April 29th, 2002, 03:57 PM
Lately I have been studying KIFE a bit closer. In my search for a cap sensitive AN based explosive which is cheap and easy to manufacture I have found some in KIFE that Might be interesting.
One is the CAST FGAN- WAX FOAMED CHARGE. Described below.
The only thing I wonder about is what Mr Bubble and Tide or sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate is?? I assume it a substnce that grately raises the sensitivity of some of the mixtures making them more cap sensitive. Some of the procedures are really good if they work.
The one mentioned above would be very nice since you could form the charges very easily into some usable shapes. They could allso be cast into sticks wich could be used without any confinement except the water proofing if that is needed. The critical diameter is quite good as well which makes them more useful.
The second one that I'm interested in it the POWDERED AN_ DIETHYLENE GLYCOL. I wonder if the guar gum needed for the procedure or if it's only there to reduce the hygroscopic nature of the explosive. Procedures below.
DETONATION RATE - 4300-4700 M/sec.
DETONATION PRESSURE - 800,000-1,400,000 P.S.I.
SENSITIVITY - Sensitive to one #6 blasting cap at densities of .95 G/cc orless. This foamed cast explosive is sensitive to a dynamite booster at a density of 1.25 or less. These figures are applicable at a charge diameter of 2 inches (5 cm.) or greater.
- Very useful in blasting due to the ability to lend itself to multi
charge diameter and a variety of charge configurations. Also a good choice for a booster type explosive for the prilled AN-fuel oil type explosives at a low cost. Charge diameter should be 2" or greater. Comparable to 50% ammonia dynamite.
DEMOLITIONS - A useable explosive for some "demo" applications. The
abi li ty to conform to a variety of shapes and its relative ability to resist "dead pressing" or packing to an insensitive and undetonatable density. While the detonation rate is not as high as could be obtained, this explosive is cheap and could be produced in a great bulk. It does not have a shaped charge application in modern terms (e.g.: concrete breaching, steel plate perforations, etc.). but in large quantities it could be used effectively. However, the greater bulk (washtub sized shaped charges) and weight of the demolition charges would not be feasable for an underground group, except in special instances, as they would depend upon hit and run tactics.
MUNITIONS - Could very easily be used in cast iron or similar fragmentation charges. Any application of AN explosives metal fragmentation ordinance needs to be painted inside with asphalt or an epoxy type paint to eliminate the corrosive action of the salt on the container.
CAUTION: Ammonium nitrate should never be in contact with copper or brass, as potentially dangerous salts could be formed which could result in the premature detonation of the charge!!!!
This explosive, of course, is not as good a fragmentation explosive as T.N.T.,due to its lower detonation rate. Although prefragmented explosive devicescould be fabricated easily with something like roofing nails or some other potentially lethal projectiles. This explosive is unsuitable for projectile loading of any sort.
Cast AN explosives have always had a bad reputation for their tendancies to be overly insensitive to even rather large boosters. This seeming inability to achieve a complete or efficient detonation is a curse of cast AN explosives. This composition and its manufacture procedure seems to give a cast charge that is
sensitive to a blasting cap and will propagate detonation in a container of very little strength (e.g.; ti n can, bottles, paper tubes, etc.). This great increase of sensitivity is achieved by lowering the density of the explosive charge. This is
accomplished by the addi t i on of small bubbles of gas in the molten AN-fuel as it cools. The bubbles of gas are formed in a reaction between the AN and a carbonate, bicarbonate, peroxide, metallic oxide or one of two gas generating nitrates. When the manufacturer "gets the hang" of pouring at the proper temperature, the bubbles dispersed throughout the cast explosive will be of surprising uniformity. Since most shaped charges are formed by casting, this will give the home manufacturer a way to make "homemade" shaped charges. Of
course, the detonation velocity is too low for a good effective shaped charge, but the low cost of the explosive allows the use of charges much larger (washtub sized) than would be needed with equivalent CHNO explosives (T.N.T., R.D.X.,comp "B", etc.). A washtub shaped charge of this type would be in the 50 to 80 Ib. size range and would be large enough to do a great deal of destruction. Also this
size munition could be used by filling the shaped charge cavity with nails, bolts, nuts, glass, wire, ball bearings, BB's and anything else that would make good fragments. This would, in effect, create a huge claymore mine with several hundred meter effective range. To manufacture this explosive, proceed as follows:
The volume of the container, in which the charge is to e cast into, should be measured. This can be done easily by filling it with water, making note of how much water it takes to fi l l it. Since water is a standard for density and one cc
weights equals one gram, this is easy to do:
One gallon = 3584 grams = 3584 cc.
