< Total Drama Island

Total Drama Island/Funny

Not only is this island filled with drama, but also with funny. So go read below for the examples.

Total Drama Island:

  • Total Drama Island has it's fair share, but Wawanakwa Gone Wild has a ton of them including:
    • Gwen vs. the Roadrunner duck

Gwen: Uh...last time I checked ducks waddled.

    • Duncan vs. the Racoonmech

Duncan: Whoa... that's more than meets the eye.

    • Izzy, all the way though out the episode.
    • This exchange:

Duncan: (to Heather) If you want, you can borrow my chainsaw when I'm done with it.
Heather: Great, the bear can use it to skin me alive after he's finished mauling me! Thanks.

  • This part of Not So Happy Campers Part 2:

Courtney: (referring to Katie and Sadie)They're getting a drink.
Harold: Yeah, if they drink with their butts.
Ezekiel: Ha ha ha. That's funny.

  • The Big Sleep has several hilarious moments but the funniest has to be the part where Gwen and Trent, two of the only campers still awake, begin a conversation, as they begin to bond romantic music plays in the background and it's a very sweet scene. And then, with no warning whatsoever Owen sleepwalks right past them. Completely naked. Cue the most horrified, traumatized expressions ever.
    • Chef Hatchet in a pink tutu, scattering sleep dust.
    • Chef dressed as a big, fluffy, pink sheep
    • "Stay awake for 12 hours? I could do that in my sleep! Woohoo! (...falls asleep)
    • When Chris read a book on Canadian history to lull the contestants to sleep. Even funnier is the dramatic build-up;

Chris: I didn't want it to come to this. I said that to Chef Hatchet last night. I said, "Chef, I don't want it to come to this." But, darn it! These campers are tough! And so, I've come up with the most boring, sleep-enducing activity I can find.

      • Anytime Chris read out loud in that episode was hysterical because of his droll "storyteller" voice.

Chris: Once upon a time, there was, inside this boring kingdom, a boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy village, filled with very boring children, who did very boring things...

    • Two words: Cody's dream.
    • Owen sleep-swimming with salmon... up a WATERFALL.
    • And this little bit:

Trent: Yip! Yip! (flails his arms around) Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip!

  • Courtney pretty much said the funniest line of season one in the Sucky Outdoors:

Chris: And it looks like the Bass are missing two fish.
Courtney: Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night.
Duncan: Darn shame.

    • And from the same episode:

Duncan: (referring to Katie and Sadie) Has anyone seen Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Idiot?

  • In Not So Happy Campers Part Two right after Ezekiel's digging himself deeper moment, we get a Reaction Shot of Harold, Noah and Cody quietly backing away from Katie and Sadie, it shouldn't be so funny but the "shuffle shuffle" sound effect and their "This-won't-end-well" expressions really sell it.
  • Most of the times Geoff struck out with Bridgette were pretty funny.

Geoff: Heya Bridge, you look good when you're cooking dinner. Kinda like my friend Evan's really hot mom. * Freakishly Happy Face*

  • Courtney Tempting Fate. Her expression immediately afterward just sells it.

Courtney: Things could not possibly get any worse! (cue a single drop of rain, followed by a heavy downpour. Courtney's face goes neutral before screaming)

  • Basic Straining has one challenge in which all the contestants, eliminated or otherwise (don't ask; it'll take all day) must dance the dance from, and I'm not kidding here, Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Made even funnier when they're dancing to the actual song. Nightmare Fuel does kicks in, however, when you realize the camper's movement is in almost perfect syncronization with the song.

Owen: Owen's not getting to second base, is he? (Izzy shakes her head no). I didn't think so. First base? (Izzy shakes her head again). Is he getting up to ba- (Izzy punches him).

    • Geoff mindlessly walking around the camp with Chef, dressed as the serial killer, simply walking behind him.

Chris: By far, the worst blunder yet.

      • And then asked the (admittedly, fake) serial killer if he heard the ice cream truck!
  • Duncan's fear of Celine Deon music store standees
  • I'm surprised no one brought up Dodgebrawl yet

Chris: Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball.
Noah: (sarcastically) Gee, throwing balls. Another mentally stimulating activity.
Lindsay: I know, right?
Noah: (looks blankly at Lindsay and then exchanges glances with Owen)

    • And:

Chris: Remember, the first rule of dodgeball is...
Noah: (interrupting) Do not talk about dodgeball?

