Total Nonstop Action Wrestling/Characters
Here is the listing of wrestlers in TNA:
TNA Originals
Jeff Jarrett
- Alliterative Name
- The Artifact: That he uses an acoustic guitar as his Weapon of Choice was from his original WWF days, as an aspiring country music star.
- Card-Carrying Villain: His MMA gimmick is this in spades, combine Small Name, Big Ego with Drill Sergeant Nasty with a nice side of plain old evil, some of his lines while teaching a class of five year olds were downright hilarious.
"You will never reach my level, but you're starting young, maybe you can reach near my level. What a wimp you are, is that all you've got? I could break this ankle in two if I had to."
- Crowning Music Of Awesome / Leitmotif: BWEE WOO BWEE WOO BREE, it's so cool you can even ignore the Fridge Logic, the man's supposed to be a country music star, so one would think he'd get a country theme.
- Dark Chick: To Immortal, everybody else (well, almost everybody else) wants something concrete, Jarrett apparently just wants to hurt people.
- Motive Decay: Wasn't the reason why he joined Immortal was to get his company back from Dixie Carter?
- Et Tu, Brute?: Sting's betrayal really hurt him, since that means Sting is onto his plan.
- Fan Nickname: "Triple J", because he is compared to the WWE's Triple H.
- Improbable Weapon User / Musical Assassin: Jeff Jarrett's trademark is hitting people over the head with guitars.
- Kick the Dog: Slapping Jeremy Borash had no point beyond establishing Jeff Jarrett as an asshole.
- Power Stable: Planet Jarrett
- Psycho for Hire: Jeff beat the crap out of Kurt Angle, threw Samoa Joe into a pit, and wanted to cripple Mr. Anderson for life, not because this is especially useful to Immortal, mostly because he's just a sadistic bastard.
- Put on a Bus: At least temporarily, when Sting fired him along with Karen.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Karen
AngleJarrett. - Small Name, Big Ego: The man thinks he's a Mixed Martial Arts master after making Samoa Joe pass out from a rear naked choke, that was preceded by a three man beatdown on Joe with a lead pipe.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: From 2002-2006.
- Villain Sue: See above.
- Start My Own: After the Monday Night Wars, he co-founded TNA in 2002 with his father.
- Also the main man behind the Indian spinoff promotion Ring Ka King.
- Weapon of Choice: His guitar.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Was called out for his actions verbally by Mike Tenay after throwing Samoa Joe off the stage shortly following The Reveal of Immprtal.
- The Woobie: After Hogan buried him and his wife died.
- Would Hit a Girl: For a while this was a good deal of his gimmick, he hit everybody with a guitar, male, female, whatever.
- X-Pac Heat: "DROP THE TITLE!" (clap clap clap-clap-clap) "DROP THE TITLE!"
A.J. Styles (Allen Jones)
- The Ace: He's strong and fast, an excellent high flier, and he's got some great technical chops, Jack of All Stats + Lightning Bruiser = The Ace.
- Badass: Beating Tommy Dreamer in an "I Quit" match, kicking Kurt Angle's ass, being one of the best parts of TNA every night, yeah, he qualifies.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Cool Shades
- Crowning Moment Of Funny: He was tossed a mic by Tommy Dreamer.
"I'm that good I didn't even drop the mic, I am that good."
- The Dragon: As a heel, since nobody can out Big Bad Ric Flair.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Mr. Fanservice
- Expy: Another Ric Flair one... it may or may not be working.
- It worked, we just didn't see it until after he slowly got back into his own.
- Eye Scream: As a Heel he loves going for the eye, a standard heel trick, except he does it with objects like pens and forks.
- The Hero: As a Face.
- Holy Shit Quotient: As one of the original X-Division members, he's the hallmark of HSQ for TNA.
- In the Hood
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: As a member of the Angle Alliance, he was more likely to be put in an overgrown holiday suit than win a match.
- Large Ham: Though not the largest in the business, when compared to the non-Ric Flair members of Fortune he's pretty over the top, Ric Flair's mentoring has improved his previously lacking promo skills.
"A.J. Styles is going to make Tommy Dreamer say "Stop it A.J., stop it, I Quit A.J., I Quit!" In A.J. Style's House."
- Remarkably enough, as with the example above, he tends to back up what he says.
- Lightning Bruiser: A guy as acrobatic as him should not be able to pick up Samoa Joe or Abyss, or be able to casually stand up while caught in a jujigatame.
- Pet the Dog: He may be a smarmy arrogant showboat as a Heel but he is loyal to Ric Flair, and his company, and the fellow members of Fortune.
- This was the base used for Fortune's face turn.
- Sobriquet: The Phenomenal One, Mr. TNA
- Sharp-Dressed Man: One of the few good things to come of his recent heel run.
- Spot Monkey: Usually avoids this accusation with his legit talent.
- Take That: Gave one to Batista when he called A.J. a Spot Monkey and not a real wrestler. A.J. said in return, "I think it's funny that a guy who takes a bump and tears his back tells me that I don't know how to wrestle."
- True Companions: Fourtune.
Samoa Joe (Joel Seanoa)
- Badass
- The Big Guy: As a face.
- The Brute: As a heel.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Despite being a pretty brutal guy, he gets a lot of cheers.
- Facial Markings: A rare example of this being a step down in his badass-o-meter.
- Fake Nationality: He's not from Samoa - he was born in Orange County, and still lives there.
- Genius Bruiser
- I Work Alone: This might as well be his motto.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: His character is a ferocious badass who will destroy you, Joel Seanoa is a pretty laid back Deadpan Snarker.
- Memetic Mutation: JOE'S GONNA KILL YOU!
- Noble Savage
- One-Man Army: At times.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Unwitting Pawn
- Wild Samoan: Averted... mostly.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Why Jarrett abandons him at "10.10.10" Bound For Glory.
Jeff Hardy
- The Atoner: Since his return to TNA in late 2011.
- Base Breaker: Being a Spot Monkey-ish Mr. Fanservice with drug problems is just the beginning.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- I Have the High Ground
- Mr. Fanservice
- Never Live It Down: Showing up on drugs to a Pay-Per-View? Which you happened to be MAIN-EVENTING?
- Power Stable: Immortal.
- Sobriquet: The Charismatic Enigma.
