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Pages : 1 [2]

  1. Nitromethane Explosives (254 replies)
  2. Snap (11 replies)
  3. NaNo2.....explosive (2 replies)
  4. Cap sensitive ANFO (91 replies)
  5. Plastic Explosives (138 replies)
  6. CNNM explosive - Archive File (0 replies)
  7. Yellow Powder / Potassium Carbonate - Archive File (44 replies)
  8. Yellow Powder - Archive File (0 replies)
  9. cyclonite "sh" method - Archive File (0 replies)
  10. Mixtures with aluminium & other metals - Archive File (0 replies)
  11. How sensitive is NG? - Archive File (12 replies)
  12. Cyclonite"E-method" - Archive File (0 replies)
  13. TeNMe (Tetranitromethane) (52 replies)
  14. calcium nitronate - Archive file (5 replies)
  15. TNT the best way? - Archive file (1 replies)
  16. nitroglycerine - Archive file (0 replies)
  17. ANsoy - Archive file (0 replies)
  18. Fun with annm - Archive file (0 replies)
  19. annm/c4/nm plastique - Archive file (0 replies)
  20. milk booster ??? - Archive file (0 replies)
  21. MHN - Archive file (0 replies)
  22. WET RDX - Archive file (0 replies)
  23. Hydraziniumpicrate - Archive file (0 replies)
  24. Maximite- what is it? Safest High Explosive? - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  25. k-6 and DNU's - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  26. Cyclonite "k method" - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  27. Nitromethane Synthesis - Archive Thread (7 replies)
  28. Tetranitromethane - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  29. PETN - Archive Thread (5 replies)
  30. Batch Methods of Nitroglycerine - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  31. Picric Acid, Larger Yields - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  32. Nitronaphtalene - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  33. Aluminizing NG (18 replies)
  34. Methyl Nitrate - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  35. Explosive D - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  36. Nitromethane Sensitizing - Archive Thread (0 replies)
  37. Tetrameric Acetone Peroxide (0 replies)
  38. TNAZ and nitramine molecule models (3 replies)
  39. cellulosenitrate - Archive file (9 replies)
  40. WTF is wrong? (RDX) - Archive file (0 replies)
  41. KIPE ANNM Plastique? (25 replies)
  42. Picric Acid from Tylenol(acetaminophen) (11 replies)
  43. Boric acid (2 replies)
  44. Optimizing APAN (62 replies)
  45. Hexol (8 replies)
  46. nitrostarch (19 replies)
  47. Nitroglycerin is red (23 replies)
  48. Tetranitro propanediurea (9 replies)
  49. Tovex? (6 replies)
  50. Got 5m crater? (66 replies)
  51. What is FOX-7? (44 replies)
  52. HNO3 based explosives (19 replies)
  53. 16 ways to TNAZ synthesis. (6 replies)
  54. DINGU. (28 replies)
  55. RDX by the "N" Process... (4 replies)
  56. Guanidine nitrate... (43 replies)
  57. Rapid Nitration (13 replies)
  58. Fuel Air Explosives (FAE:s) (3 replies)
  59. 1.5kg ANFO (43 replies)
  60. ANSP - archive file (0 replies)
  61. Spray Evaporated Microcrystalline Explosives (27 replies)
  62. Mixtures with AP... (52 replies)
  63. Any info about; lead trinitro oxybenzoate -Archive File (7 replies)
  64. Hmmm.....Sodatol etc. -Archive File (0 replies)
  65. Chloropicrine / trichloronitromethane. -Archive File (0 replies)
  66. UREA NITRATE -Archive File (6 replies)
  67. R.D.X -Archive File (0 replies)
  68. Nitrostarch -Archive File (9 replies)
  69. 5kg APCAN??? (24 replies)
  70. Hydrazine (1 replies)
  71. hexanitropiperazine (1 replies)
  72. Furazans and furoxans (14 replies)