    • And of course, Tyler's classic attempt at an insult.

Tyler: Oh yeah, you're going down! We're gonna bring the dinner to the table, and then we're gonna eat it!
Other Killer Bass: (Face Palm)

  • From Who Can You Trust?:

(Trent has turned blue after eating improperly prepared blowfish)
Trent: (slurred) I thought you said you passed biology.
Lindsay: I said I took biology.

  • The confessional cam segments are sometimes filled with Hypocritical Humor, and none moreso than this example from Paintball Deer Hunter:

(a bandaged and wheelchair laden Cody is seen in the confessional stall)
Cody: Okay, I know I got mauled by a bear, but I'm feeling confident about this. Heather's mean as a snake dude! Her own team shot her like, 18 times! They'll never vote me off.

(cut to LeShawna & Owen in the confessional, explaining why they're voting off Cody)

  • Owen monologging about being in total sync with nature... then realising he's lying on a snake.
  • In X-Treme Torture Gwen & Bridgette spend most of the episode trying to find out who wrote a haiku poem to one of the girls at camp. After ruling out their love interests, there's this exchange:

Gwen: Okay, so the haiku candidates are Duncan, Harold, DJ, or Owen.
Bridgette: Well we know Duncan was crushing on Courtney, so he's out. And Harold is...
(both girls watch as Harold emerges from the confessional stall, his pants around his ankles)
Harold: (in a suave-type voice) Ladies (trips on his pants and falls to the ground)
Gwen: Okay, You take DJ, I'll take Owen.

  • The very first episode has one, once all of the campers have arrived. Chris has them crowd around the end of the dock for a promo shot...

Chris: Okay. 1...2..thr- Oop! Okay, forgot the lens cap! (presses button) Okay, hold that pose... 1...t- Oh, wait. Card's full! Hang on...
LeShawna: C'mon, man! My face is startin' to freeze!
Chris: Okay! Okay, everyone say 'Wawanakwa!'
Campers: Wawanakwa! (Dock collapses under them) Aaah!
(Camera flash. Picture is of half-submerged/drowning campers)
Chris: Okay, guys! Dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten!

  • The montage during the hot tub building challenge in the second episode, the way it cuts from the Killer Bass' Teeth-Clenched Teamwork to the Screaming Gophers perfectly synchronized co-operation never fails to make this troper laugh, the ultra peaceful music helps too.
  • Gwen staring at shirtless Justin during the final episode, once again, the music really helps.
    • Heather tore off Justin's shirt to distract Gwen so Own could take the lead. Owen gets distracted too.
  • Courtney, after a coconut drops on her head: "This is a coconut. We're in Muskoka, people! If you're going to drop props on my head, at least make them geographically correct!" (cue a sled, a pile of snow, and an Eskimo falling on her)
  • Just look at Duncan in this picture.

Total Drama Action:

  • While trying to figure out which way to go.

Lindsay: North is nice, but East is least, West is best.
Leshawna: Can't argue with that. Wouldn't even know how to.

  • How about Heather trying to cut off Courtney's hair in "One Million Bucks BC"?

Heather: * after just laughing maniacally* What? I'm not crazy. I'm bald.

  • From "Full Metal Drama", Izzy's alter-ego Explosivo and Admiral Lindsay, Her Hotness. That is all.
  • Courtney sings about what her ideal prince will be in "The Princess Pride". After she sings the line "my prince will tame wild whales", bad boy Duncan breaks a whale in half over his knee. Where did the whale come from? Who cares, it was funny!
    • Speaking of said episode, Chris selling the Princess Courtney CD "call 555-SELLOUT to get your authentic Princess Courtney CD before everyone else downloads it illegally!"

Harold: I'll take one! I'm going to listen to the beautiful love song and think of LeShawna.
(Later, Harold's in the make-up confessional with a note from LeShawna)
Harold: (reading) "Yo Harold, if you play that skinny rich girl song and think of me, I'll have to kill you." (stares awkwardly at the confessional camera

    • "Playing with the Princess Courtney doll is more fun and less dangerous than playing with the real Courtney, guaranteed!"
    • "No Chef, this is how you play with dolls!" (Grabs the Princess Courtney & Princess Beth dolls and makes them "kiss").
    • The bit where Justin falls. The way that he suffers is just so damn funny that it's hard not to laugh even though he's suffering.
      • As well as the ending of that episode:

Chef: Princesses, ATTACK!

