< Total Drama Island

Total Drama Island/WMG

Guesses about the fan film William Country go here.

The final episode will end with the revelation that the whole thing is scripted and staged and all participants were just actors

Knowing the show, this outcome is almost too good for the writers to pass up.

  • Jossed. Owen wins in the end.
    • The Joss was Jossed. There is now a season 2 with all of the TDI campers in it appearing.
  • Theoretically, that guess hasn't been jossed yet, as the show could reveal that after season 2 (during the special?) or season 3.

This show is an alternate universe of Battle Royale

But, instead of killing each other, the campers have to perform humiliating tasks (occasionally on one-another). There are even some simmilar characters.

  • Trent is Shuya, since they're both cool, kind-hearted guitar playing ladies-men.
  • Chris is Sakamochi, since they're both the sadistic hosts of the game.
  • Heather is Mitsuko, since they're both manipulative bitches who use charm to get ahead in the game.
  • Duncan is Shogo, just because they're both awesome.
  • Alejandro is Kazuo, since they're the male antagonists.

The real Chris McClain is dead; a sadistic criminal mastermind with an obsession with him escaped from a mental institution, killed him, and stole his identity

Think about it. This criminal could have easily escaped from the crazy house near the island that the already famous Chris lived on. Since the psycho with a chainsaw, hockey stick, and hook had escaped from jail to the camp site in that one episode, there must be a jail close to there...

This criminal murdered the original Chris, stole his identity, and possibly had plastic surgery to look like the original Chris. On gaining this false identity, the criminal decided to continue his dastardly bastardly pleasure of hiring interns, setting up obstacles, and forcing the poor interns to test them and fall to their deaths. Since that wasn't enough, the fake Chris then decided to bring teenagers to the island, put them on a TV show, and torture them mentally on television for the sake of money.

  • Didn't someone, when they arrived, say that Chris looked different from the posters/ads?
    • Yes. Beth said that Chris looked taller on TV.
    • Then he'd meet up with the fake Scout Master Lupus
  • This'd also explain beyond just pure narcissism how he thought the rubber Chris doll was the cutest thing in the world and 'really understands [him].'
      • This theory is becoming more and more likely with recent events...

The show takes place Twenty Minutes Into the Future

That explains a few things, such as that remote controlled hail cloud from "Phobia Factor" and the (clearly genetically engineered) giant beavers and monster goose. It also explains why the insurance company lets them get away with so much; their medical technology would logically also be better than ours.

  • Awesome theory, but I don't see much logic behind it. TDA showed animated versions of Toronto and Vancouver that looked as if they were from today, and twenty year old limos like the Lame-o-sine would have broken down or have been totally restored. Also, if it was in the future, they'd make it blatantly obvious it was the future, and urban areas would look a bit different. Since the two cities shown are present date, it's unlikely we'd come up with what you said in the next few years, or twenty of so.
  • World War III was not kind to the United States. California in particular was so devastated that the Total Drama producers decided not to do episodes there for fear of appearing disrespectful. The East Coast still managed to thrive, but as the song pointed out, crime increased overall in New York City. The US and Canada became even firmer allies and travel between the two countries was greatly streamlined. However, of the two, Canada emerged the greater superpower.

Cybernetic implants are widespread in the Total Drama Verse.

Based on the above Twenty Minutes Into the Future WMG, most of the contestants and crew are cyborgs to some extent. This explains why Amusing Injuries, including parachute malfunctions and submersion in lava, are so easily recoverable. Furthermore:

  • Heather's hair did not grow back at all during TDA because it's artificial (the herbal tea thing was likely denial at work). She had it replaced between TDA and TDWT and opted for shorter hair, thinking it would be less vulnerable.
  • Ezekiel had some upgrades installed to make him a more effective farmboy. A lack of proper maintenance caused his degeneration in TDWT.
  • Alejandro's home country has developed into a major technological center. This made it feasible for him to have himself enhanced to the level of a Villain Stu in a misguided effort to live up to his family name.
  • Cody is a pure human, so his injuries last longer than those of the other contestants. He'd have died in "Phobia Factor" if not for the aforementioned advanced medical technology.
  • Courtney was a pure human in TDI. She had several upgrades installed for TDA, but Cybernetics Ate Her Soul and in the end she had to be downgraded following complications resulting from whatever she did with Duncan after the TDA finale. By TDWT she was in stable condition, if somewhat irritable.
  • Justin has a holoprojecter installed on his body to present the image of each Woman's perfect looking man (with a computer added to his brain that probes there minds for that data) unfortunately (for him) Courtney's implant's allowed her to see though the projection

Chris McClean has connections to The Government.

And so, they look the other way when he does things of dubious legality and then broadcasts them on international television.

  • This one has a bit of evidence supporting it thanks to the Area 51 episode of season three, "The Ex Files."

The campers were all chosen because they're metahumans; the show is designed to force their powers to activate.

When they all do, the campers will be invited to attend a proper summer camp, sponsered by Department H.

    • this explains the super hero flick episode. Chris was testing them to see if any would recognize their potential.
  • Justin - Mind Control. He just thinks people listen to him because he's good looking. That's why it's more effective on girls, but that's just a mental block.
    • It might be the power of heart. It may not be a lame power after all.
      • It's not Heart per se. Heart can only be used for good.
      • Besides, DJ has the power of heart or something like it.
  • DJ - can talk to animals or transform into one. The guy can mimic almost any animal call and can run perfectly on all fours. And he's very close to animals, specifically rabbits.
  • Cody - Healing Factor. He got mauled by a bear and got injuries bad enough to warrant casts on both arms, a neck brace, and a wheelchair. Yet he was fine in episodes that take place less than two weeks later.
    • No, that's due to the "Twenty Minutes Into the Future" WMG above.
    • maybe he's a architectural genius, when motivated. That Gwen head couldn't have been easy to put together on the spot.
    • That or electro-man. See how he supes up a dodge ball in Dodgebrawl.
  • Katie/Sadie - They're the same person. When "S'Kadie" was a baby, she was bored because she had no one to play with, and so she split into two slightly different babies. They were then separated and raised by different families.
    • They could probably take that power further and merge, or divide into more people - you know, once they get that they have powers.
    • Also explains why they're ditzes. They literally have half a brain.
  • Owen - He apparently has the ability to eat anything and to produce large amounts of toxic gases.
  • Izzy - A fledgling Chaos goddess. She can do just about anything as long as no one sees it coming.
  • Courtney- A She-Hulk. She's weak and puny... until she gets angry. Then she suddenly becomes able to rip a lamp post out of the ground! It would explain why Eva never pummeled her and how she convinced people to vote off Sadie in Who Can You Trust?
    • While Eva didn't pummel her, she did try to stab her with a stick.
    • Nah, her powers immediate future precognition with a bit of super strength. Hence kung fu-Courtney in Action. She becomes jerk sue in Action because she realized she had powers. If everyone else did the same, her competence wouldn't stand out.
    • I like to think that Courtney is some sort of female Super Soldier. Her CIT training was probably part of a secret military program.
  • Duncan - He-Hulk. He lifted Owen and beat up an alligator. And a WHALE in season two.
    • Perhaps he's a Shape Shifter. He's shown to be a pretty good actor in the second season.
    • Seconded. The most he's developed of these powers is mimicry.
    • There's one point in the viking episode when his pirate voice sounds exactly like Owen. The hook could also be a morphed hand.
    • Shapeshifting could also explain his super strength: he's just moving the muscles in his body around to where he needs them.
    • Healing Factor make's more sense given the amount of abuse he takes compared to the other campers
  • Trent - Immortality. It's the lame kind of immortality where he can still get hurt but is guaranteed never to die.
    • Similar to Cody's.
    • Maybe for him it can be self inflicted and self regernerated. Like how he gets a rather badly sprained ankle in Action, then it's better five minutes later.
    • Wait, I got it! Trent is a contortionist, super double jointed all over his body and made of rubber.
  • Noah - Teleportation. Ever wondered why we never saw him jump off the cliff?
    • I would say something along the lines of superhuman intelligence, but that seems a bit too obvious.
    • This explains how he dodges the lasers. He teleports around them.
  • Bridgette - Jinx from Teen Titans. Doesn't it seem odd how she can blindly kick a tiny ember and make it land in exactly the right place to burn down the tent? Or loosen the cable that's holding the stage light directly above Courtney, upside down and with her feet? She's quite acrobatic, too.
  • Heather - Reality Warper. If she looks like she is going to be out, then "Hey, look! I got the chest with invincibility!" This explains a LOT about Haute' Camp-ture; in it, she used her powers on Chris to bring up the horrible, horrible logic and made everyone into idiots (hate the vote off, blame Heather). Chris got SO ticked off that she messed him up that he got her out on I Triple Dog Dare You. Unlike the others, however, she knows she has this power.
    • No, she's a telepath, like Emma Frost. See how she slices up the apple in Broadway Baby with her nails? She just temporarily became made of diamond. She seems to have a level of control over other campers because she can read minds to know exactly how to manipulate them. This also explains why she isn't affected by Alejandro's stolen mind control.
  • Gwen - Waterbender. She somehow managed to find Geoff's camera after she threw it into a great big lake and then acted as if it was nothing. She can bloodbend, too, as evidenced in "Basic Straining"; all the other campers got high from the blood rushing to their head, but Gwen was mysteriously unaffected.
  • Ezekiel - Hate Plague.
    • Possibly he infects peoples minds on a large uniformed scale. Unfortunately, he hasn't figured how to make them feel good about him instead of bad yet.
    • Actually, seeing the clip of the Ezekiel shapes cloud of vapor in the aftermath, I'd say he's got intangibility and can phase through objects like a ghost. This is how he gets back on the plane, why nobody spots him and how he sneaks into Chris's hot tub. He appears so confident at the beginning of world tour because he found out he had powers. He's not very good at using them yet, but is testing them out as a stowaway around the plane.
    • I'd guess his power is morphing into the feral state he spent most of World Tour in but unlike most of the others he has no control over it. I noticed that he seemed to be much stronger and nimbler after losing his mind
    • Zombie!Zeke is his Super-Powered Evil Side.
  • Lindsay - Guess.
    • She can shut down parts of her brain at will, for hibernation or something. It explains a lot of her stupidity. Come on, nobody's that dumb.
    • Or possession. By shutting down her brain, she take control of peoples bodies and make them do or say things they wouldn't normally. This explains all the character derailment in Action, it's all a result of her shipping different characters with each other. So Lindsay is really the ultimate manipulative bastard, which is why Heather tries to keep her close and in check.
    • But in Action she tried to do too much and ended up leaving her intellegence so low she accidentily voted herself off.
  • Beth - The ability to detect enemies (or something like that). Every villain in the show (Heather, Justin and Courtney) allied with her. This could show that Lindsay and Ezekiel might be future villains.
    • Okay, this sounds like an awesome idea for a fanfiction.
    • This explains how she ended up with the evil tiki rock. Villain magnet at work.
    • Actually, I'm thinking firebending with those flaming batons. She causes quite a bit of damage for just randomly waving around.
    • She might be able to create illusions, like she created the illusion of Brady (he's imaginary) to show up Leshawna and Heather
  • Alejandro - Copy. Seriously, all he is is an angsty Justin.
    • Makes sense. He can take on the appearance and abilities of others. It just so happens Justin's are the most useful. Also briefly borrows Noah's teleportation when he gets Bridgette to kiss a pole.
    • Also manages to borrow Tyler's extreme flexibility, right after the episode where Tyler's flexibility was revealed.
    • Unfortunately, he also managed to take Tyler's buttmonkey-ness and the usually surefooted Alejandro rams himself into a hurdle.
    • Possibly, he can also give people powers and so swapped DJ's animal familiarity with Bridgette's impossibly bad luck.
  • Sierra - Chi manipulation. She can touch certain part of your body to paralyze, heal or generally effect the body (poor Cody is her guinea pig when testing this)
    • Also super speed. When motivated, she paddled a swan boat for six all by herself to the finish line in record time. When frightened by a lion she blazes a trail about a mile away.
  • Harold - energy conversion. He can take any matter and use it to make a force of kinetic energy. He propels himself over a telephone pole with beans for gods sake. Kid's got some mad skills.
  • Geoff - Creativity. Not that he's got much of it, but when he becomes a sadistic show host, he somehow conjures anvils and parahna tanks out of seemingly nowhere.
  • Eva - The real she-hulk. Powers are tempermentaly activated, so she uses music to keep it under control. When Heather steals the i-pod, she's not just pressing the Beserk Button, she's unwittingly unleashing a holy terror.
  • Tyler - made of steel. He just "thinks" its only in his fingers, but notice how he rarely has lasting effects from his amusing injuries.
    • Or rubber man. He's very flexible.
  • Leshawna - super strength. Out log rolls a bear and switches the pipes in Heather's shower like it was nada. She must of been pretty tough to twist one pipeline over to another.
  • Chris - Illusionist. Much of the island, set and plane is a fabrication of his mind to test the campers.
  • Blaineley - Dragon Lady. Have you seen her toes? Also the part where she belches and farts simutaneously looks like she's morphing into a monster. She could probably kill them all in her true form, but refuses to take it as it is the eldritch abomination and she is obsessed with vanity.
  • Chef - Lego Geneticist. Successful creations like the mountain goat are unleashed on the campers for our amusement training. Unsuccessful ones are for dinner.
  • Best! Theory! Evar!

Justin will be the main villain/antagonist in Season 2

If Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island is any indication, we may need to add Justin to the Evil Is Sexy list when Season 2 comes around. He might be more of a bastard than we think.

  • No offense, but this is obvious as heck.
    • Yet still Jossed. Huuuuuuh.

Izzy and Owen are the parents of Mikey and Madison

Because it makes way too much sense. Also, Izzy is a young Ms. Frizzle.

Ezekiel is the BEST camper.

Think about it. Why else would he be the first one voted off? To hide his true "powers." He did do the first challenge, after all.

  • He was voted off first because he was a sexist pig in a team which had a significant portion of girls. Also, how does being the first to go qualify you as the best camper?
    1. It's wild mass guessing. When did tropers need proof?
    2. It beats saying that Ezekiel is a time lord.

Chris is Satan.

The contracts? The "remote controlled" hail cloud? The storms in "camp castaways?" For the later two, Chris Satan didn't use any tools or anything—just his evil powers.

In the last episode, everybody will break up and get with different people.

either for Rule of Funny or a Take That at fans who think that Status Quo Is God. All 22 24 of the campers would each be a part of one of TDI's permanent (and they will use flash forwards to ensure that yes, aside from being crack, they are canon) ETPs (eleven true pairings).

Here's a list of the break ups (nearly all due to character derailment, which is just a hasty way to axe off every so called "OTP" [hey, it's not like every WMG has to go around everyone being in character]):

  • Trent/Gwen: This pretty much already happened.
  • Duncan/Courtney: As said in a below guess, Courtney could just be pretending to like Duncan. Courtney has slowly become more bossy and the like, and threatens to sue at any time, and even gave Duncan a giant list of things he has to do (it was either the episode "Top Dog" or "2009: a Space Owen"). My real guess is that Duncan is a cover up because Courtney really has an even more strange cruch...
  • Tyler/Lindsay: Thanks to the Flanderization, this is obvious. As stated in Western Animation, the relationship ends suddenly, and Lindsay forgets which person is Tyler. Heck, I expect this exchange or something like that:

Some TD fan: Hey, aren't you the guy who dated the really hot chick?
Tyler: It's not as good as it sounds. She forgot who I was.
TD fan: ...

    • Depressingly, they have probably one of the least dysfunctional relationships out of all the contestants
    • There are 2 good reasons why Tyler won't break up with Lindsay, they start with D, and end with cups
  • Owen/Izzy: Owen's so obviously gay it's not even funny. He's just using Izzy as a cover up. Besides, considering how he literally used her as a human shield ("Hook, Line and Screamer"), you can see that this isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
  • Geoff/Bridgette: Again, this nearly happened in canon, and they even broke up at least once. And if Flanderization as right, Geoff became a jerk.
  • Cody/Noah: THIS IS NOT CANON EITHER. It is the cannon-ist of the cannons.
  • Owen/Mr. Coconut: Ugh.

Now, the final results... I don't know. I'll post them up when I think of them.

This show is a Stealth Parody of teen dramas.

Think about it. All 22 campers are teen stereotypes. Almost every vote off is a wall banger... because the writers want them to be. It is an intentional so bad its good, and we just don't realize it. Notice how much Narm is boiling inside every use of the word "drama". And finally, just look at the title. If that doesn't scream "stealth parody", then nothing does.

  • It isn't a Stealth Parody. It's an open parody. They don't make any attempt to disguise any of the facts you listed above.

