Tag: geometry

10 Regions of regular polygons 2012-10-12T21:27:08.697

10 Generate a right triangle 2013-08-23T23:45:09.973

10 Create a grid as close to a square as possible 2014-09-25T08:46:45.623

10 Point in convex hull (2D) 2015-12-11T17:51:17.443

10 Draw a Christmas Star / Stellated Dodecahedron 2015-12-24T01:25:36.407

10 Draw a simple cube 2016-04-28T14:59:05.147

9 Calculate the Orthocenter of a Triangle 2015-06-27T05:02:22.043

9 Print a cube's vertices and its covering triangles 2015-10-19T16:30:31.583

9 Find the area of a polygon 2016-04-16T17:39:33.793

9 Flexagonal flexagation 2016-09-14T23:45:02.340

9 Elliptic system 2017-10-03T08:33:54.557

9 ​Plane​ ​Blow​up​ 2019-08-30T08:59:48.967

8 Turn 2D boolean array into (rectilinear) polygons 2011-03-08T15:59:05.770

8 Simple Geometric problem 2011-03-11T18:31:17.070

8 Golfing: How many unit-length squares in a list of 2d coordinates? 2013-10-18T18:27:42.067

8 Circle packing in a rectangle 2014-10-23T03:59:49.347

8 Extend the line 2016-02-17T17:11:36.093

8 Hexagon-In or Hexagon-Out? 2016-03-10T21:40:33.290

8 Count rectangle intersections 2016-03-27T21:34:18.043

8 Form tiles in a rectangular ring 2016-04-17T15:34:14.403

8 Maximal number of regions obtained by joining n points around a circle by straight lines 2016-10-20T23:54:13.750

8 Check if rectangles fill a rectangular space without gaps or overlaps 2016-11-16T02:52:04.043

8 Tiling the unit square 2017-03-28T19:23:14.250

8 Intersection Point of Two Line Segments 2018-07-16T16:05:02.157

8 Find a way to determine to which fibonacci squares a given coordinate belongs 2018-10-06T19:37:20.217

8 Count the Closed Polygons 2019-01-18T14:01:33.260

8 Can this container hold this much liquid? 2019-02-21T19:25:40.907

8 Partition and Restructure 2019-06-13T12:44:12.973

7 Intersection of Two Lines 2011-04-15T09:55:18.627

7 Line through Polygon 2012-06-09T14:25:51.780

7 Crafting Canonically Cöcher Crosswords 2014-10-27T08:14:13.327

7 Digesting Polygons 2014-11-15T03:00:10.687

7 Help My Brother Work on his Tan(gent)! 2015-04-17T02:14:42.500

7 Go south, east and north, come to the same place 2015-07-09T09:35:50.587

7 Computing the geometric median 2015-08-23T14:32:09.013

7 Hypercube sides 2016-01-19T07:25:23.147

7 How can I shorten this python code analyzing a 3d grid? 2016-04-14T19:12:05.573

7 Find the Intersections 2017-09-28T08:20:53.110

7 Solve a Rubik's Cube 2018-01-15T22:30:15.897

7 Drawing convex polyiamonds 2018-07-16T19:23:43.530

7 Hilbertize an image 2018-12-12T14:48:24.473

6 The distance between circles 2014-08-10T06:32:51.930

6 Test if a point is in an Icosahedron 2016-01-31T20:03:22.507

6 Help me sort out my desktop windows! 2017-06-18T20:35:19.077

6 Fuzzy distances to coordinates 2017-10-08T21:29:14.057

6 Find the smallest triangle encompassing the specified polygon 2017-12-23T21:53:33.717

6 Stereographic projection of polyhedra 2018-03-03T21:50:07.013

6 Draw a times table (also called modular multiplication circle) of a number \$n\$ with \$k\$ vertices 2018-07-13T19:02:25.527

5 Tiling by substitution 2016-05-04T12:57:46.277

5 Contiguous Block Count 2017-01-17T22:10:37.833

5 Find the longest uninterrupted arc 2018-05-13T13:30:01.737

5 The Knight's estate 2019-08-23T13:37:12.490

4 Squares in Movement Range 2011-03-25T18:22:23.720

4 Cut a silicon wafer into dies 2015-06-24T18:07:09.693

4 Find our neighbors 2016-01-24T08:32:54.973

4 Need help golfing Python 3 code to calculate volume & surface of spheroids in <150 bytes 2016-04-10T11:15:46.587

4 Counting triangles with integer perimeter 2016-05-01T12:18:20.303

4 Decompose the domain 2016-06-28T00:30:16.593

4 Cutting Sequence for N dimensions 2020-01-17T12:22:45.733

3 The World in the Future 2014-09-21T08:28:06.733

3 GPS: Golfed Positioning System 2014-10-03T18:32:20.820

3 Measuring Rectangles 2015-10-03T03:43:03.060

3 Is it a Regular Polygon? 2015-12-07T03:53:33.793

3 Does the triangle contain the origin? 2016-06-17T09:31:31.247

3 Draw an oblique line 2016-10-27T09:16:53.173

3 Evaluate the B-spline basis 2016-11-26T22:05:47.063

3 ASCII Arc Length: How long is a piece of string? 2017-06-02T10:14:18.647

3 A Slashy Dashy Spiral 2017-10-04T00:34:45.490

3 Maximum Area of a Polygon with Vertices of a Polygon 2017-12-29T20:11:58.163

3 Number of circles packed into a rectangle 2018-11-03T15:31:26.773

2 Most logical rectangle formula from numbers 2015-12-13T17:30:59.880

2 Can those squares form an imperfect square 2017-06-07T14:35:14.053

2 Rotated analog clock 2019-09-16T03:01:48.563

1 Find a representative submatrix 2014-10-22T07:30:49.290

1 Area of Polygon 2015-11-01T06:31:24.717

1 Find the line guaranteed by Sylvester-Gallai 2016-01-17T10:23:20.133

1 Puzzle & Golf : Reproduce this gif 2017-06-09T09:09:10.750

1 Rounded Rectangles 2018-06-27T03:13:02.620

0 Embedded Triangles! 2017-04-15T12:04:08.703

0 Menger Sponge Generator 2017-06-13T20:57:33.327

-1 No Singles Allowed 2017-03-31T12:37:59.090

-1 Find the longest uninterrupted arc in N dimensions 2018-05-13T16:56:19.943

-3 Finding the center point between two points on a plane 2017-04-20T21:43:34.000

-7 Find the remaining side of the tangential quadrilateral 2016-05-04T14:26:42.683