Total Sibling Rivalry
"Total Sibling Rivalry" is an ongoing fanfiction for Total Drama Island, written by Kelsica2.
"Total Sibling Rivalry" takes place about a year after Total Drama Island. Twelve of the contestants, as well as sixteen of their original character siblings, return for a chance to win $500,000. The contestants are divided into two teams: the Killer Bears and the Rabid Wolves. And later, the Fighting Ferrets and the Raving Ravens. There's a challenge each weekday, but the contestants get a bit of a rest on the weekends, as well as getting to check up on the losers. Arguably, the two main characters are Marilee, Geoff's 14-year-old sister, who's bossy, intelligent, and has an eternal love for shoes, and Selena, Duncan's 13-year-old sister, who's punkish, impulsive, and very much a Dumb Blonde.
Pictures for most of the new contestants can be found on Kelsica2's Deviant ART site, here.
- A Boy, a Girl, and a Baby Family: Duncan, Selena and Zoey.
- A Day at the Bizarro: Strange things happens to Marilee, after her group is ambushed by wolves; It turns out it's All Just a Dream.
- The Alcatraz: In Boney Island.
- Alliterative Name: Candace Coleman
- Archnemesis Dad: Marilee believes Trent and Grace's dad is this.
- Badass Boast:
Sierra: I'm Sierra Valdez! I know everything about everybody...
- Black Comedy Rape: What Sierra did to Cody.
Courtney: Yeah yeah, reverse sexual harassment is hilarious and all.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Izzy's twin little brothers, Herbie and Xavier.
- Brain Bleach: Duncan's reaction to Gwen's fanfic (and some readers too).
- Brown Note: Chef blurts out one when he saw a family of racoons, much to the campists dismay.
- Closet Geek: Marilee.
- Cute Is Evil: Grace (sort of).
- Dead Fic.
- Did Not Do the Research: In his official bio, Owen doesn't have a sister and Rikki's inclusion seems to have happened only to include Cody in the game. Justified since not even the canon seems to bother.
- About Owen, it was justified, Candace is his adoptive sister.
- Did Not Do the Bloody Research: Happened when Rosalinda yelled "hijos de ***!"
- Drives Like Crazy: Surprisingly enough, Courtney during the charity challenge.
- Dumb Blonde: Selena. Candace is a Subversion: a lot of people assume she's a dumb blonde because she's usually upbeat and happy, like her brother, Owen.
- Emotionless Girl: Rikki. Jackson helps her get better.
- Enfante Terrible: Damien, he managed to bother Bridgette!
- Expy: Ron, the prison warden, is an expy of Ron Rent-a-cop, but not the same person.
- Gosh Darn It to Heck:
- History Repeats: Keith and Marilee, even with Sacred First Kiss played straight.
- Jerkass: Jamal, Duke and Raven.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Duncan, his feelings for his family are much evidenced in this fic.
- Kick the Dog: Chris does this when he eliminates Candace, sadly, because she was adopted into Owen's family, and isn't a blood sibling. Chris considers her not to be a real part of Owen's family, and sees her as a cheater for being in the game in the first place.
- Kissing Cousins: Cody and Beth broke up because of this
- Lampshade Hanging: Courtney complaining about how Marilee and Selena are the Spotlight-Stealing Squad of the story.
- Manipulative Bastard: Alejandro managed to be this even without the show.
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: Duncan displays this trope multiple times whenever anyone tries to get too close to Selena or Zoey.
- Nice Hat: Selena's thinking cap.
- Noodle Implements: We don't know what Grace was planning on doing with the hula hoop, the frying pan, the soccer ball, sunscreen, and likely other objects, but we know Trent would've been mad at her if he'd found out.
- Not So Harmless: The contestants, especially Trent, may think it's amusing to see the antics of Grace, but she was indirectly responsible of Candace's elimination, for no apparent reason.
- Oh Crap: Zack, when he's yelling at Selena and sees Duncan behind him.
- Panty Shot: Much to Marilee's chagrin.
- Reformed but Rejected: Heather.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Selena's fanfic (no relation to The Phrase That Pais.
- Security Blanket: Marilee's juice boxes.
- Self-Deprecation:
- Self-Made Orphan: Just like Seto Kaiba, fired her own mother.
- Shocking Elimination: Keith.
- Shoe Slap: Marilee does this a lot.
- Shout-Out: To Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series and Total Drama Chris (especially the fanfiction challenge).
- The Abridged Series: What Duncan's fanfic was supposed to be about. It has spoilers for the end of the story.
- Too Dumb to Live: Selena. She almost jumped into oncoming traffic for a BALLOON.
- Truth Serums: Which causes Geoff and Bridgette's break up.
- Tsundere: Obviously Marilee.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Rosalinda and Sierra.