April 29th, 2002, 03:24 PM
Continuing my series of preperation references for high explosives, here is all of the available literature for PETN going back to 1967.
Bibliographic Information
Study on preparation of ultrafine particle of explosive using technology of direct dilution. Sima, Tianlong; Yan, Jisheng. Gansu Yinguang Chemical industrial Complex, Baiyin, Peop. Rep. China. Huozhayao Xuebao (2001), 24(4), 46-47. CODEN: HUXUFP Journal written in Chinese. CAN 136:234276 AN 2001:804744 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Ultrafine particle of explosive is prepd. by using direct diln. technol. The fundamental principle of the method is introduced. The particle size and distribution of size of ultrafine PETN and RDX are tested.
Bibliographic Information
Explosive properties of reactive mixtures formed during manufacturing of explosives. Buczkowski, Daniel; Gucma, Miroslaw; Pagowski, Witold. Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Warsaw, Pol. Editor(s): Zeman, Svatopluk. New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials, Proceedings of the Seminar, 4th, Pardubice, Czech Republic, Apr. 11-12, 2001 (2001), 29-33. Publisher: University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Rep CODEN: 69BKIC Conference written in English. CAN 135:228922 AN 2001:476831 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Explosive properties of mixts. formed in manuf. of PETN and RDX are presented. Deposits of PETN and RDX in nitric acid filling voids between crystals have detonation abilities similar to typical brisant explosives. Such deposits are formed if mixing is stopped. Soln. of RDX and slurry of PETN in nitric acid have weaker explosive properties, but are dangerous from the point of view of explosion. A problem of minimizing the possibility of damage of mixing equipment or electricity loss must be anticipated during designing producing plants for the manuf. of explosives.
Bibliographic Information
Crystallization of explosives and high-energy oxidizers in presence of ultrasound. Veltmans, Wilhelmina H. m.; Wierckx, Franciscus J. m. (Aerospace Propulsion Products B.V., Neth.). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2000), 13 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1033357 A1 20000906 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO. Patent written in English. Application: EP 99-200592 19990302. CAN 133:195590 AN 2000:626476 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
EP 1033357 A1 20000906 EP 1999-200592 19990302
NO 2000001017 A 20000904 NO 2000-1017 20000229
Priority Application Information
EP 1999-200592 19990302
Cryst. energetic materials with improved stability and/or decreased sensitivity are prepd. by crystn. with stirring at 15-75° in the presence of ultrasound with frequency 10-100 kHz and amplitudes of 0.4-10 m. The energetic materials that can be prepd. in this manner are explosives and high-energy oxidizers, esp. hydrazinium nitroformate, CL-20, ADN, AP, RDX, HMX, and PETN.
Bibliographic Information
Development of recrystallisation process for superfine PETN from laboratory to full plant scale. du Plessis, Melinda. Somchem, Division of DENEL (Pty) Ltd., Somerset West, S. Afr. International Annual Conference of ICT (2000), 31st(Energetic Materials), 16/1-16/11. CODEN: IACIEQ ISSN: 0722-4087. Journal written in English. CAN 133:195544 AN 2000:580944 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
This paper portrays a practical approach to the development of a recrystn./ pptn. process for PETN, taking it from lab. to full plant scale. The purpose of this recrystn. process was to modify attributing characteristics of the existing PETN crystals regarding processability by altering the size and shape of its crystals. The aim was to produce superfine needle like PETN crystals. This paper describes experimentation and optimization on lab. scale (1-2 L); addresses practical considerations regarding future scale up and evaluating the results. It then deals with experimentation on pilot plant scale (50-200 L) which serves as a test for the workableness of the process on larger scale and confirmation of the lab. results obtained. Successful experimentation on pilot plant scale provided the foundation for future scale up. The final step involves implementing the proposed recrystn. process on full plant scale, submitting the product for final approval and assessing the feasibility of the process for future prodn.
Bibliographic Information
Substances as analytical substrates and antioxidative agents for pharmaceutical applications. Stoeter, Michael; Konig, Gerd; Polligkeit, Herbert. (Isis Pharma G.m.b.H., Germany). PCT Int. Appl. (1999), 34 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 9967430 A2 19991229 Designated States W: AE, AL, AU, BA, BB, BG, BR, CA, CN, CU, CZ, EE, GD, GE, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KP, KR, LC, LK, LR, LT, LV, MG, MK, MN, MX, NO, NZ, PL, RO, SG, SI, SK, SL, TR, TT, UA, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in German. Application: WO 99-DE1834 19990624. Priority: DE 98-19827981 19980624; DE 98-19830006 19980624; DE 98-19829908 19980706. CAN 132:59165 AN 1999:819536 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
WO 9967430 A2 19991229 WO 1999-DE1834 19990624
WO 9967430 A3 20000504
DE 19827981 A1 19991230 DE 1998-19827981 19980624
DE 19830006 A1 19991230 DE 1998-19830006 19980624
DE 19829908 A1 20000113 DE 1998-19829908 19980706
EP 1087926 A2 20010404 EP 1999-941378 19990624
Priority Application Information
DE 1998-19827981 19980624
DE 1998-19830006 19980624
DE 1998-19829908 19980706
WO 1999-DE1834 19990624
The invention concerns pentaerythrityl, and propanal nitro derivs. to be used as anal. substrates and antioxidants for therapeutic purposes. Enzyme catalyzed biochem. and pharmacol. processes can be studied, in the presence of oxidoreductases, e.g. xanthin, NADH and NADPH oxidase; and other redox systems are studied, e.g. cysteine/cystine, glutathione, a- liponic acid. Synthesized substances were screened as ACE-inhibitors, beta blockers, antihypertensives, antiatherosclerotics, diuretics, cholesterol inhibitors, vasodilators, calcium antagonists, anticoagulants.
Bibliographic Information
Advancing the technology for production of Dinas parts with elevated strength of the green stock. Khonchik, I. V.; Drozd, V. I.; Makotkin, V. V.; Grigor, G. G.; Batrak, L. V. Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories, Kharkov, Ukraine. Refract. Ind. Ceram. (1999), Volume Date 1998, 39(5-6), 212-214. CODEN: RICEFY ISSN: 1083-4877. Journal written in English. CAN 130:327979 AN 1999:173905 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Results of a lab. study on the development of a prodn. process for high-strength Dinas green stock with the use of a new hardening additive, a formate-alc. plasticizing agent, are presented. The formate-alc. plasticizer is a byproduct of pentaerythrite manuf. and consists of sodium formate, syrup-forming substances and polyalcs. It is shown that the plasticizer can be introduced directly into a lime-iron mixt. without worsening its rheol. characteristics, which will make it possible to introduce the hardening additive into a quartzite mixt. with the slip contg. the calcium- and iron-bearing mineralizers. The use of the plasticizer provides high compressive strength and resistance to cutting of the edges of freshly molded green stock and dried semifinished products as well as good phys.-ceramic properties, in conformity with the stds. for Dinas products.
Bibliographic Information
Supercritical fluid extraction of polar nitrogen containing-substances. Niehaus, M.; Teipel, U.; Bunte, G.; Krause, H.; Weisweiler, W. Fraunhofer Institut fur Chemische Technologie (ICT), Pfinztal, Germany. Process Technol. Proc. (1996), 12(High Pressure Chemical Engineering), 345-350. CODEN: PTPREM ISSN: 0921-8610. Journal written in English. CAN 126:187773 AN 1997:79413 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Dynamic fluid extn. with supercrit. CO2 was investigated for the purifn. and prepn. of fine particles of polar nitrogen-contg. compds. (e.g., typical explosives and energetic compds. such as PETN, nitroguanidine, RDX, and 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole). The two processes examd. were: (1) rapid expansion of supercrit. solns. (RESS), and (2) the gas-antisolvent (GAS) process. All explosives except nitroguanidine could be extd., although for RDX and 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole, modifiers were necessary. The results demonstrated the high capacity of modified supercrit. CO2 as a solvent in RESS and GAS processes. Suitable modifiers must be examd. empirically.
Bibliographic Information
Studies of stacking density of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Liu, Youzhi; Wang, Jianlong; Chen, Shusen. North China Institute Technology, Taiyuan, Peop. Rep. China. Editor(s): Feng, Changgen; Ou, Yuxiang; Zeng, Qingxuan. Theory Pract. Energ. Mater., [Proc. Int. Autumn Semin. Propellants, Explos. Pyrotech.] (1996), 62-66. Publisher: Beijing Institute of Technology Press, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China CODEN: 63WYA7 Conference written in English. CAN 126:106120 AN 1997:59333 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Based on crystn. theory, solvents for the recrystn. of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) to were investigated exptl. Me acetate is a optimum solvent to enhance the stacking d. of recrystd. PETN.
Bibliographic Information
Extraction of explosives by supercritical fluids. Niehaus, M.; Teipel, U.; Krause, H.; Bunte, G. Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologie (ICT), Pfinztal, Germany. Int. Annu. Conf. ICT (1996), 27th(Energetic Materials), 128.1-128.16. CODEN: IACIEQ Journal written in German. CAN 125:200039 AN 1996:514603 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The soly. parameters of explosives in supercrit. carbon dioxide are important for evaluation of novel techniques in manuf. and also in quant. anal. Efforts have been made to use the unique possibilities that supercrit. carbon dioxide offers, such as nontoxicity and therefore redn. of environmental pollution or low-temp. processing resulting in addnl. process safety. Also, the performance of explosives improves because of the minimization of contamination caused by conventional org. solvents with low vapor pressure. Supercrit. fluid extn. of the explosives pentaerythrityl tetranitrate (PETN), nitroguanidine (NIGU), RDX, and 3-Nitro-1,3,4-triazole (NTO) has been done in the dynamic mode with pure and modified carbon dioxide. All explosives except nitroguanidine have been extd., although for RDX and NTO use of modifiers proved to be necessary. Effective modifiers must be chosen empirically. The results show the high potential of supercrit. fluids as substitutes for org. solvents.