One quart = 896 grams = 896 cc.
One pint = 448 grams = 448 cc.
One fluid ounce = 28 grams = 22 cc.
After the volume of the container has been figured, the amount of explosive would be figured, this is done by multiplying the number of cc. in the container by the density desired as done below:
V = Volume of container = 454 cc.
D = Density of charge desired - .95 G/cc
V x D = Amount of explosive required
454 x .95 = 431.3 G. explosive
It is a good rule of thumb in calindistine explosive manufacture to
manufacture only one device at a time. Of course, it would go without saying, the container should be dried out after the water measuring and would be clean enough to "eat out of". The explosive weight is known and the proportions should be figured from this. The ammonium ni trate (87.9%) is placed in a stainless steel container. The water (5.15%) is then added wi t h di st i l l ed water being used whenever possible. A candy thermometer is placed in the container so that it goes all the way to the bott om of t he stainless steel mel t i ng pan. Place the pan on a heat source which can be cont rol l ed easily. A good heat source is an electric hot plate. The hot plate is turned on and the mixture heated to 130 degrees centigrade (266 degrees F.).
This heating should be done slowly so that potentially explosive "hot spots" will not form due to uneven heating. A slow and even heat will work best. CAUTION: The hot salt is a burn hazard and contact with is should be avoided and safety goggles, gloves and appropriate clothing should be worn. After the temperature of 130 degrees C. has been reached, this temperature is held for 5 minutes to ensure the complete solution of the AN in the hot liquid.
The temperature is then allowed to fall to 110 degrees C. and at this temperature a thick slurry or mush about the consistancy of thi n oat meal will form. To this slurry is added the wax fuel (5.72%) and n-Octadecylamine, "Mr. Bubble" or "Tide" (0.25%). This is stirred rapidly to form an emulsion or intimate mixture of the AN-water solution with the molten wax. The foaming agent will aid in the formation of a good emulsion with good stability and will hold this emulsified state until the explosive is cooled in the mold. The molten explosive is then taken off the heat source and the foaming agent (1 %) added. The foaming agent can be
one of the following substances:
H2O2 - Hydrogen peroxide 30%
Na2O2 - Sodium peroxide
BaO2 - Barium peroxide
NaNO3 - Sodium nitrate
Ba (NO3) 2 - Barium nitrate
NH4HCO3 - Ammonium bicarbonate
Na2CO3 - Sodium carbonate
NaHCO3 - Sodium bicarbonate
Of the foaming agents the sodium nitrate and the sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) are the most attractive from the standpoint of easy acquisition. As the foaming agent is added, the mixture will begin to foam. Immediately after this addition, the pouring should be done. Then the explosive should foam up and cool before it has time for the bubbles within to escape. Varying the pour temperature may help control this. This will not help as much as keeping the
mold cold or surrounded by ice water or cold water. This will cause the explosive melt to solidify more rapidly, thus trapping more gas in the explosive charge. The wax fuel could be replaced with aluminum powder (400 mesh) and a higher power more bristant explosive can be had. Again the ingredients of this
explosive will be listed below:
AMMONIUM NITRATE (Fert, prills) ............................... 87.9%
WATER .................................................. .......... 5.15%
WAX .................................................. ............. 5.72%
EMULSIFIER .................................................. .... 0.25%
FOAMING AGENT ................................................. 1.0%
AMMONIUM NITRATE (Fert, prills) ................................ 83.0%
WATER............................................. .................. 4.86%
ALUMINUM POWDER (400 mesh) ................................. 10.9%
EMULSIFIER (Not essential) ............................................. 0.25%
FOAMING AGENT .................................................. 1.0%
The second formula is the best, performance wise, but is not as stable in even short term storage as is the first. In the second formula the emulsifier is not essential, but will yield a more cap sensitive explosive and will ensure a better mixture of the molten salt and the aluminum fuel. This process will produce cast
charges of a densities 0.68-1.34 and in a 2" diameter charge will be sensitive to a blasting cap at a density of .95 G/cc or less. Similar compositions, that are unfoamed, will not be cap or even booster sensitive, unless strong confinement and very large boosters are used.