  • All of the "That's Gonna Leave A Mark" segments during The Aftermath. You can't help but laugh at Duncan getting hit in the kiwis by a bird.
    • Especially in the Third Aftermath, where the team logos injure people.
    • And then there's the one where Chef bumps his cart into the cart of a yeti who responds by hitting Chef's with a golf club and then giving him the Finger.
  • Pretty much the entirety of "Get A Clue" is hilarious, but the funniest bit occurs when the lights are turned off.

Lindsay: Something brushed up against my leg!
Beth: Something brushed up against MY leg!
Harold: I keep brushing up against things that feel suspiciously like legs!

    • "MUUUUH-DUH!"
      • *Tiny keyboard starts playing*
  • Duncan going crazy after being lost in the woods. He ate Courtney's 32-page relationship contract, then came back to camp swinging on a vine like Izzy.

Courtney: Lord of the Flies, much?!

  • After Owen won the first challenge, he got to pick out which trailer the men would get.

Owen: I'll take... the squashed one! (guys disapprove) What? It has more character!
[Girls cheer]
Chef (as monster): (steps on the girl's trailer)

    • As for how Owen WON the challenge in the first place, he ate all the food the key could be hiding in. It was fake PROMPT food. Duncan shares our reaction laughing his ass off in the confessional.
  • LeShawna's horrible dancing in "Beach Blanket Bogus", made even funnier by the horrified Reaction Shot we get from the spectators.
    • And Harold happily dancing alongside them.
  • In Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special the show follows what the cast has been up to since the season ended. Gwen is shown to have started an environmentally conscious blog, alongside Katie & Sadie. Not to be outdone, Heather mocks her rival in a way that's both mean yet funny:

Heather: (as Gwen) This is the loser Gwen show, where everything always sucks and the world is terrible. (as Katie) Like, oh..my..gosh! No singing? That is so sad, don't you think Sadie? (as Sadie) I know! It's totally like "oh my gosh!" Isn't it like, awesome how the same we are? (as Katie again) I know! Now look at my butt. (as Gwen) Ugh, how dare you interrupt my loser video blog? (takes out a picture of Duncan) I wish Duncan was here so I could kiss him, even though I'm too scared to tell him much I loove him because I'm too cool! (kisses the picture) P.S, save the whales.

    • Gwen's counter attack when she shows Heather being licked on the mouth by her cat Bruiser, followed by a shot of Bruiser licking his nads.
    • And when they're both at the studio being interviewed by Josh, the following exchange occurs:

Josh: You've been through so much together, sharing a cabin at a summer camp, a trailer at an abandoned studio. Why not bury the hatchet? Isn't your friendship more important than this blog war?
Heather: It's just that...you see, Josh...Gwen is a gigantic loser.
Gwen: (laughs) And Heather's breath reeks like cat butt!
(the two of them glare at each other for a second, then...)
Gwen: (tackles Heather) Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Heather: I'm gonna take you down!
Josh: (excitedly as Gwen is beating up Heather) Cat fight! Cat fight!

    • And from the same episode, the cast trying to figure out how to get to New York:

Izzy: I think I know the way! But it's not gonna be easy...
Noah: Yeah, this should be interesting.

Izzy: Okay, Cody! I need you to gather assorted lengths of lumber.

Cody: ...Uh, right now?

Izzy: Owen! Can you track down a medium sized boat motor?

Owen: (pumps fists enthusiastically) No prob! I'm on it!

Izzy: (clamps hand down on Noah's shoulder) Noah! I'm counting on you for three gallons of diesel fuel!

Noah: (smiles reassuringly) Sure thing. I'll get my unicorn to deliver it.

Izzy: Perfect!