Bibliographic Information
Methods for the production of fine particle explosives. Ji, Liguo; Jiao, Qingjie; Cai, Ruijiao. Beijing Institute Technology, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China. Editor(s): Yuxiang, Ou. Proc. Beijing Int. Symp. Pyrotech. Explos., 3rd (1995), 170-174. Publisher: China Ordnance Society, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China CODEN: 62RIAT Conference written in English. CAN 124:347523 AN 1996:285153 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A ultrasonic generator and a sprayer are used in the prodn. of fine cryst. explosive. The cavity effect of ultrasonic is used to crush explosive particles while substituting stirring app. The recryst. process of explosive is controlled by the sprayer. The mechanism of ultrasonic and spraying jet is discussed. Fine particles of PETN and RDX having medium diams. less than 10 mm are manufd. in the process.
Bibliographic Information
Process and apparatus for producing ultrafine explosive particles. (du Pont de Nemours, E. I., and Co., USA). Israeli (1995), 24 pp. CODEN: ISXXAQ IL 100231 A1 19950124 Patent written in English. Application: IL 91-100231 19911203. CAN 123:117652 AN 1995:743038 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
IL 100231 A1 19950124 IL 1991-100231 19911203
An app. for producing ultrafine explosive particles comprises (1) means for injecting a soln. of a crystallizable explosive compns. and a nonsolvent soln. for mixing with the explosive compn. soln., (2) nozzles being adapted for moving the explosive compn. and nonsolvent solns., (3) venturi means communicating with nozzle means, and (4) explosive particle collection means connected with venturi means. The app. further comprises an auxiliary inlet means coaxial with and surrounding the explosive compns. and the nonsolvent soln. inlet means. The nozzle means include first and second continuous orifices. The ultrafine granular explosives which when incorporated into a binder system have the ability to propagate in thin sheets and have very low impact and very high propagation sensitivities.
Bibliographic Information
Design and calibration of pulsed vapor generators for TNT, RDX and PETN. Davies, J. P.; Blackwood, L. G.; Davis, S. G.; Goodrich, L. D.; Larson, R. A. Idaho Nat. Eng. Lab., Idaho Falls, ID, USA. Editor(s): Yinon, Jehuda. Adv. Anal. Detect. Explos., Proc. Int. Symp., 4th (1993), Meeting Date 1992, 513-32. Publisher: Kluwer, Dordrecht, Neth CODEN: 59MKAE Conference written in English. CAN 120:221786 AN 1994:221786 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Computer-controlled explosive vapor generators for TNT, RDX, and PETN were built and calibrated to support an independent validation and verification facility for Explosive detection systems for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The generators were constructed using pure explosive suspended on quartz beads which were then loaded into a coiled stainless steel tube. A carrier gas (ultra-pure air) was passed through the coil to carry the explosive mols. The generators were capable of delivering a pulse of varying explosive mass through the control of coil temp., air flow rate, and pulse width. Preliminary calibrations were completed in the picogram-to-nanogram range using an ion mobility spectrometer as the calibrating instrument. The explosive vapor generators can be used as quant. vapor stds. to establish the lower detection limits for explosive detection systems systems.
Bibliographic Information
Process and apparatus for producing ultrafine explosives. McGowan, Michael James. (du Pont de Nemours, E. I., and Co., USA). PCT Int. Appl. (1993), 26 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 9304018 A1 19930304 Designated States W: CA, NO. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LU, NL, SE. Patent written in English. Application: WO 91-US5900 19910827. CAN 118:172045 AN 1993:172045 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
WO 9304018 A1 19930304 WO 1991-US5900 19910827
EP 600881 A1 19940615 EP 1991-916893 19910827
EP 600881 B1 19960424
WO 9304019 A1 19930304 WO 1991-US6748 19910924
Priority Application Information
WO 1991-US5900 19910827
The process comprises prepg. a stream of a soln. of the explosive dissolved in a solvent and a stream of an inert nonsolvent, injecting the two streams through concentric orifices of a nozzle into a mixing chamber by injecting nonsolvent stream through the central orifice and explosive stream through the outer orifice, converging the streams in a mixing zone under turbulent conditions to entrap the explosive compn. in droplets of nonsolvent and to rapidly ppt. the explosive compn. as spheroidal particles, and recovering the particles from the solvent and nonsolvent materials.
Bibliographic Information
Clean up methods of explosives using Amberlite XAD resin and Norit-A. Park, Sung Woo; Lee, Jung Pil; Hong, Sung Wook; Cha, Ki Won; Kim, Il Kwang; Kim, Taek Jae. Forensic Sci. Div. II, Natl. Inst. Sci. Invest., Seoul, S. Korea. Anal. Sci. Technol. (1991), 4(1), 61-8. CODEN: ASCTET Journal written in Korean. CAN 117:236727 AN 1992:636727 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Five explosives (DNT, TNT, RDX, PETN, and Tetryl) were purified by adsorption on Amberlite XAD 2, Amberlite XAD 7, and Norit A. From distribution coeffs. of each explosive for the XAD resins in pentane, the XAD 7 resin, which has CO groups, adsorbed the 5 explosives (which have NO groups) more strongly than for the nonpolar Amberlite XAD 2 resin. The arom. explosives and oils were adsorbed in MeCN. Recoveries of the 5 explosives (e.g., from oil) using the XAD 7 resin were ³90%. PETN and RDX could be effectively purified with Norit A.
Bibliographic Information
Composite explosives and their manufacture. Rego Lopez, Jose Manuel; Renedo Arenas, Jose Antonio. (Union Espanola de Explosivos S.A., Spain). Eur. Pat. Appl. (1992), 11 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 493638 A1 19920708 Designated States R: DE, ES, FR, GB, IT. Patent written in English. Application: EP 90-500130 19901231. CAN 117:134007 AN 1992:534007 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
EP 493638 A1 19920708 EP 1990-500130 19901231
The composite explosives comprise a mol. explosive, e.g., TNT, and oxidizer, e.g., NH4NO3 and are prepd. by injecting both molten phases through a static mixer. The final products show good rheol. properties and can be applicable as boosters for industrial use.
Bibliographic Information
Thermodynamic calculations of detonation parameters. Gubin, S. A.; Odintsov, V. V.; Pepekin, V. I. Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst., Moscow, USSR. Proc. Int. Pyrotech. Semin. (1991), 16th 325-35. CODEN: PPYSD7 ISSN: 0270-1898. Journal written in English. CAN 116:154963 AN 1992:154963 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Conditions favorable for diamond formation and preservation during detonation of C-rich high explosives, detd. by thermodn. calcns. of the carbon phase diagram at high pressures, were a high detonation pressure and a relatively low detonation pressure. Such conditions favor the preservation of diamond during adiabatic expansion of the detonation products. Based on these calcns., some high explosives that satisfied these conditions were TATB, DATB, and Tacot. The plots of detonation velocity vs. initial d. for C-rich explosives was not linear and had transition portions at which both condensed carbon phases coexisted.
Bibliographic Information
Performance-oriented packaging standards; changes to classification, hazard communication, packaging and handling requirements based on UN standards and agency initiative. Washington, DC, USA. Fed. Regist. (1990), 55(246), 52402-729. CODEN: FEREAC ISSN: 0097-6326. Journal written in English. CAN 116:135528 AN 1992:135528 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The hazardous materials regulations under the Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Act are revised based on the United Nations recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods. The regulations cover the classification of materials, packaging requirements, and package marking, labeling, and shipping documentation, as well as transportation modes and handling, and incident reporting. Performance-oriented stds. are adopted for packaging for bulk and nonbulk transportation, and SI units of measurement generally replace US customary units. Hazardous material descriptions and proper shipping names are tabulated together with hazard class, identification nos., packing group, label required, special provisions, packaging authorizations, quantity limitations, and vessel stowage requirements.
Bibliographic Information
Purification of PETN. Konecny, Lubos. (Czech.). Czech. (1990), 4 pp. CODEN: CZXXA9 CS 266840 B1 19901214 Patent written in Czech. Application: CS 87-8656 19871130. CAN 116:23999 AN 1992:23999 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
CS 266840 B1 19900112 CS 1987-8656 19871130
After recrystn. from HNO3 and/or acetone, crude PETN explosive is purified by mixing with Et2O at a PETN/Et2O wt. ratio of 1:(0.5-3.5) at 0-30°, filtering or centrifuging the suspension, and evapg. Et2O from the filter cake. Optionally, the filter cake is washed 1-3 times with 0.5-3.5 wt. parts Et2O at 0-30°. The procedure improve flowability and chem. stability of PETN. The procedure does not remove dipentaerythritol hexanitrate (I) and tripentaerythritol octanitrate bi-products which decrease susceptibility of I to mech. shocks. Thus, sticky crude PETN with low flowability was repeatedly mixed with Et2O at 20° and filtered. The removing Et2O was removed from the filter cake by evapn. to give white flowable PETN. The filtrate was concd. to give a high-mol. mixt. contg. small amt. of PETN and I.
Bibliographic Information
Manufacture of nitrocellulose microcapsules as sensitizer for oil-in-water or water-in-oil explosive emulsions. Lima Filho, Abelardo Vieira de Araujo; Lopes, Joao Egydio. (Vasconcelos, Maria Cristina, Brazil). Braz. Pedido PI (1991), 9 pp. CODEN: BPXXDX BR 9004405 A 19910115 Patent written in Portuguese. Application: BR 90-4405 19900831. CAN 115:74704 AN 1991:474704 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
BR 9004405 A 19910115 BR 1990-4405 19900831
Nitrocellulose is dissolved in a water-immiscible solvent to give a thick lacquer; a stabilizer for the nitrocellulose, water, and a colloid are added with sufficient stirring to transform the lacquer into globules suspended in the aq. phase; an antistatic substance is added and gas injected or generated to be enveloped in the globules and simultaneously the solvent is extd. to give nitrocellulose microcapsules with occluded gases; and the microcapsules are filtered out, washed and dried. The nitrocellulose may be completely or partially replaced by cellulose and a nitro compd. added. Al2O3 may also be added. Microcapsules with d. 0.15 g/cm3 and diam. 10-70 mm were obtained by dissolving nitrocellulose and N in Et acetate and acetone, adding stabilizers, anti-static agents, and a colloid, adding water and stirring, distg. the solvent, filtering, washing, and drying. Addn. of the microcapsules to an emulsion matrix gave an explosive with greater detonation velocity, force, and energy than the same matrix with the same amt. of known types of gasifiers or microcapsules.