DFTONATION RATE - 3400-4600 M/ sec
DETONATION PRESSURE - 650,000-1,040,000 P S I
SENSITIVITY - 95 G/ cc is the ideal density to load this explosive At this density the ability to take a detonation impulse from a #6 cap is excellent at a minimum charge diameter of 4 0 cm (1 6") Higher densities while still detonatable will require a 50 G dynamite or other high explosive booster charge
- A good cheap blasting explosive comparable to 50% ammonia
dynamite Alcohols and glycols are some of the best fuels for AN explosives The only drawback of thi s explosive is its relative sensitivity to moisture which can cause charges to become insensitive to a blasting caps' impulse This can be overcome by proper packaging of the final explosive in such a way that moisture imperviation can be obstructed ( e g P V C pipe, polyethylene tubes, empty coffee cans, etc )
DEMOLITIONS - Limited in this useage by low velocity and proportionately low bnstance (shattering power) as opposed to other demolition explosives
MUNITIONS - Unsui t abl e due to sensi t i ve nature and hygroscopic
properties This composition is an interesting one It has good power and is very inexpensive to manufacture One of the attractive properties of the explosive is its high cap sensitivity One #6 blasting cap will detonate this explosive The disadvantages are the relatively hygroscopic nature of the formula The addition of guar gum or other high mole weight polysaccharide will reduce the tendancy
for t hi s to occur but thi s onl y gives a slow protection from moisture Guar gums are available (eg "Guartec"&"Gengel"TM'S of the Henkel Corp MinneapolisMINN) that will effectively block the migration of moisture into the finishedexplosive formulation These products find an almost exclusive use in the explosive industry and could possibly arouse suspicion in their acquisition The use of di et hyl ene glycol (antifreeze) as the fuel in the explosive is a good choice This is due to the fact that glycol is a form of alcohol and alcohol is one of the best fuels for AN explosives Also the addition of 1% aluminum raises the total heat of the gases formed on detonation which subsequently give the explosive a greater bnstance As wi t h most of the explosive formulas in thi s publ i cat i on the manufacture of thi s explosive is a simple affair The AN is powdered and the diethylene glycol ( ant i f r eeze) is added in the proper proport i ons and throughly mixed To t hi s mi xt ur e the a l u mi nu m powder and guar gum are added and mixed to obt ai n a well blended mixture To t hi s t he proper amount of paraffin wax, t hat has been pr evi ousl y reduced to as small a part i cl e size as possible, is added This part i cl e size reduction can be obtained by rubbing a block of wax against a cheese grater or chopping in a food processor The mixture is then mixed until a uniform composition is obtained This explosive is then loaded int o the charge conf i gur at i on desired (16" or 40mm diameter or greater) at aloading density of 95 G/ c c or less The percentages of the ingredients are given
POWDERED AN (Fert, grade) ..................... 90.0%
ETHYLENE GLYCOL (Antifreeze) . ................. 5.0%
ALUMINUM POWDER (400 mesh) . . . ............... 1.0%
GUAR GUM ............................................... 1.0%
PARAFFIN WAX (small part, size) ................. 2.5%
This will give a strange semi-gelatin explosive that is somewhat powdery. It is simply pressed into the container and the explosive is ready to use. Below is another explosive formula that should work well and have a slightly higher performance parameter:
POWDERED AN (Fert. grade) ..................... 90.0%
ETHYLENE GLYCOL ............................. 5.0%
ALUMINUM POWDER (400 mesh) ................ 2.5%
GUAR GUM ......................................... 1.0%
PARAFFIN WAX (small part, size) ................. 1.0%
This should be a little less cap sensitive, but will still most likely detonate from a #6 cap except at low temperatures (0 degrees C. and below).