Christopher Daniels (Daniel Covell)
- Bald of Awesome / Bald of Evil: Depends on his Face or Heel status.
- Demoted to Extra: Remember when he used to Main Event Impact?
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Green-Eyed Monster: The reason for his feud with A.J. Always the reason for his feud with A.J.
- Holy Shit Quotient
- Ho Yay: With A.J. Styles, this is beyond Kayfabe too, as they've named their kids after each other.
- Last-Name Basis: His 2009-10 run in TNA. Frankly even he didn't understand why.
- Our Angels Are Different
- Sobriquet: The Fallen Angel.
Kevin Nash
- Creator's Pet: Seriously, does anybody want him to be on screen?
- Yes. If he's behind the mic, he's great. Just as long as he doesn't wrestle.
- The Giant
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Scott Hall.
- Also with a nice dose of Ho Yay. Made especially clear in their reunion hug in 2007. Hall looked like both a man and Nash's girlfriend at the same time.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Similar to John Cena, Kevin Nash the wrestler is annoying and over pushed, Kevin Nash the person is a funny, nice guy that cares for his friends, can take the piss out of himself, and has fought against the homophobia in wrestling. Of course, certain people tend to take exclusive rights to his Nice side when they're around him, as lots of wrestlers hate his guts for burying them throughout his career during the Kliq and nWo runs.
- Power Stable: Has been a member of a few.
- The Kliq (in Real Life)
- New World Order
- The Main Event Mafia
- Put on a Bus: By his own choice.
- Shoo Out the Clowns: His split with Eric Young on Xplosion could be seen as this, given Eric's eventual regression back into a joke character.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
Eric Young (Jeremy Fritz)
- Butt Monkey: Despite a short break in 2009, Eric's still... Eric.
- Dude, Not Funny: His concussion gimmick is really nasty, especially in light of what's happened to Dynamite Kid and Chris Benoit.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Evil Foreigner: As part of Team Canada and later World Elite.
- God Mode Sue / Showy Invincible Hero: As Super Eric (his temporary superhero gimmick).
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's fully capable of John Cena levels of strength, like lifting two people on his shoulders and giving them a double death valley driver.
- Power Stable: World Elite.
- Sanity Slippage: Ever since he fell from the top rope to the floor from Suicide's kick.
- Shoo Out the Clowns: Happened when he split from Kevin Nash, not long before his character regression.
- This Loser Is You: Especially during the "Don't Fire Eric" character.
- Underwear of Power: Until late 2010.
- Who's Laughing Now?: His Face Heel Turn in late 2009.
- The Woobie
Abyss (Chris Parks)
- Abusive Parents: Father James Mitchell
- Ax Crazy
- The Brute: To Immortal.
- Cool Mask
- Complete Monster: The man's been seen running around with a spiked club attempting to murder people; it's safe to say he's hit this.
- Thankfully, he got better.
- Composite Character / Expy: Of Kane and Mankind.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Garbage Wrestler / The Giant: Not to insult the guy's talent, but Abyss's claim to fame is being huge and cutting himself open with glass.
- Genius Bruiser: Has his moments.
- Holy Shit Quotient
- In the Hood
- Lightning Bruiser
- Made of Iron
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Just by appearances, compare Abyss to Chris Parks; the character is a crazy unhinged monster who at one point tried to murder RVD, the real guy is a friendly Grateful Dead fan.
- Moral Event Horizon: Kidnapping Dixie Carter and threatening her is enough to drive her to fire him.
- Carving up RVD with Janice pretty much said right there that he and whatever movement he was a part of were nothing good.
- Unfortunate Implications: There was a storyline where Abyss "won" Desmond Wolfe's girlfriend, Chelsea, that's pretty bad for both of them, but It Gets Worse, now there's a creepy Rape Is Love thing going on between Chelsea and Abyss, while Abyss is portrayed as unabashedly good!
- Then he rejects her pleas of love by telling her she may want to stay away from him, shortly before his Face Heel Turn at the end of the same night. YMMV as to whether this is worse or better.
- Weapon of Choice: Chains, thumbtacks, and broken glass.
- The Worf Barrage: His spiked 2x4, "Janice," which he hasn't had much success with as all he has managed to do with it is get it stuck on the ring apron and turnbuckle pad. Subverted when he finally successfully uses "her" against RVD which sends him to the hospital. And it is the reason why he is forced to vacate the title. Also a Moral Event Horizon.
- Ironically, the second time its successfully used is on himself by Crimson, leaving it lodged in his back and taking him out.
- The Worf Barrage: His spiked 2x4, "Janice," which he hasn't had much success with as all he has managed to do with it is get it stuck on the ring apron and turnbuckle pad. Subverted when he finally successfully uses "her" against RVD which sends him to the hospital. And it is the reason why he is forced to vacate the title. Also a Moral Event Horizon.
- Would Hit a Girl
Amazing Red (Jonathan Figueroa)
- Amazing McCool Name
- Fragile Speedster
- Hot Dad
- I Have the High Ground
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Averted, he's usually a Jobber.
- Meaningful Name: His hair is red.
- This later extended to Crimson.
- Put on a Bus
- Rule of Cool
- Shout-Out / One of Us: One of his themes is a remix of Cell's.
- Summon Bigger Fish: What does he do when Jeff Jarrett is picking on him? Call his completely ripped younger brother to humiliate him.
Kazarian (Frank Gerdelman)
- Badass Long Hair
- Celebrity Resemblance: To Antonio Banderas, Lampshaded frequently.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Informed Attractiveness: Kazarian is an attractive guy, but the way everybody talks you'd think he was the only attractive male in TNA.
- Last-Name Basis
- The Mario: While he isn't the freakish athlete AJ Styles is, Kazarian can mat wrestle, fly and even throw out some power moves, he's one of the most balanced members of the X-Division.
- Smug Snake: Heel.
Austin Aries (Dan Solwold, Jr.)
- Discontinuity: Austin Starr? Who's that?
- Smug Snake
- Underwear of Power
The Angle Era
Kurt Angle
- The Ace: Once he was quite probably the best wrestler in the world, whether he still is, Your Mileage Will Vary.
- All-American Face: Played straight as a face, inverted when a heel.
- Badass Beard: Grows facial scruff whenever he goes face.
- Bald of Awesome / Bald of Evil: Depends on his Face or Heel status.
- Base Breaker: Thanks in large part to his antics during interviews.