Bibliographic Information
Extrudable plastic bond explosive molding powder. Stanton, Horace D. (United States Dept. of the Navy, USA). U.S. (1990), 2 pp. CODEN: USXXAM US 4952255 A 19900828 Patent written in English. Application: US 84-596188 19840402. CAN 113:194453 AN 1990:594453 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
US 4952255 A 19900828 US 1984-596188 19840402
An extrudable explosive molding powder comprising .apprx.20 wt.% ethylene-vinylacetate copolymer and .apprx.80 wt.% PETN is prepd. by dissolving the copolymer in a solvent, mixing PETN into the dissolved copolymer, evapg. solvent from the mixt. and drying the mixt. at 60-70°. The product has indefinite shelf life, room temp. storage capabilities and free flowing injection or extrusion capabilities.
Bibliographic Information
Morphological feature of carbon residues obtained by detonation of polynitro compounds. Kawamura, Kazuro; Kimura, Shiushichi; Yasuda, Eiichi. Dep. Chem., Natl. Def. Acad., Yokosuka, Japan. Tanso (1987), 130 101-5. CODEN: TASOA3 ISSN: 0371-5345. Journal written in English. CAN 108:78235 AN 1988:78235 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The morphol. features of C residues from the detonation reaction of compressed TNT, 40:60 PETN-1,5-dinitronaphthalene and 40:60 PETN-DNT was examd. by spin concn. and x-ray parameter measurements and by electron-microscopic observation. The C residues did not have a spherical appearance. The morphologies of the residues before and after heat treatment indicate that they are formed directly from at. C(g) species without forming hydrocarbon drops in the process.
Bibliographic Information
Safe manufacture of explosives with process-control technology. Jobelius, Horst H. Dyn. Nobel A.-G., Troisdorf, Fed. Rep. Ger. Int. Jahrestag. - Fraunhofer-Inst. Treib- Explosivst. (1987), 18th(Technol. Energ. Mater.), 71/1-71/12. CODEN: IFTEDV ISSN: 0722-4087. Journal written in German. CAN 108:24153 AN 1988:24153 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
With examples in the prodn. of the explosives tetryl, trizin, and nitropenta, the advantages and operating performance of electronic process control are described for the steps of HNO3 supply, nitration reaction, and product quality control.
Bibliographic Information
Trimethylolmethane derivatives, nitrates. Zeman, Svatopluk; Dimun, Milan; Cervenka, Zdenek. (Czech.). Czech. (1986), 4 pp. CODEN: CZXXA9 CS 221031 B 19860315 Patent written in Czech. Application: CS 81-9806 19811228. CAN 105:208463 AN 1986:608463 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
CS 221031 B 19830429 CS 1981-9806 19811228
RC(CH2ONO2)3 [R = Et, CH2ONO2, CH2OCH2C(CH2ONO2)3] were prepd. by nitration of trimethylolmethane derivs. in the presence of urea which increases safety of the process. They are explosives and rocket fuels. Thus, treating 360 g 98.1% HNO3 contg. 3 g urea for 24 min at 8-12° with 60 g pentaerythritol (I) and keeping the mixt. 20 min at 12-13° gave 96.2% I tetranitrate (Pentrite) which had onset of exothermal decompn. at 138.9°. Comparative values for a product prepd. in the absence of urea were 93.7% and 137.5°, resp.
Bibliographic Information
Microcolumn clean-up and recovery techniques for organic explosives compounds and for propellants traces in firearms discharge residues. Lloyd, J. B. F. Home Off. Forensic Sci. Lab., Birmingham, UK. J. Chromatogr. (1985), 330(1), 121-9. CODEN: JOCRAM ISSN: 0021-9673. Journal written in English. CAN 103:82867 AN 1985:482867 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Microcolumn recovery and clean-up procedures suitable for use with a variety of adsorbents of explosive compds. are described. The procedures employ 1 mm I.D. columns that are charged and eluted by the use of the sample loop of a valve injector as a solvent reservoir. Some examples are given of the recovery of nitroglycerin [55-63-0] from firearms discharge residues in clothing exts. and from explosion debris.
Bibliographic Information
Problems of stability of spent acid from PETN manufacture. Ramaswamy, C. P.; Subba Rao, N. S. V. IDL Chem. Ltd., Hyderabad, India. Symp. Chem. Probl. Connected Stab. Explos., [Proc.] (1979), 5(2), 419-25. CODEN: SCPEDW ISSN: 0348-7180. Journal written in English. CAN 94:197133 AN 1981:197133 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The HNO2- and HCO2H [64-18-6]-catalyzed violent hydrolytic and oxidative breakdown of PETN [78-11-5] and di-pentaerythritol hexanitrate [13184-80-0] in the acid wastewater from PETN manuf. was controlled. Fume-off consisted of either altering the reaction conditions by intermittent steam injection (to maintain 70°) and diln. of the HNO3 to 70-72%; or of destroying the org. impurities by injecting steam to raise the temp. to 95-100° with vigorous N or air sparging. The stabilized acid wastewater is then safe for handling, storage, and recovery.
Bibliographic Information
Unpaired electrons in carbonized substance prepared by explosion of PETN/anthracene mixture. Kawamura, Kazuro. Dep. Chem., Natl. Def. Acad., Yokosuka, Japan. Tanso (1978), 92 17-18. CODEN: TASOA3 ISSN: 0371-5345. Journal written in English. CAN 89:120266 AN 1978:520266 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
An ESR study of unpaired electrons in a substance prepd. by the explosion of the title mixt. shows a plateau at 100-200° in the heating-cooling curve. The plateau may be ascribed to unpaired electrons survive up to 200°, but are destroyed at higher temps.
Bibliographic Information
A model for the precipitation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). Rivera, Thomas; Randolph, Alan D. Los Alamos Sci. Lab., Los Alamos, N. Mex., USA. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. (1978), 17(2), 182-8. CODEN: IEPDAW ISSN: 0019-7882. Journal written in English. CAN 88:155273 AN 1978:155273 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A continuous pptn. method for the prepn. of cryst. PETN [78-11-5] was developed, which involves the pptn. of PETN from an Me2CO soln. by the addn. of H2O in a Kenics Static Mixer. The principal independent variable is the ratio of the Me2CO-PETN soln. flow rate to the flow rate of H2O. A math. model based on dispersed plug-flow equations adequately represents the phys. process. The relationships developed can be used to predict particle size distributions and est. the effective kinetics involved in the pptn. process.
Bibliographic Information
Stabilization of nitro compounds. Oinuma, Senzo; Kusakabe, Masao. (Agency of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Japan). Japan. Kokai (1976), 3 pp. CODEN: JKXXAF JP 51118708 19761018 Showa. Patent written in Japanese. Application: JP 75-41247 19750407. CAN 86:139397 AN 1977:139397 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
JP 51118708 A2 19761018 JP 1975-41247 19750407
Nitro compds. were stabilized to heat by treatment with epoxy compds. Thus, 100 g C(CH2OH)4 was added to 400 mL HNO3 (d = 1.52) at 25-30°, 2 L H2SO4 added, the ppt. filtered, washed with 50% H2SO4, and stirred with 1 L EtOH contg. 3 mol/L epichlorohydrin 3 h to give C(CH2NO3)4, whose Abel heat-resisting test result was greater than 8 min.
Bibliographic Information
A precipitation model and experimental correlation with various properties of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Rivera, Thomas. Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex., USA. Avail. Xerox Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Order No. 76-22,158. (1975), 97 pp. From: Diss. Abstr. Int. B 1976, 37(4), 1709. Dissertation written in English. CAN 86:92699 AN 1977:92699 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Bibliographic Information
Precipitation model and experimental correlation with various properties of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Rivera, T. Los Alamos Sci. Lab., Los Alamos, N. Mex., USA. Avail. INIS; NTIS. Report (1976), (LA-6241-T), 80 pp. From: INIS Atomindex 1976, 7(20), Abstr. No. 268871. Report written in English. CAN 86:57631 AN 1977:57631 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A continuous pptn. method for prepn. of cryst. PETN [78-11-5] from an acetone soln. by addn. of water in a static mixer is described.
Bibliographic Information
Elimination of static risks in explosives factories. Satyavratan, R. V. Electron. Div., Indian Detonators Ltd., Hyderabad, India. Curr. Sci. (1972), 41(18), 663-5. CODEN: CUSCAM Journal written in English. CAN 77:156016 AN 1972:556016 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Radioactivity was more efficient than 74-88% relative humidity for dissipating static electricity which developed during manuf. of pentaerythrityl tetranitrate.
Bibliographic Information
Chemical equilibriums in the industrial production of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Camera, E. Dinamite S.p.A., Udine, Italy. Chim. Ind. (Milan) (1972), 54(5), 411-16. CODEN: CINMAB Journal written in Italian. CAN 77:37228 AN 1972:437228 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Industrial production of PETN is performed by reaction of 99% HNO3 with pentaerythritol, generally in a 5:1 ratio, followed by sepn. of the crystals of the PETN in suspension in the residual acid and neutralization and purification of the crystals. The safety of the process is related to the equils. existing in the reaction mixt.; for lab. expts., 80 g pure pentaerythritol is dissolved in 474 g H2SO4 of 67% concn. and 4115 g CH2Cl2 is added at 5°, and then, with vigorous stirring during 15 min at 5°, a mixt. of 72 g 98% H2SO4 and 232 g 96% HNO3 is added, stirred for 75 min, dild. with 1000 ml H2O and the 2 phases sepd., the org. phase neutralized with 10% aq. NaHCO3 soln., evapd. on a flash evaporator, and the residue treated with 400 ml Et2O to eliminate the undissolved part, cooled further to -60° to remove another unspecified impurity, and then the Et2O evapd. and the mixed pentaerythritol nitrates purified by fractional dissoln. in 2 l. H2O at 80°. The dinitrate and the trinitrate are thus sepd. Chromatog. anal. methods are reported and equils. tabulated for various temps., 20 and 40°, and concns. of HNO3 and also presented in curves including hydrolysis of the product.