One is the CAST FGAN- WAX FOAMED CHARGE. Described below.
The only thing I wonder about is what Mr Bubble and Tide or sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate is?? I assume it a substnce that grately raises the sensitivity of some of the mixtures making them more cap sensitive. Some of the procedures are really good if they work.
The one mentioned above would be very nice since you could form the charges very easily into some usable shapes. They could allso be cast into sticks wich could be used without any confinement except the water proofing if that is needed. The critical diameter is quite good as well which makes them more useful.
The second one that I'm interested in it the POWDERED AN_ DIETHYLENE GLYCOL. I wonder if the guar gum needed for the procedure or if it's only there to reduce the hygroscopic nature of the explosive. Procedures below.
DETONATION RATE - 4300-4700 M/sec.
DETONATION PRESSURE - 800,000-1,400,000 P.S.I.
SENSITIVITY - Sensitive to one #6 blasting cap at densities of .95 G/cc orless. This foamed cast explosive is sensitive to a dynamite booster at a density of 1.25 or less. These figures are applicable at a charge diameter of 2 inches (5 cm.) or greater.
- Very useful in blasting due to the ability to lend itself to multi
charge diameter and a variety of charge configurations. Also a good choice for a booster type explosive for the prilled AN-fuel oil type explosives at a low cost. Charge diameter should be 2" or greater. Comparable to 50% ammonia dynamite.
DEMOLITIONS - A useable explosive for some "demo" applications. The
abi li ty to conform to a variety of shapes and its relative ability to resist "dead pressing" or packing to an insensitive and undetonatable density. While the detonation rate is not as high as could be obtained, this explosive is cheap and could be produced in a great bulk. It does not have a shaped charge application in modern terms (e.g.: concrete breaching, steel plate perforations, etc.). but in large quantities it could be used effectively. However, the greater bulk (washtub sized shaped charges) and weight of the demolition charges would not be feasable for an underground group, except in special instances, as they would depend upon hit and run tactics.
MUNITIONS - Could very easily be used in cast iron or similar fragmentation charges. Any application of AN explosives metal fragmentation ordinance needs to be painted inside with asphalt or an epoxy type paint to eliminate the corrosive action of the salt on the container.
CAUTION: Ammonium nitrate should never be in contact with copper or brass, as potentially dangerous salts could be formed which could result in the premature detonation of the charge!!!!
This explosive, of course, is not as good a fragmentation explosive as T.N.T.,due to its lower detonation rate. Although prefragmented explosive devicescould be fabricated easily with something like roofing nails or some other potentially lethal projectiles. This explosive is unsuitable for projectile loading of any sort.
Cast AN explosives have always had a bad reputation for their tendancies to be overly insensitive to even rather large boosters. This seeming inability to achieve a complete or efficient detonation is a curse of cast AN explosives. This composition and its manufacture procedure seems to give a cast charge that is
sensitive to a blasting cap and will propagate detonation in a container of very little strength (e.g.; ti n can, bottles, paper tubes, etc.). This great increase of sensitivity is achieved by lowering the density of the explosive charge. This is
accomplished by the addi t i on of small bubbles of gas in the molten AN-fuel as it cools. The bubbles of gas are formed in a reaction between the AN and a carbonate, bicarbonate, peroxide, metallic oxide or one of two gas generating nitrates. When the manufacturer "gets the hang" of pouring at the proper temperature, the bubbles dispersed throughout the cast explosive will be of surprising uniformity. Since most shaped charges are formed by casting, this will give the home manufacturer a way to make "homemade" shaped charges. Of
course, the detonation velocity is too low for a good effective shaped charge, but the low cost of the explosive allows the use of charges much larger (washtub sized) than would be needed with equivalent CHNO explosives (T.N.T., R.D.X.,comp "B", etc.). A washtub shaped charge of this type would be in the 50 to 80 Ib. size range and would be large enough to do a great deal of destruction. Also this
size munition could be used by filling the shaped charge cavity with nails, bolts, nuts, glass, wire, ball bearings, BB's and anything else that would make good fragments. This would, in effect, create a huge claymore mine with several hundred meter effective range. To manufacture this explosive, proceed as follows:
The volume of the container, in which the charge is to e cast into, should be measured. This can be done easily by filling it with water, making note of how much water it takes to fi l l it. Since water is a standard for density and one cc
weights equals one gram, this is easy to do:
One gallon = 3584 grams = 3584 cc.