- Power Stable: The Main Event Mafia.
- Power Trio: The Angle Alliance, which was him essentially stealing Christian's Coalition.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Angle degenerated into this after joining TNA. Just listen to his interviews at the time. In-character, following his heel turn he got even worse.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: From 2007-2009.
- Villain Sue: See above.
Matt Morgan
- Alliterative Name
- Arch Enemy: Hernandez.
- Recently, Crimson.
- Badass Decay: First Samoa Joe came back and murdered him, then Kevin Nash got the tag team titles from him. He's moved from the badass he was into someone who's getting his ass kicked by everyone with a foot.
- After performing his Heel Face Turn, he's reversed this and became a Badass again.
- The Brute: In Fourtune.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Abyss. Main Event Mafia. Hernandez. Immortal. Doesn't matter who he's teaming with, face or heel, he will betray them.
- Averted with Crimson, who beat him to the punch.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Turned face because he's shocked at forcing a concussed man to wrestle.
- Fridge Brilliance: Matt has put someone out with a concussion before. He referred to this on ReAction by bringing up that Hernandez didn't come back after him for months.
- The Giant: The man is seven feet tall, and does use a lot of power moves, but he's also a decent wrestler in other respects.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Aside from getting his start in the second season of Tough Enough, he was known by a different name: The Beast
- It's All About Me
- Kick Dude: His finisher, the Carbon Footprint.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Never My Fault: Claimed Hernandez almost cost them the tag titles when Hernandez pretty much retained them single-handedly.
- Sobriquet: The Blueprint.
- Redemption Promotion: After his most recent Heel Face Turn, he suddenly became Badass again and proceeded to began being a main event level wrestler alongside Anderson.
- Royal We: During his tag team title run after turning on Hernandez.
- Shout-Out: His sobriquet The Blueprint is a shout out to his favorite rapper, Jay Z.
- Smug Snake
- Underwear of Power
- Ungrateful Bastard
Mick Foley
- Badass Beard
- Cool Old Guy
- Made of Iron
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Just check out his entry on the main page - Mick's a sweetheart.
- Old Master: To EV2.0.
- Put on a Bus: And in the middle of a storyline!
"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero (Elijah Burke)
- Alliterative Name
- Badass
- Badass Beard
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Preacher: He's a Harlem street preacher.
- Big Applesauce: D'Angelo Dinero is billed from Harlem, even though Elijah Burke is from Florida, because god forbid you have a street preacher or a pimp that isn't from New York.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Carpet of Virility
- Casanova
- Catch Phrase: The Pimping!
- Pope has spoken!
- Cool Shades
- Creepy Cool Crosses: The man is the pope, after all.
- Draco in Leather Pants
- Demoted to Extra
- Expy: For awhile, TNA seemed to be booking him how Sting was booked in WCW. His promo style contains a good deal of Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, and the Rock mixed in also.
- Fan Community Nickname: In the same way that
CheffJeff Hardy fans are called the Creatures of the Night, he calls his fans the Congregation. - Hey, It's That Guy!: Elijah Burke, is that you?
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Calls Jeff "Cheff", and Wolfe "Roofe", among others.
- Inspector Javert: He really, really doesn't trust Mr. Anderson, or Samoa Joe.
- Actually, it's Joe that doesn't trust him, they hate each other.
- Large Ham: He's taken his preacher background to heart.
- Money Song: A cross between a rap song and a gospel revival number. It's pretty awesome.
- Mr. Vice Guy: He's implied to be a bit of a womanizer and can be a bit of a jerk, but when he's an honest face he's one of the purer folks TNA has.
- Pec Flex
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: As a former boxer, when the Pope punches you, he punches you really, really fast.
- Sinister Minister / Straw Hypocrite: Heel.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Not just a pope, but a pimp, too.
- Smug Snake: Heel, he'll go into the ring and forgive you for all your transgressions with one of the biggest, phoniest grins ever.
- Sobriquet: "The Pope".
- Third Person Person
- Took a Level in Badass: Upon debuting in TNA. See Hey, It's That Guy!.
- Underwear of Power
- Verbal Tic: Daddy, oddly enough.
Desmond Wolfe (Steven Haworth)
- Badass Longcoat
- Bald of Evil
- Cool Shades
- Combat Pragmatist: Uses weapons, frames his opponents and lies like a madman to get an edge on his opponent.
- Demoted to Extra -> Put on a Bus: He constantly punked out Kurt Angle within his debut, at one point ranked at #1 on the TNA online poll, and seemed to be on his way to becoming a member of Fourtune. After months of jobbing he and Douglas Williams seemed to switch places between who's partnering with Magnus and who's with Fortune, not to mention Wolfe was stuck in a dysfunctional relationship with Chelsea. Just when the London Brawling team was about to get some traction, Wolfe's medical issues caught up to him so much that he was forced to take a leave of absence.
- The Bus Came Back: For refueling, apparently. He would return in a brief stint as the "Xplosion Commissioner" before being released and going on a retirement tour.
- Evil Foreigner: Somewhat subverted as he's much less of a British jerk than a jerk that happens to be British.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Oh hai there Nigel McGuinness, what happened to your hair?
- Jerkass
- The Masochism Tango: With Chelsea since his match with Abyss.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Wolfe had various health issues in the later half of 2010 that limited his wrestling.
- Underwear of Power
Douglas Williams (Douglas Durdle)
- The Ace: He can match AJ Styles move for move and then get the better of him, he qualifies.
- Arch Enemy: The X-Division, who he
insinuatesstates loudly is a league of Spot Monkeys. - Breakup Breakout: A more subtle example (the breakup was more low-key) as he's become the more successful of the British Invasion.
- Recently, this has been reversed. Williams has been reduced to barely-used jobber status, while his former tag partner Magnus has achieved success in another team.
- Evil Foreigner: Fits this trope much better the Desmond as he actively hates American style aerial wrestling, as opposed to his European style.
- Hypocrite: As much as he talks about the glory of ground and pound wrestling, he's started using a Tornado DDT.
- Justified in that he didn't use the X-Division flyers' own medicine on them until that one point in the match where it became a finishing blow.
- Suplex Finisher: Chaos Theory, which is a roll-through into a German Suplex.
Brutus Magnus (Nick Aldis)
- Cool Shades
- Evil Foreigner: As part of both The British Invasion and World Elite.
