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View Full Version : HNS and PYX

September 18th, 2001, 07:23 PM
I'm looking for some information about these explosives. Led block test results, detonation velocities and physical characteristics would be appreciated.
I wonder which is stronger hexite or HNS?
One thing for those who doesn't know the shortcut HNS - Hexanitrostilbene and PYX - 2,6-Bis(Picrylamino)-3,5-dinitropyridine


September 19th, 2001, 01:13 AM
From my files,I find that PYX at density of 1.77 will give a detonation rate of 7448m/s;while HNS at a density of 1.70 will have a VOD of 7120 m/s...

[This message has been edited by cutefix (edited September 19, 2001).]

September 19th, 2001, 03:04 AM
I don't have most of my data here but here's something about HNS already:

Energy of formation: +195 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of formation: +128,1 kJ/kg
Oxygen balance: -67,6%
Volume of detonation gasses: 700 L/kg
Heat of explosion:
(H2O liq.): 4208 kJ/kg
(H2O gas): 4124 kJ/kg
Density: 1,74 g/cm^3
Melting point: 318 dC
Lead block test: 301 cm^3/10 g
Impact sensitivity: 5 N*m
Friction sensitivity: 240 N pistil load crackling

Source: R. Meyer, Explosives

More data will folow when I have some time.