Bibliographic Information
Nitric acid-free pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Wyler, Joseph A. (Commercial Solvents Corp.). U.S. (1969), 5 pp. CODEN: USXXAM US 3479236 19691118 Patent written in English. Application: US 19680207. CAN 72:81007 AN 1970:81007 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
US 3479236 A 19691118 US 1968-703556 19680207
FR 1579717 A 19690829 FR 1968-1579717 19680718
GB 1198756 A 19700715 GB 1968-1198756 19680719
Priority Application Information
US 1967-654969 19670721
US 1968-703556 19680207
The title compd. was prepd. by dissolving or dispersing acid-contg. pentaerythritol tetranitrate in a liq. explosive of low sensitivity inthe presence of an excess of H2O or aq. alkali. The resulting explosive contained less than 0.005% HNO3 and had higher sensitivity. Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (I) (contg. 0.43% HNO3) was washed ten times with boiling water to give I still contg. 0.20% HNO3. I (25 g, contg. 0.43% HNO3) was added to a dispersion of 25 g dinitrotoluene in 25 g H2O to give an emulsion which was drowned in cold water to give a product contg. only 0.02% HNO3. Pentolite was prepd. from I in molten TNT.
Bibliographic Information
Acid free pentaerythritol tetranitrate and explosive compositions therefrom. Wyler, Joseph A. (Commercial Solvents Corp.). S. African (1968), 24 pp. CODEN: SFXXAB ZA 6804586 19681203 Patent written in English. Priority: US 19670721 - 19680207. CAN 71:40925 AN 1969:440925 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
ZA 6804586 19681203
Priority Application Information
US 19670721
US 19680207
A process is described for prepn. of substantially acid-free pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). It consists of dissolving or dispersing acid-contg. PETN in a liq. explosive of low sensitivity in the presence of excess H2O or aq. alkali (0.1-10% solns. of alkalies or carbonates), removal of H2O contg. the acid, and drying to obtain a product contg. preferably less than 0.005% acidity as HNO3. Useful liq. explosives include trimethylolethane, diethylene glycol dinitrate, dipentaerythritol hexanitrate, propylene and butylene dinitrates, TNT, and DNT, the latter 2 being considered liq. as they are molten at temps. approaching the upper operating temp. of the process, i.e., 90-100°. Liq. explosive-PETN ratios (including conitrated mixts.) are 0.25-10:1 and H2O-total explosive ratios are 0.5-20:1. Thus, PETN contg. 0.43% HNO3 15 was stirred rapidly into a dispersion of DNT 35 in H2O 35 parts at 95°, the resulting emulsion drowned in cold H2O, and the solid grains recovered, washed, and dried. The acidity of the product was 0.004%. Another portion of this same PETN still contained 0.2% acid after 10 successive 1-hr. H2O-boiling periods with a filtration step after each boil. A 50:50 Pentolite prepd. by the process described was sensitive to a No. 1 detonating cap and retained this sensitivity when 20 parts TNT was added to 80 parts of it. A com. 50:50 Pentolite having the same sensitivity, when similarly mixed with TNT (80:20), lost its sensitivity to such an extent as to require a no. 6 cap for detonation.
Bibliographic Information
Comparison between shooting and barrier tests. Lundborg, N. Stiftelsen Svensk Detonikforskning, Vinterviken, Stockholm, Swed. Explosivstoffe (1964), 12(11), 269-71. CODEN: EXPVA5 Journal written in German. CAN 66:4558 AN 1967:4558 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A linear relation was found between the crit. length of brass barriers and the crit. velocity of steel projectiles for cast trinitrotoluene, pressed trinitrotoluene, and pressed pentaerythritol tetranitrate with 10% wax. The particle velocity attenuates logarithmically with the end velocity of the barrier at the crit. length.
Bibliographic Information
Heme oxygenase-1 induction may explain the antioxidant profile of pentaerythrityl trinitrate. Oberle Stefanie; Abate Aida; Grosser Nina; Vreman Hendrik J; Dennery Phyllis A; Schneider Heinz T; Stalleicken Dirk; Schroder Henning Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Strasse 4, Halle (Saale) 06099, Germany BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (2002 Feb 8), 290(5), 1539-44. Journal code: 0372516. ISSN:0006-291X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 21678925 PubMed ID 11820797 AN 2002124455 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
The organic nitrate pentaerythrityl tetranitrate (PETN) is known to exert long-term antioxidant and antiatherogenic effects by as yet unidentified mechanisms. In cultured endothelial cells derived from human umbilical vein, the active PETN metabolite PETriN (0.01-1 mM) increased heme oxygenase (HO)-1 mRNA and protein levels in a concentration-dependent fashion. HO-1 induction was accompanied by a marked increase in catalytic activity of the enzyme as reflected by enhanced formation of carbon monoxide and bilirubin. Pretreatment with PETriN or bilirubin at low micromolar concentrations protected endothelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-mediated toxicity. HO-1 induction and endothelial protection by PETriN were not mimicked by isosorbide dinitrate, another long-acting nitrate. The present study demonstrates that PETriN stimulates mRNA and protein expression as well as enzymatic activity of the antioxidant defense protein HO-1 in endothelial cells. Increased HO-1 expression and ensuing formation of cytoprotective bilirubin may contribute to and explain the specific antioxidant and antiatherogenic actions of PETN. 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Bibliographic Information
The antioxidant defense protein ferritin is a novel and specific target for pentaerithrityl tetranitrate in endothelial cells. Oberle S; Schwartz P; Abate A; Schroder H School of Pharmacy, Martin Luther University, Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Strasse 4, Halle (Saale), 06099, Germany BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (1999 Jul 22), 261(1), 28-34. Journal code: 9Y8. ISSN:0006-291X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 99335354 PubMed ID 10405318 AN 1999335354 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
The organic nitrate pentaerithrityl tetranitrate (PETN) is known to exert long-term antioxidant and antiatherogenic effects by as yet unidentified mechanisms. In porcine aortic endothelial cells, a 24 h incubation with PETN (1-100 microM) or its metabolite pentaerithrityl trinitrate (PETriN) increased levels of the antioxidant protein ferritin up to three-fold over basal, whereas isosorbide dinitrate and isosorbide-5-mononitrate were without significant effect under these conditions. PETriN-induced ferritin expression was blocked by the NO scavenger PTIO but remained unaltered in the presence of ODQ, an inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase. 8-Bromo cyclic GMP and dibutyryl cyclic GMP did not influence basal ferritin synthesis. The iron chelator desferrioxamine abolished ferritin induction by PETriN. Our results show that PETN or its active metabolite PETriN induce ferritin synthesis through NO- and iron-dependent but cyclic GMP-independent pathways. Increased activity of ferritin may contribute to, and at least in part explain, the specific antiatherogenic and antioxidant action of PETN. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.
Bibliographic Information
Degradation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate by Enterobacter cloacae PB2. Binks P R; French C E; Nicklin S; Bruce N C Institute of Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY (1996 Apr), 62(4), 1214-9. Journal code: 6K6. ISSN:0099-2240. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 97077215 PubMed ID 8919782 AN 97077215 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
A mixed microbial culture capable of metabolizing the explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) was obtained from soil enrichments under aerobic and nitrogen-limiting conditions. A strain of Enterobacter cloacae, designated PB2, was isolated from this culture and was found to use PETN as a sole source of nitrogen for growth. Growth yields suggested that 2 to 3 mol of nitrogen was utilized per mol of PETN. The metabolites pentaerythritol dinitrate, 3-hydroxy-2,2-bis-[(nitrooxy)methyl]propanal, and 2,2-bis-[(nitrooxy)methyl]-propanedial were identified by mass spectrometry and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance. An NADPH-dependent PETN reductase was isolated from cell extracts and shown to liberate nitrite from PETN, producing pentaerythritol tri- and dinitrates which were identified by mass spectrometry. PETN reductase was purified to apparent homogeneity by ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme was found to be a monomeric flavoprotein with a M(r) of approximately 40,000, binding flavin mononucleotide noncovalently.
Bibliographic Information
Effects of pentaerythrityl-tetranitrate and isosorbide-5-mononitrate in experimental atherosclerosis. Kojda G; Noack E Institut fur Pharmakologie, Heinrich-Heine Universitat, Dusseldorf, F.R.G AGENTS AND ACTIONS. SUPPLEMENTS (1995), 45 201-6. Journal code: 2YH. ISSN:0379-0363. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 95233207 PubMed ID 7717181 AN 95233207 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
This study was performed to determine whether long-term treatment with organic nitrovasodilators exhibit pharmacological effects on the development of atherosclerotic lesions and endothelial dysfunction in the cholesterol fed rabbit. The major finding of this study is that PETN, but not ISMN, decreases the extent of aortic intimal lesions and the development of endothelial dysfunction. In addition, 15 weeks of feeding a diet enriched with either PETN or ISMN did not induce a measurable extent of vascular in-vitro tolerance to the vasodilator activity of these drugs.
Bibliographic Information
Organic nitrate metabolism. Needleman P ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY (1976), 16 81-93. Journal code: 6E4. ISSN:0362-1642. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. DN 76230173 PubMed ID 820240 AN 76230173 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Bibliographic Information
Identification of explosives by chemical ionization mass spectrometry using water as reagent. Yinon J BIOMEDICAL MASS SPECTROMETRY (1974 Dec), 1(6), 393-6. Journal code: A58. ISSN:0306-042X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 75184459 PubMed ID 4462875 AN 75184459 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Bibliographic Information
Aspects of nitrate ester metabolism. Litchfield M H JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (1971 Nov), 60(11), 1599-607. Journal code: JO7. ISSN:0022-3549. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. DN 72082130 PubMed ID 5002526 AN 72082130 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Bibliographic Information
Biotransformation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate by sub-cellular fractions of rat heart. Dicarlo F J; Crew M C; Young J E ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES DE PHARMACODYNAMIE ET DE THERAPIE (1967 Dec), 170(2), 453-60. Journal code: 7EK. ISSN:0003-9780. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 68099031 PubMed ID 6076593 AN 68099031 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Bibliographic Information
Study on preparation of ultrafine particle of explosive using technology of direct dilution. Sima, Tianlong; Yan, Jisheng. Gansu Yinguang Chemical industrial Complex, Baiyin, Peop. Rep. China. Huozhayao Xuebao (2001), 24(4), 46-47. CODEN: HUXUFP Journal written in Chinese. CAN 136:234276 AN 2001:804744 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Ultrafine particle of explosive is prepd. by using direct diln. technol. The fundamental principle of the method is introduced. The particle size and distribution of size of ultrafine PETN and RDX are tested.