- Nice Hat
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Underwear of Power
Rob Terry
- The Big Guy
- The Giant
- Sobriquet: The Freak.
- Robbie T.
- Underwear of Power
Suicide (various players)
- Badass
- Chest Insignia
- Cool Mask
- Holy Shit Quotient
- Latex Space Suit
- Made of Iron
- Put on a Bus: Until they find someone else to portray him, presumably.
- Refugee From TV Land: Is supposedly an original character from a TNA video game brought to life.
- Rule of Cool
- Stealth Hi Bye
- The Other Darrin / Acting for Two: Was portrayed by Frankie Kazarian, Christopher Daniels, and Kiyoshi.
(Shawn) Hernandez
- Arch Enemy: Matt Morgan
- Bald of Awesome
- Early-Bird Cameo: Hernandez was in TNA several years before his run with LAX, as a member of Jeff Jarrett's Elite Guard.
- Gang-Bangers: As part of LAX and then Mexican America.
- Last-Name Basis
- Lightning Bruiser
- Sobriquet: Super Mex, complete with with Shirt-Ripping.
- Underwear of Power: For a while...
Hogan Rising
Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea)
- Alliterative Name
- Base Breaker: Did he save TNA or doom it?
- Beard of Evil: After his Face Heel Turn, he brought back the Hollywood Hogan beard.
- Face Heel Turn: Oh, come on, like the formation of Immortal was shocking.
- Heel Realization Face Turn: One year, a Sting crusade, and a BFG fight later.
- Large Ham / Verbal Tic: BROTHER!!!
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Looks like it's about to be done twice.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: The first time.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Even several months before he would officially debut for the company!
- Villainous Breakdown: On the April 7th edition of Impact, despite acting like a Smug Snake out in front of the crowd, he shows the network's constant interference with Immortal's business is really getting to him. He's gotten progressively more unhinged as weeks passed.
Eric Bischoff
- Bad Boss: Pissing off your own stable is generally a bad idea.
- Flunky Boss: Since Eric is a complete pushover, he relies on Immortal to do his dirty work.
- Kick the Dog: Forcing Mr. Anderson to wrestle with a concussion and hating AJ Styles because he occasionally loses matches seem to serve no purpose beyond establishing himself as an asshole.
- Both majorly backfired on him, causing first Matt Morgan and then all of Fortune to perform a Heel Face Turn on him.
- Moral Event Horizon: Forcing Mr. Anderson to wrestle with a concussion, while this would normally not be a big deal in story, Matt Morgan kept telling him he was putting Anderson's career and health in danger by doing so. Eric's response? He doesn't care at all that he's putting someone in a potentially crippling situation. This triggered Morgan's Heel Face Turn.
- Obviously Evil: Come on! It's Eric Bischoff.
- Smug Snake: Dear god, he is smug.
- Villainous Breakdown: On his quest to get all the championships, Eric has gotten increasingly deranged.
- The Network's interference in Immortal's affairs is beginning to get to him as much as it is the Hogan. While he's trying to keep himself looking like Smug Snake around Hogan, but on his own he's clearly losing it.
- It's gotten even worse now that Hogan and his own son Garrett have both turned face. He's so obsessed with stomping out his son's independence that he's jumping up and down in frustration after Garrett eludes Gunner for taking him lightly.
Mr. (Ken) Anderson
- Adult Child: Okay, he's hilarious and everything, but Anderson is ridiculously immature, throwing temper tantrums when things don't his way.
- Deal with the Devil: Makes one with Hogan to get put in the position to take revenge on Sting and RVD for beating him up repeatedly. The deal was "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours (Immortal's)." Being the self proclaimed asshole he is, Anderson literally scratches the back of two Immortal members carrying him around after the match and then beat them up, rubbing it in Hogan's face.
- Except later on, he actually does take the deal, after Bischoff helps him beat Sting for the title. Only for him to lose the title shortly thereafter and get screwed with by Bully Ray, leading to his quick exodus from Immortal and adding two or three more entries to his vast number of gimmicks in 2011. Speaking of which…
- Face Heel Revolving Door: Within eight months since returning from his concussion! This highly contributed to killing his mojo.
- I Have the High Ground
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Large Ham: Seriously, it cannot be stressed just how much of a large ham Anderson is. From his "MISTEEEEEEEERRRRRR ANDERSON! . . . ANDERSON!" opening to his "THANK GOD I'M AN ASSHOLE!" promos.
- No Indoor Voice
- Popularity Power: He's able to pull off some of the most electric promos of any TNA wrestler. Heck, he's able to make people cheer when he calls them assholes.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gave one to Immortal and Hogan, telling Hogan how he used to look up to him and Hogan's now just a shadow of his former self. Anderson goes on to tell the rest of Immortal that he'd rather know he's an asshole than to kiss Hogan's. He ended up getting beat up for it, but made great points none-the-less and did seem to rattle Hogan a bit.
- Tranquil Fury: When he comes back on August 25, 2011 to take his revenge on Immortal. Before he's done, Scott Steiner was sent through a table and Gunner beaten to a bloody pulp with the same chain he'd used on Anderson weeks before, and made Bully Ray watch. All with no emotion at all on his face.
Orlando Jordan
- Black Comedy Rape: Or maybe just really Narmy Rape as Drama.
- Depraved Bisexual / Anything That Moves: The worst of both worlds.
- Put on a Bus
- Scary Black Man
- Unfortunate Implications
- Where Da White Women And Men At?: Subverted. His victims were pretty exclusively white, but only because 95% of Impact is white at any given period. The Pope, one of TNA's few black men in recent years, was actually one of his most frequent targets.
Tommy Dreamer (Thomas Laughlin)
- Arch Enemy: Fourtune.
- Badass Decay: Lost an I Quit match to AJ Styles, hell, he's basically just lost everything to AJ Styles.
- Failure Hero: In fact, EV2.0 as a whole could be considered this, except for Rob Van Dam.
- Manly Tears -> Water Works: What happens when you overuse the ECW angle.
- Put on a Bus: After a forced heel turn orchestrated by Bully Ray.
- Team Dad: His entire job seemed to be losing and trying to keep EV2.0 together.
- The Woobie
Matt Hardy
- Badass Longcoat
- The Dragon: To his brother.