  • The scene in "Aftermath: I" where Geoff notices a scared looking Billy in the background of Izzy and Chef's fight scenes, Izzy then cheerfully reassures him that, "I would never hurt that intern." The "Lie" hammer immediately swings down upon her, but she dodges it. We then get several zoom ins to the poor intern standing off screen, who then silently drops his clipboard and runs for dear life.
  • The barrage of challenges Duncan has to go through in "Mutiny on the Sounstage", this troper's personal favorite was him running through a minefield while wearing a blindfold.
  • The Dream Sequence in "The Sand Witch Project" where DJ throws a spoon at Chef, it's Chef's completely unimpressed expression that really seals the deal.
  • THIS. [dead link]
  • Any time Courtney gets beaten by the other campers in challenges because she tried too hard. Especially the times she ends up losing to Lindsay.
  • Duncan, Harold and Heather finding out that the reward for the heist movie that they've been busting their asses over is a special kind of cash which can only be used to purchase tap water.
  • Courtney's cheer in Top Dog. "F-I-S-H-Y! You ain't got no alibi! You fishy, uh-huh! You fishy, uh-huh! Come on get your fins up, fins up! Come on get your fins up! Get your fins up."
    • Compared to Beth's Epic Fail of a cheer in "Riot on Set".

Beth: "Owen! Owen! He's our guy! If he can't do it... Uh.... He's not our guy!"

Total Drama World Tour:

Owen: No! I can't ride in that! Call the United Nations! Call a cab! Call my mom! No! I'm not doing this! I'm out! This is unethical! (Chris smacks him off-screen) Mommy!

Ezekiel: They thought they could leave me, and depaAAAARRRRRTtt... But this stowaway's got winning in his heaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrt!
Noah: Come fly with uuuus, come dieee with uuuus.

      • Made even funnier by everyone cheerfully doing jazz hands afterwards.
    • When Alejandro finds out who's going to be on his team: "That's wonderful." Cut to him in the confessional swearing his head off in Spanish.
  • Walk Like An Egyptian Part Two:

Sierra: Did you know that Cody slept with a stuffed Emu named Jerry until he was... Well, okay, he still does...

Noah: And you know this how?

Sierra: I called his aunt once, I pretend I was a telemarketer!

Noah: (in complete deadpan) Ooh, stalkerlicous.

Heather: Hear that? That's the sound of hundreds of girls all over the world running and rushing, just desperate to... lock their doors.

Chris: You have to make a raft big enough to fit your whole team. That includes goat-face over there!
Tyler: HEY!
Alejandro: I believe he was referring to the goat.
Tyler: ....OOOHHH! Thanks!

  • Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan:
    • The contestants are sucked out of the Jet, screaming at the top of their lungs as they fall to their imminent deaths, then the music bell chimes, indicating that they have to sing while falling.

Noah: Seriously!? I mean, seriously!?

    • Team Amazon failing at storming out.

Courtney: Uh, we can't storm out together, that defeats the purpose!
Heather: You go that back that way then!
Courtney: No! You go back that way!
Gwen: Well I came this way first!

    • Team CIRRRRH's acting during their monster commercial, especially Noah's line:

Noah: (lifelessly) Think of the childreeen.

      • Made even funnier when you notice that him deadpanning and shouting at the same time, with his nasally voice and the commercial's sound filter, makes him sound like an alien.
      • And Izzy's reaction to monster Owen:

Izzy: He's so hot!

Noah: Um, what?

Chris: That piece of cinematic gold is the Japanese promo. Total Drama is 'huge' here.

Courtney: Okay, but that was in English. So why are they dubbing our voices?

Chris: Turns out the locals just don't like the sounds of y'all. Sorry.

Courtney: No, you're not.

Chris: True.

Tyler: I don't get it, I'm the least talked about contestant on all the fan blogs. Even Zeke gets more play, and he always gets eliminated first! And worst of all, on the flight here, Lindsay called me Noah. Noah!

      • It becomes even funnier when you realize that Noah's an Ensemble Darkhorse, which is exactly what Tyler wants to be.
      • And funnier still when you notice the reason why he might be upset. Sports aren't his forte.
    • Bridgette trying to talk with her tongue stuck on the pole. You have to hear it for it to be funny.
      • It was the base for the episode's song.
    • Sierra: If one of us drowns, I want it to be me!!

Cody: (weakly) .....M-m-me too...

    • And later...

[the sled containing Team Amazon pulls up to Sierra and the frozen Cody]
Gwen: Need a lift?
Cody: And a restraining order!

Izzy: Woo! Oh, look, a speaker! (points to "radioactive" sign) Our's must play music! (dives into the box)
Tyler: (gasps) Is that box radioactive?
Chris: (shrugs nonchalantly) What isn't radioactive these days?
(Izzy emerges from the box all right, but now with a Sickly Green Glow)
Izzy: I can't find a radio anywhere. I think someone stole it.

