View Full Version : High Explosives
- Nitromethane Explosives (254 replies)
- Snap (11 replies)
- NaNo2.....explosive (2 replies)
- Cap sensitive ANFO (91 replies)
- Plastic Explosives (138 replies)
- CNNM explosive - Archive File (0 replies)
- Yellow Powder / Potassium Carbonate - Archive File (44 replies)
- Yellow Powder - Archive File (0 replies)
- cyclonite "sh" method - Archive File (0 replies)
- Mixtures with aluminium & other metals - Archive File (0 replies)
- How sensitive is NG? - Archive File (12 replies)
- Cyclonite"E-method" - Archive File (0 replies)
- TeNMe (Tetranitromethane) (52 replies)
- calcium nitronate - Archive file (5 replies)
- TNT the best way? - Archive file (1 replies)
- nitroglycerine - Archive file (0 replies)
- ANsoy - Archive file (0 replies)
- Fun with annm - Archive file (0 replies)
- annm/c4/nm plastique - Archive file (0 replies)
- milk booster ??? - Archive file (0 replies)
- MHN - Archive file (0 replies)
- WET RDX - Archive file (0 replies)
- Hydraziniumpicrate - Archive file (0 replies)
- Maximite- what is it? Safest High Explosive? - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- k-6 and DNU's - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Cyclonite "k method" - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Nitromethane Synthesis - Archive Thread (7 replies)
- Tetranitromethane - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- PETN - Archive Thread (5 replies)
- Batch Methods of Nitroglycerine - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Picric Acid, Larger Yields - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Nitronaphtalene - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Aluminizing NG (18 replies)
- Methyl Nitrate - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Explosive D - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Nitromethane Sensitizing - Archive Thread (0 replies)
- Tetrameric Acetone Peroxide (0 replies)
- TNAZ and nitramine molecule models (3 replies)
- cellulosenitrate - Archive file (9 replies)
- WTF is wrong? (RDX) - Archive file (0 replies)
- KIPE ANNM Plastique? (25 replies)
- Picric Acid from Tylenol(acetaminophen) (11 replies)
- Boric acid (2 replies)
- Optimizing APAN (62 replies)
- Hexol (8 replies)
- nitrostarch (19 replies)
- Nitroglycerin is red (23 replies)
- Tetranitro propanediurea (9 replies)
- Tovex? (6 replies)
- Got 5m crater? (66 replies)
- What is FOX-7? (44 replies)
- HNO3 based explosives (19 replies)
- 16 ways to TNAZ synthesis. (6 replies)
- DINGU. (28 replies)
- RDX by the "N" Process... (4 replies)
- Guanidine nitrate... (43 replies)
- Rapid Nitration (13 replies)
- Fuel Air Explosives (FAE:s) (3 replies)
- 1.5kg ANFO (43 replies)
- ANSP - archive file (0 replies)
- Spray Evaporated Microcrystalline Explosives (27 replies)
- Mixtures with AP... (52 replies)
- Any info about; lead trinitro oxybenzoate -Archive File (7 replies)
- Hmmm.....Sodatol etc. -Archive File (0 replies)
- Chloropicrine / trichloronitromethane. -Archive File (0 replies)
- UREA NITRATE -Archive File (6 replies)
- R.D.X -Archive File (0 replies)
- Nitrostarch -Archive File (9 replies)
- 5kg APCAN??? (24 replies)
- Hydrazine (1 replies)
- hexanitropiperazine (1 replies)
- Furazans and furoxans (14 replies)
- Frustrating Failures (19 replies)
- Ever hear of PL-1? New Explosive? (29 replies)
- Accident in the making? (16 replies)
- E-Synthesis (3 replies)
- Knoffler method (K-method) (1 replies)
- other nitrate explosives? (15 replies)
- Liquid explosive from NM? (38 replies)
- notes on AN blasting... (31 replies)
- Results of my NTO synth. (23 replies)
- Ammonia Dynamite (9 replies)
- Home Made C-4 a Closer Look (vid) (7 replies)
- ANMN (18 replies)
- nitrocellulose (3 replies)
- TNX (4 replies)
- Plastic Bonded Nitroglycerin (15 replies)
- HMX synthesis (30 replies)
- Nitrogen based Explosives and Fuels (no carbon) (2 replies)
- Comp. B (8 replies)
- bulk of Hex. dinitrate Question (13 replies)
- Kinepeak explosive (0 replies)
- Methyl-Ethylperchlorate (4 replies)
- HCL + Sn (2 replies)
- tin tetracloride (2 replies)
- Vaseline + KClO3 (36 replies)
- potassium chlorate (8 replies)
- Shock sensitive AN with S? (5 replies)
- Smokless Powder (27 replies)
- A rare exp: Oxamide nitrate (7 replies)
- IPN (2 replies)
- medina? (83 replies)
- Making TNP by using battery acid (8 replies)
- AN substitutes (Calcium Nitrate etc)? (2 replies)
- Hexamethylenetramine Dinitrate (157 replies)
- Ammonium Perchlorate (22 replies)
- Sodium perchlorate explosive (19 replies)
- Safe to use "blender" to crush up TNT (6 replies)
- Water -wet Aluminized Explosives (16 replies)
- Dinitronapthalene (40 replies)
- improving and recycling (3 replies)
- AN+acetic acid? (6 replies)
- ANFO without booster (68 replies)
- Cap sensitive AN mixes in KIFE. (31 replies)