- Evil Pays Better / Being Good Sucks: Why he decided to join Immortal and be a heel? Because he's tired of "doing the right thing" and having nothing to show for it.
- Expy: Unintentionally invoked. There's a reason why Tyler Reks was trending on Twitter during Genesis.
- Some have even compared him to Raven as well.
- Good Counterpart: Averted. Tells RVD that he's not like his brother, before sucker punching him in the face.
- Put on a Bus: Shipped out to rehab after TNA fired him.
Crimson (Tommy Mercer)
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Dark Is Not Evil: Despite looking like a vampire, Crimson is fighting Immortal.
- Expy: TNA seems intent on making him the next Goldberg.
- Face Heel Turn: On Matt Morgan.
- Genius Bruiser: In addition to being very big and strong, he totally pwned Jarrett at submission grappling.
- Good Is Not Nice: For a Face Crimson spends a lot of time beating people up.
- Good-Looking Privates: He's ex-military.
- Ironic Echo: During his debut, he says 'They are coming', right after taking out Abyss with his own weapon. Those are the very same words Abyss said preceeding the arrival of Immortal, only this time Red is refering to Fortune performing a collective Heel Face Turn.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: He was the first person that terrorized Immortal, he killed Abyss.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Meaningful Name: Crimson has red hair.
- He's Amazing Red's Darker and Edgier brother, crimson is a darker red.
- Power Tattoo
- Red-Headed Anti-Hero
- Unrelated Brothers: To Amazing Red.
Tag Teams
The Motor City Machine Guns
A former tag team consisting of Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.
- Adult Child: They can sometimes come off as overgrown teenagers.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Them offering their services, including watching Metalocalypse while you make them dinner, for two thousand bucks an hour.
- Alternatively, their PSA that they put out on Beer Money.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Heterosexual Life Partners: That's what they call themselves.
- Heroic Neutral: Though not motivated by the goodness in their hearts, they will go after heels, usually because the heels keep on screwing with them.
- I Have the High Ground
- In the Hood
- Keet: They're always bouncing around.
- Le Parkour: Sabin once ran up a table propped against a ringpost, flipping over and landing on his feet.
- Motor City: They're from Detroit, big surprise. In other venues they also went by "The Murder City Machine Guns."
- Nerds Are Sexy: The both of them, and Sabin is sexy enough to win Velvet Skye.
- Older Hero vs. Younger Villain: The gist of their feud with Generation Me.
- One of Us: From Sabin's name to discussing what superpowers they want, MCMG are total dorks.
- The Power of Rock: Their rock band The High Crusade, which includes Petey Williams.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: They're both only five foot ten, which is pretty small in the wrestling world.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- The Stoner: There's a rather infamous picture of them on the internet involving them and a good sized joint.
- Those Two Guys
- Rule of Funny: Like most good Tag Teams, this is their code.
Alex Shelley (Patrick Martin)
- Anime Hair
- Deadpan Snarker
- Put on a Bus: By his own choice.
- The Mario: Can high fly with the best of them, but his nickname is the "Technical Messiah" and for a reason.
Chris Sabin (Joshua Harter)
- Perma-Stubble
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- Shout-Out: His name is a reference to Final Fantasy VI's Sabin, why not, since the "MOTHERFUCKER SUPLEXED A TRAIN!!!"
Beer Money, Inc.
A former tag team consisting of James Storm and Robert "Bobby" Roode, they like beer and money.
- Affably Evil: Just two guys that love beer and money, they'd probably have been great to hang out with if/when they weren't trying to beat the crap out of you.
- Badass Long Hair
- Catch Phrase: BEER!!! MONEY!!!
- Draco in Leather Pants: Both of them regularly got face pops regardless of alignment because they were great wrestlers and have such an awesome gimmick.
- Odd Couple: James Storm is a southern born fun loving guy that's somewhat dim at times, Robert Roode is a Canadian born serious fellow that's usually on top of things, together
They Fight Crimethey would win Tag Team Titles. - Those Two Bad Guys: In Fortune.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Not color coded, but James Storm is the Red (loud, agressive cowboy) and Robert Roode is the Blue (businessman, technical wrestler).
- This has actually been turned up since their split.
- Underwear of Power
James Storm (James Cox)
- Badass Beard
- Badass Longcoat: As part of AMW.
- Beergasm
- Breakup Breakout: The more successful member of his previous team with Chris Harris (AKA Braden Walker), America's Most Wanted.
- Catch Phrase: "Sorry, about your damn luck!"
- Cool Hat
- Shout-Out: Does the last name of Storm and the Last Call Superkick, remind anyone of a certain Lance Storm?
- Weapon of Choice: Beer bottle.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Remember when he turned on Chris Harris and ended AMW by doing this? Beer Money ended the other way around.
Bobby Roode
- Alliterative Name: The formal "Robert Roode".
- Breakup Breakout: Arguably the most successful former member of Team Canada.
- Canada, Eh?
- Catch Phrase: "It pays to be Roode!". Has also borrowed James Storm's.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Explained shortly after his initial heel turn and singles push: His grandfather died and left him a huge, profitable company, he did some smart investing and made it even more huge and more profitable. (It was never made clear what, exactly, this company does.)
- Between buxom assistants such as Traci Brooks and Payton Banks, employing Team Cage Security, and supporting Storm's Bar and Grille before they became Beer Money… yeah, still pretty much unclear.
- Evil Foreigner: In Team Canada.
- Fleeting Demographic Rule: The way Roode used special enforcer Sting to retain the title at Against All Odds 2012 was an adaptation of Bret Hart's WWF Championship victory against The Undertaker with Shawn Michaels as the referee at Summer Slam 1997, except Hart's looked a bit more like he lucked into it thanks to Shawn hating him so much whereas Roode actively goaded and baited Sting like an evil genius.
- It's All About Me: Question - what happens when you get hoodwinked by Kurt Angle in a world title match, watch your best friend beat Angle with one move days later, get another shot at the title against your best friend in a couple of weeks, and during this match get knocked out of the ring next to your best friend's beer bottle? Answer - you usher in an era of selfishness.
- It's Personal: Cosniders Immortal firing Jay Lethal, a friend of his, this. Resulting in him giving Hogan a major "The Reason You Suck" Speech and telling them its soon to be game over.