Training camp

Twenty minutes into the future. Parents send their kids to the 'reality show', as a form of boot camp. Nobody wants to go to boot camp but if they think they are on tv...then why not. The first four or five contestants to go were plants so everyone is guaranteed some juicy time of being taught how not to be jerks.

All of this is a day dream by Owen

In 'trial by tri-armed triathlon', we saw in his dreams. How could the cameras get in Owen's mind? Answer: they can't.

  • He has been eliminated in the recent episode of TDA, jossing the theory.
    • The elemination in question was caused by Courtney, who could very well be the avatar of someone he hates, making that a Creator Breakdown. And remember, this guess is because of us actually seeing Owen's dreams, and not because "LOL he won the first season".
    • Hmmm, you may be on to something here. Maybe the contestants are actually people he knows from school, and Izzy is just a girl he has a crush on, fantasizing her in a bikini.

Along with this being a Stealth Parody, Gwen and Courtney are Parody Sues, and Duncan and Trent are parody Stus.

Gwen is not her real name, it's... Ebony Dark'niss Dementa Raven Way.

Think about it this way, Gwen is a goth goff and has a good relation ship with someone. She also has a stalker... because she is "so beautiful, it's a curse." She acts like something Trent just did was not so bad... and then hates him for it. Now the reason Trent plays along is because of some my immortal-y thing. The "not real name" came from "Camp Cast-Aways".

If there was ever a Total Drama Island live action movie, Heather would be played by Miranda Cosgrove.

Because this just makes way too much sense. She's already had experience with acting like a bitch and looks the part, too.

  • Jon Heder would play Harold. Tina Majorino as Beth, her character Deb looks just like her, just give her Nerd Glasses.
    • And Ellen Page as Gwen.
    • Weird. I always though that if there were a live action Total Drama movie, Megan Fox would play Heather.

Going with the "campers are meta-humans" guess, in the TDIverse, the power is in the hair.

This was something Heather didn't know, after the head shave, she got rid of the very little hair she had left. This is why she was facing many problems later on.

Chris has an upgraded Portal gun.

That can shoot invisible portals, have portals in the air, and change the size of them. This shows how Izzy and Owen had a much longer run to leave the woods and how the diving board reappears. And for the secret about the island? Two of them (islands, not portals), one with nobody but the main cast on it (c'mon, it can't be the same thing, other episodes contract this.), and the other one.

There will be a season parodying "The Amazing Race".

The fact that with the 22 campers we can make 11 teams of 2 is something this troper just can't ignore...

  • But who with who?
  • And that's the tricky question: There are very obvious friendships to make team, like Katie and Sadie, and of course, we got the canon pairings, but only until we know how the relationships end up in TDA I would dare to make some predictions.
    • Simple, one couple broke up and another seems like it will break up.
    • pairing the teams up by romance/friendship is boring, make enemies teams! like Harold/Duncan and Gwen/Heather
    • this is pretty much jossed because of world tour

Gwen does win the show in reality.

Since her plans with the money didn't sound enough like good TV viewing to the producers, they actually wrote Owen's winning to make it interesting TV. Don't worry, Gwen still got all the money, but the producers gave Owen a suitcase of fake money and just used it to get all the campers riled up in Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island and to lead up to Total Drama Action.

The first season uncensored? Don't be fooled!

The third episode says hi, in one scene, Owen was shown with Barbie Doll Anatomy. Plus, exactly what the hell could Lindsay have said in that's off the chain?

Justin has an influence in Nintendo of America's proceedings.

When he was given a build of a new game called Metroid and finding out that the unnamed protagonist was a girl, he asked to be able to play the game in a bikini. The conversation then went something like this:

Localizer: A bikini? I'm sorry, but we cannot violate our princi-

Justin: (Takes off shirt)

Localizer: What's your name?

Justin: Justin Bailey

The episodes we see are from the same series, but not from the same reality.

Because many plot details changes from episode to episode (Like Gwen-Trent relationship; Sometimes they're cool, sometimes not...) with no given explanation: The series is made with episodes from different alternate realities (What of course, that may explain some important changes in a couple of characters and their background stories)

Justin's egotism stems from a Screw Yourself-style attractions to himself.

Going beyond attracting people from various genders, age groups, and ambiguous sexualities, he's hot enough to be attracted to himself. This magnifies his ego infinitely by causing him to recursively want to do whatever he wants himself to do.

Justin was a really genuinely nice guy...

Until he was wrongfully eliminated by Heather. When that happened, he had something of an internalized Freak-Out, wondering why he, a fairly benign guy, could be betrayed that way by the other Gophers. He then came to the conclusion that "Nice guys really do finish last" and thus decided to start using his looks to get whatever he wanted and not care for others.

  • You know what? That's exactly what I always thought, and I think an experience like that would be specially frustrating to him (Because everybody was so nice to him until that moment). To most people wouldn't be a big deal, but to someone like him would be almost traumatic, since he's just to used to get whatever he wants

Trent is a follower of Tzeentch

The REAL reason he's obsessed with the number 9.

  • Jossed in a recent episode of a "spin off" series "created" by Geoff and Bridgette, wherein Trent reveals it's due to something about his grandpa and trains or something. Sorry...
    • Trent was lying about that, duh.

A future season will satirize dating shows and Trent will be the bachelor.

You know that they'll have to get into parodying Reality Dating shows eventually, and if the recent episodes mean anything, Trent has become a chick magnet since his breakup with Gwen. A lot of possibilities could come from this: Gwen possibly becoming jealous, Bridgette and Courtney looking to get back at Geoff and Duncan, Heather possibly using this as an opportunity to become famous (and to spite Gwen). Add new characters, and you'll have yourself a premise for a season.

    • but there's one problem, no real use for any other male contestants (except for possibly Noah) or female contestants who already have boyfriends.
      • True, but if I have to go through another Owen or Duncan centric season, I may scream.

Heather went so far because she was screwing Chris and/or the executives.

Being able to blackmail them since they're f*** ing a minor, they give her all the breaks, but can't break the Masquerade.

The serie's One True Pairing is...

Island/Movie lot. The cliffs? Yeah

The very last challenge for TDA (Or the one in TDDDDA) will be...

...based off of romance movies. Pairing up the final two if it was not the challenge for TDDDDA (assuming that there is one). Duncan and Joshua Harold for the final two, anyone?

  • Jossed, unfortunately.

Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island and Total Drama Action do not exist; they're TDI "fix fics".

There is a lot of explanation behind this one:

  • Trent rapidly becoming a Gwen obsesser/stalker is because the writer hates him and likes Gwen; said writer also ships Duncan/Gwen.
  • Gwen also becomes one of the team captions.
  • Gwen's own vote off (caused by her messing up the chalange for the team because she felt guilty that Trent helped her out on an earlier challenge, even though they where on different teams) in the second season was because the writer has nothing left to do with her and wanted to give her the vote off equivalent of a Heroic Sacrifice...
  • ...And after that, it started to focus on Duncan/Courtney...
  • Owen's vote off was not supposed to be looked at as a Dethroning Moment of Suck for Courtney; it's supposed to be the other way around, as Courtney was, in the writer's head, the only voice of reason in the fic.
  • Maybe the way Courtney treated Duncan in action is the author's way of saying "don't you think Duncan deserves better?, like Gwen?"
  • The ending to TDDDDI people, the ending to TDDDDI.
  • The second season is based off of movies. Looks like the sort of TDI fan fic someone would write.
    • Total Drama World Tour, a trip around the world... also sounds like a TDI fan fic.
  • It sure as hell explains why Heather is getting so much crap.
  • World Tour's lack of Trent, return of Noah, and Sierra makes it look like a very Cody-centric Fanfic
  • Sierra does look a lot like a Mary Sue from a Self-Insert Fic (or she could be a Take That against that and the Total drama fanbase in general)

Based on the above, Total Drama is a spoof not of reality shows or teen dramas, but of specific elements in bad Fan Fiction.

Season 1 established the series. Season 2 took that series and added plenty of Character Derailment, Die for Our Ship, and Flanderization. The derailed have since been rerailed and the Flanderized elements have been toned down. Season 3 appears to be sending up original character Mary Sues: Sierra is an unsympathetic Audience Surrogate with New Powers as the Plot Demands (plus an obsession with fan favorite Cody), while Alejandro is a Manipulative Bastard villain whose flaws have yet to become apparent (as of episode 5).

This may sound like a wild guess, but Ezekiel will become the next Big Bad.

This is a wild guess, as the only evidence is Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island, where he allied with Lindsay and Beth. Now they're only two so far (Heather and Justin), but out of them, 100% of the previous big bads allied with the same people.

  • this could actually happen, due to the fact that he is lurking in the shadows in the Japan episode

The show is set in the same universe as Drawn Together

Courtney will become a co-host for a future Total Drama show.

Regardless of how Total Drama Action turns out, Courtney won't be pleased with her portrayal and claim to be the victim of Manipulative Editing. In order to placate her (and to help lampoon reality series with multiple hosts), the producers make her a co-host alongside Chris. Chris isn't pleased by this development at all. Throw in another contestant cherry-picked for drama and let the clash of the titanic egos begin...!

Chris will develop a 'relationship' with one of the contestants.

He's already shown very little regard for set rules, and there have been 'illegal alliances' in the past. Not to mention that he's gotten to see the craziness that love inspires. How could he resist stirring up more chaos? Especially since getting somebody to fall for him would stroke his already massive ego and let him prove that he's just as alluring as the other handsome guys on the show. The main question remaining is who...

  • Lindsay seems likely, given all the Chris/Lindsay Ship Fic, and given that Tyler returns in The Musical and he's seen just how much drama Love Dodecahedrons cause. On the other hand, the age difference could torpedo any of this before it gets off the ground.
  • Chris' voice actor has confirmed that Chris is flirting with Lindsay

The third season will have at least one song that unintentionally comes across as appallingly racist.

Globetrotting, regular musical numbers, and a primarily Caucasian cast seems to be just asking for trouble.

Lordryu TJ is the bizzaro universe counterpart of Hijotee.

Mainly a comparison between William Country and the Total Cartoon series, but think about it:

  • Lordryu TJ—Hijotee
  • Wrties script fics—uses Fan Films.
  • Writes works out of the blue—advertises for films that don't even exist.
  • Stone sober—high as a kite (Hijotee admits that he takes drugs).
  • No Original Characters (mostly), yet Crossover--Original Characters, no crossover.
  • Likes a major character (Duncan)--likes a minor character (Cody).
  • Violent compared to TDI (See: Total Drama Torture)--lighter compared to TDI.
  • Mainly ships a straight pairing (The cannon ones, except for Duncan/Courtney)--Ships gay pairings.
  • Copy pasting a lot, with a dash of original plot (See: the Total Cartoon series)--original plot, with a dash of stolen quotes (fan film equvilent of copy/paste)
  • Speaking of pairings, ships cannon ones (mostly)--ships crack ones.

Izzy is famicon/ghxyk2 and made Bart the General. (The fan series, not the Simpsons episode.)

Search "Bart the General" on youtube, and you can see that it makes too much sense. It's not that Izzy is crazy enough to think that BTG makes sense and is a good idea, but that she is trying to Mind Screw everyone. Hey, if Gaara can be the writer of My Immortal...


  • Izzy has a fear of flying, the plane in the second episode of BTG is creepy as hell.
  • The name changing of Bart Bevis Berton and Homer Omarn reflect Izzy's constant name changes in the series.
  • The series possibly started during her breaking up with Owen in the first season, so that's what the Omarn vs. Toadfish is all about: Marge is her (so if this was true, then according to the third episode, she is probably bisexual), Omarn is Owen, Toadfish is Justin, Stonefish is Duncan, and Berton... Trent? The fourth episode's plot seems to be Omarn going to fight Toadfish with Marge siding with him, implying that the two (Izzy and Owen) have gotten together again.
  • Following the above, Bart the General used to have a one episode-per-year format, but that stopped during episode 4. The beginning could be shortly after the break up with stealth complaining against Owen by using "Omarn" to represent him. The abuse is toned down as Izzy forgives him, and now that they are hooked up again, Izzy has no reason to countinue the series anymore (as it was made back when she hated Owen) and has slowed down in making the next episode (there might be one, the end of the fourth has a "TBC" screen on it), which may be the last and have Marge and Omarn killing Toadfish and Stonefish for good.
  • Izzy can upload vids from the future, that's the only way this can be possible.

Duncan didn't actually purposely vote Courtney out.

Just like it first appeared, he really did accidentally hit her name because he was mostly asleep and not paying attention, but once it was over with his personality wouldn't let him admit that he'd just ruined his relationship because of a stupid accident so he insisted that it was on purpose instead.

    • here's my theory, Duncan thought if Courtney won she would not share her winnings with him

Courtney was so weird about her relationship with Duncan because she's never had a friend, let alone a boyfriend, before the show.

Her profile from season one outright says that she has no friends in her normal life, and the way she ends up acting (unreasonable jealousy, an inability to tell friendship from cheating, ridiculous rules to try making things work) make so much more sense when you view them as the actions of a girl who has no clue how a relationship should work and who ends up going very overboard trying to force it into what she thinks a perfect loving relationship is supposed to be like because she doesn't understand that you can't plan out romance the way she does everything else in her life.

  • Hey, that actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for pointing that out, it saved Courtney's character for me.
  • Thank you! You just saved Courtney for me as well, and that makes a LOT of sense.

Total Drama is a series of Play-By-Post Games.

Chris Mcclean's player is the GM and runs the forum, and the rest of the cast was made up by their respective players to take part in a Reality Show parody, complete with a colorful avatar. Some are self-parodies while others are parodying common reality show stereotypes. The show as we see it is adapted from their IC logs. While it was generally agreed that this would be a "non-powered" campaign as it was set in something close to "reality", they still put their avatars through considerable amounts of abuse.

The cast shake-up and Character Derailment during Total Drama Action is because not all the original players returned. Dreaded Real Life, simple disinterest, and other factors led to most of them leaving, while others didn't want to play their original concepts anymore. The GM ultimately solved this problem by taking the profiles of all the characters who weren't being played anymore and handing them out to anyone who was interested.

  • World Tour sees another meta-cast shakeup, as most of the characters change players once again, along with some of the newcomers wanting to play as older, neglected characters, and a few creating new characters entirely. Encouraged by the outcome of this, the GM next attempts to completely revitalize the game with Reloaded.

Courtney's settlement included an agreement to bring more drama into the show.

Yes, it sounds like an Author's Saving Throw, but think about it: Chris brought somebody else back onto Action simply to stir up 'the doo-doo', offering to pay big money if they did enough damage and kept the show entertaining. Plus, she'd had a chance to watch the first series, and see how much camera time was devoted to Heather: playing the antagonist means more exposure and attention, and keeps the ratings rolling in. So the terms were set up to deliberately enrage the other players as much as possible, as well as giving Courtney an unfair edge... one she was perfectly willing to capitalize on. If that meant that in exchange, she had to act like a horrible person... well, so be it. She could always blame it on Manipulative Editing later, right?

Plus, part of the whole theme of Action is acting. Something Courtney may be quick to remind the others of during the lead-up to The Musical, or the third series proper. Now, whether or not she's believed—or has avoided/will avoid Becoming the Mask—is another thing entirely...

Noah is actually extremely Genre Savvy and orchestrated his own demise on purpose.

Think about it. For the first two episodes we know he didn't do much except snark at Duncan and jump off the cliff. In the third episode, he kisses Cody (which he planned), which seals his place as one of the show's biggest fan favorites (it's true, he is). By the dodgeball game, he's confident in his status of popularity that he can purposely act like a jerkass, get himself kicked off, relax for the entire summer and during TDA... until Chris brings back him, Cody, and Ezekiel as three massive ensemble darkhorses for TDM. Not to mention he would intentionally throw in a bunch of stereotypical gay (the crossing his legs, the "honey", the "what-everrrr", the running in the special that he certainly didn't do in 'The Big Sleep') things to keep us interested, and snark to appeal to the fangirls. Even in his audition tape, he says he has a plan for how to win "in the end", and since both Owen and Duncan/Beth (depends on the special) are supposed to lose the money to advance the show, it's very likely he would've actually read the contract to know there'd be a third season.

  • Makes sense, as he is VERY smart. If he's Total Drama's Final Winner, Teletoon is forgiven. For everything.

Izzy is a plant from the network.

