No Singles Allowed



This is a fairly simple challenge.

Write a program that computes the distance between two points on a 2D plane. However, you can't use any functions or operators (referred to here as symbols) that are 1 character long.


  • -=, +=, *=, /=, %=, etc. are allowed.
  • ||, &&, --, ++ are allowed as well.
  • +, -, /, * are not allowed.
  • f(x) is not allowed, but fn(x) is.
  • S 5 4 is not allowed, but SUM 5 4 is.
  • if(lol==lel) is allowed.
  • Simply putting two separate single-character operators one after the other is not allowed, eg. !!(true) isn't allowed.


  • Single semicolons or the equivalent are allowed, e.g. foo();, as long as they are being used as an end-of-command symbol.
  • Commas (,) and periods (.) are allowed.
  • Parentheses (()) and other symbols that are used in such a way to require a second match are allowed. Examples:
    • foo(); is allowed, as is foo(x);.
    • [5,6] is allowed.
    • "strings" are allowed.
    • for(i+=5;;i++){} is allowed
    • if(1<2 && 2>3) is not allowed, as the symbols are being interpreted as greater than and less than symbols, and so do not require the other.
    • ([{<>}]) is allowed.
    • ][ is not allowed, as the symbols do not match.
    • Essentially, the interpreter/compiler/etc.(?) should recognize the symbols as matching.


  • Whitespace does not count for the single character rule, e.g. this == that and this ==that etc. are both allowed.
  • Standard rules for loopholes etc. apply.
  • Input can be in any reasonable format of two points. Examples:
    • [{x:0,y:0},{x:9,y:786}]*
    • [[5,4],[6,8]]
    • "54,37,68,9760"
    • new Point(0,0), new Point(5,6)
    • ["34,56","23,98657"]
    • etc.
  • Output should be a double or equivalent with 5 significant digits.
  • No eval!
  • This is code-golf, so shortest allowed and functioning code wins!

*You would have to construct the objects a different way, as colons are single symbols.

Good luck without being able to use the = operator! :P

Edit: Imaginary 5 kudo points for not using a built-in.


Posted 2017-03-31T12:37:59.090

Reputation: 121

Question was closed 2017-03-31T21:43:24.677

"f(x) is not allowed, but fn(x) is", aren't (, x and ) all one character long? You also seem to be missing a winning criterion. – Martin Ender – 2017-03-31T12:45:49.387

you used variables with 1 character long, is that acceptable? – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-03-31T12:46:51.497

@FelipeNardiBatista Variables that are 1 character long are good to go, as long as it's not a function. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T12:47:32.350

@MartinEnder Oops, forgot the code-golf tag.... :P Parentheses do not count, I'll add that into my question. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T12:48:59.180

what about : ? – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-03-31T12:50:21.693

3@Feathercrown, questions like this are very hard to get right... What about "special operators"? You allow (), but what about @? ., :, = and so on? – Stewie Griffin – 2017-03-31T12:52:21.837

This seems awfully language specific. In CJam, . is a sort of meta-operator that combines with the next token into a single new operator, so that .- is element-wise subtraction. Is that one two-character symbol or are those two one-character symbols? – Martin Ender – 2017-03-31T12:52:23.027


Restricted source questions are notoriously difficult to get right, because the tend to make many language assumptions. For example here, the language Whitespace has no effective restrictions. For future challenges, I recommend posting to the Sandbox where you can get meaningful feedback and iron out details before posting a challenge to Main.

– AdmBorkBork – 2017-03-31T12:55:20.220

What about strings? "foo" – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-03-31T13:00:57.383

I've clarified those questions. @StewieGriffin The whole point is that special operators are restricted; no, those are not allowed. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T13:03:38.733

@MartinEnder The cjam example is interesting... I guess that would count as one two-character operator. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T13:04:09.407

i would like to add dist s t=sum(map(**2)(zipWith subtract s t))**0.5 but the on hold status seems to prevent me from doing that. – Roman Czyborra – 2017-03-31T13:08:47.547

@RomanCzyborra the = symbol is not allowed – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-03-31T13:16:40.533

2Are all strings allowed? In python: eval("a+b") it's a valid string, but it will be executed as code – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-03-31T13:56:44.703

2You say that semicolons are allowed as line ending symbols but for(i+=5;;i++){} is disallowed? The semicolons in a for loop are line ending symbols. Just because they commonly don't have a newline after them does not mean that they are some type of operator. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-03-31T14:00:50.907

Bigram/Trigram allowed? – Matthew Roh – 2017-03-31T14:20:50.587

Well there goes every 2d esolang :( – MildlyMilquetoast – 2017-03-31T17:09:24.537

@WheatWizard Wait, the are? I thought they were their own thing. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T20:05:39.347

@FelipeNardiBatista Good catch. Eval is not allowed. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T20:06:00.777

Should've added a "no built-ins" restriction. Oh well. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T20:09:47.323

The list of things which are unclear is too long to write because I'd certainly miss a few, but includes: 1. What is a "symbol"? 2. Is -- allowed when it's two separate stack-based subtractions? In general it's not clear whether the rules are meant to apply on a syntax level or on a source level (although it is clear that you didn't think about any languages outside the ALGOL family) -- and in fact they seem to be mixed together. 3. It's not obvious why you need to explicitly allow "'([{<>}])'", given that it's a string. 4. The rules on input are rendered irrelevant by the ban on eval. – Peter Taylor – 2017-03-31T20:43:26.100

@PeterTaylor 1. A symbol is an operator. I've added that into the question for clarity. 2. -- as 2 -s is not allowed under this rule as it is 2 separate single-character operators, which are illegal in this challenge. 3. Not really a problem, since it's just another example of something that's valid, but I "fixed" it anyways. 4. I'm not sure I understand, please clarify. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T23:00:56.700

@WheatWizard It appears that you are right. Fixin' it. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T23:08:33.130

@ETHProductions, TaylorScott, DownChristopher, and powelles: Can you please explain what exactly is unclear? – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T23:13:55.663



Python 2, 35 bytes

print abs(input().__sub__(input()))

Example input for points (5,4) and (6,8):




Try it online!

Felipe Nardi Batista

Posted 2017-03-31T12:37:59.090

Reputation: 2 345

@nimi . and , are allowed, however = is not, which is going to be the hard part for most languages. – Feathercrown – 2017-03-31T13:05:07.097

@nini fixed it, as () and . are now allowed – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-03-31T13:07:44.843


Mathematica, 17 bytes


A function invoked like EuclideanDistance[{5,4}, {6,8}]. Works in other dimensions as well.

Mathematica and its long command names thank you for your support.

Greg Martin

Posted 2017-03-31T12:37:59.090

Reputation: 13 940


JavaScript, 10 bytes


Returns a function that does the job. For 13 bytes, I can do it using only paired puncutation:



Posted 2017-03-31T12:37:59.090

Reputation: 95 035


R, 33 bytes


Try it online!

R, 26 bytes



Posted 2017-03-31T12:37:59.090

Reputation: 15 798


Octave, 20 bytes


Takes input on the form: [5+4j, 6+8j].

Anonymous functions can't be used since @ is a single character. It takes a vector with two complex numbers as input, calculated the difference, and takes the absolute value.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2017-03-31T12:37:59.090

Reputation: 43 471