- Moral Event Horizon: When not outwitting one of Sting's challenges and attempted gambits, his heel world title run seems to consist of mistreating Dixie Carter to the point of this trope.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- Shout-Out: Does the last name of Roode and the Rude Awakening Neckbreaker, remind anyone of a certain Rick Rude?
- Stay in the Kitchen: Earlier in his career.
- Fridge Brilliance exists in that this ended when he first started hanging around with James Storm and Storm's then-sidekick Jacqueline Moore, an obviously different shade of woman from either Brooks or Banks and one who he could better identify with.
- Restored this attitude to audacious levels toward Dixie Carter in particular in his main event Face Heel Turn.
- Wham! Line: To James Storm. If the feud wasn't personal before, he pretty much certified it with this:
Roode: "You'll need all the luck you can get. Considering your history with your two dead brothers and your dead father, you have NO luck. "
Generation Me
- Expy: They're quite reminiscent of the Hardy Boyz; dark-haired, calmer older brother with a blonde, less-calm younger brother, who are young high-flyers.
- I Have the High Ground
- It's All About Me
- Likes Older Women
- Punny Name: If you know them by their name in other promotions, "The Young Bucks", then you would realize the punniness of naming their finisher "More Bang For Your Buck".
- Put on a Bus: The first place that bus stopped was WWE for a tryout, but after rubbing Booker T the wrong way (by not going up to him and shaking his hand, of all things) they were told their services would not be required. So the bus kept on going and finally took them back to Ring of Honor. They also appeared in CHIKARA.
- Wrestler Allusion: During their debut match, Taz asks "Who are these young bucks?" (See Punny Name above).
- And of course "Buck" was added as the boys' last name after that.
Max Buck (Matt Massie)
Jeremy Buck (Nick Massie)
Ink Inc
A former tag team consisting of Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore. They've got ink, and a lot of it.
- Anime Hair: Jesse's Mohawk, and Shannon's weirder Mohawk.
- Power Tattoo
- Those Two Guys
Shannon Moore
- Badass Longcoat / Sleeves Are for Wimps / Hell-Bent for Leather: It's a really, really cool coat.
- Breakup Breakout: He's the Jannetty, childhood friends with Matt and Jeff Hardy, and tag-teammates with Gregory Shane "The Hurricane" Helms, he's gotten the short end of the stick both times, though looking at what happened to Matt and Jeff maybe he isn't so bad off.
- Cloudcuckoolander: THE BOOK OF DILLIGAF!!!
- Facial Markings: Tattoos of...something.
- Gender Blender Name
- I Have the High Ground
- Old Shame: He was in "3 Count."
- Put on a Bus: By his own choice.
- Straw Hypocrite: During the time he was teasing a Face Heel Turn. After months of espousing how Ink Inc. are about the 1% of society that aren't scared to express themselves, he mocked Scott Steiner for his trademark chainmail headpiece by claiming "that's not what the new generation wants to see".
Jesse Neal
- And Zoidberg: Shannon Moore is a crazy looking eccentric with some decent in ring skills, Jesse Neal is that other guy with tats.
- Heroic BSOD: In one of TNA's great booking choices, they decided to use the fact that he was a sailor who suffered PTSD after his ship was bombed and friend was killed (which all actually happened) in a feud.
- Put on a Bus: Allegedly because he refused to move to Kentucky to work in OVW without compensation for the move.
- Ramming Always Works: SPEAR!
Team 3D
A tag team (well, former tag team, now) consisting of Bubba Brother Ray and Brother Devon.
- Genius Bruiser
- Iconic Tag Team: The most decorated tag team in the history of wrestling.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Salt and Pepper
- Those Two Guys
- Unrelated Brothers
- Weapon of Choice: Tables.
Brother Bully Ray (Mark Lo Monaco)
- Breakup Breakout: After a short feud post-breakup with Devon, he was slotted into the main event as a replacement for Jeff Hardy following the incident at Victory Road '11, and has both maintained his position and competed for the world title while getting into what many have referred to as the best shape of his life. Meanwhile, Devon never left the midcard and doesn't get on TV often.
- The Bully: Obviously.
- Catch Phrase: "Get the tables!" "WUZZUP!"
- Dirty Coward: No qualms about using an innocent bystander as a shield to avoid confrontation.
- He-Man Woman Hater
- It's All About Me
- Kick the Dog: Spits on Terrance and Terrell, Devon's sons. Also could count as a Moral Event Horizon.
- Actually, the MEH event is putting one of those boys through a table at Against All Odds.
- Red Oni
Brother Devon (Devon Hughes)
- Catch Phrase: "Oh my brother...TESTIFY!" "WUZZUP!"
- Blue Oni
- Scary Black Man
Gunner and Murphy
- The Brutes: For Immortal.
- Corrupt Cops
- Those Two Bad Guys
Gunner (Chad Lail)
- Blood Knight / Sociopathic Soldier: One thing you can't question is what he would be willing to do for Immortal.
- Breakup Breakout
- Underwear of Power
Murphy (Michael Cole)
- Elite Mook
- Put on a Bus: After Gunner achieved Breakup Breakout status, Murphy was Demoted to Extra before being phased out completely.
The Beautiful People
A stable that over its years has consisted of Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, and Lacey Von Erich (plus Kip James). Their mission was to "cleanse TNA one ugly person at a time".
- Alpha Bitch: Kinda their stock and trade.
- The Beautiful Elite: Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Create Your Own Villain: Madison began as a partner of Taylor Wilde, before being "pledged" into the Beautiful People. And absolutely drug through the mud by Angelina and Velvet. Angelina leaves, the team becomes a Terrible Trio of Velvet, Madison, and new recruit Lacey Von Erich. Much more successful than the originals, title-wise (One Knockouts single, and tag team gold at the same time) Angelina returns, and Madison begins a quick decline into rage, resulting in the entire "brand" being split in two before being reclaimed by Velvet and Angelina (Lacey actually rejoined them against Madison for a cup of coffee before being released). Madison, ironically, was made to be the heel through the latter angle.
- Enemy Civil War: Adding to the irony, Angelina and Velvet still never turned from their "saving the world, one ugly person at time" motto during/after this, hell, they still went up against faces sometimes.
- Fashion Victim Villain: They are terribly dressed.
- They're dressed much?
- Faux Action Girl: Other Knockouts were calling them out as this since 2007. Velvet still catches the same flak even today as a face.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: A main reason for the stable.