Look at what happens in the first season. It's plausible that Izzy would own a bear suit, but where was she keeping it? Probably with the production crew. Eva knew that Izzy had access to the production facilities, and tried communicating that to the cast when she was voted off the second time. After Izzy returns, she's given the important job of making sure that Heather doesn't get voted off to maintain maximum dramatic potential. From that point onward, Izzy starts pushing the show in the direction of a Le Shawna/Heather finale. Izzy encourages the idea of a "girl's alliance," knowing that it would cement Heather's already strong position. She sees that fan favorite Lashawna is having trouble in the bike challenge, and so removes her from the challenge so she'll live to fight another day. When Heather can't win the hunting challenge, Izzy "takes one for the team" and shoots Heather so she appears just incompetent and dangerous enough to be voted off instead. Lashawna's sudden, rigged elimination from the competition came about when the network saw that a Gwen/Heather faceoff would play better in the ratings, but Heather unexpectedly gets voted off right before the finale. She's fired after helping Owen win the first season, but the network is contractually bound to allow Izzy to compete in the second season.

    • Alejandro might be one of these

Dolores Umbridge is Courtney's Mother

What betters explains Courtney's controlling, almost-psychotic attitude? A controlling, almost-psychotic mother, of course. Plus, those ridiculous rules that she came up with for Duncan feel a lot like Umbridge's proclamations..."I will have order," indeed.

  • So you're suggesting that Umbridge somehow got laid?!
    • I think I need some Brain Bleach...
      • Seconded. But Umbridge and Courtney look nothing alike though...
      • Father's genes. Who knew the Imperius curse had so much power?

Alejandro and Sierra (the two new characters in "Musical") are twins, and their father is some Total Drama higher-up

It kills two birds with one stone; One, they'll need a really good reason to introduce two new characters into a closed cast, nepotism works, and two, it would be TV-writing suicide to have Sierra fall in love with Alejandro, so this WMG explains why that doesn't happen.

The special leading from TDA to TDM will involve the moon set.

For whatever reason, even in the actual space challenge, the moon set hasn't been used yet. This troper doubts it will be put to waste...

  • I want it to either be a romance or zombie movie, if it is a genre theme. Now that's a waste, especially since the final two, final four, final six, final eight... actually, there's a pretty strict boy-girl pattern they could've used for most of the season.
  • Romance/Zombie movie on the Moon?

As mentioned on its own WMG page, this series and Phineas and Ferb take place in the same fictional universe.

Thus explaining why they both have sapient but non-talking animals, advanced technology and really weirdly-shaped heads. Also, Carl and Harold are related. There's just something about them that makes me think they must be.

Come on, they even look alike.

  • Both are awesome too!
    • That's actually a funny idea. Granted, the Frizz is less manic than Izzy, but perhaps even she can calm down as she grows up? And goes back to using her actual name—Izzy was just a random pseudonym, like E-Scope, you see.
      • Uhm... frizzle to Izzy! Its not even a fake name it's just a shortening! Either way this is my new canon :)

If the writer's hadn't decided that Justin didn't work as a villain after all, Courtney's Character Derailment wouldn't have happened.

In interviews about the first season they said that the reason Heather was the only really villainous contestant (Chris and Chef not counting since they're outsiders from the ground) was because they interviewed tons of kids in the age demographic they were aiming at about what they liked in reality shows, and one of their major dislikes were your standard Reality TV villains. This one villain trend kept up in the second season, with Justin at the beginning then switching over to Courtney as they decided that he didn't really work.

So, if Justin had kept scheming away Courtney would have kept the role she had when she first got back into the show, as the disgruntled Straight Man trying to keep the people around her from screwing up her chances at winning. Which might have still made people within the show see her as a bad guy, but would have been a natural advancement of the character when she's already been screwed out of going as far as she should have through other people's actions once (twice if you count her not getting the million in TDDDI because of the guys refusing to let go of her balloon , which I'm sure she does).

Speculation for World Tour.

  • Heather will be responsible (or partially responsible) for the downfall of Alejandro (or at least they would have a Enemy Civil War).
  • Heather will try to truly be the other contestant's friend, but mostly Lindsay's.
  • Cody will reject Sierra's advances, she will be heartbroken, and in response he'll be voted off by his female teammates who'll feel sorry for her.
  • One of the pairings will break up. - Confirmed. Duncan and Courtney break up after Duncan falls for Gwen.
  • One episode will be a Take That against shippers (probably when they go to Paris).
  • A Leshawna/Harold/Heather Love Triangle (no I have not been taking mind altering drugs, why do you ask?) - Jossed due to Harold's early elimination. Jossed again because Leshawna just got eliminated.
  • The Final two might be Noah and Heather.
    • Or Cody and Sierra.
  • Trent will try to get into the game forcefully and he'll have a Yandere level affection for Gwen - Jossed due to Trent getting over Gwen and seeing other people.
  • Ezekiel and Trent will return (much like Eva and Izzy did in island) - Half confirmed, half Jossed, Trent was never in World Tour, and it is widely speculated that Ezekiel will return.
  • In the episode where they go to Greece the contestants will have to do the challenge naked or in there underwear. Jossed
  • The female contestants (or at least the majority of them) will ship Cody/Sierra.
  • Ezekiel will be a contestant, but he will make another foot-in-mouth comment and he'll be the first one booted off (just like in Island). Sort-of confirmed, as he gets voted off first by his team for doing something stupid - losing his stick.
  • Trent will get a new girlfriend, which will make Gwen jealous.
  • Courtney will become a Shipper on Deck for Cody/Gwen. Only because she sees Gwen as a threat to her relationship with Duncan.
  • The Woolly Beavers and the Stymphalian Canada Geese will make another appearance (probably in the episode when they go to Costa Rica)
  • More Cody/Noah undertones - Jossed. They've had no interaction all season and Noah has now been eliminated.
    • No interaction all season? Someone clearly missed the Alps episode. Sausage, anyone?
  • The first three contestants to be eliminated will be Ezekiel, Duncan and Harold. Confirmed.
  • Cody will reject Sierra's advances and then she will have an obsessive crush on another male contestant: the best bet is Noah, but it could be Geoff (if he doesn't forgive Bridgette for being seduced by Alejandro), Ezekiel, Harold, or maybe (as an irony) Trent or in a cracktastic event Chris.
  • They will go to Eva's home country in one episode.
  • Sierra will get a Character Blog. - She comments on the TDWT Facebook occasionally, and seems to have an episode play-back blog.
  • The final three might be Cody, Heather and Alejandro (with Cody and Heather being the final two).
  • The hosts for the aftermath show will be Geoff and Katie and Sadie. Jossed. It's Geoff, Bridgette, and Blainely.
  • Duncan, will be one of the first off...but he will pull a Courtney and return midseason. Confirmed, and in the same episode number as well.
  • Ezekiel will be one of the first to go because he can't sing. Jossed, he was elimanted but for a failing a challenge reason. Also he was the best singer.
  • Sierra will become Heather's Morality Pet. Probably not, as she's actually playing Heather.
  • Heather will try to cause a feud between Sierra and Gwen.
  • Blaineley will become a contestant. Confirmed. She unintentionally (and unwillingly) 'won' a place as a contestant during an Aftermath challenge.
  • A Sierra/Cody/Gwen Love Triangle.
    • Jossed. Gwen ended up in a triangle with Courtney and Duncan instead.
      • It's probably better to say there was a big Love Dodecahedron: Sierra==>Cody==>Gwen==>Duncan/Courtney==>Alejandro==>Heather. And that's not even if you count the fake Courtney==>Tyler or all of Alejandro's other crushees.
  • Heather and Alejandro will form an aliance, totally intending to double cross the other in the end with gambits, but will then Become The Mask with one another and appear to fall in love. In the end, Alejandro will be hoisted by his own petard by Heather, when he dosen't have the heart to follow through, and votes her off as planned (but she will anyway). Heather will go on in the final two - probably agaisnt Noah or Cody (I really hope Noah, considering the Noah gambit mentioned above, but the show so far is centering on Cody so he is more likely). She will lose to whichever and get back together with Alejandro in the end(who forgives her because he likes manipulative bastards, seeing as he is one). If this happens, including the Noah gambit from season 1, Teletoon will not only be forgiven but hailed as my new religion.
  • There will be a Pirate/carribean episode for whatever reason and Alejandro and Heather will star. Seriously, he's got and eyepatch and she's got a gold tooth. They are becoming pirates!

Speculation for the season after World Tour.

  • It will parody Kid Nation
  • Chris will get fired and will be replaced by a new host, who will be even more of a son of a Heather, but Chris won't go down without a fight, causing a 1 to 1 Enemy Civil War
  • A new Female contestant who is a plant for the network, who's job is to seduce the male contestants and cause love triangles
  • A new contestant that is stereotypically Quebecian
  • A contestant will form a secret alliance with Chris (like DJ did with Chef)
  • DJ's mother will have a bigger part in it

Total Drama (specifically, Action) is a massive parody fic... of it's self

This is similar to an above guess. The Character Derailment is intentional, and Sierra is a Take That at Cody Fan Girls (king of like inserting people you hate as Straw Losers). More info on this guess later, do not respond yet.

Heather likes Duncan but is in denial and is projecting her feelings onto Gwen.

Did she really just happen to own a framed photo of Duncan? She also instinctively grabbed onto to Duncan in 'Masters Of Disasters' in exactly the same way Courtney did back in 'The Sucky Outdoors'. Heather was also the person who reacted worst to Courtney's re-appearance in TDA (at least before Courtney managed to alienate her team).

  • that actually sort of makes sense, they do have quite a lot of Belligerent Sexual Tension.
    • The reason Heather is denying it so hard fits in with her Gwen complex - if Gwen likes Duncan then obviously he isn't deserving of being liked by Heather. And of course if they really do hook up that 'proves' to Heather that he wasn't worthy in the first place.

Alternately, Heather really, really likes Gwen.

Just hear this out, will ya? Heather has spent over a year now trying to make Gwen's life a living hell, even when geography separated theme. Plus, she has a copy of Gwen's outfit, and a Gwen wig. Something is happening in Heather's head; if it's not love, it's a very dangerous obsession of the highest level.

  • Think of this way: you're Heather - beautiful, smart, popular. Suddenly some loser Goth humilates you on national television, cheats you out of a lot of money and ends up more popular than you! And thanks to her you're own stock has plummeted to the point where you can't even get a date in the school you used to run. No wonder Heather's obsessed with Gwen - she's baffled and outraged that such an obvious (from her point of view) loser is beating her. And maybe a part of her - the part of her that's desperately lonely and upset - wishes she was Gwen. Gwen has friends and boyfriends and Heather has neither. Of course being Heather the only way she knows how to deal with it is to lash out at the girl she envies.

Heather has a crush on Harold.

Due to the fact that he's the only contestant who wanted to team up with her in Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island, the only contestant through out most of the second season to actually be nice to her and he's probably the closest thing Heather has to a friend. But she denies it because 1. it won't look good for her image to be in love with the "alpha geek" and 2. she fears what Leshawna would do to her

  • Heather showed some respect for him at the Third Aftermath. That would be great at TDWT, Heather&Harold versus Gwen&Duncan battling at the challenges

Heather's in love with Leshawna

Think about it, Leshawna is the only person, man or woman, Heather's shown any genuine affection for. Even when Harold tried to get close to her, and help her, when no one else would, she rejected both him and his friendship, but when Leshawna was facing torment from the other contestants, then she finally thought of someone other than herself, and spoke in Leshawna's defense.

The reason Duncan went to juvie will eventually be revealed and he will turn out to have been framed, mistakenly imprisoned or to have taken the fall for someone else.

No, this plain isn't happening. First of all, it'd be one of the most ridiculous Draco in Leather Pants ever. Second, Gwen, Owen, and Heather already know what he went to juvie for. Third, his bio says that he's done a lot of crap and the video from his parents (it's in the outtakes) show him doing stuff like the "Happy Nude Year" incident.

  • just let the little fangirl believe
    • That comment has made my day.
    • Mine too. Worth posting the rebuttal in the first place.

Gwen could/will turn out to be the new antagonist in Total Drama World Tour

Why is she hanging out with Heather and Courtney of all people in the trailer? They were the bad guys from Island and Action. And they're her worst enemies! And in one picture, she's throwing a glare at Sierra while everyone else (Heather, Courtney and Cody) is smiling. I don't think she'll get along with Sierra because Sierra will likely see her as a threat to her crush on Cody. If this happens and she takes over the previous roles of Heather and Courtney (dueling with Alejandro?) how far are the writers gonna take throw her character off the rails this time?

  • She's hanging out with Heather and Courtney because they're all on the same team, and even then she's seen glaring at them on occasion, as for the Sierra thing, this troper thinks that it's either the Cody issue or that Gwen just doesn't like Sierra because of her enthusiastic/spazzy personality.
  • Gwen as an antagonist? Actually this isn't a bad idea, in this troper opinion.
  • Gwen could be cheesed off with Sierra for losing her team the challenge, or maybe she could focus her attention on Cody after doing the whole I Want My Beloved to Be Happy Shtick with Duncan, although this is unlikely to happen due to Cartoon Network heavily promoting the Courtney/Duncan/Gwen Love Triangle
  • This Troper believes that Sierra will see Gwen as a "friendly rival" for Cody's affection (Think the relationship between Might Guy and Kakashi from Naruto)

Chris is in love with Chef Hatchet, or vice versa

There was one episode (was it "Camp Castaways?) where Chef cuddled Chris. In another, (probably "The Chefshank Redemption), Chris awkwardly tried to ask Chef out, which some fans interpreted as a sign of them having a relationship.

The writers made Courtney a Jerkass and want fans to hate her so they could pair Duncan with Gwen.

Derailing Love Interests anyone?

Gwen will get a creepy obsessive crush on Duncan that'll make Sierra and her ex look sane.

as a Take That against Gwuncan shippers and Duncan fangirls

    • Very unlikely to happen

Sierra is either a sadist or CRAZY.

I'm not talking about Izzy-crazy, I'm talking about regular-crazy. Did you guys hear that creepy leitmotif she has in the first episode of World Tour? Or how she seems to love Chris and Heather despite knowing what they've done in the past two seasons? Or the fact that she basically radiates a creepy, "I-sometimes-sneak-into-your-house-and-wear-your-clothes-while-you're-asleep" aura?

    • let me guess, Gwody shipper?
      • Nope. I'm just giving a WMG that Sierra's secretly insane, at least I didn't say she's a Time Lord or something.
        • depressingly You're probably right, although her affection for Chris and Heather could be just good old Draco in Leather Pants-ism
      • this is pretty much confirmed in this teaser

Trent was hypnotized.

It's my perfect explanation for his Character Derailment, Chris hired a hypnotist to make Trent become all crazy to make Gwen dump him because he wanted to push the Duncan and Gwen thing for ratings. How else would you explain him getting a nine-obsession out of nowhere, not to mention starting a boy band with Cody, Harold and Justin?

    • they should've hypnotized Duncan to show more affection to Gwen, that would have caused much more drama
      • Face it, Gwenx Trent ship has the same fate of the glorious Yamato, but not that glorious ending

Alejandro is an utter bastard because Lady Gaga broke his heart.

He's so vain, I bet he thinks this song is about him.

Sierra is a Stepford Smiler.

She used to be all lonely before Total Drama first started. Then when she realized that the contestants were all just as strange as her, she developed a huge obsession and started blogging about them. In her mind, she sees them all as her friends and sees Cody as her boyfriend. When Cody finally breaks her heart, she will reveal that she knew he never liked her, but she just wanted it to be real. * Sniff*

  • That'd be an awesome fanfic, but way too dark for the show.

Alejandro is not the new major villain on the show, instead the new major villain is Sierra.

  • Sierra is playing a Batman Gambit to get on the show and win the million dollars.
  • Sierra showed up at the right time and was able to get in on the contest.
  • She is intentionally acting like Lindsay on a sugar rush to give everyone a false since that she is harmless.
  • She created sixteen different websites about this show. She knows the rules and the contestants backwards and forwards.
  • She has already shown to be very multi-talented, for example she can sing like and angel. And she clearly knows what to look for during the challenges, while at the same time appearing to be a ditz.
  • Sierra named her team Chris! That should raise alarm bells right there.
  • There is a devious mind behind that sweet face of hers.
  • She knows that Heather will make an alliance with her and stab her in the back when she is now longer needed.
  • So, Sierra will use Heather first.
  • Sierra will make it a game to see how far she can push Heather over the edge.
  • Before this is over, Sierra will drive Heather stark raving mad. And we will have the fun in watching it happen.
    • not originally mine, but Paul_Cousins' idea
      • So far, Sierra playing Heather is true.
      • also, she was fake crying to make Cody pay attention to her.

Sierra works for Cartoon Network

How else could she have gotten all that info? Answer: She got a job exploiting the truths for money.

