September 9th, 2001, 09:00 PM
I was wondering if someone had a list of the colors of smoke produced from HE's detonating.
A 'friend' tried to detonate 2g TNT using .5g MHN, the report wasn't much different than just MHN, but instead of a small brown cloud, there was a {IMO pretty}blueish/white cloud. The 3mm thick steel it was initiated on showed no effect where the TNT column would have been but did where the MHN was.
In an attempt to detonate nitroguanidine with MHN, this time 10g ng with 1g MHN, the report wasn't much different, although there was a much larger area where the shockwave ripped the grass(~1m circle as opposed to ~.3m with 1g MHN) and the 38mmX102mmX12.5mm thick steel bar showed about 1mm bend (it was placed flat on a peice of wood)as well as a fair size cloud of white smoke.
I'm not certain if my 'friend' was successful as I would have thought that the TNT would have showed some mark in the steel as well as 10g nitroguanidine should have produced a much more noticable report with more damage to the steel.
[This message has been edited by EventHorizon (edited September 09, 2001).]
A 'friend' tried to detonate 2g TNT using .5g MHN, the report wasn't much different than just MHN, but instead of a small brown cloud, there was a {IMO pretty}blueish/white cloud. The 3mm thick steel it was initiated on showed no effect where the TNT column would have been but did where the MHN was.
In an attempt to detonate nitroguanidine with MHN, this time 10g ng with 1g MHN, the report wasn't much different, although there was a much larger area where the shockwave ripped the grass(~1m circle as opposed to ~.3m with 1g MHN) and the 38mmX102mmX12.5mm thick steel bar showed about 1mm bend (it was placed flat on a peice of wood)as well as a fair size cloud of white smoke.
I'm not certain if my 'friend' was successful as I would have thought that the TNT would have showed some mark in the steel as well as 10g nitroguanidine should have produced a much more noticable report with more damage to the steel.
[This message has been edited by EventHorizon (edited September 09, 2001).]