Tag: geometry

19 Random Golf of the Day #4: The Bertrand Paradox 2015-04-28T12:45:48.353

19 Hypercube elements 2016-01-30T19:11:02.583

19 Text on a circle 2016-03-01T20:30:17.950

19 Fold Some Towels! 2017-04-13T15:38:39.457

19 What is the area of this polygon? 2017-06-14T13:25:04.107

19 Does this line pass through that square? 2017-06-23T10:11:35.847

19 Calculate the area of a regular polygon 2017-09-04T07:50:01.193

19 Intersection of two triangles 2017-12-14T15:00:11.497

19 Is this quadrilateral cyclic? 2018-11-17T19:52:53.533

18 Triangular battleships (A computational geometry problem) 2014-10-26T02:23:51.520

18 Draw A Snowflake 2014-12-18T19:58:36.523

18 Cities: Sightlines 2016-03-08T18:31:10.983

18 Calculate the volume of an object 2016-03-08T18:51:18.567

18 g​o​l​f​ ​a​t​a​n​2 2016-06-18T15:36:49.993

18 Let's Tessellate! 2016-12-31T01:06:12.047

18 Count the squares 2017-01-09T15:01:16.720

18 What are my dimensions? 2017-05-20T19:39:48.657

18 Partitioning the grid into triangles 2018-11-27T21:10:02.647

18 Write a function that returns an iterable object of all valid points 4-directionally adjacent to (x, y) 2019-09-12T01:19:21.387

17 Polygon prefixes 2013-02-17T01:29:07.203

17 Find the reference angle 2015-07-25T05:41:17.360

17 Random Golf of the Day #6: Roll a d20 2015-12-10T21:34:23.950

17 Playing Billiards 2015-12-16T18:30:59.457

17 Finding Exclusive Area in Circle Intersections 2016-01-10T21:56:57.697

17 Symme-Try This Triangle Trial 2016-04-27T15:12:04.480

17 A cube of text ݀ 2016-09-06T21:18:35.750

17 How Many Holes? 2017-03-24T13:18:32.867

17 Flatten the CUBE 2017-05-21T09:19:36.887

16 Thinking outside the box 2014-01-04T22:07:46.123

16 Construct n-gons with a ruler and compass 2014-10-09T14:28:24.770

16 Mondrian painting description language 2014-10-31T04:50:56.387

16 Overlapping circle 2015-04-04T21:30:18.620

16 Chute-A-Pearing 2015-06-03T03:42:30.353

16 Cut a pizza into identical slices 2015-09-09T19:56:14.643

16 Regular Polygrams 2015-10-13T11:39:58.323

16 Area of the triangle 2015-10-14T15:06:27.157

16 Print a Pentomino Rectangle 2015-11-09T22:28:42.583

16 Rolling the Dice 2015-12-12T15:32:56.780

16 Find the Centroid of a Polygon 2016-10-18T21:54:16.593

16 Counting symmetric grid chains 2019-11-04T23:03:59.340

15 Code-Golf: Lattice Points inside a Circle 2011-04-03T14:14:26.383

15 Integral triangles and integral medians 2015-07-14T13:55:22.130

15 Find the nearest clock hands 2015-07-29T10:41:47.937

15 Spherical excess of a triangle 2015-11-14T19:24:18.183

15 Compute the winding number 2016-01-31T08:33:43.313

15 Where does the spaceship go? 2016-02-11T20:41:12.923

15 How far from the exterior? 2016-03-21T04:19:43.143

15 Real Chebyshev Rotation 2016-10-17T01:48:38.507

15 Schläfli Convex Regular Polytope Interpreter 2017-03-28T21:03:37.443

15 Sort the points by linear distance in a 3D space 2017-09-12T09:27:39.460

15 Quadrants passed through by a line 2017-11-19T21:05:53.250

15 Program an Uncircularness Score 2017-12-21T21:34:07.770

15 Euler-Poincaré-Characteristic of Polyhedra 2018-03-14T21:15:58.420

15 Join up the rooms 2018-04-05T13:45:50.683

15 Is it rectilinear? 2019-11-08T02:20:42.683

15 Is this quadrilateral tangential? 2020-01-05T23:23:39.667

14 Drawing 3d nets - Platonic solids 2013-02-10T19:34:10.100

14 Almost Equilaterial Heronian Triangles 2014-04-21T03:29:52.507

14 Finding Symmetries in Squares 2015-03-17T22:16:05.323

14 Tiling a 2^N by 2^N Grid with L-Shaped Trominoes 2015-04-20T15:05:25.033

14 Determine the Dimensions of a Rotated Rectangle 2015-05-29T13:22:41.613

14 Empty a Swimming Pool . . . With Only a Red Solo Cup 2015-08-11T01:49:14.737

14 Is it L-convex? 2015-10-07T15:52:48.717

14 Identify arborally satisfied point sets 2016-03-31T06:52:36.060

14 Draw an ASCII cuboid 2017-06-15T14:32:47.387

14 Like a path-segment; touched for the very first time 2017-10-03T22:30:37.573

14 Sum the Vertex Connections 2017-10-23T18:31:15.110

14 Circle intersection area 2018-04-15T14:02:52.337

14 Will you be my Weaver? 2018-04-19T11:03:42.910

14 Area enclosed by perimeter loop 2018-04-25T20:25:19.080

14 Dihedral group D4 composition with custom labels 2019-05-04T01:28:03.127

14 Circular robot instructions 2019-11-27T01:18:55.077

14 Impress Donald Knuth by counting polyominoes on the hyperbolic plane 2020-02-25T21:31:12.000

13 Solving triangles with trigonometry 2011-07-20T23:28:35.403

13 The centers of a triangle 2013-05-25T01:58:37.823

13 Sharing pizza fairly 2014-12-19T01:23:16.630

13 Can I make that shape with blocks, slabs, and stairs? 2015-08-23T22:50:32.153

13 Pyramid Schemes 2015-09-14T20:13:17.290

13 Square side pinpointing 2015-11-11T16:07:34.547

13 Lego Gear Train 2016-01-06T16:43:04.567

13 Calculate the Fermat Point of a Triangle 2016-05-10T02:44:17.103

13 Staggered Starts 2016-08-21T21:23:48.453

13 Average distance of two points in unit n-dimensional hypercube 2017-02-01T20:50:50.970

13 Integer triangles with perimeter less than n 2018-01-12T18:55:41.660

13 Code Golf Simulated Golf 2018-01-22T20:26:53.200

13 Drawing the Peano curve 2018-11-17T23:18:29.097

12 Grids can be curvy. How long is yours? 2017-03-13T23:31:41.400

12 Sparse Protractor 2018-03-04T21:21:39.273

12 Counting generalized polyominoes 2019-07-06T17:05:24.203

12 Area of diagonal-folded regular polygon 2019-11-13T00:32:56.610

11 Number of holes in a polygon 2013-05-19T05:45:43.297

11 Tiling, given vertex configuration 2014-11-12T14:56:07.313

11 Identifying the triangles 2015-02-20T12:59:09.737

11 Trilaterate your position 2016-03-18T22:49:09.403

11 Do these squares overlap? 2016-05-11T22:48:52.453

11 Hexagonal coordinates: Polar to Cartesian 2016-11-22T20:40:25.353

11 Help me I'm lost in the ocean! 2016-11-24T10:20:17.470

11 Distance between two points on the Moon 2018-04-10T13:42:57.673

11 Area of a 2D convex hull 2019-04-14T21:51:15.990