The Writers Thought Beth Would Win TDA

Think about it, Beth said that if she won she'd take Lindsay with her to Paris. The TDA specials starts by showing us the two of them in Paris, and later Beth is seen losing a wheelbarrow of money while a convenient voice over says, "Beth's parents had to sell their car to make bail." The writers were so sure that Beth would win that they wrote the special as if she'd won, which also explains why Courtney and Duncan are having dinner together, something they said they'd do in the alternate ending where Duncan loses. So the producers did an awkward voice over to hide the part about Beth losing the prize money and kept quiet about Duncan, hoping we'd assume he'd just lost the money somehow.

    • Just a guess here, but the writers probably wanted Beth to win because she's a girl, and it would keep the playing field even, as well as keeping away those pesky Moral Guardians and feminists. However, due to some Executive Meddling of epic proportions, either the CN or Teletoon forced them into creating two seperate endings again, allowing Duncan to win.

Nobody Wins In The End

Check this out:

  • Owen won season one but he had to give up his money to compete in season two, which he didn't win.
  • Duncan won season two but somehow lost the money (Or the writers are going by the alternate ending where Beth wins, in that case Beth loses the money when she has to pay bail in Paris) before season three.
  • Spoilers reveal that at the end of Season three Alejandro throws the money into a volcano, meaning that, once again, no one gets it.

So what I think is that none of the original 22-campers ever actually get to keep the money (except maybe Beth since she used a tiny portion of the money to fund her trip to Paris) and so every season everyone loses and Chris just makes money from the entire thing.

    • proof would be nice for Alejandro throwing the money into a volcano.
      • An old Christian Potenza video (I think he took it down) had the camera briefly move over a script in his office for the TDWT finale, it was fast but freezing the image allowed fans to tell what was written there, which was Chris talking about what Alejandro had just done.
      • what a sore loser

Alternately, the final winner is Chris

because he's Chris and he does what he wants

Heather is a Closet Geek

she probably had nerdy interests when she was an "ugly tween"

Alejandro will fall in love with one on the girls

  • He will be a antagonist and outwit and betray the other campers, but his plans will fall apart when he falls for one of the girls, most likely Heather.
    • Heather would probably exploit Alejandro's affection for her, like he will do to Bridgette and Lindsay

Noah and Cody will have more shippy moments

That one scene in season one has spawned tons of fangirls, so the directors will begin Pandering to the Base and include a few shipteases, as well as play up Noah's Ambiguously Gay

  • They've been doing plenty of the second, with comments like "ooooh, stalkerlicious". And after scenes like the one in Celebrity Manhunt, we know they've at least recognized the ship.

Heather will fall in love Alejandro, show some rudimentary human qualities and then get her tiny blackened heart shattered into thousands of pieces

The creators of the Total Drama series were fed up with fans telling them to follow in the Koboid Necromancer's footsteps, so as a take that, took his favorite character, Ezekiel, and turned him into a Butt Monkey as a Take That.

  • This seems extremely likely.
    • I wanted to post this first!
    • This troper, the guesser, thought if it when he saw the first scene when they are leaving the bus. "Introducing fan favorites, Noah, Cody, and-" cue Ezekiel making a fool out of himself, and then It Gets Worse...

Alejandro will physically assault one of the contestants

His manipulating skills will fail to work on a contestant he considers a threat, and as a result he'll assault them, breaking their jaw and arms in order to stop them from telling. The audience won't be shown this, and believe they got into an accident. We won't know until the contestant heals and tells everyone. It will be Aljeandro's Moral Event Horizon, and he'll be a Karma Houdini since he'll do it while the plane is over international waters, or try buying his way out. Or it'll be his word against theirs, and being the son of a diplomat his will be taken.

    • My money's on Noah
      • But hasn't Noah already fallen for Alejandro's manipulation? If anything, team Amazon is the only team that doesn't admire Alejandro, so perhaps it's Cody instead?
      • Noah's smart enough to see through his deception after a while, also Cody has a good chance of facing Alejandro's wrath
      • You may be right, in the third episode Noah doesn't seem all that impressed with Al's monster movie idea like the others are, and perhaps Cody's conflict with Alejandro is what's foreshadowed by Al knocking him down in the TDA special?
      • Considering that Cody's role is shaping up to be keep Team Amazon from destroying each other, it seems very likely Alejandro would consider him a threat.
      • If Alejandro does, he'll probably frame Gwen
      • ...and then, when Cody heals and accuses Alejandro, he can claim poor Cody's just been seduced by a terrible girl who's using her looks...man, this is falling in place so beautifuly.

Ezekiel will try and get revenge for getting booted off first

possibly by performing a Hostile Show Takeover

    • H'm, not a bad idea. He showed up sneaking around in the cargo hold (?) in Super Crazy Happy Fun Time In Japan with creepy red eyes when Team Amazon was picking out their stuff for the commercial.

Chris plans to milk the series' budget completely dry until there's no cash left for the reward.

The final season will end with him announcing that as a reward for their sticking with the series, all the contestants will receive the same amount of bonus cash... then, after letting them freak out and celebrate, add that comes to a grand total of pennies, or even a negative amount, because the producers wound up dipping into the prize money to meet his exorbitant demands.

Ezekiel will get the prize money somehow.

probably when Alejandro throws the money into a volcano, Ezekiel is inside the volcano and he grabs it before it hits the lava .

DJ is going to have an epic Beware the Nice Ones moment.

He's already gone through quite a bit of cutie-breaking, with the horrible new Running Gag about hurting the very same cuddly creatures he so adores. This will lead up to him suffering a major breakdown, far worse than the guilt he struggled with during Action. Most likely outcome? After injuring one too many cute animals, he'll completely snap and decide that, if he has to cause pain, to cause it to somebody who deserves it. (Related to this: Chris may get an equally epic Oh Crap moment...)

Sierra, Alejandro and Ezekiel are all Chris' Unwitting Pawns

Sierra and Alejandro, as 'fresh blood', are meant to make the third season more exciting; Ezekiel, on the other hand, was deliberately selected because he's so incredibly irritating and stubborn enough to stick it out despite everyone hating him. In the wrap-up special following World Tour, Chris will reveal that the whole season was testing to see how receptive audiences would be to a newer cast, and whether or not the 'old guard' -- such as Ezekiel—had worn out its welcome. This leads to the announcement of Reloaded -- and that there's going to be a major cast-shake up, with the twelve newbies coming in to replace everyone.

Including Sierra and Alejandro, as he'll declare that both of them will have worn out their gimmicks: Sierra's Stalker with a Crush hinges on Cody's presence, while Alejandro will doubtlessly be unmasked as a Manipulative Bastard by the climax of World Tour, placing him in the same boat as Heather, as he'll have lost that critical element of deception.

This, of course, will lead to a mad, jealous scramble by the cast to 'deal with' their replacements, as in the Celebrity Manhunt Special. This may or may not end with a few of them earning the right to compete alongside the newbies in Reloaded; either way, this will all be playing right into Chris' hands.

    • This... this WMG is actually really well thought out, it might actually happen, since Chris proved that he's pretty good at pulling off a Xanatos Gambit in the TDA special.

The Series finale will be a Where Are They Now? Epilogue.

showing how the contestants (and Chris and Chef) are doing 10 years after the Total Drama series, and as a Take That against shippers, none of the offical couples have survived and none of the contestants have formed relationships with other contestants

Noah was Craig Tucker as a kid.

After moving from South Park, Noah continued his Deadpan Snarker lifestyle in Canada.

Chris will stop an Elimination Ceremony after the voting.

That's the real reason why he mentioned that each challenge "could end with an elimination" in World Tour. He plans to, at the most dramatically appropriate moment, have the losers vote somebody off, go through the entire ceremony, and then stop them from taking the Drop of Shame, saying something along of lines of "You would... if this was an elimination round!" After all, he makes the rules, and he had mentioned this before. In all likelihood, he'll deliberately do this to make the benefactor a Elimination Houdini and create even more tension, as now the one who nearly got voted off will know they've been targeted, and the other teammates will be extra pissed that they got spared.

The most likely candidate? Sierra. She constantly compliments and sucks up to Chris, and so long as Cody's around, he'll likely want her there for the entertainment value. Cody might also be possible, as Sierra would flip if he gets eliminated before her, and since he acts as the lynchpin for Team Amazon, he'd be caught in the crossfire even worse, desperately trying to maintain order—and protect Gwen, which would only make Sierra more incensed if he openly favored Gwen over her.

  • This happened in the Peruvian Amazon episode

Ezekiel being a stowaway will come down to nothing in the long run

The Fresh TV people are just trolling Homeschool's fanbase with a false Hope Spot

Eventually, Cody and Duncan will become each other's Third Option Love Interests.

Cody will manage to escape Sierra's Yandere-ish affections and come to terms with Gwen's rejection, hooking up with another rebellious character who accepts him. Duncan will find that his preference really does lean toward the more rule-abiding upper-class types, but tire of Courtney's abrasive attitude. (And he'll find that a relationship with a male accommodates his misogyny better than one with a female.)

  • But then who will Noah end up with? D:
    • Bridgette duh

Cody will reject Sierra in an over the top fashion to get it into her thick skull that he doesn't like her, like how Lisa rejected Ralph or how Mac told Goo that he doesn't like her .

She will be heartbroken and It will be seen as a Kick the Dog moment for Cody and all of the contestants will sympathize with her and give him the cold shoulder (bonus points if Gwen condemns him for it)

Cody's feelings for Gwen are mutual.

And have been since Island. She just doesn't know how to express her feelings so she hides behind Trent and Duncan.

  • She does act quite Tsun to him

There is a reason Owen is at the top of the pyramid in the TDWT opening...

Before you shout out that you think he is a Creator's Pet, it is because he is being held up by Tyler, who has incredible hand strength.

    • Can't be, Tyler's fingers are strong, not his arms.

Harold picked ninjas as his phobia to look like a badass

Meaning he has no actual fear of them (obviously seen in his knowledge of Japanese culture, as well as nunchucks). He chose them to seem like a badass, hoping to fight them off and gain the hearts of fans and females everywhere. Also, had he not knocked himself out, he would have scored a point for the Killer Bass.

Geoff has no idea about Bridgette/Alejandro, and won't until the first Aftermath.

It will probably be a joke about him being distracted everytime Bridgette and Alejandro were on screen together, doing things like getting a snack, going to the bathroom, looking the other way at nothing in particular, etc.

Katie and Sadie are Lee Lee and Mee Mee from a different dimension.

They have a blonde friend with a similar name who didn't make the show, because she was messing up her little brother's lab.

Sierra has some deeeeep shit on Chris, and is gonna use that to her advantage

She has openly admitted to talking to everyone that he knew in high school (Revealing his love of Tomato Juice). Who's to say that she didn't learn some really bady juicy bits about our loved(?) sadistic host?

    • You better believe Sierra does, and she does use it, but to Alejandro's advantage...kind of.
    • she also might have stuff on the campers

The jackets Chris ordered will come...

during a challenge in place with a dangerously hot climate. He will also probably make the contestants wear them, or else they will be eliminated.

  • I'm backing this one, it seems likely. Or they come back during K2 but Chris would rather them climb it "in their undies" according to the flipbook.

There is something deep, dark, and/or traumatizing about the nickname "Al"

  • Nah, Tyler called him Al in the Japan episode. Personally, it was probably just because it's... Owen.
  • Sort of. The Amazon episode reveals that he doesn't like nicknames because they soil his proper name.
  • CONFIRMED. As of the final episode.

Alejandro is secretly a robot.

  • He hates being called Al, because it looks like AI or Artificial Intelligence.
  • Well, if he wasn't a robot before, he is one now.

If there is a challenge in France, Lindsay will break another piece of artwork, and get sent back to prison.

  • Mostly Jossed. In the preview, a lot of the contestants are breaking artwork. However, Lindsay is seen CLEARLY with a parachute on her back.

Similar to the WMG above, Geoff will actually not know of the consequences Bridgette suffered as a result of Alejandro's trickery.

As far as we're concerned, Geoff thinks that Bridgette is pregnant with her and Alejandro's baby. He could have stormed out of the showing of AYDICDB just as Alejandro and Bridgette are about to kiss and be out of ear shot just as Bridgette gets stuck to the pole. He'll hate her, berate her, hit her...too far? Then, someone will show him what happened after he left and, at the least, hate her less, perhaps even mutually respect her but not enough to get back together yet.

One of the TDWT challenges will take place in a fictional country that Chris and Chef made.

Maybe Chris will be the dictator or king. The contestants will complain about said fictional country, but to no avail.

One of the TDWT challenges will take place in Camp Wawanakwa.

because Muskoka, Ontario is part of the world. Plus Chris Maclean can whatever he wants

The meat grinder will be very useful in a future challenge

Maybe they will go to a country known for sausage or something, and part of the challenge will involve meat, meaning the meat grinder would be very handy. Everyone will get mad Heather threw it away, possibly resulting in her elimination.

  • While it was sort of obvious, it's already been confirmed; next week in the Alps, the teams will have to grind/package uncooked meat and make a giant sausage.

Sierra will manipulate Heather into helping her get together with Cody

Sierra doesn't care if she wins or not, she just wants to get into Cody's pants, so she'll tell Heather that she'll make an alliance with her if she becomes her Cyrano. Bonus points because Heather despises her competition for Cody's affection

Sierra doesn't see Gwen as competition for Cody's affection.....

........Beth on the other hand

  • ... and you know she's just lying in wait to take down Noah and Sadie in their sleep!

Only one contestant will be eliminated because they didn't sing when the chime went on, during the song, etc.

And it will be seen by many as one of the series biggest head against wall moments, rivaling that of "That's Off Chain" or "Haute Camp-ture".

  • Which would be silly, since in What's Not to Love, there were people singing with no excuse.

Blainely was fired from her own show because of a sex scandal.

Based both on the way she drools over Justin and her clear 'I'm too good for this show' attitude on the Aftermath. That's also why she's such a Jerkass; she's taking out her bile on the Total Drama contestants.

Beth will become another contestant's Abhorrent Admirer.

The best bet being Cody

Gwen will be the ultimate winner.

I think Gwen will win the final season. I'm also think that the writers are going for Earn Your Happy Ending for our little goth girl, that can explain why she didn't win in America or Canada and why she went through all that bulls*** in season 2, I think if they do get her and Duncan they'll break up and at the very last episode Gwen gets the money and she and Trent are happily reunited.

Sierra will blackmail Cody into becoming her boyfriend.

she'll threaten to tell everybody about his embarrassing secrets (if she knows a lot about Chris, just think about what she knows about someone she's really obsessed with)

A crazy theory about Alejandro

In case people do not know, in the Peruvian Amazon episode, Alejandro will get a villianous Eye patch so maybe as World Tour continues, he will suffer Amusing Injuries that will make him more and more evil looking

    • Okay, if that was true, that would be the most awesome theory EVER. Sadly, it doesn't happen, but on the finale he gets put into a robot suit. Maybe if he does come back he'll look more sinister and evil.

Blaineley will try to break up Owen and Izzy

Due to Owen and Izzy (after Geoff and Bridgette) being the most stable couple, Blaineley will try to do this for Ratings/Drama/For the Evulz (possibly by seducing Owen)

DJ will be eliminated in the Jamaica episode

Uh, dude, that's been all but confirmed.

  • Confirmed. We all saw it coming.

Theory about what happens after Duncan comes back

At this point in the competition Courtney and Gwen are friends or have formed an Enemy Mine depending on how you look at it, but only because Duncan's not there. When he comes back, Courtney reverts back to Clingy Jealous Girl mode and this causes her friendship with Gwen to slowly fall apart; meanwhile Duncan is becoming attracted to Gwen, but Courtney doesn't realize or notice it. Eventually Courtney turns on Gwen during a challenge to win immunity; this leads to the scene where Duncan and Gwen go to the cargo hold and kiss.

Sierra doesn't know about Cody's crush on Gwen

Only for Rule of Funny

    • Jossed because of The "Am-AH-Zon Race"

Chris is rigging the game in Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot's favor.

Notice how Team Chris has only lost once, and it was because Heather cheated. Then, Chris revealed that it was a reward challenge. It's entirely possible, and likely, that he's rigging the game in their favor.

  • Um, if he was rigging for any team, it'd be the one that keeps winning every week even though they're a sucky team. Actually, the only reason they're winning is because Alejandro keeps throwing challenges.
  • OP, what's are you talking about? Team Amazon have won five challenges so far, one of which they only won because Alejandro helped them and another because Chef liked freaking exploding donuts, while Team CIRRRRH has only won once. The NY episode was a reward challenge to begin with, since the rewards were already in the apples. Chris didn't meddle with the challenges and he had no way of knowing which team was gonna lose. HOW is the game in their favor?
  • Oh, and get this, episode eight's up, Team Amazon go to elimination and guess what? AFTER they vote Chris decides to cancel the elimination. If anything, Chris is rigging the game in Team Amazon's favor.
  • He's totally rigging the game in Team Amazon's favor, when the lost both the Amazon and Newfoundland Chris just decided to cancel the elimination.
  • Actually, he's only biased against Team Victory. Check out episode 8; if Heather didn't get voted out, it should have been a reward challenge...but Team Victory didn't win a reward (other the first class thing, but that goes to the winning team every episode so it doesn't count).