Bibliographic Information
Explosive properties of reactive mixtures formed during manufacturing of explosives. Buczkowski, Daniel; Gucma, Miroslaw; Pagowski, Witold. Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Warsaw, Pol. Editor(s): Zeman, Svatopluk. New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials, Proceedings of the Seminar, 4th, Pardubice, Czech Republic, Apr. 11-12, 2001 (2001), 29-33. Publisher: University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Rep CODEN: 69BKIC Conference written in English. CAN 135:228922 AN 2001:476831 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Explosive properties of mixts. formed in manuf. of PETN and RDX are presented. Deposits of PETN and RDX in nitric acid filling voids between crystals have detonation abilities similar to typical brisant explosives. Such deposits are formed if mixing is stopped. Soln. of RDX and slurry of PETN in nitric acid have weaker explosive properties, but are dangerous from the point of view of explosion. A problem of minimizing the possibility of damage of mixing equipment or electricity loss must be anticipated during designing producing plants for the manuf. of explosives.
Bibliographic Information
Crystallization of explosives and high-energy oxidizers in presence of ultrasound. Veltmans, Wilhelmina H. m.; Wierckx, Franciscus J. m. (Aerospace Propulsion Products B.V., Neth.). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2000), 13 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1033357 A1 20000906 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO. Patent written in English. Application: EP 99-200592 19990302. CAN 133:195590 AN 2000:626476 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
EP 1033357 A1 20000906 EP 1999-200592 19990302
NO 2000001017 A 20000904 NO 2000-1017 20000229
Priority Application Information
EP 1999-200592 19990302
Cryst. energetic materials with improved stability and/or decreased sensitivity are prepd. by crystn. with stirring at 15-75° in the presence of ultrasound with frequency 10-100 kHz and amplitudes of 0.4-10 m. The energetic materials that can be prepd. in this manner are explosives and high-energy oxidizers, esp. hydrazinium nitroformate, CL-20, ADN, AP, RDX, HMX, and PETN.
Bibliographic Information
Development of recrystallisation process for superfine PETN from laboratory to full plant scale. du Plessis, Melinda. Somchem, Division of DENEL (Pty) Ltd., Somerset West, S. Afr. International Annual Conference of ICT (2000), 31st(Energetic Materials), 16/1-16/11. CODEN: IACIEQ ISSN: 0722-4087. Journal written in English. CAN 133:195544 AN 2000:580944 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
This paper portrays a practical approach to the development of a recrystn./ pptn. process for PETN, taking it from lab. to full plant scale. The purpose of this recrystn. process was to modify attributing characteristics of the existing PETN crystals regarding processability by altering the size and shape of its crystals. The aim was to produce superfine needle like PETN crystals. This paper describes experimentation and optimization on lab. scale (1-2 L); addresses practical considerations regarding future scale up and evaluating the results. It then deals with experimentation on pilot plant scale (50-200 L) which serves as a test for the workableness of the process on larger scale and confirmation of the lab. results obtained. Successful experimentation on pilot plant scale provided the foundation for future scale up. The final step involves implementing the proposed recrystn. process on full plant scale, submitting the product for final approval and assessing the feasibility of the process for future prodn.
Bibliographic Information
Substances as analytical substrates and antioxidative agents for pharmaceutical applications. Stoeter, Michael; Konig, Gerd; Polligkeit, Herbert. (Isis Pharma G.m.b.H., Germany). PCT Int. Appl. (1999), 34 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 9967430 A2 19991229 Designated States W: AE, AL, AU, BA, BB, BG, BR, CA, CN, CU, CZ, EE, GD, GE, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KP, KR, LC, LK, LR, LT, LV, MG, MK, MN, MX, NO, NZ, PL, RO, SG, SI, SK, SL, TR, TT, UA, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in German. Application: WO 99-DE1834 19990624. Priority: DE 98-19827981 19980624; DE 98-19830006 19980624; DE 98-19829908 19980706. CAN 132:59165 AN 1999:819536 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
WO 9967430 A2 19991229 WO 1999-DE1834 19990624
WO 9967430 A3 20000504
DE 19827981 A1 19991230 DE 1998-19827981 19980624
DE 19830006 A1 19991230 DE 1998-19830006 19980624
DE 19829908 A1 20000113 DE 1998-19829908 19980706
EP 1087926 A2 20010404 EP 1999-941378 19990624
Priority Application Information
DE 1998-19827981 19980624
DE 1998-19830006 19980624
DE 1998-19829908 19980706
WO 1999-DE1834 19990624
The invention concerns pentaerythrityl, and propanal nitro derivs. to be used as anal. substrates and antioxidants for therapeutic purposes. Enzyme catalyzed biochem. and pharmacol. processes can be studied, in the presence of oxidoreductases, e.g. xanthin, NADH and NADPH oxidase; and other redox systems are studied, e.g. cysteine/cystine, glutathione, a- liponic acid. Synthesized substances were screened as ACE-inhibitors, beta blockers, antihypertensives, antiatherosclerotics, diuretics, cholesterol inhibitors, vasodilators, calcium antagonists, anticoagulants.
Bibliographic Information
Advancing the technology for production of Dinas parts with elevated strength of the green stock. Khonchik, I. V.; Drozd, V. I.; Makotkin, V. V.; Grigor, G. G.; Batrak, L. V. Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories, Kharkov, Ukraine. Refract. Ind. Ceram. (1999), Volume Date 1998, 39(5-6), 212-214. CODEN: RICEFY ISSN: 1083-4877. Journal written in English. CAN 130:327979 AN 1999:173905 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Results of a lab. study on the development of a prodn. process for high-strength Dinas green stock with the use of a new hardening additive, a formate-alc. plasticizing agent, are presented. The formate-alc. plasticizer is a byproduct of pentaerythrite manuf. and consists of sodium formate, syrup-forming substances and polyalcs. It is shown that the plasticizer can be introduced directly into a lime-iron mixt. without worsening its rheol. characteristics, which will make it possible to introduce the hardening additive into a quartzite mixt. with the slip contg. the calcium- and iron-bearing mineralizers. The use of the plasticizer provides high compressive strength and resistance to cutting of the edges of freshly molded green stock and dried semifinished products as well as good phys.-ceramic properties, in conformity with the stds. for Dinas products.
Bibliographic Information
Supercritical fluid extraction of polar nitrogen containing-substances. Niehaus, M.; Teipel, U.; Bunte, G.; Krause, H.; Weisweiler, W. Fraunhofer Institut fur Chemische Technologie (ICT), Pfinztal, Germany. Process Technol. Proc. (1996), 12(High Pressure Chemical Engineering), 345-350. CODEN: PTPREM ISSN: 0921-8610. Journal written in English. CAN 126:187773 AN 1997:79413 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Dynamic fluid extn. with supercrit. CO2 was investigated for the purifn. and prepn. of fine particles of polar nitrogen-contg. compds. (e.g., typical explosives and energetic compds. such as PETN, nitroguanidine, RDX, and 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole). The two processes examd. were: (1) rapid expansion of supercrit. solns. (RESS), and (2) the gas-antisolvent (GAS) process. All explosives except nitroguanidine could be extd., although for RDX and 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole, modifiers were necessary. The results demonstrated the high capacity of modified supercrit. CO2 as a solvent in RESS and GAS processes. Suitable modifiers must be examd. empirically.
Bibliographic Information
Studies of stacking density of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Liu, Youzhi; Wang, Jianlong; Chen, Shusen. North China Institute Technology, Taiyuan, Peop. Rep. China. Editor(s): Feng, Changgen; Ou, Yuxiang; Zeng, Qingxuan. Theory Pract. Energ. Mater., [Proc. Int. Autumn Semin. Propellants, Explos. Pyrotech.] (1996), 62-66. Publisher: Beijing Institute of Technology Press, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China CODEN: 63WYA7 Conference written in English. CAN 126:106120 AN 1997:59333 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Based on crystn. theory, solvents for the recrystn. of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) to were investigated exptl. Me acetate is a optimum solvent to enhance the stacking d. of recrystd. PETN.
Bibliographic Information
Extraction of explosives by supercritical fluids. Niehaus, M.; Teipel, U.; Krause, H.; Bunte, G. Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologie (ICT), Pfinztal, Germany. Int. Annu. Conf. ICT (1996), 27th(Energetic Materials), 128.1-128.16. CODEN: IACIEQ Journal written in German. CAN 125:200039 AN 1996:514603 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The soly. parameters of explosives in supercrit. carbon dioxide are important for evaluation of novel techniques in manuf. and also in quant. anal. Efforts have been made to use the unique possibilities that supercrit. carbon dioxide offers, such as nontoxicity and therefore redn. of environmental pollution or low-temp. processing resulting in addnl. process safety. Also, the performance of explosives improves because of the minimization of contamination caused by conventional org. solvents with low vapor pressure. Supercrit. fluid extn. of the explosives pentaerythrityl tetranitrate (PETN), nitroguanidine (NIGU), RDX, and 3-Nitro-1,3,4-triazole (NTO) has been done in the dynamic mode with pure and modified carbon dioxide. All explosives except nitroguanidine have been extd., although for RDX and NTO use of modifiers proved to be necessary. Effective modifiers must be chosen empirically. The results show the high potential of supercrit. fluids as substitutes for org. solvents.