- A review of PETN synthesis (0 replies)
- A review of HMX synthesis. (0 replies)
- A review of RDX synthesis. (12 replies)
- Potassium Nitrate NitroMethane Tests (72 replies)
- acetic anhydride (41 replies)
- Imp. ANNM Plastique. (12 replies)
- lead mannite (0 replies)
- Prilled VS Powdered AN (2 replies)
- Nitrogen Trichloride (72 replies)
- TNP basics (1 replies)
- Hexanitrobenzene (8 replies)
- Things to do this weekend. (24 replies)
- Forget octanitrocubane! (14 replies)
- ANNT (7 replies)
- KClO3/nitromethane H.E. (15 replies)
- AN/FO/THERMITE (11 replies)
- Cellulose Hexanitrate (44 replies)
- Ammonpulver (NH4NO3 + C) (26 replies)
- C4 Plastique with Added HMX (59 replies)
- MHN - Strange property (12 replies)
- DDNP (43 replies)
- CTMTNA (35 replies)
- Nitroglycerin with pics (493 replies)
- HE Perchlorates (44 replies)
- Dinitrodimethyloxamide (22 replies)
- PETN (666 replies)
- Toxicity Of Picric Acid (18 replies)
- Lyddite (5 replies)
- PETN (14 replies)
- Picric acid (444 replies)
- MMAN (13 replies)
- Enneaheptite heptanitrate - a good impro. alternative to PETN? (16 replies)
- APAN tests. (572 replies)
- Fuel Air Explosives (FAE:s) (200 replies)
- C4? (1 replies)
- nitrostarch (1 replies)
- DNT, DNX (15 replies)
- NG (9 replies)
- That stuff made with milk... (42 replies)
- KClO3 Explosives (1 replies)
- Silver Azide (1 replies)
- PETN (49 replies)
- Picric acid from asprin (85 replies)
- NG
(153 replies)
- Lead Oxalate, Tartrate, and Citrate (12 replies)
- permanganic acid (39 replies)
- Trinitroanisol - and picryl chloride (10 replies)
- nitroline (3 replies)
- Dynagel DN40 (11 replies)
- Anyone here detonatate PGDN? (2 replies)
- This Morning, I tried to make RDX but run-away occur... (45 replies)
- TNT synthesis (131 replies)
- Pumice for Explosive Safety (2 replies)
- Urea Perchlorate (1 replies)
- New Rules, New Sections. Listen UP! (0 replies)
- detonating nitromethane + VoD (8 replies)
- polymethylene nitramines (any Russians?) (5 replies)
- RDX by E-Synthesis (19 replies)
- HNIW - propositon rather for megalomania's administrator (21 replies)
- Aliphatic nitramines - the next generation of explosives? (1 replies)
- HNS and PYX (2 replies)
- how make trinitroresorcinol? (3 replies)
- Dinitroguanidine (3 replies)
- Smoke colors of detonated HE's (3 replies)
- copper acetylide (29 replies)
- ANNM/AL story+? (20 replies)
- Highly nitrated compounds (3 replies)
- Pink picric acid (9 replies)
- pirotechman (1 replies)
- (3 replies)
- PLX liquid explosive (34 replies)
- Information on R-salt (14 replies)
- picrate salts (11 replies)
- CYCLONITE DATA (4 replies)
- Guhr Dynamite + KClO3 nitrobenzene cheddite (16 replies)
- DINGU and TENGU - what's that? (2 replies)
- Tris[1,2-Bis (Dichloramino)-Ethyl] Isocyanurate? (0 replies)
- HDX-106 and SX2 (3 replies)
- M.M.A.N. (4 replies)
- Hexamethylenetetramine Dinitrate (63 replies)
- 453 g ammonium nitrate/AP booster charge for ANFO (38 replies)
- Potential High Explosives (14 replies)
- P.E 4 (6 replies)
- RDX production - interesting details (11 replies)
- RDX "E" procedure - mistake ? (17 replies)
- 2,2-diaminopropane: can it be nitrated? (13 replies)
- sup all (2 replies)
- Can i get some help? (4 replies)
- What am I doing wrong?!?! Help please... (4 replies)
- Ammonium Perchlorate Plastique (17 replies)
- Nitroguanidine, properties? (23 replies)
- Diphenylamine. (3 replies)
- AN and paint thinnner (1 replies)
- RDX question !!! (31 replies)
- Thermobaric Mixtures (51 replies)
- Exotic primary (7 replies)
- Ammoniumnitrate, NC and Al (5 replies)
- Reduction of HMX (10 replies)
- Anybody tried to make DINGU or SORGUYL? (39 replies)
- explosive paint? (12 replies)
- ammoniumnitrate and magnesium (8 replies)
- Mono- or Di- Nitro salt of pentaerythritol? (2 replies)
- TRIEX, binary exp. (36 replies)
- Testing my RDX rxn: (20 replies)
- Mega's procedure for making HMX, do I really have to use 95% + NA? (6 replies)
- Other fulminates. (39 replies)
- tetranitroglycoluril (24 replies)
- salts of high explosives (15 replies)
- Lead trinitro oxybenzoate (9 replies)
- lead azide (89 replies)
- TACC, TACN, and tetramine copper perchlorate (151 replies)
- Hexamine dinitrate, cyclotrimethylene trinitrosamine, or methylenedinitramide? (69 replies)
- PETN INTO SEMTEX (35 replies)
- Getting PETN from det cord (25 replies)
- EDNA (22 replies)
- MHN (74 replies)
- Mercury tartrate? Sounds fun. (7 replies)
- Composition C (36 replies)
- ANNM / Al sensitized (101 replies)
- Urea Nitrate and Nitrourea...again (181 replies)
- AN+bronze paint (0 replies)
- Classification of explosives (0 replies)
- Methyl Nitrate (0 replies)
- calcium nitrate (57 replies)
- New Explosive ? (20 replies)
- Hydrazine Sulfate (33 replies)
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