One quart = 896 grams = 896 cc.
One pint = 448 grams = 448 cc.
One fluid ounce = 28 grams = 22 cc.
After the volume of the container has been figured, the amount of explosive would be figured, this is done by multiplying the number of cc. in the container by the density desired as done below:
V = Volume of container = 454 cc.
D = Density of charge desired - .95 G/cc
V x D = Amount of explosive required
454 x .95 = 431.3 G. explosive
It is a good rule of thumb in calindistine explosive manufacture to
manufacture only one device at a time. Of course, it would go without saying, the container should be dried out after the water measuring and would be clean enough to "eat out of". The explosive weight is known and the proportions should be figured from this. The ammonium ni trate (87.9%) is placed in a stainless steel container. The water (5.15%) is then added wi t h di st i l l ed water being used whenever possible. A candy thermometer is placed in the container so that it goes all the way to the bott om of t he stainless steel mel t i ng pan. Place the pan on a heat source which can be cont rol l ed easily. A good heat source is an electric hot plate. The hot plate is turned on and the mixture heated to 130 degrees centigrade (266 degrees F.).
This heating should be done slowly so that potentially explosive "hot spots" will not form due to uneven heating. A slow and even heat will work best. CAUTION: The hot salt is a burn hazard and contact with is should be avoided and safety goggles, gloves and appropriate clothing should be worn. After the temperature of 130 degrees C. has been reached, this temperature is held for 5 minutes to ensure the complete solution of the AN in the hot liquid.
The temperature is then allowed to fall to 110 degrees C. and at this temperature a thick slurry or mush about the consistancy of thi n oat meal will form. To this slurry is added the wax fuel (5.72%) and n-Octadecylamine, "Mr. Bubble" or "Tide" (0.25%). This is stirred rapidly to form an emulsion or intimate mixture of the AN-water solution with the molten wax. The foaming agent will aid in the formation of a good emulsion with good stability and will hold this emulsified state until the explosive is cooled in the mold. The molten explosive is then taken off the heat source and the foaming agent (1 %) added. The foaming agent can be
one of the following substances:
H2O2 - Hydrogen peroxide 30%
Na2O2 - Sodium peroxide
BaO2 - Barium peroxide
NaNO3 - Sodium nitrate
Ba (NO3) 2 - Barium nitrate
NH4HCO3 - Ammonium bicarbonate
Na2CO3 - Sodium carbonate
NaHCO3 - Sodium bicarbonate
Of the foaming agents the sodium nitrate and the sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) are the most attractive from the standpoint of easy acquisition. As the foaming agent is added, the mixture will begin to foam. Immediately after this addition, the pouring should be done. Then the explosive should foam up and cool before it has time for the bubbles within to escape. Varying the pour temperature may help control this. This will not help as much as keeping the
mold cold or surrounded by ice water or cold water. This will cause the explosive melt to solidify more rapidly, thus trapping more gas in the explosive charge. The wax fuel could be replaced with aluminum powder (400 mesh) and a higher power more bristant explosive can be had. Again the ingredients of this
explosive will be listed below:
AMMONIUM NITRATE (Fert, prills) ............................... 87.9%
WATER .................................................. .......... 5.15%
WAX .................................................. ............. 5.72%
EMULSIFIER .................................................. .... 0.25%
FOAMING AGENT ................................................. 1.0%
AMMONIUM NITRATE (Fert, prills) ................................ 83.0%
WATER............................................. .................. 4.86%
ALUMINUM POWDER (400 mesh) ................................. 10.9%
EMULSIFIER (Not essential) ............................................. 0.25%
FOAMING AGENT .................................................. 1.0%
The second formula is the best, performance wise, but is not as stable in even short term storage as is the first. In the second formula the emulsifier is not essential, but will yield a more cap sensitive explosive and will ensure a better mixture of the molten salt and the aluminum fuel. This process will produce cast
charges of a densities 0.68-1.34 and in a 2" diameter charge will be sensitive to a blasting cap at a density of .95 G/cc or less. Similar compositions, that are unfoamed, will not be cap or even booster sensitive, unless strong confinement and very large boosters are used.