  73. Frustrating Failures (19 replies)
  74. Ever hear of PL-1? New Explosive? (29 replies)
  75. Accident in the making? (16 replies)
  76. E-Synthesis (3 replies)
  77. Knoffler method (K-method) (1 replies)
  78. other nitrate explosives? (15 replies)
  79. Liquid explosive from NM? (38 replies)
  80. notes on AN blasting... (31 replies)
  81. Results of my NTO synth. (23 replies)
  82. Ammonia Dynamite (9 replies)
  83. Home Made C-4 a Closer Look (vid) (7 replies)
  84. ANMN (18 replies)
  85. nitrocellulose (3 replies)
  86. TNX (4 replies)
  87. Plastic Bonded Nitroglycerin (15 replies)
  88. HMX synthesis (30 replies)
  89. Nitrogen based Explosives and Fuels (no carbon) (2 replies)
  90. Comp. B (8 replies)
  91. bulk of Hex. dinitrate Question (13 replies)
  92. Kinepeak explosive (0 replies)
  93. Methyl-Ethylperchlorate (4 replies)
  94. HCL + Sn (2 replies)
  95. tin tetracloride (2 replies)
  96. Vaseline + KClO3 (36 replies)
  97. potassium chlorate (8 replies)
  98. Shock sensitive AN with S? (5 replies)
  99. Smokless Powder (27 replies)
  100. A rare exp: Oxamide nitrate (7 replies)
  101. IPN (2 replies)
  102. medina? (83 replies)
  103. Making TNP by using battery acid (8 replies)
  104. AN substitutes (Calcium Nitrate etc)? (2 replies)
  105. Hexamethylenetramine Dinitrate (157 replies)
  106. Ammonium Perchlorate (22 replies)
  107. Sodium perchlorate explosive (19 replies)
  108. Safe to use "blender" to crush up TNT (6 replies)
  109. Water -wet Aluminized Explosives (16 replies)
  110. Dinitronapthalene (40 replies)
  111. improving and recycling (3 replies)
  112. AN+acetic acid? (6 replies)
  113. ANFO without booster (68 replies)
  114. Cap sensitive AN mixes in KIFE. (31 replies)
  115. A review of PETN synthesis (0 replies)
  116. A review of HMX synthesis. (0 replies)
  117. A review of RDX synthesis. (12 replies)
  118. Potassium Nitrate NitroMethane Tests (72 replies)
  119. acetic anhydride (41 replies)
  120. Imp. ANNM Plastique. (12 replies)
  121. lead mannite (0 replies)
  122. Prilled VS Powdered AN (2 replies)
  123. Nitrogen Trichloride (72 replies)
  124. TNP basics (1 replies)
  125. Hexanitrobenzene (8 replies)
  126. Things to do this weekend. (24 replies)
  127. Forget octanitrocubane! (14 replies)
  128. ANNT (7 replies)
  129. KClO3/nitromethane H.E. (15 replies)
  130. AN/FO/THERMITE (11 replies)
  131. Cellulose Hexanitrate (44 replies)
  132. Ammonpulver (NH4NO3 + C) (26 replies)
  133. C4 Plastique with Added HMX (59 replies)
  134. MHN - Strange property (12 replies)
  135. DDNP (43 replies)
  136. CTMTNA (35 replies)
  137. Nitroglycerin with pics (493 replies)
  138. HE Perchlorates (44 replies)
  139. Dinitrodimethyloxamide (22 replies)
  140. PETN (666 replies)
  141. Toxicity Of Picric Acid (18 replies)
  142. Lyddite (5 replies)
  143. PETN (14 replies)
  144. Picric acid (444 replies)
  145. MMAN (13 replies)
  146. Enneaheptite heptanitrate - a good impro. alternative to PETN? (16 replies)
  147. APAN tests. (572 replies)
  148. Fuel Air Explosives (FAE:s) (200 replies)
  149. C4? (1 replies)
  150. nitrostarch (1 replies)
  151. DNT, DNX (15 replies)
  152. NG (9 replies)
  153. That stuff made with milk... (42 replies)
  154. KClO3 Explosives (1 replies)
  155. Silver Azide (1 replies)
  156. PETN (49 replies)
  157. Picric acid from asprin (85 replies)
  158. NG (153 replies)
  159. Lead Oxalate, Tartrate, and Citrate (12 replies)
  160. permanganic acid (39 replies)
  161. Trinitroanisol - and picryl chloride (10 replies)
