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View Full Version : C4?

January 14th, 2002, 07:21 AM
before i write anything i want to say that i am from sweden so my english is kinda fucked but anyway.
I got a swedish textfile were i found the mixture to make c4. The mixture was nitromethane, ammonium nitrate and some powered aluminium. I have no doubt that this mixture isnt C4 but i know this explosive works but does any of you know what itīs called?

January 14th, 2002, 07:58 AM

Ragnar Benson is the one who started calling it "Improvised C-4" even though it has absolutely NO relation to the real military explosive.

And you REALLY need to search first! Been discussed a million times already.

End topic.

Also, replie to other peoples posts for a while before posting new topics yourself.