    • Tyler and Izzy during the challenge:

Tyler: (panting) If you see anyone, call out.
Izzy: (gasps) Ooh,ooh, ooh! There's Tyler!
Tyler: Other than me!

    • And then AFTER Noah has already jumped on the sled:

Izzy: Ooh, There's Noah! Noah, someone stole our radio!

  • Broadway, Baby!:

The scene with Team CIRRRRH in the first class section:
(Owen rolls off the couch, revealing a squashed Noah)
Noah: (in obvious pain) Finally! Thanks for not noticing I was missing last night! Who am I, Tyler?!

Tyler: (angrily) Hey! (accidentally spits food on Alejandro)

    • Before the challenge:

Lindsay: (to Chris) Um...so when do we go shopping?
Chris: You don't.
Lindsay: Noooooo!

    • Cody greedily scooping up all the candy as if it were a G-Rated Drug. "Come to Papa..."
      • What Chris says right before Cody opens the apple:

Chris: Have at it, ladies.
Cody: Hey!
Chris: Sorry. Have at it, ladies - and baby.
Cody: Hey!

Tyler: Whoo! Ten point landing, dude!

    • Team CIRRRRH discover that their carriage had been switched with an actual baby carriage:

Izzy: (gasps) Noah regressed into a baby!
Owen: And he ate all my pretzels!

    • Team Victory decides who is going to be their baby:

Lindsay: Ooh, pick me! I love it when people call me baby.
Noah: (to Tyler) Make a mental note of that, bro.
Tyler: (pats his pockets) (Beat) I don't have a pen.

    • The reaction shots after Sierra revealed some of Chris' embarassing secrets: DJ is laughing out loud, Owen is giggling, Courtney is just killing herself laughing, and even Chef is shown laughing at Chris too!
    • "Look, I'm a rabid monkey! Ai ya ya ya!"
  • Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water:
    • Just about everything Eva does or says in this episode qualifies.

Eva: I don't know why you would, but they told me to tell you to tune in next time, got it?! There's gonna be more crazy action on Total...Drama... (attempts to sing) World Tour! Aw, forget this (kicks a lamp, it crashes offscreen).

Harold: (to Justin) When your bladder is full, it's roughly the size of a softball.

Justin: (punches Harold)

Harold: (to Heather) The world's longest cricket match lasted fourteen days! That's a lot of googlies!

Heather: (kicks Harold in the kiwis)

Harold: (to Noah) In Alaska it's illegal to talk to someone while they're moose hunting!

Moose: (charges on-screen and tackles Harold into a tree while Noah watches in stunned disbelief)

Harold: (to the camera) Squirrels only blink one eye at a time, like this. (Blinks one eye at a time.)

Squirrel: (Blinks one eye at a time, then punches Harold)

Harold: 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, (Cut to Beth pounding her fist, Justin with boxing gloves, Heather with a Baseball bat, Cody with nun-chucks, Chef with a frying pan, and the bear with a chain saw...none of whom seem very happy at him.) 654,321, which is a numerical palindrome! How cool is that?!

      • Completed with LeShawna rolling her eyes.
    • Beth hitting on Bridgette's pole.
    • No mention yet of the Drama Machine?
    • Then there's Geoff trying to convince Blaineley that he's happy only to be met with an anvil, a safe, and a piano.
    • This nonsensical arguement:

Geoff: You'd get mad if you caught me making out with a girl pole on television!
Bridgette: Poles aren't alive!
Geoff: Tell that to your tongue!

    • Blaineley gets super pissed when Geoff and Bridgette make up and make out instead of fight like she wanted them to.
  • Slap Slap Revolution:

Alejandro: Tyler! We need your strength on the grinder!
Tyler: (folds sleeves up in determination)
Alejandro: Owen! Stuff that stuffing like your life depended on it!
Owen: (salutes) Aye, aye captain!
Alejandro: Noah! Make sure Izzy doesn't get in the grinder! (throws Izzy at Noah)
Noah: (is knocked to the ground by falling Izzy) ...And there goes my pelvis.

