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March 20th, 2002, 12:32 PM
In the past I have mentioned that MHN dissolved in acetone will not precipitate as the acetone evaporates ( same effect when dissolving in nitromethane ).
Today I tried something else: MHN was dissolved in acetone and then lots of water was added to the solution. This caused a milky liquid to separate, in appearance much like NG in the washing phase. This liquid was removed with an eyedropper and a single droplet was placed on tissue paper. The drop was "reluctantly" absorbed by the paper and detonated when struck with a hammer, similar to NG.

March 20th, 2002, 06:08 PM
Could you please post the HNO3+H2SO4 method for MHN?I've looked around and can't find a definitive procedure.I'll be getting some Mannitol soon and alredy have 98%H2SO4 and 70%HNO3.Thanks.

March 21st, 2002, 06:17 AM
It's possible that the milky liquid is in fact a really fine suspension of precipitate - I've had a few reactions where what looks like a milky liquid goes straight through a No. 3 filter but turns nice and clear through a No. 4. It can be very difficult to tell sometimes. Have you tried seeding these acetone or nitromethane solutions? Might work..

March 21st, 2002, 09:44 AM
Upon standing, this liquid solidified - even the part that was still in the eyedropper and thus hadn't been exposed to circulating air.
I was thinking that it might be a very fluid colloidon
( acetone/MHN ); this would hold on to the acetone for a little longer than an actual solution, wouldn't it? In this case it might be possible to use NG or EGDN in stead of acetone. Maybe this could be used for det-cord, if the colloidinization could be delayed: Inject the slurry into a thin hose and let sit ( or heat ) until colloidinized.
There must be some use for this; I will think about it for the next week when I'm away on holiday.

As for the HNO3/H2SO4 method: Look in the Swedish Infomania file. It has all the info you need.

<small>[ March 21, 2002, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Microtek ]</small>

March 23rd, 2002, 11:28 AM
Here's a professional lab synth procedure:

<a href="http://www.orgsyn.org/orgsyn/orgsyn/prepcontent.asp?print=1&showprint=1&prep=cv2p0412" target="_blank">Methyl Nitrate</a>

March 24th, 2002, 05:33 AM
Today I tired to make MHN again,this time instead of the h2so4 and AN method I tired the 70% hno3 and 98% h2so4.5 grams of Mannitol was added to 25 grams of 70% nitric acid,keeping the temp below 0 degrees.I stirred the mixture for about 10 minutes,I then slowly added 50 grams of 98% h2so4,the temp should be kept below 0 degrees but since I was abit impatient the temp remained at about 0 degrees for the whole addition until at the end when the temp raised to about 15 degrees.It cooled back down and a white fluffly substance was precipated.It was filtered and is now drying.If it is MHN it looks like a pretty good yeild,however I am doubtful,I didnt take my time,and things were a bit rushed. :(
Anyone got any ideas what the white substance could be or could it be partially nitrated mannitol :confused:

Marbles-there is an extremely good topic on MHN posted a few months back,just search for MHN in high explosives and you'll find all you need to know

Mr Cool
March 24th, 2002, 06:59 AM
There's really not much else it could be except MHN, or a lesser-nitrated mannitol. IIRC nitrated mannitols with less than 3 or 4 nitrate's are liquids (it's true with sorbitol, I'm not entirely sure about mannitol), so I think it will be mainly MHN.

March 24th, 2002, 08:11 AM
Heres a picture of the MHN (fingers crossed) drying.What do you think?
<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/retro/explosives/MHN1.gif" target="_blank">http://www.angelfire.com/retro/explosives/MHN1.gif</a>

(fucking angelfire :mad: ,just copy the link and paste it into your browser)

<small>[ March 24, 2002, 07:30 AM: Message edited by: Demolition ]</small>

Mr Cool
March 24th, 2002, 08:37 AM
Looks good.
I'll try it myself later, and tell you what I think...

March 24th, 2002, 08:51 AM
Sounds good :) Its almost 12 (midnight) here so I wont get a chance to test it till tomorrow after school.Thats ok though,it will give it a chance to dry.
Ill weigh it up and post the results of my testing tomorrow,Ill also take a better picture of the yield tomorrow in the light.

March 25th, 2002, 02:21 AM
Better quality photo of my yeild.
<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/retro/explosives/MHN.gif" target="_blank">http://www.angelfire.com/retro/explosives/MHN.gif</a>

Today I tested my MHN.
When a flame came into contact with the white substance it flared up and made a small whoosh (similar to AP).Then a small amount detonated from a heavy hammer blow creating a small 'crack'.It took alot more than I expected however im happy that I finally succeeded. :D

Heres a photo of the yeild on my scale,approximately 3 grams.Not the best,but good :)
<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/retro/explosives/scale.gif" target="_blank">http://www.angelfire.com/retro/explosives/scale.gif</a>

I'll make up some AP later during the week and make a few blasting caps,or one larger one. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

April 2nd, 2002, 09:59 AM
Well I'm back from holiday, and I had a chance to think quite a bit while trekking through Italy.
My thoughts on this interesting property of MHN was to use it for det-cords. Here's my proposal:
Mix a little ethanol with a more substatial amount of NG. Cool the mix down to ( say ) 0 C. Add cold, powdered MHN but keep the amount small enough to obtain a slurry rather than a moist powder. Squirt the slurry into a thin tube and let it warm up to room temp. The NG should form a colloidon with the MHN, making it easy to handle and giving a constant VoD. If NG doesn't work EGDN can be used instead, but I think the tricky bit will be to not make the colloidon too thin.

April 8th, 2002, 10:28 AM
Here's another idea on the subject of det-cord:
I remembered that yarn for knitting is often made from cotton, and is usually not spun very hard so that when nitrated, the acid will penetrate the entire thread.
First I thought about pulling an NC string through a thin hose and then pumping NG in and let it colloidinize. I modified this however as NG is not the best explosive to use for det-cord due to LVD.
My other idea is as follows:
Dissolve some MHN in the minimum amount of acetone and add a little NG. This will give a wax-like product when the acetone has evaporated.
Then absorb the liquid into a string of nitrated cotton yarn by putting the string fully into the liquid, and let it dry.
You could then coat the cord in liquid latex or something similar for protection.