Bibliographic Information
Methods for the production of fine particle explosives. Ji, Liguo; Jiao, Qingjie; Cai, Ruijiao. Beijing Institute Technology, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China. Editor(s): Yuxiang, Ou. Proc. Beijing Int. Symp. Pyrotech. Explos., 3rd (1995), 170-174. Publisher: China Ordnance Society, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China CODEN: 62RIAT Conference written in English. CAN 124:347523 AN 1996:285153 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A ultrasonic generator and a sprayer are used in the prodn. of fine cryst. explosive. The cavity effect of ultrasonic is used to crush explosive particles while substituting stirring app. The recryst. process of explosive is controlled by the sprayer. The mechanism of ultrasonic and spraying jet is discussed. Fine particles of PETN and RDX having medium diams. less than 10 mm are manufd. in the process.
Bibliographic Information
Process and apparatus for producing ultrafine explosive particles. (du Pont de Nemours, E. I., and Co., USA). Israeli (1995), 24 pp. CODEN: ISXXAQ IL 100231 A1 19950124 Patent written in English. Application: IL 91-100231 19911203. CAN 123:117652 AN 1995:743038 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
IL 100231 A1 19950124 IL 1991-100231 19911203
An app. for producing ultrafine explosive particles comprises (1) means for injecting a soln. of a crystallizable explosive compns. and a nonsolvent soln. for mixing with the explosive compn. soln., (2) nozzles being adapted for moving the explosive compn. and nonsolvent solns., (3) venturi means communicating with nozzle means, and (4) explosive particle collection means connected with venturi means. The app. further comprises an auxiliary inlet means coaxial with and surrounding the explosive compns. and the nonsolvent soln. inlet means. The nozzle means include first and second continuous orifices. The ultrafine granular explosives which when incorporated into a binder system have the ability to propagate in thin sheets and have very low impact and very high propagation sensitivities.
Bibliographic Information
Design and calibration of pulsed vapor generators for TNT, RDX and PETN. Davies, J. P.; Blackwood, L. G.; Davis, S. G.; Goodrich, L. D.; Larson, R. A. Idaho Nat. Eng. Lab., Idaho Falls, ID, USA. Editor(s): Yinon, Jehuda. Adv. Anal. Detect. Explos., Proc. Int. Symp., 4th (1993), Meeting Date 1992, 513-32. Publisher: Kluwer, Dordrecht, Neth CODEN: 59MKAE Conference written in English. CAN 120:221786 AN 1994:221786 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Computer-controlled explosive vapor generators for TNT, RDX, and PETN were built and calibrated to support an independent validation and verification facility for Explosive detection systems for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The generators were constructed using pure explosive suspended on quartz beads which were then loaded into a coiled stainless steel tube. A carrier gas (ultra-pure air) was passed through the coil to carry the explosive mols. The generators were capable of delivering a pulse of varying explosive mass through the control of coil temp., air flow rate, and pulse width. Preliminary calibrations were completed in the picogram-to-nanogram range using an ion mobility spectrometer as the calibrating instrument. The explosive vapor generators can be used as quant. vapor stds. to establish the lower detection limits for explosive detection systems systems.
Bibliographic Information
Process and apparatus for producing ultrafine explosives. McGowan, Michael James. (du Pont de Nemours, E. I., and Co., USA). PCT Int. Appl. (1993), 26 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 9304018 A1 19930304 Designated States W: CA, NO. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LU, NL, SE. Patent written in English. Application: WO 91-US5900 19910827. CAN 118:172045 AN 1993:172045 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
WO 9304018 A1 19930304 WO 1991-US5900 19910827
EP 600881 A1 19940615 EP 1991-916893 19910827
EP 600881 B1 19960424
WO 9304019 A1 19930304 WO 1991-US6748 19910924
Priority Application Information
WO 1991-US5900 19910827
The process comprises prepg. a stream of a soln. of the explosive dissolved in a solvent and a stream of an inert nonsolvent, injecting the two streams through concentric orifices of a nozzle into a mixing chamber by injecting nonsolvent stream through the central orifice and explosive stream through the outer orifice, converging the streams in a mixing zone under turbulent conditions to entrap the explosive compn. in droplets of nonsolvent and to rapidly ppt. the explosive compn. as spheroidal particles, and recovering the particles from the solvent and nonsolvent materials.
Bibliographic Information
Clean up methods of explosives using Amberlite XAD resin and Norit-A. Park, Sung Woo; Lee, Jung Pil; Hong, Sung Wook; Cha, Ki Won; Kim, Il Kwang; Kim, Taek Jae. Forensic Sci. Div. II, Natl. Inst. Sci. Invest., Seoul, S. Korea. Anal. Sci. Technol. (1991), 4(1), 61-8. CODEN: ASCTET Journal written in Korean. CAN 117:236727 AN 1992:636727 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Five explosives (DNT, TNT, RDX, PETN, and Tetryl) were purified by adsorption on Amberlite XAD 2, Amberlite XAD 7, and Norit A. From distribution coeffs. of each explosive for the XAD resins in pentane, the XAD 7 resin, which has CO groups, adsorbed the 5 explosives (which have NO groups) more strongly than for the nonpolar Amberlite XAD 2 resin. The arom. explosives and oils were adsorbed in MeCN. Recoveries of the 5 explosives (e.g., from oil) using the XAD 7 resin were ³90%. PETN and RDX could be effectively purified with Norit A.
Bibliographic Information
Composite explosives and their manufacture. Rego Lopez, Jose Manuel; Renedo Arenas, Jose Antonio. (Union Espanola de Explosivos S.A., Spain). Eur. Pat. Appl. (1992), 11 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 493638 A1 19920708 Designated States R: DE, ES, FR, GB, IT. Patent written in English. Application: EP 90-500130 19901231. CAN 117:134007 AN 1992:534007 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
EP 493638 A1 19920708 EP 1990-500130 19901231
The composite explosives comprise a mol. explosive, e.g., TNT, and oxidizer, e.g., NH4NO3 and are prepd. by injecting both molten phases through a static mixer. The final products show good rheol. properties and can be applicable as boosters for industrial use.
Bibliographic Information
Thermodynamic calculations of detonation parameters. Gubin, S. A.; Odintsov, V. V.; Pepekin, V. I. Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst., Moscow, USSR. Proc. Int. Pyrotech. Semin. (1991), 16th 325-35. CODEN: PPYSD7 ISSN: 0270-1898. Journal written in English. CAN 116:154963 AN 1992:154963 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Conditions favorable for diamond formation and preservation during detonation of C-rich high explosives, detd. by thermodn. calcns. of the carbon phase diagram at high pressures, were a high detonation pressure and a relatively low detonation pressure. Such conditions favor the preservation of diamond during adiabatic expansion of the detonation products. Based on these calcns., some high explosives that satisfied these conditions were TATB, DATB, and Tacot. The plots of detonation velocity vs. initial d. for C-rich explosives was not linear and had transition portions at which both condensed carbon phases coexisted.
Bibliographic Information
Performance-oriented packaging standards; changes to classification, hazard communication, packaging and handling requirements based on UN standards and agency initiative. Washington, DC, USA. Fed. Regist. (1990), 55(246), 52402-729. CODEN: FEREAC ISSN: 0097-6326. Journal written in English. CAN 116:135528 AN 1992:135528 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The hazardous materials regulations under the Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Act are revised based on the United Nations recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods. The regulations cover the classification of materials, packaging requirements, and package marking, labeling, and shipping documentation, as well as transportation modes and handling, and incident reporting. Performance-oriented stds. are adopted for packaging for bulk and nonbulk transportation, and SI units of measurement generally replace US customary units. Hazardous material descriptions and proper shipping names are tabulated together with hazard class, identification nos., packing group, label required, special provisions, packaging authorizations, quantity limitations, and vessel stowage requirements.
Bibliographic Information
Purification of PETN. Konecny, Lubos. (Czech.). Czech. (1990), 4 pp. CODEN: CZXXA9 CS 266840 B1 19901214 Patent written in Czech. Application: CS 87-8656 19871130. CAN 116:23999 AN 1992:23999 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
CS 266840 B1 19900112 CS 1987-8656 19871130
After recrystn. from HNO3 and/or acetone, crude PETN explosive is purified by mixing with Et2O at a PETN/Et2O wt. ratio of 1:(0.5-3.5) at 0-30°, filtering or centrifuging the suspension, and evapg. Et2O from the filter cake. Optionally, the filter cake is washed 1-3 times with 0.5-3.5 wt. parts Et2O at 0-30°. The procedure improve flowability and chem. stability of PETN. The procedure does not remove dipentaerythritol hexanitrate (I) and tripentaerythritol octanitrate bi-products which decrease susceptibility of I to mech. shocks. Thus, sticky crude PETN with low flowability was repeatedly mixed with Et2O at 20° and filtered. The removing Et2O was removed from the filter cake by evapn. to give white flowable PETN. The filtrate was concd. to give a high-mol. mixt. contg. small amt. of PETN and I.
Bibliographic Information
Manufacture of nitrocellulose microcapsules as sensitizer for oil-in-water or water-in-oil explosive emulsions. Lima Filho, Abelardo Vieira de Araujo; Lopes, Joao Egydio. (Vasconcelos, Maria Cristina, Brazil). Braz. Pedido PI (1991), 9 pp. CODEN: BPXXDX BR 9004405 A 19910115 Patent written in Portuguese. Application: BR 90-4405 19900831. CAN 115:74704 AN 1991:474704 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
BR 9004405 A 19910115 BR 1990-4405 19900831
Nitrocellulose is dissolved in a water-immiscible solvent to give a thick lacquer; a stabilizer for the nitrocellulose, water, and a colloid are added with sufficient stirring to transform the lacquer into globules suspended in the aq. phase; an antistatic substance is added and gas injected or generated to be enveloped in the globules and simultaneously the solvent is extd. to give nitrocellulose microcapsules with occluded gases; and the microcapsules are filtered out, washed and dried. The nitrocellulose may be completely or partially replaced by cellulose and a nitro compd. added. Al2O3 may also be added. Microcapsules with d. 0.15 g/cm3 and diam. 10-70 mm were obtained by dissolving nitrocellulose and N in Et acetate and acetone, adding stabilizers, anti-static agents, and a colloid, adding water and stirring, distg. the solvent, filtering, washing, and drying. Addn. of the microcapsules to an emulsion matrix gave an explosive with greater detonation velocity, force, and energy than the same matrix with the same amt. of known types of gasifiers or microcapsules.