    • Izzy happily carrying Noah around in her arms after his injury is both hilarious and oddly adorable.
    • "All aboard der Weiner Express!"
    • The trip wires set up around Cody's chair while he's sleeping and sucking his thumb. When Emily (yes, that Emily) accidentally brushes a bell on one of the wires: "NO MORE FOOT RUBS SIERRA!"
    • When you realize what Alejandro's last name, Burromuerto, means in Spanish: "dead donkey."
    • What? This far without mention of the avalanche? It starts out as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when Too Dumb to Live Lindsay finally realizes Tyler's in the game. He celebrates a little too loudly (with heart shaped clouds, no less) and starts an avalanche. It must be seen to be believed, the scene with Owen riding down on a deer (where'd he get it, by the way?) probably seals the deal.


Noah: (teasingly) How are the hosen treatin' you?
Cody: It feels like someone gave my wedgie a wedgie.

  • The Am-AH-Zon Race:

Gwen: (after getting shot by an Epipen; speaking really fast) CHRIS CHRIS CHRIS IT'S GWEN!! The Zingies! Caught in a tree with my hands in Cody's pants- THIS TROUBLE IS BIG!!
Tyler: Way to go, Cody!!

    • Don't forget the rat falling into Noah's mouth while he was sleeping- both gross and utterly hilarious.

Noah: Stupid economy class!

    • This spew by Tyler.

Tyler: Where's the hanging-on-thingy-part?
Chris: Hanging-on-thingy?
Tyler: You know, the...riding stick! Grabby-whatchamacallit..ugh! The...zipper-buckle-handle!!
Chris: Getting colder!
Alejandro: We need no t-bar!

    • Tyler using his pants as a make-shift T-bar, him being in tighty-whities is funny enough, but the rock music in the background makes it all the more hilarious.
    • And Izzy shoving Noah into a backpack to get both of them across the zipline.
    • Four words: Psycho Gwen, Gypsy Rap. That is all.
    • After walking all day, this exchange:

Owen: Need...rest... and water! Aw, nachos would be killer right now! Ugh...
Noah: Sure! All we're missing is chips, beef, tomatoes, cheese, salsa-
Izzy: (is shown scribbling something on a notebook) Slow down, hey, guys, I'm making a list!

    • Three words: Secret Hair Collection.
    • "Everyone! That's who wears undies in the Amazon! Everyone!"
    • It's either funny, or really creepy, to see Sierra attempt to update her blog using a pizza box and actual mouse as a mouse.
  • Can't Help Falling In Louvre:

Noah: (waves his empty hand back and forth) Who wants the ball? Who wants it? You want it, doncha'? Well goooo get it! (pretends to throw it, Sasquatchanakwa runs after it happily)

      • And later:

Noah: I don't think my imaginary ball trick will distract the yeti a second time. (makes throwing motion)
Izzy: Oh, oh, oh! A ball! I'll get it! (runs off-screen)

    • While being chased by the Sasquatchanakwa

Owen: But I don't want to be yeti poop!

    • While explaining the challenge

Chris: Well we're not using the actual statues, those are priceless. Chef made some fake ones, right?
Chef: (stares blankly for several seconds, then runs off)

    • The entire runway challenge.

Lindsay: Let's move on to wardrobe. Do you think this one looks manly? (pulls out a picture of a little girl with a lollipop and balloons)
Tyler: This isn't going to get better for me, is it?

      • Owen's line in it was quite humorous

Owen: I'd have to say that Lindsay's design just made me hungry. There were pictures of pheasants and I think some fruit...uh yeah, hungry, defintely hungry and obsequious.

      • DJ's Non Sequitur Scene song in the middle of the show, complete with weird...swaying...dancing things.
    • Tyler, once again, utterly failing at Buffy-Speak:

Tyler: Put the middle piece under the wide part, and rotate the thingy straightwise- no, no, no, underover!
Noah: Those aren't. Even. Words!

    • Pretty much everything Izzy did in that episode was hysterical.
    • Especially this line: "(Faking a male voice) Ahem! This is your captain speaking! If you look out your window, you'll get to see what happens when a PLANE does a SOMERSAULT!"
    • DJ when picking a model. His choices were Heather, (who's posing), Courtney (who's holding her hips and puckering up), Izzy (who's showing off her eyelids), and Gwen (who is by herself, pouting).

DJ: I'll take... Gwen.
Heather: What?!
Chris: I second that-What?!