Chris is Haruhi.

Or, alternatively, he is Kyon if he actually had grown up with the Reality Warper powers. Several reasons:

  • Camp Wawanakwa, and probably the film lot as well (possibly the entire Earth that they do the world tour) is an alternate dimension that is only accessable by Chef - the esper or slider, who would be a mix of Koizumi and Kyon (since he plays the grumbling straight man to Chris), plus a whole bunch of Ho Yay. Ever wonder why we see no real people during the world travel sites or in the Aftermath studio? No laws about subjecting kids to this sort of torture? The people in these places are either in a different dimension (where they took Celebrity Manhunt with them) or Chris has bended the wills of those around him.
  • Which brings me to my next point. The ridiculous, laws-of-physics-breaking nature of the show that we blame on it being animated could be accounted for by the fact that Chris WANTED it to happen (jumping off a thousand foot cliff or Trent falling five thousand feet without dying) so he could have interesting challenges without the contestants actually dying (as we saw in the Remote Island episodes, even Haruhi wouldn't wish someone dead). It would also explain the increased animal aptitude, the Genre Blind contestants, (as well as their adherence to their stereotypes), etc.
  • Why? Because he was bored and used his powers for his own amusement, just like Haruhi. And, especially if he is a not-so-disillusioned Kyon, he would still be looking for supernatural beings. Chef, as above, would probably be the esper or slider. The world tour is to send the contestants throughout those places in order to look for aliens. The movie sets were actually different eras in time, such as the Western, space, caveman, and war genres.
  • Finally, the ambiguous age is an indicator that Chris is not all that he seems. Word of God says he was 25 at the start of the show, but Sierra says he was born in 1978, meaning that he is lying to throw us off (since we also don't know the exact dates of the events in Haruhi-verse) to the actual year.

There, that's all I got. Feel free to add, disagree, or provide other instances of potential candidates for Haruhi within the younger cast.

    • If anyone's Haruhi, It's Izzy.

Cody and Sierra will have a talk about their "complicated" relationship.

Then the bell will ring and they will have to do it in song.

Courtney, Duncan and Gwen will have a three-way argument.

Then the bell will ring and they will have to do it in song.

Gwen will force Cody to make amends with Sierra.

Then... yeah.

Ezekiel is Coach Z as a young man

Let's see, there's the accent, the Z-shaped bling, the strained relationships with women, them both being posers who try to pass themselves off as gangstas, and the fact that both are very unpopular among other cast members. Also, how else could Coach Z get his own line of Sports Instructional videos unless he had some kind of minor celebrity status?

  • That actually makes a lot of sense. I actually had a completely unrelated theory about five years ago that Coach Z's "real name" was Ezekiel... This only leaves the question of... what the hell happened to his mouth, nose, and ears?
    • Easy. He makes another offhand sexist comment, Eva is within earshot, and the end result is physical disfigurement.
      • or, his disfigurement comes from falling into the volcano.
  • More evidence: Zeke is best known for making an unintentionally-sexist comment in Season 1. Coach Z once apologized to an angry Marzipan for an offscreen "inapprahpriate" comment. More than likely, he was hitting on her, but maybe it was actually a sexist remark.

Owen is Bowling for Soup's Jaret Reddick from an alternate dimension

Think about it: he's insanely happy-go-lucky, not the thinnest person, is constantly using Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?, and just look at these lyrics from Smoothie King and try NOT to think Owen/Izzy: "You're crazy, and I'm crazy about you."

    • Sad, Sad Situation: "A basket case with a pretty face." Hmm.

Cody and Justin Bieber grew up near each other.

Bieber was jealous of the large amount of fangirls Cody gained, and stole his haircut. And the rest is history.

Izzy is Princess Guinevere's descendant.

Izzy has a great Scottish grandmother. Guinevere was taken to Scotland for a family reunion. There's a possible chance that Guinevere might have Scottish blood. Now look at Izzy then look at Guinevere [dead link] . Similair hair, clothing etc. The only way Izzy could inherit her Cloudcuckoolander personality would be if Guinevere ended up marrying Robin Hood.

Noah will form a relationship with Sadie.

As a Take That against Noah/Katie shippers

Tyler has no depth perception.

He lost it due to a head injury. He's so macho that he's been trying to Walk It Off rather than seek help, and that's why he's so clumsy.

Noah has feelings for Izzy.

And he's telling Owen how crazy she is, so Owen will break up with her so he can have her all to himself. Well, Owen and Izzy have broken up, but let's see if Noah falls for a super-smart Izzy.

Noah has feelings for Owen

And he's telling Owen how crazy Izzy is, so Owen will break up with her so he can have Owen all to himself.

    • Um, I disagree with the Ho Yay bit, since their interactions are most certainly just friendly, but I do think that Noah may simply be acting protective and wants Owen to stay away from a girl that could potentially eat his arm off while he's asleep, they are best friends after all.
    • Plus, it could be a Friend Versus Lover situation, with Noah being jealous of how much attention Owen gives Izzy
    • As of "I See London..." it's probably the other way around now, what with Owen spending the entire episode trying to make Noah laugh and being close to tears after his elimination.

Blaineley will get feelings for Owen.

No, I have not been taking Mind altering drugs, why do you ask?

  • Considering the most recent Aftermath has revealed Blaineley to be a secret Gasshole and none too picky about the quality of her food I can actually see this happening.

Izzy discovering time travel will be a plot point.

Maybe it's the reason why the next season is called Total Drama Reloaded

  • Season 5 will be called Total Drama Time Warp. And it will be AWESOME!

In the Las Vegas episode, Izzy will escape area 51.

Or Owen could break her out.

  • The Izzy storyline not being resolved by having Owen break Izzy out of Area 51 followed by her snapping back to "normal" and giving Owen a big kiss is a waste of a perfectly good opportunity.

The eliminated contestants sabotage Alejandro and Heather during the final challenge when they get to the final two

The reason Total Drama World Tour involves singing is because of Glee!

  • Teletoons saw how popular Glee was and decided to make season 3 have songs!
    • One of the girls in Total Drama Reloaded resembles Sue Sylvester

Alejandro has something to do with the spanish phrase "Al burro muerto, cebada al rabo"

  • The phrase translates to "To the dead donkey, barley to the tail", meaning (paraphrasing) "You should enjoy life, for at the when you die, you can't expect anything (fame, glory, etc.)" Kind of ironic, considering Alejandro wants to bring everyone down and win. Add Owen's nickname for him ("Al"), and add in his last name ("Burromuerto"), and you've got something.

Ezekiel will turn into a Gollum-like character.

Tell my you weren't thinking that at the end of I See London. He's still on the plane, and the lack of light and food has made his skin green, his eyes bloodshot, and he's gone insane. It's the perfect oppotunity for him to turn into Gollum. MY PRECIOUS BARF BAG HEHEHEHEHEEEE!!

  • I think you're confusing your tenses. The one you used implies that this is a future event.
  • With the remaining contestant having to race to Hawaii, and a volcano is the final challenge (most liekly where Alejandro will toss the breifcase) no doubt will see the movie referenced .
  • Confirmed

The writers are deliberately trying to sink the Duncan/Gwen Ship

Think about it: if they had really wanted them together the obvious time was the end of TDA when Duncan was single and Courtney was at her least popular with the fans. Instead they reunite Duncan and Courtney, spent half a season making Courtney likeable again, made her close friends with Gwen and then in 'I See London' have Duncan kiss Gwen without breaking things off with Courtney. Now Duncan and Gwen will look like total louses if they continue, everyone will sympathize with Courtney and the poor Duncan/Gwen shippers will have got what they want in the worst way possible by having to defend a couple cheating on someone they are both close to.

  • This Trent/Gwen fan hopes to God you are right. Yeah, they've already sunk my ship but I refuse to abandon it yet!
  • As a (very depressed) Duncan/Gwen shipper I hope I am wrong, but short of major damage control signs seem to point that way.
  • The truth is, if Duncan tried to break up with Courtney (legitimately or otherwise), she'd literally break every bone in his body. Depending on how you interpret Courtney's words to him near the end of I See London:

Courtney: And how could you think it was okay to just...leave me like that?! Because it was not! Abandon me again, and it will not be pretty. Now...get over here, you big lug! (hugs him) I'm not really mad! I just missed you.

I mean, seriously? If anything, the writers are trying to sink Duncan/Courtney along with Duncan/Gwen (at least from this Duncan/Gwen shipper's point of view).

  • That means only one thing, if it's true: the writers are planning a massive Deconstruction, like the one done in Neon Genesis Evangelion, but, hopefully without all the Nightmare Fuel. Something will sink and it's not going to get pretty.
    • P.S.: And I'm not talking only about ships.
  • And as of 'Aftermath Aftermayhem' we get what can be seen as Ship Tease with Gwen and Trent. The plot thickens...

Heather and Alejandro will backstab each other at some point

Yeah, they flirting, everything seems fine, the amount of Heather/Alejandro stories is growing in FFN, but everything seems to indicate they will advance further in the competition, but, considering their personalities, it will have a time where they will have to compete against each other, they will overdo and maybe even hurt themselves.

The relaxed eyes, and the striped blonde color and style of bangs would suggest that if Bridget took her hair down, it would look exactly like Blaineleys.

  • I can see it. There is definitely a sense that Blaineley is the 'Anti' Bridgette so actually being related works well. Bridgette's bio implies (but doesn't state outright) that she is an only child. Maybe Bridgette's mother had Blaineley young and gave her up for adoption? We don't know Blaineley's age but I can see her being in her mid to late twenties, putting her about 8–10 years older than Bridgette.
    • Considering Blainely's personality and semi-celeb status, it would not be far fetched for her to have had some form of cosmetic surgery, meaning she could be older than she looks. I put her at aunt or cousin.

Ezekiel will either get his own song (unknown to the other contestants)

Hey, they filmed him singing by himself in "Come Fly With Us."

Izzy newly discovered timetravel and teleportation are there reason why Ezekiel still in the plane

She send him there in a mission of sorts.

Ezekiel grows up to be Mitch Hedberg

Yes, I have been taking mind altering drugs, why do you ask?

Owizzy will become canon again.

Because Owen is the writer's pet and It will be the perfect way to troll the people who prefer Izzy with Noah or Ezekiel (and Owen haters in general)

  • Was Noah/Izzy ever that popular before this season? If it wasn't, I doubt they'd want to "troll" people that prefer this couple when they made the episode almost a year ago.
  • Noah/Izzy probably grew in popularity after the Island special. Plus, this would be a great way to troll The Kobold Necromancer (an Ezzy shipper)

Missing his best friend, Owen will try to follow in Noah's footsteps

Because he wants to be more funny, and the funniest guy he knows is Noah, Owen will attempt to live up to the Deadpan Snarker status. Only to no avail.
  • This should be canon. It is hilarious.

Cody is going to get over Gwen

Seeing her in relationship with Duncan is going to make him slowly realize that she isn't the perfect girl he's been putting on a pedestal and cause him to move on for someone who does actually want to be with him.

    • Very unlikely to happen.

Rock!Duncan from the Newfoundland episode is the town's resident Eldritch Abomination.

It eats sea birds from afar, which looks like spontaneous death, and it lures lost travelers to its main body and then just lets them go for some reason, which is why Courtney and Gwen thought Duncan was out on a rock in the middle of the ocean. So they didn't forget to add Cosmic Horror Story elements to the creepy coast episode after all.

Duncan survived a drive-by shooting outside a music store.

This is why he's averse to both singing and Celine Dion music store standees.

Chris kept Lindsay and Tyler from kissing out of jealousy.

"It's a half-hour show." Sure. Because simply blowing a kiss takes up so much time. Either he's doing a poor job covering up his jealousy over their status as Official Couple... or he's Dangerously Genre Savvy about shipping and is deliberately trying to give the in-universe Total Drama fans more justification for shipping him with Lindsay. (Giving them justification for shipping him with Tyler is probably unintentional. Possibly.)

Izzy will return in the Niagara Falls episode....

....And due to the fact that "Brainzilla" dumped Owen and not her, she still thinks they're a couple, and when she sees Owen and Blaineley (the later in a bridal dress) she'll beat up Blaineley for "Stealing her Big O" and Owen and Izzy will become a couple again
    • Jossed. Niagra Brawls has no Izzy in sight.

The show creators originally intended Duncan and Heather to be a couple.

Based solely off Duncan's very vocal interest in her in the first episode of TDI (and his lack of interest in or interaction with Courtney or Gwen). In fact Heather's very first line in the show ("Drop dead, you skeeze!") is a response to Duncan's pass at her that could be interpreted as Belligerent Sexual Tension. Obviously they changed their minds and decided to go with Courtney fairly quickly as Duncan and Heather have very little interaction for the rest of TDI.

  • So, that explains why they're setting up Heather/Alejandro
  • Could be; I think a Heather/Duncan romance would have had a similar sort of dynamic with them being outright enemies at first. Which makes it pretty funny that Heather has been flirting with Duncan to make Alejandro jealous. They (Heather and Duncan) also had a couple of Ship Tease moments in TDA - they were 'forced' to kiss each other, she grabbed onto him when they thought they were going to drown and Heather seemed really upset when Courtney came back. Maybe they were toying with the idea again?

Ezekiel has gone mad and will become a spree killer

He will kill the main cast causing Chris to hire new people. They will never find out who did it and go down in history (appropriatly) as another Jack the Ripper.

Ezekiel will the Big Bad of World Tour

Near the end of the season, there'll be a musical number. He'll suddenly come out of hiding and interrupt it with a flashy Villain Song. During said song, he'll reveal that he secretly caused several of the mishaps that occurred after he was voted off. Chris makes some last minute changes and the final challenge becomes stopping Zeke's evil plan (whatever it turns out to be). Whichever finalist does that will be the winner.

Cody's Lack Of Singing Will Be A Plot Point

Lately, several Cody fans have been complaining about how he's missed about ten songs now, and this troper started wondering about it, missing about two songs like Tyler would just be normal, but now he's missed way more than anyone, so what if... when Cody gets to the final three, Chris eliminates him for not singing in so many past episodes? Like, maybe there's a clip show or something and Chris suddenly notices it, OR he just held back the insta-elimination to make things more dramatic. Either way, Cody not singing will turn out to be relevant to the plot.

  • In his last episode - maybe even after being eliminated - Cody will sing a solo.
    • Somewhat Jossed: Cody gets a solo in Rapa-phooey, before the last episode.

In the final episode of TDWT the entire cast will sing an epic "The Villain Sucks" Song about and to Chris

We already got a great one targeted at Blaineley, so one about Chris is the obvious move.

    • They already threw him into a lake in season one, I'm totally betting on this one.
    • Maybe this is why we get Reloaded, too—Chris is so upset that he declares he's going to prove he's the REAL star of Total Drama by going through the whole thing with an entirely new cast.

Ezekiel will raise the dead in a later episode

How else could he become a Kobloid Necromancer?

Heather is some sort of antichrist

She wants to rule European Union, that's the standard way for the rise of the antichrist in Left Behind like stories. And her brother is named Damien. What her sister name? Jezabel?

The reason why Sierra is so agressivly affectionate to Cody is...

...that she thinks if she wasn't so agressivly affectionate, another girl would win his affection

The deteriorated Ezekiel will hit on Heather.

Just as another Take That to fans of Total Drama Comeback and to the whole concept of an Ezekiel/Heather pairing.

Courtney is going to become a Sierra-esque stalker of Alejandro.

Heather should start watching her back.

Duncan is secretly backing Heather to win.

Sure in 'Hawaiian Style' he seems to be pro-Cody, but seriously why would Duncan of all people back Cody? Maybe Gwen asked him to, or he did it because supporting Heather is extremely unpopular with the contestants and slipping Blaineley a Heather flag (even though Blaineley butted heads with Heather constantly on the show) was as far as he felt he could go (for now.) This is also why he was so happy with Harold performing the challenge for Cody. Duncan has always underestimated Harold and since he can't publicly support Heather the next best thing is to get a 'loser' to bat for Cody.

Zombie!Ezekiel isn't the same person as Real!Ezekiel.