Bibliographic Information
Extrudable plastic bond explosive molding powder. Stanton, Horace D. (United States Dept. of the Navy, USA). U.S. (1990), 2 pp. CODEN: USXXAM US 4952255 A 19900828 Patent written in English. Application: US 84-596188 19840402. CAN 113:194453 AN 1990:594453 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
US 4952255 A 19900828 US 1984-596188 19840402
An extrudable explosive molding powder comprising .apprx.20 wt.% ethylene-vinylacetate copolymer and .apprx.80 wt.% PETN is prepd. by dissolving the copolymer in a solvent, mixing PETN into the dissolved copolymer, evapg. solvent from the mixt. and drying the mixt. at 60-70°. The product has indefinite shelf life, room temp. storage capabilities and free flowing injection or extrusion capabilities.
Bibliographic Information
Morphological feature of carbon residues obtained by detonation of polynitro compounds. Kawamura, Kazuro; Kimura, Shiushichi; Yasuda, Eiichi. Dep. Chem., Natl. Def. Acad., Yokosuka, Japan. Tanso (1987), 130 101-5. CODEN: TASOA3 ISSN: 0371-5345. Journal written in English. CAN 108:78235 AN 1988:78235 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The morphol. features of C residues from the detonation reaction of compressed TNT, 40:60 PETN-1,5-dinitronaphthalene and 40:60 PETN-DNT was examd. by spin concn. and x-ray parameter measurements and by electron-microscopic observation. The C residues did not have a spherical appearance. The morphologies of the residues before and after heat treatment indicate that they are formed directly from at. C(g) species without forming hydrocarbon drops in the process.
Bibliographic Information
Safe manufacture of explosives with process-control technology. Jobelius, Horst H. Dyn. Nobel A.-G., Troisdorf, Fed. Rep. Ger. Int. Jahrestag. - Fraunhofer-Inst. Treib- Explosivst. (1987), 18th(Technol. Energ. Mater.), 71/1-71/12. CODEN: IFTEDV ISSN: 0722-4087. Journal written in German. CAN 108:24153 AN 1988:24153 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
With examples in the prodn. of the explosives tetryl, trizin, and nitropenta, the advantages and operating performance of electronic process control are described for the steps of HNO3 supply, nitration reaction, and product quality control.
Bibliographic Information
Trimethylolmethane derivatives, nitrates. Zeman, Svatopluk; Dimun, Milan; Cervenka, Zdenek. (Czech.). Czech. (1986), 4 pp. CODEN: CZXXA9 CS 221031 B 19860315 Patent written in Czech. Application: CS 81-9806 19811228. CAN 105:208463 AN 1986:608463 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
CS 221031 B 19830429 CS 1981-9806 19811228
RC(CH2ONO2)3 [R = Et, CH2ONO2, CH2OCH2C(CH2ONO2)3] were prepd. by nitration of trimethylolmethane derivs. in the presence of urea which increases safety of the process. They are explosives and rocket fuels. Thus, treating 360 g 98.1% HNO3 contg. 3 g urea for 24 min at 8-12° with 60 g pentaerythritol (I) and keeping the mixt. 20 min at 12-13° gave 96.2% I tetranitrate (Pentrite) which had onset of exothermal decompn. at 138.9°. Comparative values for a product prepd. in the absence of urea were 93.7% and 137.5°, resp.
Bibliographic Information
Microcolumn clean-up and recovery techniques for organic explosives compounds and for propellants traces in firearms discharge residues. Lloyd, J. B. F. Home Off. Forensic Sci. Lab., Birmingham, UK. J. Chromatogr. (1985), 330(1), 121-9. CODEN: JOCRAM ISSN: 0021-9673. Journal written in English. CAN 103:82867 AN 1985:482867 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Microcolumn recovery and clean-up procedures suitable for use with a variety of adsorbents of explosive compds. are described. The procedures employ 1 mm I.D. columns that are charged and eluted by the use of the sample loop of a valve injector as a solvent reservoir. Some examples are given of the recovery of nitroglycerin [55-63-0] from firearms discharge residues in clothing exts. and from explosion debris.
Bibliographic Information
Problems of stability of spent acid from PETN manufacture. Ramaswamy, C. P.; Subba Rao, N. S. V. IDL Chem. Ltd., Hyderabad, India. Symp. Chem. Probl. Connected Stab. Explos., [Proc.] (1979), 5(2), 419-25. CODEN: SCPEDW ISSN: 0348-7180. Journal written in English. CAN 94:197133 AN 1981:197133 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
The HNO2- and HCO2H [64-18-6]-catalyzed violent hydrolytic and oxidative breakdown of PETN [78-11-5] and di-pentaerythritol hexanitrate [13184-80-0] in the acid wastewater from PETN manuf. was controlled. Fume-off consisted of either altering the reaction conditions by intermittent steam injection (to maintain 70°) and diln. of the HNO3 to 70-72%; or of destroying the org. impurities by injecting steam to raise the temp. to 95-100° with vigorous N or air sparging. The stabilized acid wastewater is then safe for handling, storage, and recovery.
Bibliographic Information
Unpaired electrons in carbonized substance prepared by explosion of PETN/anthracene mixture. Kawamura, Kazuro. Dep. Chem., Natl. Def. Acad., Yokosuka, Japan. Tanso (1978), 92 17-18. CODEN: TASOA3 ISSN: 0371-5345. Journal written in English. CAN 89:120266 AN 1978:520266 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
An ESR study of unpaired electrons in a substance prepd. by the explosion of the title mixt. shows a plateau at 100-200° in the heating-cooling curve. The plateau may be ascribed to unpaired electrons survive up to 200°, but are destroyed at higher temps.
Bibliographic Information
A model for the precipitation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). Rivera, Thomas; Randolph, Alan D. Los Alamos Sci. Lab., Los Alamos, N. Mex., USA. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. (1978), 17(2), 182-8. CODEN: IEPDAW ISSN: 0019-7882. Journal written in English. CAN 88:155273 AN 1978:155273 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A continuous pptn. method for the prepn. of cryst. PETN [78-11-5] was developed, which involves the pptn. of PETN from an Me2CO soln. by the addn. of H2O in a Kenics Static Mixer. The principal independent variable is the ratio of the Me2CO-PETN soln. flow rate to the flow rate of H2O. A math. model based on dispersed plug-flow equations adequately represents the phys. process. The relationships developed can be used to predict particle size distributions and est. the effective kinetics involved in the pptn. process.
Bibliographic Information
Stabilization of nitro compounds. Oinuma, Senzo; Kusakabe, Masao. (Agency of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Japan). Japan. Kokai (1976), 3 pp. CODEN: JKXXAF JP 51118708 19761018 Showa. Patent written in Japanese. Application: JP 75-41247 19750407. CAN 86:139397 AN 1977:139397 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
JP 51118708 A2 19761018 JP 1975-41247 19750407
Nitro compds. were stabilized to heat by treatment with epoxy compds. Thus, 100 g C(CH2OH)4 was added to 400 mL HNO3 (d = 1.52) at 25-30°, 2 L H2SO4 added, the ppt. filtered, washed with 50% H2SO4, and stirred with 1 L EtOH contg. 3 mol/L epichlorohydrin 3 h to give C(CH2NO3)4, whose Abel heat-resisting test result was greater than 8 min.
Bibliographic Information
A precipitation model and experimental correlation with various properties of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Rivera, Thomas. Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex., USA. Avail. Xerox Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Order No. 76-22,158. (1975), 97 pp. From: Diss. Abstr. Int. B 1976, 37(4), 1709. Dissertation written in English. CAN 86:92699 AN 1977:92699 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Bibliographic Information
Precipitation model and experimental correlation with various properties of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Rivera, T. Los Alamos Sci. Lab., Los Alamos, N. Mex., USA. Avail. INIS; NTIS. Report (1976), (LA-6241-T), 80 pp. From: INIS Atomindex 1976, 7(20), Abstr. No. 268871. Report written in English. CAN 86:57631 AN 1977:57631 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A continuous pptn. method for prepn. of cryst. PETN [78-11-5] from an acetone soln. by addn. of water in a static mixer is described.
Bibliographic Information
Elimination of static risks in explosives factories. Satyavratan, R. V. Electron. Div., Indian Detonators Ltd., Hyderabad, India. Curr. Sci. (1972), 41(18), 663-5. CODEN: CUSCAM Journal written in English. CAN 77:156016 AN 1972:556016 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Radioactivity was more efficient than 74-88% relative humidity for dissipating static electricity which developed during manuf. of pentaerythrityl tetranitrate.
Bibliographic Information
Chemical equilibriums in the industrial production of pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Camera, E. Dinamite S.p.A., Udine, Italy. Chim. Ind. (Milan) (1972), 54(5), 411-16. CODEN: CINMAB Journal written in Italian. CAN 77:37228 AN 1972:437228 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Industrial production of PETN is performed by reaction of 99% HNO3 with pentaerythritol, generally in a 5:1 ratio, followed by sepn. of the crystals of the PETN in suspension in the residual acid and neutralization and purification of the crystals. The safety of the process is related to the equils. existing in the reaction mixt.; for lab. expts., 80 g pure pentaerythritol is dissolved in 474 g H2SO4 of 67% concn. and 4115 g CH2Cl2 is added at 5°, and then, with vigorous stirring during 15 min at 5°, a mixt. of 72 g 98% H2SO4 and 232 g 96% HNO3 is added, stirred for 75 min, dild. with 1000 ml H2O and the 2 phases sepd., the org. phase neutralized with 10% aq. NaHCO3 soln., evapd. on a flash evaporator, and the residue treated with 400 ml Et2O to eliminate the undissolved part, cooled further to -60° to remove another unspecified impurity, and then the Et2O evapd. and the mixed pentaerythritol nitrates purified by fractional dissoln. in 2 l. H2O at 80°. The dinitrate and the trinitrate are thus sepd. Chromatog. anal. methods are reported and equils. tabulated for various temps., 20 and 40°, and concns. of HNO3 and also presented in curves including hydrolysis of the product.