- Girl Posse
- Hello, Nurse!
- Informed Attractiveness: Were considered to be the most attractive women in TNA and everybody will stop to ogle them, they aren't really more attractive than any other Knockout, beyond the fake Knockers.
- Your Mileage May Vary: Have you met Velvet Sky?
- No doubt she's gorgeous, but the point is, is she prettier than, say, Gail Kim, Tara, or Mickie James?
- Apples and papaya. Angelina goes to the back of the list however.
- One may disagree about Angelina indeed. But Velvet is considered one of the best looking female wrestlers of them all.
- The point, though, isn't whether one thinks they're indeed the hottest girls on the roster so much as it is the attitude taken by the program at times that they're head and shoulders above the rest in order to promote certain aspects of the character(s) when the truth is this is highly debatable.
- No doubt she's gorgeous, but the point is, is she prettier than, say, Gail Kim, Tara, or Mickie James?
- Your Mileage May Vary: Have you met Velvet Sky?
- Les Yay: Beyond the Faux Yay, they have a lot of this.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Narm: Maybe having your main heels for your woman's division, dress, act, and look like pornstars isn't the brightest idea when you want them to intimidate their opponents.
- Power Stable: They dominated not only in the ring, but outside of it as well. For a while through 2009-2010, no Knockout screen time came without them.
Angelina Love (Lauren Williams)
- Alpha Bitch: Mentioned again for Love because early TBP was centered around getting her the KO title and humiliating all the other Knockouts.
- Berserk Button: Any threat to Winter, since the two of them united.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Winter drugged her into this state as part of a successful attempt to convince her that they were meant to work together, turning her against Velvet in the process.
- Not Brainwashed: Eventually turns into this.
- Les Yay: Continued this trope with Winter, although since she happens to be Angelina-sexual…
- Uncanny Valley: Her makeup has been making her look this way more and more since joining Winter. The Brainwashed and Crazy phase certainly didn't help this.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Velvet Sky (Jamie Szantyr)
- The Artifact: Velvet is the only one still doing the general-plate Beautiful People gimmick. As a Face.
- Took a Level in Badass
Madison Rayne (Ashley Simmons)
- Bad Boss: Became this to Tara in mid-2011, leading to that unit disbanding.
- Les Yay: Continued this with Tara, before the trope above.
- Mini-Dress of Power: The bare midriff version. A favorite selection since her post-TBP makeover.
- The Napoleon
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Screaming Warrior
- Weapon of Choice: Loaded glove, brass knuckles.
Lacey Von Erich (Lacey Adkisson)
- Anything That Moves: Including referees and crazy midgets!
- Dumb Blonde: She made Mihoshi look like a genius.
- Pet the Dog: This usually followed her saying something stupid.
- Put on a Bus
- Statuesque Stunner
Awesome Kong (Kia Stevens)
- Berserk Button: After Haiti was devastated by an earthquake in early 2010, killing hundreds of thousands and leaving over a million homeless, Stevens had a Real Life Berserk Button pushed. Most of the world's population felt bad for the people of Haiti and were doing what they could to help, including Stevens, but Bubba the Love Sponge had the nerve to say "Fuck Haiti". To see how Kong expressed her rage at this, read on...
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Punching out Bubba the Love Sponge, legitimately.
- The Giant
- Lightning Bruiser
- Put on a Bus: Immediately after she punched out Bubba.
- Scary Black Woman
- The Stoic
- The Quiet One
Alissa Flash (Melissa Anderson)
- Acting for Two: Was appearing as Alissa Flash and Raisha Saeed at the same time at one point. She's doing it again in Ring Ka King.
- Anime Hair: Her mohawk...thing.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Her leather jacket (below).
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Cheerleader Melissa in SHIMMER and also in TNA she was Raisha Saeed.
- Put on a Bus
- The Tease: She would get heat by wearing a leather jacket during her matches and start to unzip it before closing it back up again, it worked surprisingly well.
- Sobriquet: Future Legend.
Sarita (Sarah Stock)
- The Bully
- Culture Clash: A Canadian born "Mexican" who wrestles in the US with a pretty Japanese style.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: She betrayed her former tag partner Taylor Wilde cause they lost the Tag Team Titles and betrayed Madison Rayne (who she had been working with) because she wants the Knockout championship.
- Recently she and cousin Rosita ditched Mexican America because they couldn't pay off a repo man to keep their low rider.
- Dance Battler: A quasi example. Since her Face Heel Turn she loves to salsa dance during matches.
- Evil Is Sexy: Ever since turning heel Sarita wears about 75% less clothing below the waist and has a wicked smile.
- Fake Nationality: Is not actually Mexican.
- Hey, It's That Girl!: Oh hai there Sarah Stock.
- Hot-Blooded
- Lightning Bruiser
- Power Stable: One of the main members of Mexican America. Or at least she was.
- Spicy Latina
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Took a Level in Badass / Determinator: She didn't stop working when she suffered from facial paralysis.
Daffney (Shannon Spruill)
- Cool Hat
- Demoted to Extra
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Her rare appearances on Impact are accompanied by some of the biggest pops of the night, even though she's a Heel Jobber.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Freaky Is Cool: Taz certainly thinks so, calling her "Zombie Hot".
- Impact Zone fans do not disagree.
- Military Brat: Born on a German military base.
- Murderous Thighs: Her Finishing Move for a long time was the Frankenscreamer.
- Old Shame: Remember when she was fighting over Ric Flair's son?
- Older Than She Looks: At thirty five, she's one of the older female wrestlers still going at it, not like you could tell.
- Perky Goth: The dark version.
- Put on a Bus
- Screaming Warrior
- Shout-Out: Has borrowed moves from Malia Hosaka, Lexie Fyfe and Lance Storm.
- Unstoppable Rage: Do not piss Daffney off, she will end you.
Rosita (Thea Trinidad)
- Berserk Button: Water bottle crinkling, repeated Latina jokes.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Hot-Blooded
- Kid Appeal Character
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Spicy Latina
Taylor Wilde (Shantelle Malawski)
- Badass: Especially when she teamed with Abyss to take on Raven and Daffney.
- David Versus Goliath: In her feud with Awesome Kong.
- Foe Yay: Her and Sarita.