Ezekiel was tossed out of the plane when it crashed in Jamaica Me Sweat, hit his head on a rock, and was knocked out for a while. so he didn't get back on the plane after it left. Chris, noting his abscence, found a real zombie (maybe the zombified corpse of Jack the Ripper?), and used it in the I See London challenge. He thought that he would get more viewers if one of the characters apparently turned into a zombie, so he either stole Real!Ezekiel's clothes or found some that looked just like his, put them on the zombie, and was all "Whoa, hey, look, it's Ezekiel!" Noah realized that the zombie wasn't really Ezekiel when he was taken by him, and Chris was afraid he'd tell, which was why he totally screwed with the results of the challenge in that episode and then showed Alejandro the convenient tape of Noah slandering him, resulting in Noah being kicked off. In the finale, Zombie!Ezekiel will fall into the volcano, everyone will freak out thinking it was Real!Ezekiel. Chris will be like, "He was already dead! He's been dead for (insert amount of years older than Ezekiel has been alive here) years!" Courtney/Alejandro/Noah/Heather/Gwen (one of the smart campers) will point out that Ezekiel is only (insert Zeke's age here), and therefore that's impossible, and then the real, actual, non-zombie Zeke will walk up (possibly in his skivvies, if Chris stole his clothes) and be all, "Yo, why's everyone freaking out, eh?" Chris will claim he would never kill one of them for real, everyone will be all "Awwww! He does care!", and then Chris will be all, "I'd get sued!" and everyone will be all depressed. Epileptic Trees, maybe, but that's my standpoint. Because, seriously, how could Zeke really be a zombie? It just doesn't make sense!

  • Probably because its more similar to rat rabies from the cargo hold than actual zombification. Still hope he gets some medical attention in between seasons though.

Duncan is becoming a jerk to take off his leather pants

"Take off his leather pants! (by the way, did you notice that Tyler's hair resemble Kemo's, in one episode?)

Alejandro is the reason the plane blew up

Isn't it suspicious that it blew up just as he was about to be voted off?

    • This troper disagrees. He looked genuinely surprised at the explosion and Alejandro didn't know he was gonna get voted off, remember? He thought Heather voted for Cody, making a tiebreaker. Thats why he gets so ticked off when he sees that she voted for him instead.

Ezekiel has The Infection

Ezekiel was bitten! And now he's slowly turning into a Hunter...

The reason why Blaineley wants to separate Geoff and Bridgette is...

...because she was turned down/rejected by Josh, making her bitter.

  • I like it. That could also explain why she was fired from Celebrity Manhunt; either Josh pulled strings to get her sacked or she just handled being rejected really badly and threw a tantrum (maybe even on-air).

Chris planned the whole Duncan/Gwen/Courtney saga.

Think about it. Chris had plenty of time to think this through between Japan and Jamacia (heck from Egypt to the Yukon, he could pull this off.) Why else would he forbid Duncan to leave a second time? Why else would he award victory to Team Amazon when they didn't complete the challenge's initial objective? Why else would he send a GIANT ROBOT AFTER HIM FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD?!?!?!? Of course, there is the motive for him to agree to all this. Why would Duncan agree to this sham when he probably knew it would hurt someone he likely cared deeply about? A better question would be: WHY WOULDN'T HE? I mean, come on, he knew what we all know: the girl's a total lunatic. Granted, she's less of a lunatic than she was last season, but still a lunatic nevertheless. What makes me say all this? Um, 32 page contract, anyone? And another thing, during their first confrentation, she said "Abandon". What more do you need? Well, that, and there's also the question of Gwen's reaction if there was a revelation. My answer: he probably wasn't thinking that. When it came to a big decision like this, we only tend to think about how it'll affect us. Not anyone else. Nor would he think of the consequences it would bring. As for the face carving thing, though. Maybe that was a sign of regret. Maybe that was playing for the cameras. I don't know, the point is that I believe that the entire love triangle was set up. If this is true, then Courtney and Gwen will both be furious enough to actually (abliet temporarily) end their feud. Not saying this will happen, but it might.

  • Not sure whether Duncan was complicit or not, but I think that's pretty much confirmed. Chris did strongly hint that he broke the door lock leading to Duncan and Gwen kissing and Tyler witnessing it. Chris also has two motives for pulling such a stunt. First, the obvious angsty-teen-love drama affair is gold for ratings (given how much Blaineley seems to enjoy it.) Second, and more importantly, Chris is still sore over all the crap Courtney pulled in TDA. Thanks to all her lawsuits, his budget was cut and he couldn't indulge himself as much as he wished. He never really got to get back at her in TDA thanks to those overprotective lawyers. Now, however, in World Tour, her lawyer protection is no more. And suddenly, Gwen and Courtney just happen to find Duncan in London? The opportunity was too, too perfect! He knew bringing back and keeping on the guy both of them were in love with would cause tension between them. Engineer a few coincidences here and there, and then sit back and let the players take care of the rest. Ratings skyrocket, revenge is had, and Chris wouldn't be afflicted at all since Courtney would be too angry at Gwen and Duncan (who are completely guilty from any logical standpoint,) to think too hard on 'why' everything happened as it did.

Cody has a massive case of stockhome syndrome.

That the reason for the whole "true friend" buisness after Sierra harassed and was generally creepy towards him all season.

This is not the true ending

  • We know that the ending was an official downer Non Sequitur Scene and the alternative ending (which has a very good probability of existence) may be the real ending, where, probably, Alejandro gets the prize and then Chris can announce the next season.

Ezekiel is a descendant of Danny Fenton

It would explain his appearant supernatural abilities shown in the first Aftermath and how he is able to return to the plane four times. It could also possibly explain how he managed to survive being immersed in lava.

  • Dude. This.

Come on, don't tell me you don't see the similarities here. They were both unpopular at first, then made a friend or two, then got a boyfriend, then get caught up in a Love Triangle, then get blamed for something really heinous (Gwen pulled this off twice), then become unpopular again, but manage to stick with their respective boyfriends in the end (well, in Gwen's case, for now, and in Elphaba's case, in the musical only).

The writers are all the kind of people who go to sci-fi fantast conventions

How else can you explain the Lord of the Rings, Stargate, Star Wars, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers references?

All of the Character Derailment in Total Drama Action was the result of the contestants clamoring for fame

To clarify, the reason so many people were acting so out-of-character was because they were trying to play to what they thought the audience wanted. After all, it was pretty much confirmed that this was the reason for Geoff's behavior in the Aftermath segments. Trent realized how big of a reaction his relationship with Gwen got from the fans, so he tried to make that the focus for season two, but took it too far and pushed Gwen (and the fans) away. Owen let the fame from winning Total Drama Island go to his head and amped the eating and farting jokes Up to Eleven because that's what he was liked for, or so he thought at least. Justin aspired to be the antagonist because he saw how popular Heather was, and because he noticed how far she managed to get and thought he could do better, but unfortunately for him he was really bad at it. And so on, so forth until more or less all of the Flanderization has been covered.

This might also be connected to why the Total Drama cast got snubbed for the Gemmie Award in the Celebrity Manhunt Reunion Special. The fans were extremely disappointed by how so many of the characters were radically different from how they were in season one, and this (combined with the absence of some of their favorites like Cody, Noah, and Ezekiel) led to the Total Drama contestants losing the Gemmie.

As for why they started acting normal in World Tour, they probably between season two and season three that the audience liked them for their actual selves (or at least whatever selves they displayed in season one), so they returned to normal in order to keep the audience happy... and through that, remain famous like they wanted.

    • I like this. Geoff's line "I still think kissing makes for great television" could also explain why he and Bridgette were flanderized so badly.

Sierra was faking everything with Cody and possibly manipulating everyone else to get the both of them in the final two

It was working, right until she blew up the plane and got eliminated in Alejandro's place. Once it got down to the final three, Sierra would likely have no problem getting Cody to vote off Heather, and then either have him let her win, the two of them would split the million, or Sierra would pull something similar to what Heather did and then take the million herself.

    • Woah, are you me? I was just thinking this the other day.

Real Life wrote the plot for Izzy's character in Total Drama World Tour.

It's been noticed by a lot of fans how Izzy seemed to totally disappear in the episodes leading up to her elimination, appearing only a little bit in songs and having only a few lines (or none at all) in certain episodes. It can't be because her voice actress can't sing, Katie Crown has a number of comedic songs and would've been perfect for some of the comedical numbers this season. Even after Izzy was eliminated due to injury (in a quick, convoluted way), fans were certain she'd come back at some point, as she had the previous two seasons. It's been speculated above that she might've been set to return in the Area 51 episode, possibly held captive by the government, this was even set up by Noah asking Owen about the government taking Izzy away.

As seen on Katie Crown's website, she's apparently moved to New York City and has been going back and forth between there and Toronto frequently for her stand-up comedy career. She also voices a major character in Stoked, voice sessions for that show probably take up a lot of her time. It might be possible that because of Katie Crown's other commitments, her character's role in Total Drama World Tour had to be sharply reduced, and as a result, several storylines involving Izzy were hastily changed.

Ezekiel is bisexual.

In his bio, he said to a guy that he'd be pretty good looking if he wasn't so dirty. Plus he said wow when Alejandro helped him and Tyler up in the first episode of World Tour

The writers are secretly trolling the Ezzy shippers.

Because many people are saying that "Gollumschool" has a better chance to get together with Izzy than Owen does

Sierra is using the D.E.N.N.I.S. System on Cody.

She's Demonstrated Value (winning challenges for her and Cody's team), Enganged him Physically (speaks for itself), and Nurtured Dependence (I've lost count of how many times she's saved his life). By the end of the season he's started to cozy up to her, giving her the perfect opportuninty to Neglect him emotionally in Season 4 (or 5).

The reason there's an all new cast for the 4th Season is because of everyone's injuries from the final episode of 'World Tour'

Chris wasn't expecting a pineapple to cause the volcano to massively erupt, and with the plane destroyed, there was no easy way off the island. Thanks to Ezekiel falling and sinking the boat, there was no safe way off the island. Even if they didn't get hit by volcanic debris, the cast will most likely be swimming in the ocean for a day or more before they can be rescued. Because the show must go on, Chris would be going ahead with the new show anyway. No one got out of there perfectly unscathed: Ezekiel, Heather, and Alejandro just ended up in the worst condition.

Alternatively, the reason for the all new cast in season 4 is to get the main cast jealous enough to be on the rumored season 5

Hey, if Chris could make them jealous enough with the Gemmie award incident and the fake show, Total Drama Dirtbags, who's to say he won't do it again?

Chris is Sierra's father!

This explains why Sierra's family knows so much about Chris. Also, they both use hair dye (or wigs, who knows.)

  • Plus, could Sierra's mother have taken her Chris obsession too far?
  • My guess is that Sierra's mother was a random groupie from Chris's boy band days that he had a one night stand with. Chris probably has no idea that Sierra is his daughter, and if he did he probably wouldn't care.

Izzy is faking her insanity.

Because she knows that it will draw in the ratings and make her a fan favorite.

Alternatively, Izzy's exact insanity is narcissistic personality disorder.

Her manic behavior is an ongoing grab for attention. Ignoring her altogether is a Berserk Button.

Sierra's purple hair...

Is another factor in her This Loser Is You parody of fangirls, like how fanfic Mary Sue's have multicolored eyes and such.

Ezekiel is the reincarnation of Cerebus.

Both have issues with women (although Ezekiel's are far less severe than Cerebus's...and the issues of Cerebus's creator, Dave Sim). Ezekiel is Canadian (complete with the stereotypical accent) while Cerebus was created by a Canadian. Considering the many evil things Cerebus did, being reincarnated as the (sort of) Butt Monkey of a show that thrives on Comedic Sociopathy would be fitting retribution.

    • His feral transformation and behavior is partially due from him suddenly remembering his past life and going mad as a result

The big secret that Eva was about to reveal during her second elimination in Island was that Izzy was selling gossip/secrets to Sierra.

During the Celebrity Manhunt Special at the end of Action, we're introduced to Sierra for the first time, find out her in-depth information source on all the cast was Izzy, and that Izzy was selling them because she needed the cash to pay off the RCMP.

The first time Izzy is "eliminated" in Island, she was chased off by the RCMP choppers, but we never see them again, despite the fact that they would know she was back on the Island as soon as she made her return. Why did they never try to capture her again, despite this knowledge? Because she had already struck a deal with the RCMP, paying off what she owed them, using the money earned by selling the juicy information. Slipping back into the show thanks to never being 'officially' eliminated gave her additional chances to spy on everyone. Seeing as she made it fairly far in both seasons, it's not hard to imagine she fed them a lot of juicy information, thus providing enough money to pay off what she owed by the special.

As for why she 'accidentally' outed herself in the end? Eva had somehow found out the secret, and was about to tell everyone, as we know, before she got booted off. Still, if one of them found out, it would only be a matter of time before they all would. Izzy probably also felt guilty about selling her friend's secrets like that, so that's why she revealed herself on the special, when she was supposed to be going to the awards ceremony.

  • ...You, my friend, are brilliant.
    • Except it's not it. All Eva was about to reveal was that her and Izzy had been at the Playa des Losers.
    • Also, why didn't Eva tell the other losers at the Playa des Losers?
    • Who says she didn't? By the time we saw them, they could have already received the explanation and confronted Izzy about it.

Beth, Katie and Sadie will become Cody fangirls.

And will bash and demonize Sierra on the internet

World Tour Is Trying To Cancel Out Action

Think about it, a lot of the stuff in World Tour matches Island while applying Canon Discontinuity on a lot of things related to Action:

  • Courtney starts the season off with the "nice but stubborn" personality she had in S1, rather than the Jerk Sue one from S2.
  • Duncan is more laid back and uncaring like on S1, rather than the whole "Jerk with a Heart of Gold" thing he had in S2.
  • Gwen is also more indifferent and easily annoyed, as opposed to her nervous personality in S2.
  • Trent isn't crazy anymore.
  • Justin shows no signs of being a villain other than one unkind sentence.
  • Well, the presence of Tyler, Ezekiel, Cody and Noah obviously.
  • Geoff and Bridgette being a normal teenage couple like on S1, as opposed to the Make-Out Kids they were in S2.
  • Harold's personality matches his S1 one more than his S2 one.
  • The challenges are more dangerous, like the ones from S1.
  • LeShawna hates Heather again, despite their truce in S2.
  • Way more continuity, such as mentioning Owen's fear of heights or the contestants recalling previous episodes.

Etc, etc. The writers noticed how much people disliked season two, so when making season three they drew tons of similarities to Island and tried to get rid of the stuff they messed up in Action.

  • I don't know... Duncan wasn't as clearly a Jerk with a Heart of Gold in TDI as he was in TDA but he was still a lot more sensitive then than the plain jerk he was this season (I can't imagine the Duncan of TDWT replacing DJ's bunny.) Maybe the writers were overcompensating?
  • Gwen and Trent are still broken up, but other than that, this is probably true.

Ezekiel will grow up to be the radom bum on Youtube News by Richard Michael Alvarez.

What? They kinda look alike.

The animal curse wasn't just on DJ alone...

But on Team Victory AS A WHOLE!

  • Ezekiel lost the stick due to a crocodile taking it.
  • A donkey was apart of Harold's losing commercial. Said donkey did not help the serious commercial.
  • A sexy beast that is known to "charm the pants off of just about every creature" manipulated Bridgette into staying behind.
  • Said sexy beast also awoke the "animal" in Leshawna.
  • A bear, sasquatch, and baby seal ran into Lindsay. Of course, DJ WAS apart of this one.
  • Various animals caused DJ to screw up winning, when it looked like he was about to win.

Chris planted every animal that DJ "attacked" just to mess with him.

That sounds like Chris alright.

Trent suffered a psychological breakdown after the DXG Kiss

The only reason he acted nice towards Gwen was because a panicked Geoff injected drugs to keep him stable. If Geoff didn't, Trent would have killed Gwen where she stand. in Hawaiian Style, he had gotten over the kiss and forgives them for doing it.

Leshawna lied about being friends with Heather in the TDA Aftermath.

She probably did feel gratitude for Heather for not being mad at her with the reward incident in Action, but was it really enough to win her over after all the crap she pulled in Island? Even though Heather wasn't as bad in Action as she was in Island, she was still a snarky jerk. So why did Leshawna claim that the two of them were now friends? She did it as a Batman Gambit to merely keep close to Heather and make sure she wouldn't manipulate/hurt her friends again (Gwen, Harold, et al.)

Remember what she told Gwen when she convinced her to put Heather on her team: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." She had this in mind when she got close to Heather as well. Despite professing friendship, she most likely believed that given the proper means, and as soon as her hair grew back, Heather would return to her eviler self.