Bibliographic Information
Nitric acid-free pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Wyler, Joseph A. (Commercial Solvents Corp.). U.S. (1969), 5 pp. CODEN: USXXAM US 3479236 19691118 Patent written in English. Application: US 19680207. CAN 72:81007 AN 1970:81007 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
US 3479236 A 19691118 US 1968-703556 19680207
FR 1579717 A 19690829 FR 1968-1579717 19680718
GB 1198756 A 19700715 GB 1968-1198756 19680719
Priority Application Information
US 1967-654969 19670721
US 1968-703556 19680207
The title compd. was prepd. by dissolving or dispersing acid-contg. pentaerythritol tetranitrate in a liq. explosive of low sensitivity inthe presence of an excess of H2O or aq. alkali. The resulting explosive contained less than 0.005% HNO3 and had higher sensitivity. Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (I) (contg. 0.43% HNO3) was washed ten times with boiling water to give I still contg. 0.20% HNO3. I (25 g, contg. 0.43% HNO3) was added to a dispersion of 25 g dinitrotoluene in 25 g H2O to give an emulsion which was drowned in cold water to give a product contg. only 0.02% HNO3. Pentolite was prepd. from I in molten TNT.
Bibliographic Information
Acid free pentaerythritol tetranitrate and explosive compositions therefrom. Wyler, Joseph A. (Commercial Solvents Corp.). S. African (1968), 24 pp. CODEN: SFXXAB ZA 6804586 19681203 Patent written in English. Priority: US 19670721 - 19680207. CAN 71:40925 AN 1969:440925 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Patent Family Information
Patent No. Kind Date Application No. Date
ZA 6804586 19681203
Priority Application Information
US 19670721
US 19680207
A process is described for prepn. of substantially acid-free pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). It consists of dissolving or dispersing acid-contg. PETN in a liq. explosive of low sensitivity in the presence of excess H2O or aq. alkali (0.1-10% solns. of alkalies or carbonates), removal of H2O contg. the acid, and drying to obtain a product contg. preferably less than 0.005% acidity as HNO3. Useful liq. explosives include trimethylolethane, diethylene glycol dinitrate, dipentaerythritol hexanitrate, propylene and butylene dinitrates, TNT, and DNT, the latter 2 being considered liq. as they are molten at temps. approaching the upper operating temp. of the process, i.e., 90-100°. Liq. explosive-PETN ratios (including conitrated mixts.) are 0.25-10:1 and H2O-total explosive ratios are 0.5-20:1. Thus, PETN contg. 0.43% HNO3 15 was stirred rapidly into a dispersion of DNT 35 in H2O 35 parts at 95°, the resulting emulsion drowned in cold H2O, and the solid grains recovered, washed, and dried. The acidity of the product was 0.004%. Another portion of this same PETN still contained 0.2% acid after 10 successive 1-hr. H2O-boiling periods with a filtration step after each boil. A 50:50 Pentolite prepd. by the process described was sensitive to a No. 1 detonating cap and retained this sensitivity when 20 parts TNT was added to 80 parts of it. A com. 50:50 Pentolite having the same sensitivity, when similarly mixed with TNT (80:20), lost its sensitivity to such an extent as to require a no. 6 cap for detonation.
Bibliographic Information
Comparison between shooting and barrier tests. Lundborg, N. Stiftelsen Svensk Detonikforskning, Vinterviken, Stockholm, Swed. Explosivstoffe (1964), 12(11), 269-71. CODEN: EXPVA5 Journal written in German. CAN 66:4558 AN 1967:4558 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A linear relation was found between the crit. length of brass barriers and the crit. velocity of steel projectiles for cast trinitrotoluene, pressed trinitrotoluene, and pressed pentaerythritol tetranitrate with 10% wax. The particle velocity attenuates logarithmically with the end velocity of the barrier at the crit. length.
Bibliographic Information
Heme oxygenase-1 induction may explain the antioxidant profile of pentaerythrityl trinitrate. Oberle Stefanie; Abate Aida; Grosser Nina; Vreman Hendrik J; Dennery Phyllis A; Schneider Heinz T; Stalleicken Dirk; Schroder Henning Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Strasse 4, Halle (Saale) 06099, Germany BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (2002 Feb 8), 290(5), 1539-44. Journal code: 0372516. ISSN:0006-291X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 21678925 PubMed ID 11820797 AN 2002124455 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
The organic nitrate pentaerythrityl tetranitrate (PETN) is known to exert long-term antioxidant and antiatherogenic effects by as yet unidentified mechanisms. In cultured endothelial cells derived from human umbilical vein, the active PETN metabolite PETriN (0.01-1 mM) increased heme oxygenase (HO)-1 mRNA and protein levels in a concentration-dependent fashion. HO-1 induction was accompanied by a marked increase in catalytic activity of the enzyme as reflected by enhanced formation of carbon monoxide and bilirubin. Pretreatment with PETriN or bilirubin at low micromolar concentrations protected endothelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-mediated toxicity. HO-1 induction and endothelial protection by PETriN were not mimicked by isosorbide dinitrate, another long-acting nitrate. The present study demonstrates that PETriN stimulates mRNA and protein expression as well as enzymatic activity of the antioxidant defense protein HO-1 in endothelial cells. Increased HO-1 expression and ensuing formation of cytoprotective bilirubin may contribute to and explain the specific antioxidant and antiatherogenic actions of PETN. 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Bibliographic Information
The antioxidant defense protein ferritin is a novel and specific target for pentaerithrityl tetranitrate in endothelial cells. Oberle S; Schwartz P; Abate A; Schroder H School of Pharmacy, Martin Luther University, Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Strasse 4, Halle (Saale), 06099, Germany BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (1999 Jul 22), 261(1), 28-34. Journal code: 9Y8. ISSN:0006-291X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 99335354 PubMed ID 10405318 AN 1999335354 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
The organic nitrate pentaerithrityl tetranitrate (PETN) is known to exert long-term antioxidant and antiatherogenic effects by as yet unidentified mechanisms. In porcine aortic endothelial cells, a 24 h incubation with PETN (1-100 microM) or its metabolite pentaerithrityl trinitrate (PETriN) increased levels of the antioxidant protein ferritin up to three-fold over basal, whereas isosorbide dinitrate and isosorbide-5-mononitrate were without significant effect under these conditions. PETriN-induced ferritin expression was blocked by the NO scavenger PTIO but remained unaltered in the presence of ODQ, an inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase. 8-Bromo cyclic GMP and dibutyryl cyclic GMP did not influence basal ferritin synthesis. The iron chelator desferrioxamine abolished ferritin induction by PETriN. Our results show that PETN or its active metabolite PETriN induce ferritin synthesis through NO- and iron-dependent but cyclic GMP-independent pathways. Increased activity of ferritin may contribute to, and at least in part explain, the specific antiatherogenic and antioxidant action of PETN. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.
Bibliographic Information
Degradation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate by Enterobacter cloacae PB2. Binks P R; French C E; Nicklin S; Bruce N C Institute of Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY (1996 Apr), 62(4), 1214-9. Journal code: 6K6. ISSN:0099-2240. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 97077215 PubMed ID 8919782 AN 97077215 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
A mixed microbial culture capable of metabolizing the explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) was obtained from soil enrichments under aerobic and nitrogen-limiting conditions. A strain of Enterobacter cloacae, designated PB2, was isolated from this culture and was found to use PETN as a sole source of nitrogen for growth. Growth yields suggested that 2 to 3 mol of nitrogen was utilized per mol of PETN. The metabolites pentaerythritol dinitrate, 3-hydroxy-2,2-bis-[(nitrooxy)methyl]propanal, and 2,2-bis-[(nitrooxy)methyl]-propanedial were identified by mass spectrometry and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance. An NADPH-dependent PETN reductase was isolated from cell extracts and shown to liberate nitrite from PETN, producing pentaerythritol tri- and dinitrates which were identified by mass spectrometry. PETN reductase was purified to apparent homogeneity by ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme was found to be a monomeric flavoprotein with a M(r) of approximately 40,000, binding flavin mononucleotide noncovalently.
Bibliographic Information
Effects of pentaerythrityl-tetranitrate and isosorbide-5-mononitrate in experimental atherosclerosis. Kojda G; Noack E Institut fur Pharmakologie, Heinrich-Heine Universitat, Dusseldorf, F.R.G AGENTS AND ACTIONS. SUPPLEMENTS (1995), 45 201-6. Journal code: 2YH. ISSN:0379-0363. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 95233207 PubMed ID 7717181 AN 95233207 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
This study was performed to determine whether long-term treatment with organic nitrovasodilators exhibit pharmacological effects on the development of atherosclerotic lesions and endothelial dysfunction in the cholesterol fed rabbit. The major finding of this study is that PETN, but not ISMN, decreases the extent of aortic intimal lesions and the development of endothelial dysfunction. In addition, 15 weeks of feeding a diet enriched with either PETN or ISMN did not induce a measurable extent of vascular in-vitro tolerance to the vasodilator activity of these drugs.
Bibliographic Information
Organic nitrate metabolism. Needleman P ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY (1976), 16 81-93. Journal code: 6E4. ISSN:0362-1642. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. DN 76230173 PubMed ID 820240 AN 76230173 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Bibliographic Information
Identification of explosives by chemical ionization mass spectrometry using water as reagent. Yinon J BIOMEDICAL MASS SPECTROMETRY (1974 Dec), 1(6), 393-6. Journal code: A58. ISSN:0306-042X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 75184459 PubMed ID 4462875 AN 75184459 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Bibliographic Information
Aspects of nitrate ester metabolism. Litchfield M H JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES (1971 Nov), 60(11), 1599-607. Journal code: JO7. ISSN:0022-3549. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. DN 72082130 PubMed ID 5002526 AN 72082130 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Bibliographic Information
Biotransformation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate by sub-cellular fractions of rat heart. Dicarlo F J; Crew M C; Young J E ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES DE PHARMACODYNAMIE ET DE THERAPIE (1967 Dec), 170(2), 453-60. Journal code: 7EK. ISSN:0003-9780. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. DN 68099031 PubMed ID 6076593 AN 68099031 MEDLINE (Copyright 2002 U.S. National Library of Medicine)