  162. nitroline (3 replies)
  163. Dynagel DN40 (11 replies)
  164. Anyone here detonatate PGDN? (2 replies)
  165. This Morning, I tried to make RDX but run-away occur... (45 replies)
  166. TNT synthesis (131 replies)
  167. Pumice for Explosive Safety (2 replies)
  168. Urea Perchlorate (1 replies)
  169. New Rules, New Sections. Listen UP! (0 replies)
  170. detonating nitromethane + VoD (8 replies)
  171. polymethylene nitramines (any Russians?) (5 replies)
  172. RDX by E-Synthesis (19 replies)
  173. HNIW - propositon rather for megalomania's administrator (21 replies)
  174. Aliphatic nitramines - the next generation of explosives? (1 replies)
  175. HNS and PYX (2 replies)
  176. how make trinitroresorcinol? (3 replies)
  177. Dinitroguanidine (3 replies)
  178. Smoke colors of detonated HE's (3 replies)
  179. copper acetylide (29 replies)
  180. ANNM/AL story+? (20 replies)
  181. Highly nitrated compounds (3 replies)
  182. Pink picric acid (9 replies)
  183. pirotechman (1 replies)
  184. http://pirotechman.republika.pl (3 replies)
  185. PLX liquid explosive (34 replies)
  186. Information on R-salt (14 replies)
  187. picrate salts (11 replies)
  188. CYCLONITE DATA (4 replies)
  189. Guhr Dynamite + KClO3 nitrobenzene cheddite (16 replies)
  190. DINGU and TENGU - what's that? (2 replies)
  191. Tris[1,2-Bis (Dichloramino)-Ethyl] Isocyanurate? (0 replies)
  192. HDX-106 and SX2 (3 replies)
  193. M.M.A.N. (4 replies)
  194. Hexamethylenetetramine Dinitrate (63 replies)
  195. 453 g ammonium nitrate/AP booster charge for ANFO (38 replies)
  196. Potential High Explosives (14 replies)
  197. P.E 4 (6 replies)
  198. RDX production - interesting details (11 replies)
  199. RDX "E" procedure - mistake ? (17 replies)
  200. 2,2-diaminopropane: can it be nitrated? (13 replies)
  201. sup all (2 replies)
  202. Can i get some help? (4 replies)
  203. What am I doing wrong?!?! Help please... (4 replies)
  204. Ammonium Perchlorate Plastique (17 replies)
  205. Nitroguanidine, properties? (23 replies)
  206. Diphenylamine. (3 replies)
  207. AN and paint thinnner (1 replies)
  208. RDX question !!! (31 replies)
  209. Thermobaric Mixtures (51 replies)
  210. Exotic primary (7 replies)
  211. Ammoniumnitrate, NC and Al (5 replies)
  212. Reduction of HMX (10 replies)
  213. Anybody tried to make DINGU or SORGUYL? (39 replies)
  214. explosive paint? (12 replies)
  215. ammoniumnitrate and magnesium (8 replies)
  216. Mono- or Di- Nitro salt of pentaerythritol? (2 replies)
  217. TRIEX, binary exp. (36 replies)
  218. Testing my RDX rxn: (20 replies)
  219. Mega's procedure for making HMX, do I really have to use 95% + NA? (6 replies)
  220. Other fulminates. (39 replies)
  221. tetranitroglycoluril (24 replies)
  222. salts of high explosives (15 replies)
  223. Lead trinitro oxybenzoate (9 replies)
  224. lead azide (89 replies)
  225. TACC, TACN, and tetramine copper perchlorate (151 replies)
  226. Hexamine dinitrate, cyclotrimethylene trinitrosamine, or methylenedinitramide? (69 replies)
  227. PETN INTO SEMTEX (35 replies)
  228. Getting PETN from det cord (25 replies)
  229. EDNA (22 replies)
  230. MHN (74 replies)
  231. Mercury tartrate? Sounds fun. (7 replies)
  232. Composition C (36 replies)
  233. ANNM / Al sensitized (101 replies)
  234. Urea Nitrate and Nitrourea...again (181 replies)
  235. AN+bronze paint (0 replies)
  236. Classification of explosives (0 replies)
  237. Methyl Nitrate (0 replies)
  238. calcium nitrate (57 replies)
  239. New Explosive ? (20 replies)
  240. Hydrazine Sulfate (33 replies)