Fast forward to World Tour. Leshawna probably found out about the internet war between Heather and Gwen, which would be cause for alarm. Heather's attempts at trying to turn Sierra into an ally would also not go unnoticed. Then Alejandro swoops in, and the rest, as we know, culminates in Leshawna's elimination and Heather losing a tooth. And yet, we hear in the next Aftermath that she is proud of beating Heather to a pulp on the loosest of pretenses. Therefore, it's entirely possible that Leshawna's pride was not rooted in beating up her friend after being manipulated into doing so, but that now that she had beaten up Heather, she no longer has to pretend to be her friend just to keep an eye on her. She was proud that she would no longer be living a lie anymore.

The writers are deliberately limiting Noah's amount of screentime so we'll keep asking for more of him

  • This troper supports this theory. After all, he has more of a fandom than Tyler, a similar popularity to Cody, while getting the amount of screentime as Zeke.
    • On a related note, Noah's screentime is deliberately limited so that his fans (especially the ones who like him for relatability reasons, like me, who would be both snarky and certain we were right about the complaints) won't complain about him getting derailed. A character with such a stubborn personality should not be very malleable, so the development should be limited to growth and dwindling of existent traits. It makes sense if we think about the characters who had pretty bad derailment and the ones who didn't have that bad derailment—all of the latter have less screen time than most of the former.

Sierra was Genre Savvy enough to know that Alejandro was a Manipulative Bastard all along

Sierra's shown to be highly Genre Savvy when it comes to the nature of the Show Within a Show and showing Obfuscating Stupidity in general. She's seen the show back and forth, knows each of the camper's personalities enough to possibly have manipulated them without anyone realizing it, and was intending on Cody winning.

So, with all that in mind, she knew Alejandro was evil from the get-go: she was using Heather while pretending to be used by her, and since she knows the show's tropes so well, Alejandro might as well have been wearing an Obviously Evil sign all the time. Note that she considers his fans to be loco.

The reason she never told anyone? Because she wanted Cody to win! She knew Alejandro would go around manipulating everyone left and right, causing a good deal of the World Tour eliminations. Sierra figured that it would help Cody win if Alejandro handled everyone else, and cooperated with him on voting out Owen both to make him think she was on his side and because she was really hoping it would make her and Cody's marriage legal. (Obviously not, but hope springs eternal.) It's notable that this plan actually did work, up until the end, as her elimination was due to her blowing up the plane.

Sierra is a Genius Ditz but doesn't let it on much.

It's stated that Sierra's using Obfuscating Stupidity to seem a non-threatening contestant to the serious players like Heather and perhaps Alejandro, if the above theory is accurate. However, take a closer analysis at some of the things Sierra has done.

Sigficant here is that in her search to find out all she could on the contestants, Sierra is shown to have hacked into government computers to do just that. That requires an ENORMOUS about of hacking skills and computer know-how, and that would be if you're a character in a spy genre; Sierra's just a teenage girl in high school. The fact that she was able to do this, possibly from a home computer, would lead to levels of absurd ingeniuty.

The interpretation of this is that Sierra is incredibly skilled; take a look at all the various New Powers as the Plot Demands she shows off all the time. Possibly, Sierra's actually a prodigy of sorts or at least vastly more intelligent than she reveals. It could be a case of faking Idiot Hero because she finds it more entertaining, or she thinks it'll make people like her more.

Or, in a similar manner, Sierra is Brilliant but Lazy

In accordance with the above theory, she should be at a higher schooling level at the very least, not in high school like non-government computer hackers.

The idea here is that she's certainly capable of doing so, but she's not very interested in that; Sierra simply doesn't really bother trying hard if she doesn't find the subject matter interesting enough.

When she DOES find something intriguing, though, well...she hacked into a government computer. And later rigged up a hot-air balloon from plane debris and a rocket-powered wheelchair in the same episode.

    • ... Let me guess, Sierra fan?

Jerd McLean is based on the Scottish guy from the first Aftermath

They're both short, have red hair, and speak with really thick accents. Yeah.

  • Duh.

"Hawaiian Punch" is an elaborate joke, designed to throw off all the episode downloaders.

  • The Gainax Ending conclusion to Total Drama World Tour seen in Australia is an alternate ending, deliberately made confusing and unsatisfying in order to piss off all the people who decided to download episodes early. The show's already done alternate endings before to provide each season with two different winners, only this time they decided to do a completely alternate final EPISODE. This explains why Cody was eliminated in the start of the final episode this time around. The producers have had problems with people downloading episodes illegally before and they decided to play a big joke by ensuring that the version of the episode that would be first to air worldwide would be the "bad" ending, so to speak (knowing Australia usually airs episodes at a much faster rate than North America or Europe), punishing people who downloaded it illegally by forcing them to live with an unsatisfactory ending for several months. The "real" ending and final Aftermath special will air first either on Cartoon Network in the USA, or maybe even in Canada, with Cartoon Network viewers also getting the "joke" ending. Once the real finale airs, it'll be replayed worldwide in Australia and elsewhere.
    • Downloading via internet is clearly recognized by the producers, remember from "Princess Pride", so this, the alternate ending, may happen because they, for example, didn't show Courtney's reaction to Alejandro's declaration of love to Heather and their subsequent kiss. That could be a point in the alternate ending.
    • Quite possibly topped off with some mention to the trick ending in the real ending. Such as: Chris: "What? You really thought that just one pineapple would cause the volcano to erupt? Potentially burning people so much that they need to be put into some robot suit just to be able to move? Pssh. Like that would ever happen!

The possible TDWT after-season special will have nothing to do with the ending of Hawaiian Punch.

  • The cast's current situation, feral Zombie!Zeke, Darth Alejandro, Heather about to be crushed by volcanic rock, or the fact that the cast was stranded in the middle of the ocean with no boat in the end will not be the main focus, much to the chagrin of the contestants. Instead, it will focus on a sudden scandal where none of the contestants could actually sing; that software like Auto-Tune was used to make them sound good. Oddly enough, Courtney, (possibly the only one who could actually sing,) would end up being targeted the most.
    • Personally, this troper just thinks Heather will come back unscathed, Alejandro will come back with shorter hair and maybe a scar or something (he probably won't come as a robot, because Chris said it was just temporary until he could get the proper medical attention), Sierra will probably come back with shorter hair (like Heather did in TDWT), and Zeke...gee, I think Ezekiel's dead. If he did come back, however. . .he would be in some sort of a cage because, well. . .he's not really. . .human. That aside, everyone else will come back just fine!

Noah is the reincarnation of Socrates.

He is very obviously smarter than the majority of the people he hangs out with; and thinks that thinking is the greatest part of life (as is evidenced by his refusal to participate in menial challenges in season one.) He befriends people that are quite clearly not as knowledgeable as he is, and is sarcastic and cocky even to them. Then, I See London... happened. And during it, he revealed to Tyler and Owen that Alejandro was untrustworthy. This was the truth. It ended unfavorably for him, but when he was getting voted off, notice what he did: did he try to complain and say that the elimination was unfair or that he didn't deserve it? No. He disregarded his defense, and left the jury with a cryptic message of the truth. Just like Socrates did when he was on trial for his life. This CAN'T be a coincidence. Socrates was reincarnated as Noah to prevent people from making the mistakes they've been making for millennia. It didn't work.

The real reason Alejandro broke Courtney's heart by telling her about the Gwuncan kiss...

is because his brother always steals the girls from his hometown because he is more handsome.

The boulder that is coming towards Heather in the finale contains the million dollar briefcase in its core

She asked if she would still get the money. She obviously gets the money smack in her face.

The writers of the show aren't trolling Ezekiel fans...

On the contrary, they're trying to make him a more sympathetic and tragic character. In the first episode of TDWT, Ezekiel is shown to be annoying, but at the same time eager and determined to win the grand prize, which could be viewed as admirable. When he's voted off, he clings to the wing of the plane, willing to risk life and limb for a second chance to prove himself. When Ezekiel ends up becoming a Gollum Expy, it's meant to be a Tear Jerker showing how poor Zeke has sacrificed everything, even his sanity just to stay on the show. His subsequent attempt to get the money, only to fall into the volcano is obviously meant to be an Alas, Poor Villain moment for Ezekiel, showing that no matter how hard he tries, there's just no way he can win. So, in conclusion, the writers set out to follow in The Kobold Necromancer's footseteps after all and make Ezekiel more likeable, but their attempts ended up going horribly wrong.

  • I also started to doubt of this theory but for other reason: see, there are almost 200000 followers of TDWT in Facebook. Surely there are lots of bots, but, even so, there are much people that watch TDWT. And, we ask, how many of these followers read Total Drama Comeback (which incidentally has a page with exactly 4 followers)? Or better, how many of these followers know that there such things as fanfics? I'm not sure about the trolling part, but I'd like to know what the writers actually had in mind when they chose this path.

Gwen's entire character is a massive Take That to somebody one of the writers knew in high school

  • How exactly is she a Take That? Compared to most of the other characters, Gwen is portrayed in a fairly positive light. It's not until later seasons that she starts picking up more negative traits, long after her overall character has been established.
  • I think that the above poster meant to say Heather.

Cody's alien doppleganger in The Ex-Files is actually Joshua

Come on, I know you were thinking the same thing.

    • Or, it could be a Shout-Out to it
    • More like a Take That, considering that the double tried to kill him, not make out with him.

There might not be an hour-long special concluding Season 3

Chris has explicitly stated near the end of the finale that he will move on to the next season, introducing a whole new cast. The newcomers will most likely be introduced in the first episode of Season 4 very much like the original competitors got introduced in the beginning of Season 1.

We aren't watching the reality show, we're watching the taping of it.

It explains so much; the viewers can see Owen's dreams because we can see things from his POV, along with everyone elses, it just hasn't happened yet. And they don't edit out things that are told to edit and things such as Gwen, Courtney, and Heather shaking the camera to get previous confessionals back.

They originally planed an alternate final episode

In it Cody won against Alejandro, but they couldn't afford to make it. So they used the version which they had a better alternate ending.

Sierra will try to help Cody get together with Gwen

Because that's what a best friend would do, Plus stranger things have happened.

In 'I See London...' Duncan allowed himself to be kidnapped by Courtney and Gwen as a publicity stunt for his band.

The tabloids write themselves: 'Lead Singer of Der Schnitzel Kickers kidnapped by hormone crazed groupies' (which is basically what really happened too.)

The final in Canada will be different

The final to be aired in Canada will be very different from the final aired on Australia and USA. There, Chris MacLean will reveal to the contestants he is a worshipper of Tzeench and Total Drama's Earth will be drawn into the Eye of Terror. End of drama.

Izzy is a Super-Villain

Why didn't we realize it before??? Izzy has admitted to being on the RCMP's Most Wanted list, can make explosives by hand with natural materials, seems to be invincible (she survived having a PLANE dropped on her once) and developed mathematical formulas for time travel and teleportation. There are only two questions that need to be answered: HOW did she get allowed to be on Total Drama Island in the first place, and WHEN will she TAKE OVER THE WORLD?

Beth is still under the effects of the Boney Island curse from Season 1

Chris meant it when he said, "If you take anything off the island, YOU'LL BE CURSED FOREVER!!!" When the Screaming Gophers had the tiki doll, the team as a whole was cursed, but the curse went away when they got rid of Beth.

It also possibly explains why she didn't win TDA or the TDWT Aftermath Second Chance Challenge.

Beth hired Brady to be her boyfriend.

It makes some serious sense. Before Brady came along Beth was spending her time trying to get Justin to be hers and said she wants to marry her. Then there's the pole scene from the first WT aftermath, for someone had spent most of a season claiming to have a boyfriend she was pretty quick to hit a pole.

The Duncan that got kidnapped was not the real Duncan

It was Ezekiel. Zombie!Ezekiel was a monkey dressed as him. It makes sense that he would impersonate him being that he won (or was runner-up) last season, and he being the Determinator he's willing to get the prize. If he is that willing, he would be the season shit-stirrer to throw the other competitors out of focus so that he would be able to win. As for the real Duncan, he's most likely at one of the fan-speculation "Duncan sightings"

Alejandro's Brother will show up in a future season as a villain

Chris has said repeatedly he liked Alejandro as a player, since he's the perfect villain for the show and did a heck of a lot better than past villains, actually reaching the final. Well Alejandro is now Darth Alejandro and can't really compete anymore. Al said that his big bro is better than him at everything, so who better to replace Alejandro than his bigger and better brother?

  • Good one, but sadly not likely to happen. Question: If Al's brother could be in a future season, what about the siblings of other contestants? Gwen has a brother, Owen has several, and Lindsay has two sisters...

If Courtney had been voted out first, Duncan would've never picked on Harold.

Throughout episodes 10 and 12, the majority of Duncan's pranks were within sight if not directly in front of Courtney, and seemed to be the fastest way to activate her tsuntsun mode. But, once Courtney was voted off, the two of them acted pretty good to each other, and Duncan even high-fived him on the way out. The entire thing could've been less For the Evulz, and more for pulling pigtails.

  • Umm... what? I didn't understand that at all. And what season are we talking about?
    • I think what they mean is that Duncan was picking on Harold as a substitute for the immature practice of teasing the kid you like (instead of picking on Courtney, he picked on Harold in front of Courtney). I'm pretty sure they're talking about Island, since "Episode 12" was the episode in which Harold cheated Courtney off the island because it was the last straw, in Action Courtney wasn't even playing in those episodes, and that is also true for Duncan in World Tour.
  • This WMG sounds pretty good. In Harold's words: "You have surprised, and intrigued me, sir."

One of the contestants in a future season will be a Stupid Evil Card-Carrying Villain / Complete Monster

In the same way Sierra is meant to be a parody of the Mary Sue characters found in TDI fanfiction, this character will be meant to satirize the "villainous" characters who frequently appear in fanfics (Colin, Todd, Kasimar, etc.) and do nothing but kick puppies and harass the other contestants For the Evulz. Also, having an unlikeable one-dimesnional villain in the cast might help take the audience's attention away from the likes of Owen and Courtney.

The show really did happen in a fictional universe, but what we see is a cartoon exaggeration.

It'd make some sense. It'd explain a few things like how they can improvise great songs.

Chris will get fired in a season and Owen will replace him.

The main reason is that the writers love Owen, plus the fandom won't complain that much because he's not competing and compared to Chris he's the lesser of two evils.

  • The fandom would probably still complain about Owen getting more unnecesary screentime than needed. Contestant or not.

For about the first half of TDWT, Alejandro was trying to protect Heather from getting eliminated.

Think about it. Alejandro probably began to develop a "crush" on Heather sometime near Broadway, Baby! but he realized in the end of the episode that everyone on her team practically hated her, so Alejandro started to flirt with Le Shawna so she could get voted off. He figured that if he could manage to get everyone off Team Victory first, then he could have some time to make everyone on Team Amazon turn against someone on their team besides Heather. Why else would he have hit that board to make DJ lose in Jamaica Me Sweat? Then when Duncan came back and Tyler knew something about him, Al thought it would be about Courtney, thus making a plan to make everyone on Team Amazon turn against her. Once he found out it was about Gwen and Duncan kissing, he made Tyler spill the beans because if it was about Courtney and Gwen, then Heather would at least be safe for a while. Once Courtney managed to get everyone on her team to vote off Gwen, he started to flirt with her to get her voted off. Once everyone got into individuals, Alejandro decided it was time to stop protecting Heather because he didn't want to let his feelings get in the way of the game. Sorry this is so long. . .

It wasn't DJ that got a curse in Egypt...

It was Ezekiel. When the mummy bandages fell on him, he got a curse, and is now suffering its effects by having his body decompose.

The reason why Gwen and Duncan got together by cheating on Courtney because it was a form of writer's revolt.

Some of the writers were still pro-Duncanx Courtney.They could have gone with the other route of Duncan breaking up with Courtney then hooking up with Gwen.They were upset about the change that they decided instead to do a character derailment on both Gwen and Duncan so that Courtney could get much more sympathy from the fans.The reason why Duncan went away and came back was that he would lose sympathy with the fans after seeing Courtney do nothing but miss him in his absence.As for Gwen they made her get close with Courtney so that fans would lose sympathy with her as well when it was revealed she kissed Duncan.They also made sure that to not give any closure on why Duncan switched his interest from Courtney to Gwen.To make sure Duncan was even more unsympathetic the Pro-CXD writers made him more jerkier to Courtney after the break up and for Gwen they made sure that she never is able to apologize to Courtney.The more Pro-Gwuncan writers got back at them by making Courtney even more worse after Gwen is eliminated.They basically made her yandere for Alejandro and attempts to vote out Heather when she was getting near to him.So,basically this plot was made so that the Gwuncan ship would be forever tainted with that kiss so that people who be less supportive of it plus it would give Courtney sympathy after her abusive behavior on Total Drama Action.

Courtney would have gone Yandere anyway if Duncan broke up with her first and then hooked up with Gwen.