- Genki Girl
- I Have the High Ground
- Les Yay: With Hamada and (previously) Sarita.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Odd Couple: Her and Hamada.
- Put on a Bus
- Red Oni
- Samus Is a Girl: WWE was going to have her as a masked wrestler competing inside the cruiserweight division then unveil herself after gaining the title. Alas, it did not come to be.
- Suplex Finisher
Tara (Lisa Marie Varon)
- Arch Enemy: Mickie James, Madison Rayne.
- Animal Motifs: Spider.
- Tarantula, specifically.
- Badass Biker: Upon her return with the Beautiful People.
- Butt Monkey: Until her Face Heel Turn.
- But Not Too Foreign: Turkish and Japanese.
- The Dragon: Has served this role for a few other Knockouts.
- Fetish Fuel: Tall, Dark and Bishoujo Screaming Warrior who wears leather catsuits and rides motorcycles? Yesplease.
- Hell-Bent for Leather / Spy Catsuit: In her recent heel run.
- Les Yay: With Madison Rayne, until the latter became a Bad Boss.
- And Tessmacher, and most other team-mates. Everybody is Tarasexual.
- Mascot: Poison, her tarantula.
- Meaningful Name
- Mrs. Robinson: At almost forty, she once had a semi-mutual fling with the early to mid-twenties Generation Me.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
(Ayako) Hamada
- Ambiguously Lesbian: Even beyond the Les Yay inherent in most Women's Divisions, Hamada seems more than a little interested in Taylor, has expressed no attraction towards men, and dresses much more masculine than the average Knockout.
- Badass: Was probably the toughest Knockout in the company at the time she left.
- Blue Oni
- But Not Too Foreign: Half Mexican, half Japanese, one hundred percent awesome.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Holding her own against Eric Young in a match for the Legends Title that was, more-or-less, a Curb Stomp Battle. Only losing to a quick roll up.
- Demoted to Extra
- I Have the High Ground
- Lady of War
- Last-Name Basis
- Odd Couple: Her and Taylor.
- Perpetual Frowner: Rarely smiles.
- Put on a Bus
- The Quiet One: Since she doesn't speak much English.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Ayako Hamada is pretty hot when she relaxes and quits looking so scary.
- The Stoic
- Use Your Head
- Wrestling Family: Her father, brother and sister are all wrestlers.
Winter (Katarina Waters)
- A Glass of Chianti: Shared a drink with Angelina on the August 18th, 2011 Impact episode. It looked pretty red. According to her, it was blood.
- An Ice Person: It's in her name.
- Because Destiny Says So: The whole basis of her attraction to Angelina Love. In fact, she claims they have a Reincarnation Romance.
- Berserk Button: Any threat to Angelina's safety or to Winter's relationship with her.
- Blood Magic: Has been beating Mickie James by spraying this into her eyes quite a bit lately.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Tried to get rid of Velvet Sky so she can have all of Angelina's attention. Velvet's still around, but otherwise, it worked.
- Hey, It's That Girl!: Katie Lea Burchill, is that you?
- Hypnotize the Princess: Did this to Angelina Love somehow. Implied to be a drugged drink.
- Les Yay: With Angelina Love, but subverted with her being pretty much Angelina-sexual.
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: For weeks, only Angelina Love (and the audience) could see and hear her. Love feared she was losing it, until Winter showed up in the 2010 Thanksgiving Episode in person.
- Psycho Lesbian: Well, she's very warm and sweet to Angelina Love, and psycho to everyone else.
- Reincarnation Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Angelina Love.
- Stalker with a Crush: For Angelina Love, at least until after she began to understand. Winter is still very protective, though.
- Spy Catsuit: Her wrestling gear.
- Stealth Hi Bye
- Voice of the Legion: Did this to scare off Sarita as well as reveal that she wasn't just a figment of Love's imagination.
"LEAVE HER!! LEAVE! HER!!! She's, with me, now!"
- Also, while Angelina was under her trance, to call on Love from afar.
- World of Cardboard Speech: In the Dec. 2, 2010 episode.
(to Angelina Love) "There's nothing wrong with you Angelina. In fact, you're perfect. But you don't have to worry. Now that we're together, we will never have to lose again. I guarantee that. WE. WILL. NEVER. LOSE."
- Yandere: Toward Angelina Love.
Mickie James
- Arch Enemy: Tara.
- Badass
- The Cast Showoff: Sings her own theme song.
- Celebrity Resemblance: To Alyssa Milano.
- As made somewhat evident with their pictures being right next to each other on Best of Twitter 2009.
- Hey, It's That Guy!
- Identical Stranger: She has the exact same face as Madison Rayne.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Her and Tara's feud was getting more airtime than the Knockouts champion.
- Although, considering the Knockouts champion was Tara's boss at the time and actually put Tara in Mickie's way…
- Unstoppable Rage
- Unkempt Beauty: Whereas the other female wrestlers wear ring gear of some variety, Mickie shows up to the ring in cut-offs and a flannel shirt.
- World of Cardboard Speech: Has one on the April 14th episode. Despite having been run over by a motorcycle the week before and having her arm in a sling, she tells Madison Rayne that she should've backed up and run her over again and that even hurt, nothing would stop her from tearing out every hair on Rayne's head and winning the title. It was so expertly delivered that the fact she's got a dislocated shoulder is easily forgotten.
Jackie Moore
- Distaff Counterpart: To James Storm in her first major run with TNA.
- Put on a Bus: For the second time.
- Sassy Black Woman
- Straw Man Has a Point: She and ODB came back without contracts and started beating the crap out of Velvet Sky because they believe that the reason they were fired was the gradual change of focus in the Knockouts division from the action girls to the eye candy.
Managers, Valets and Announcers
Karen Jarrett
- Gold Digger: A possible interpretation of her character.
- Hot Mom
- Put on a Bus
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Vamp
- Unintentionally Sympathetic: Both her and Jeff Jarrett. Despite being Heels with Immortal, their history with Kurt Angle both on- and off-screen (though Your Mileage May Vary on the "off" part) beckoned this trope.
- Of course, that was until they involved the kids in their latest feud with Kurt and afterwards went on to turn the abrasiveness Up to Eleven…
SoCal Val (Valerie Wyndham)
- Gold Digger: In her Heel Face Turn with Sonjay Dutt.
- Heroes Want Redheads: With Jay Lethal.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Back to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling