbox multiple web applications hosted on the same server. To test my scenario I configure an Apache web server on a local machine with web apps hosted on that machines. One of the web apps is vulnerable and I want to contain the…
Ali Ahmad
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3 answers

How to safely capture or duplicate incoming requests to a web server

We have taken over a legacy web application that we cannot modify (the source code is broken and deployment fails) and we will eventually rewrite. Ideally we would migrate it one step at a time but this is not possible since we cannot effectively…
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1 answer

How to determine which direction to scale a web application

I am currently developing a web application and am trying to figure out the best way to host it. I've looked around, used dozens of different phrasings, read hundreds of posts and comments. but none of them seem to answer this particular aspect of…
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