DFTONATION RATE - 3400-4600 M/ sec
DETONATION PRESSURE - 650,000-1,040,000 P S I
SENSITIVITY - 95 G/ cc is the ideal density to load this explosive At this density the ability to take a detonation impulse from a #6 cap is excellent at a minimum charge diameter of 4 0 cm (1 6") Higher densities while still detonatable will require a 50 G dynamite or other high explosive booster charge
- A good cheap blasting explosive comparable to 50% ammonia
dynamite Alcohols and glycols are some of the best fuels for AN explosives The only drawback of thi s explosive is its relative sensitivity to moisture which can cause charges to become insensitive to a blasting caps' impulse This can be overcome by proper packaging of the final explosive in such a way that moisture imperviation can be obstructed ( e g P V C pipe, polyethylene tubes, empty coffee cans, etc )
DEMOLITIONS - Limited in this useage by low velocity and proportionately low bnstance (shattering power) as opposed to other demolition explosives
MUNITIONS - Unsui t abl e due to sensi t i ve nature and hygroscopic
properties This composition is an interesting one It has good power and is very inexpensive to manufacture One of the attractive properties of the explosive is its high cap sensitivity One #6 blasting cap will detonate this explosive The disadvantages are the relatively hygroscopic nature of the formula The addition of guar gum or other high mole weight polysaccharide will reduce the tendancy
for t hi s to occur but thi s onl y gives a slow protection from moisture Guar gums are available (eg "Guartec"&"Gengel"TM'S of the Henkel Corp MinneapolisMINN) that will effectively block the migration of moisture into the finishedexplosive formulation These products find an almost exclusive use in the explosive industry and could possibly arouse suspicion in their acquisition The use of di et hyl ene glycol (antifreeze) as the fuel in the explosive is a good choice This is due to the fact that glycol is a form of alcohol and alcohol is one of the best fuels for AN explosives Also the addition of 1% aluminum raises the total heat of the gases formed on detonation which subsequently give the explosive a greater bnstance As wi t h most of the explosive formulas in thi s publ i cat i on the manufacture of thi s explosive is a simple affair The AN is powdered and the diethylene glycol ( ant i f r eeze) is added in the proper proport i ons and throughly mixed To t hi s mi xt ur e the a l u mi nu m powder and guar gum are added and mixed to obt ai n a well blended mixture To t hi s t he proper amount of paraffin wax, t hat has been pr evi ousl y reduced to as small a part i cl e size as possible, is added This part i cl e size reduction can be obtained by rubbing a block of wax against a cheese grater or chopping in a food processor The mixture is then mixed until a uniform composition is obtained This explosive is then loaded int o the charge conf i gur at i on desired (16" or 40mm diameter or greater) at aloading density of 95 G/ c c or less The percentages of the ingredients are given
POWDERED AN (Fert, grade) ..................... 90.0%
ETHYLENE GLYCOL (Antifreeze) . ................. 5.0%
ALUMINUM POWDER (400 mesh) . . . ............... 1.0%
GUAR GUM ............................................... 1.0%
PARAFFIN WAX (small part, size) ................. 2.5%
This will give a strange semi-gelatin explosive that is somewhat powdery. It is simply pressed into the container and the explosive is ready to use. Below is another explosive formula that should work well and have a slightly higher performance parameter:
POWDERED AN (Fert. grade) ..................... 90.0%
ETHYLENE GLYCOL ............................. 5.0%
ALUMINUM POWDER (400 mesh) ................ 2.5%
GUAR GUM ......................................... 1.0%
PARAFFIN WAX (small part, size) ................. 1.0%
This should be a little less cap sensitive, but will still most likely detonate from a #6 cap except at low temperatures (0 degrees C. and below).