The reason is that as we can see from when she reacted to Heather getting close to Alejandro,she would have flipped to find out her ex-boyfriend dumped for her budding friend.This would have broken her trust with Gwen as well because her fears come true of the two getting together. I also have a feeling she would try to vote both of them off as revenge.Although in this case she would have less support for her.

The "All contestants must sing in each show" rule was not enforced because...

Chris was tricking them; he knew that no one (except maybe Courtney) would sing if they weren't forced to, so he simply added it to actually GET people to sing. However, there are several songs that lack vocals of the entire cast. It's simple: as long as you don't mention it (like DJ did in "Newf Kids on the Rock"), you won't get kicked out, as long as it wasn't a song in which someone WAS forced to sing (for example, "Greek Mix"). At least, that would explain why most of the songs are not sung by Cody...

  • Wait, how does it explain why Cody in particular missed so many songs?
    • Cody simply didn't worry about getting eliminated for not singing, and just didn't. Chris didn't call attention to this, and just left him in the game (because of Sierra, Gwen, his dislike of Duncan, etc.) I dunno, I just had a dumb little theory about why no one gets kicked off for not singing, despite there not being a lot of non-singers.
    • Incorrect. If that were true, it would have been mentioned (via a confessional for example) and also, when he sings in the the very late Condor he's struggling to make lyrics for the song, meaning he actually cared about the rule at the time.
    • Not really much of a wild guess, since even in the one episode DJ would seem to actually face consequences for not singing (Newf Kids), Noah still didn't sing. Then again, that whole sequence was more of a Deus Ex Machina to keep DJ in the game accidentally.

Chris will have a fall from grace and end up a contestant in the future

It's implied throughout that he's not nearly as popular as he once was and Blaineley even says he was the second choice and she was the first. So in a future season, he's fired and loses everything, forcing him to become a contestant and the other contestants will use this to take their revenge on him.

    • I had an idea for a fanfiction that involved him becoming a contestant for an episode afte being fired, while Chef hosts, to boost up ratigns in-universe. It's a good idea, in my opinion.

Chris will stage a "Battle of the Bands" against the Drama Brothers and Der Schnitzel Kickers

(Asuming they're all OK during after the finale), it will happen either before or after ROTI. Perfect for uneccesary drama, seeing how Duncan has some conflict with Harold, Cody, and maybe Trent.

If all campers are competing in season 5, 2 campers will be eliminated each episode.

Heather and Cody may become friends post-TDWT

Chef Hatchet is the animated reincarnation of Chef from South Park.

  • One of them is a loud, Jerkass, right-hand man to a sociopath who clearly hates all the campers, and the other is an Only Sane Man who loves kids, and more importantly, can actually cook. They're both black guys referred to as "chef", but the association ends there.

There are many fan grabs about the old TDI contestants competing against the new TDROTI contestants, if they make a Season 5 of "Total Drama".

Season five will either have an all-new cast or the season four one.

Season four will turn out to be incredibly successful, and as a result, there will be equal support for them to be included in S5 as the old contestants. The writers will either ignore the popularity and make yet another batch of contestants, or will give the S4 contestants another season.

Duncan wrote Total Drama Action

When you look at it like that, everything makes sense:

  • Geoff's Character Derailment into a jerk is because Duncan got along with him best when they were torturing Harold.
  • Trent turns into a Stalker with a Crush Shallow Love Interest is because Duncan sees him as a "evil" rival for Gwen.
  • Justin being Justin is because Duncan is secretly jealous of his good looks.
  • Izzy, Bridgette, Lindsay's, etc. Flanderization is because Duncan never got along with them or knew them as more than one dimensional stereotypes.
  • Owen being The Milestone is because Duncan is still angry at him for beating him in TDI when he lost the challenge.
  • Leshawna Taking A Level In Jerkass is because Duncan is angry at her for exposing him as a "softie" in TDI.
  • Courtney being a Jerk Sue is because Duncan liked her more when she was "bad".

I think that's all, but there may be more.

The finale will invoke a fell of Rock and Rule

In which Chris will summon a gigantic cow-fetus monster to boost ratings, which will come if Chris does another singing rule from World Tour. He'll make sure he has the right voice by rigging the ballot to keep whomever on the show.

The fifth season will be much Darker and Edgier than past seasons

And halfway through, Chris will input a new rule: contestants that get voted off will die. To circumvent lawsuits, he'll make the announcement (and any deaths) off-screen and make Ridiculously Human Robot copies of the dead contestants so nobody suspects anything. Because of this, nearly everyone will resort to desperate tactics to keep themselves or friends/boyfriends/girlfriends they care about from being killed. Naturally, this opens up a lot of opportunities for antagonists like Heather and Scott to exploit the game (e.g. threatening Gwen with, "if you don't make sure I win this challenge, I'll switch the votes and kill Duncan").

Trent will become Captain Hammer.

Captain Hammer is a womanizing celebrity from the start—Trent turns into one at the end of the Celebrity Manhunt special. Both have a rather sleek athletic build and are shown to be quite charming, as well them being seen as heroic figures—though in Hammer's case, all of this is just because of the public blindly worshipping him. Lastly, Hammer has a Heroic BSOD over getting hurt at the end of the webseries, while Trent has a huge Heroic BSOD over...breaking up with one girl. It could be his first glimpse of pain and why he doesn't experience any guilt when he lies or cheats later on as Hammer. And, for Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking's sake, Captain Hammer has No Name Given—he could be anybody.

If Walt Disney wrote Total Drama...

  • Lindsay would pay homage to Disney Princesses (i.e. Snow White).
  • Justin would be a bully to Bridgette, Trent and Cody, right to the point where they wish karma on him.
  • Each episode would have a musical number similar to HSM.
  • Some contestants would still go their separate ways after Total Drama Action.
  • It would air on NBC in 1985.

Ezekiel went feral from peanuts.

  • The Barf bags full of peanuts dissappeared after a few episodes, and Ezekiel couldn't survive forever in the cargo hold off of rats. He probably ventured out in the plane to try and steal food, but Chef was in the kitchen. So he found the only other food available: the peanuts, despite his allergy to them, were still food. So the more he ate them, the more swollen hsi throat became. He stopped talking to the animals, and began to only hear their noises, eventually only speaking in animal noises. And his skin turning green was either from lack of oxygen in the cargo hold, or from the mummy curse (as mentioned above).

The American endings are the official endings for "Total Drama"

  • Owen and Duncan won in both Canada and the United States.
  • Heather won TDWT in the United States, but YouTube considers Alejandro as the Alternate Winner. (See the Alternate Ending where he wins).
    • She was also lucky to survive the lava rock in the finale.

Alejandro revealing Duncan and Gwen's kiss was a way to defend Courtney and Trent.

  • Trent was heartbroken, and went insane, by Duncan and Gwen's newly formed relationship in Total Drama Action.
  • Courtney feels the same pain as Trent when she found out as well.
  • Courtney finally reached her limit and swore revenge, while Trent accepted the relationship.

If Total Drama did a reunion season in the 2014-15 season, six years after TDA, then Trent will defeat Gwen in the Final 2.

  • In 2009, Trent was heartbroken when Gwen started dating Duncan.
  • The reason Trent was in neither Total Drama World Tour nor Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, was because he was too busy working out to make it farther than he did in the prior seasons.
  • Courtney would be Trent's girlfriend, as well as his main supporter.
  • If Trent wins over Gwen in the Official/American ending, then he accepts his prize, moments before losing it to a crippled contestant.
  • If there was an Alternate/Canadian ending where Gwen wins, then Trent would be upset that he lost in an unfair way, evne though he was the one who did it.

Heather's source of power for her mean and manipulative ways was her long hair.

Like Samson in The Bible, Heather's hair was the source of her power. When it was shaved off towards the end of Island, she clearly lost her influence, forcing her to actually befriend the other campers during Action. Even though her hair grew back in World Tour, she still lacked the influence she had prior to "I Triple Dog Dare You", as she only had a short ponytail. By the time her hair grows back to its original length in Revenge of the Island, she became full-on Alpha Bitch again.

'Island' WMGs

'Action' [[WMG]s]

'World Tour' WMGs

'Revenge of the Island' WMGs

Chris is trying to give the TDROTI contestants super powers.

The island is now a radioactive waste dump, and he's bringing 13 teens there to compete for at least a month. The trailer shows that the animals of the island have mutated due to exposure, and Chris wants to mutate the newbies as well so he can make them use their powers to his benefit. The rumors of a season five with a heroes versus villains theme is true, and everyone is gonna have some kind of super power.

We will not find out the fate of the original 24 campers during Revenge of the Island.

To spite the fandom.

    • Jossed; many of them actually appear to help with the challenges and/or try to get back at Chris.

None of the ROTI Campers will pair up

To spite the shippers.

    • Jossed, as Mike and Zoey quickly pair up. As do Dakota and Sam.

Voice actor speculation for Revenge of the Island contestants.

  • Ann Maria the "Jersey Shore Reject"
  • B the "Strong Silent Genius": Cle Bennett (DJ and Chef)
  • Brick the "Cadet"
  • Cameron the "Wide-eyed Bubble-boy"
  • Dakota The "Famemonger"
  • Dawn The "Moonchild": Emily Hampshire (Starr from 6teen) or Anastasia Phillips (Lo from Stoked)
  • Jo The "Take-no-prisoners Jock-ette"
  • Lightning The "Athletic Overachiever": Jesse Gibbons (Wyatt from 6teen) or Arnold Pinnock (Johnny from Stoked)
  • Mike The "Multiple Personality Disorder": Cory Doran (Jimmy Two-Shoes)
  • Sam The "Nice-guy Gamer": Brian Froud (Harold)
  • Scott The "Devious"
  • Staci The "Compulsive Liar"
  • Zoey The "Indie Chick"

Pairing speculation for Revenge of the Island contestants.

Mike The "Multiple Personality Disorder" and Zoey The "Indie Chick" look here at 0:32

    • Confirmed.

Season 4 is the creators' shot at Total Drama Battlegrounds.

I mean look at some of the contestants! Don't they remind you of some of of the newbie contestants in TDBG?

As confirmed by Word of God, several old contestants WILL appear in season four...

... But will only appear in a promo or clip that is being shown to the new contestants, much like the Action commercial the World Tour contestants watched in Japan.

    • Jossed; many, such as Heather, have significant roles in the episodes they appear in.

The fourth season will try top itself in Getting Crap Past the Radar

The first season had loads of Getting Crap Past the Radar, but it got toned down a bit in the next two seasons. Now that they're getting back to their roots, the writers will try to manage to cram as much as Getting Crap Past the Radar as possible.

    • Me again! It's Jossed. While there was the usual amount of crap Total Drama gets past the radar, there still wasn't enough to be considered "more than usual". Too bad...

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island is considered Season 3.5

  • It is considered an introductionary season for the new contestants.
  • The 2007 Cast will be seen again in 2013.
  • TD 5 is actually TD 4, since the real TD 4 is half a season.

Dawn Will be Eliminated Early so she can go through the Noah Syndrome

  • Dawn, I'm pretty sure, is pretty popular, so she'll have an early elimination. Then, they'll bring her back the next season even better than before, pleasng the fans and raking in the ratings for the next season. It worked very well with Noah and Cody, so why can't they try it again?
    • She's still here as of episode 4, but the Noah Syndrome sounds like a great idea for a trope.
    • She was voted out in episode five, and it wasn't even her fault. So the theory is sound.

Mike is/was suicidal, and a psych patient at a mental institution

  • Look at his clothes, almost nothing about them seem to ahve a personal touch. Sweatpants, blue shirt, beige sneakers. But he always seems extremely depressed whenever he uses a confessional. Then you realize: maybe his outfit is uniform, and he has been to a psych ward. He has to wear velcro shoes and sweat pants so he doesn't try to kill himself to rid the burden of having MPD. The only reason he was back home was to do his audition, under his parents' supervision, and his doctors were worried about him going on the show, should he be rejected from the others and fall back in a loop. The necklace under his shirt from his Vito personality is something he snuck past the doctors, maybe somethign of sentimental value.

All the new characters are based off celebrities or fictional characters

  • Think about it for a second here.
    • Anne Maria: Snooki; for obvious reasons
    • Zoey: Bella Swan; lonely, friendly, attractive girl dating an awkwardly handsome outsider
    • Mike: Jacob Black; awkwardly attractive outsider
    • Jo: Sue Sylvester; for obvious reasons
    • Scott: Russel Hantz; his entire strategy and the fact that he keeps eliminating threats and not the weakest members on his team
    • Sam: Seth Rogen; the voice and the appearance (see the poster for Knocked Up and Sam's current design)
    • Dakota: Paris Hilton; even Dakota's last name is a reference
    • B: Silent Bob; see his page on the Total Drama Wiki for more information
    • Cameron: Michael Cera; okay, look at his original design and compare the characters, both are obviously "woobies" with charming personalities

I haven't really figured out the rest yet but I'm almost certain that these are correct. It is difficult for writers to come up with all-new stereotypes, especially since twenty-two of them have been done already, and also, a lot of the characters that they think of may not fit in with the "reality show" genre. A few other TD fans have brought up a good point that Mike may just be a bunch of personalities the producers wanted to work with (but couldn't) crammed up into one guy. Plus, anyone else notice that Mike and Zoey are complete Mary Sues? Without Mike's MPD, he has no personality whatsoever. Not criticizing any of the Twilight books but not many of them have much personality, either. I feel like the producers completely cheaped out this season and decided that celebrities worked. Anyone else agree?

  • I think this can mean two things: the writers are changing the focus from the characters to the reality show itself, the fact that they're on a radioactive island can handwave this, they just want to throw eye-laser squirrels to see how the contestants cope with them, or they're focusing on the parody part of the show, so they used more expies this time.

Mike will use his MPD to get back on the show

It worked for Izzy, didn't it? When Mike fought his other personalities, for a split second, you could see a sillouette of Mike smiling evily. If that doesn't happen, then that's definite foreshadowing for next season.

Scott is one of the ginger kids from South Park.

Scott has red hair, freckles, and pale(-ish) skin, and his ultimate plan for total victory is to systematically eliminate everyone else until he is the only contestant left standing, thus showing the superiority of the ginger kids. Also, Scott has no soul, as he doesn't care who he hurts in the process.

  • Later in the season, he focuses his attention on Zoey because she is a "daywalker", a redhead without freckles and pale skin.
  • Ever thought his last name may be Tenorman? Yeah. Mind = blown.

Chris will finally get the Karmic punishment he deserves in the finale of 'Revenge of the Island'.

A momument of himself gets blown up, he spends one episode trapped in an outhouse, at least one person he's responsible for mutating tried to kill him...could these all be signs that his luck has finally run out, or is this merely wishful thinking?

Staci is now a mutant

If Dakota mutates,then maybe Staci did too

In Season 5, Mike will be Mode Locked into his evil personality

...and become a villain for a three-episode arc, which culminates in an "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight between him and Zoey.

The fifth and sixth seasons will be named Total Drama:Revenge Of The Action and Total Drama:The Great Anything.

The idea actually come from fakes Total Drama seasons on French Wikipedia,but the fifth one could be possible.

The heights of the characters.

I gathered these answers by looking at a LOT of pictures.

  • Alejandro - 6'0"
  • Anne Maria - 5'3"
  • B - 6'0"
  • Beth - 4'11"
  • Blaineley - 5'10"
  • Brick - 6'0"
  • Bridgette - 5'7"
  • Cameron - 4'8"
  • Chef Hatchet - 6'6"
  • Chris McLean - 5'6.5"
  • Cody - 5'1"
  • Courtney - 5'8"
  • Dakota - 5'11"
  • Dawn - 5'0"
  • DJ - 6'5"
  • Duncan - 5'8"
  • Eva - 5'5"
  • Ezekiel - 5'3"
  • Geoff - 6'3"
  • Gwen - 5'7"
  • Harold - 6'0"
  • Heather - 5'9"
  • Izzy - 5'6"
  • Jo - 5'8"
  • Justin - 5'9"
  • Katie - 5'8"
  • LeShawna - 5'4" or 5'5"
  • Lightning - 6'0"
  • Lindsay - 5'8"
  • Mike - 6'1"
  • Noah - 5'5"
  • Owen - 6'1"
  • Sadie - 5'2"
  • Sam - 5'8.5"
  • Scott - 5'9"
  • Sierra - 6'2"
  • Staci - 5'4"
  • Trent - 5'10"
  • Tyler - 5'11"
  • Zoey - 5'7"

A mini-arc in Season 5 will focus on Beth finding out that she still has the Boney Island curse from Season 1 and going on a quest to find out how to get rid of it

Lightening will receive super powers

Larry rescued Chris from the EPA

  • And this will set up the fifth season.
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