    • Chris being his usual Jerkass self while Cody is trying to get Sierra out of her funk; "Awwww. Don't care."
      • Not to mention the moment where he walks up to them after the break.
    • DJ's "Momma I'm coming home" song. Made even funnier by Lindsay and Noah standing in the background watching the dance in stunned silence.
    • Gwen coming down the runway...wearing DJ's shirt and hat which are about four sizes too big for her.
  • Newf Kids on the Rock:
    • Heather Irish-dancing during the Sea Shanty song.
    • Noah and Owen trying to form an alliance with DJ in the beginning of the episode. Emphasis on trying.

Owen: I don't know what to say to him...I've always been the allianc-ee, not the alliance-er.
Noah: It's like asking a girl out, only she's a guy.
Owen: Oh, okay! (to DJ) Hey, DJ! (DJ looks up) Hey, you wanna go for hot dogs with my buddy Noah? (Noah glances at Owen worriedly) He says your legs are nice. (wolf whistles)
DJ: (looks at Noah with a weirded-out expression)
Noah: (sarcastically) Yeah, because that's exactly what I told him to say.

    • Izzy's face after chugging an entire jug of apple cider vingear.
    • DJ and Tyler making out with cod...and being really, really into it. Tyler's fish even slaps him for getting too fresh.

Noah: (confessional) No wonder my little cousins aren't allowed to watch this show.

    • Owen swimming towards the boat, huffing and puffing and sounding like a dying manatee, it's even funnier because both Alejandro and Noah had swum to the boat with absolute ease just seconds ago.
    • Heather, Gwen and Courtney (separately) saying something unintentionally revealing in the confessional, realizing they said it and then trying to break the camera to get the tape back.

Courtney: I am a CIT!
Heather: More like a B-I-T-C...
Gwen: (interrupts) Guys, let's get going.

    • This moment when they were landing in the water:

Sierra:: Why are we landing in the middle of the ocean? Oh no we're not-Why are we landing in the middle of the-Oh no we're not.

  • Jamaica Me Sweat:

Tyler: Winning really is everything!
Noah: Says the guy who Frenched a cod.

    • Chris' pilot announcement:

Chris: (over PA) Attention passengers.

    • At the start of the challenge:

Noah: (laughs) Pretty blouse!
Chris: It's a Dashiki, mon!
DJ: (snickers) Yeah, a woman's Dashiki!

    • Tyler's repeated Rummage Fail while searching for treasure, he ends up finding: an electric eel, a tire and a grandfather clock.

Tyler: Found it! (realizes what it is) Oh come on!

    • A minor one in the opening: along with the rest of Team CIRRRRH and DJ, the cod- sorry, Irene had little cucumbers for her eyes.
    • Once Alejandro "accidently" let DJ know his curse was still in effect, it hit like a ton of bricks, with a line of random seagulls and a walrus appearing in his path on the tobaggon.

DJ: That doesn't even make sensssseeee!

    • Team CIRRRRH's lines right before they do the challenge:

Noah: (jokingly) No problem! Tyler, it's your lucky day. You get to do all the dives!
Tyler: YEAH! (beat) ...Wait.

    • Heather copying Tyler's audition tape. Well, not really...

Alejandro: (when Heather is about to dive) You have beautiful form.

Heather: What?! (falls off)

    • Possibly my new favorite 'Noah snark' scene:

Chris: (in his usual 'cut to commercial' list of conflicts) Will we get out of here while I'm still young?
Noah: I don't know, did we land in the 70's?
Chris: (angrily pushes a screaming Noah off cliff into shark/electric eel-infested waters)

    • Owen's rambling in confessional.

Owen: Uh, no biggie. Just a concussion. Can you parents my phone and worry them not to tell... Santa?

(in high-pitched voice, while tapping on invisible laptop) Considering buying myself a life off Fred's List, but having trouble deciding because they are all such a major improvement.

    • There's only one parachute left, because Chef miscounted them - "I'm a cook, not a mathmetician!" - leaving Owen and Noah staring at it while everyone else lines up to jump. Noah looks skyward, groans, and says, "Oh, life, why do you hate me so?" the camera then cuts to them screaming as they hurtle towards the ground, with Noah keeping a death grip on Owen's shoulders.
    • Noah smacking a Candy Fish Tail out of Owen's hand when he tries to bribe the guard with it:

Noah: Don't kill him you clown!

Noah: You lost rock, paper, scissors fair and square! Stop throwing the game!
Tyler: (biting at the guard's sock) I'm not! You try taking off a dude's pantyhose with your teeth!
Noah: ...Uh, dude? No one said you had to use your teeth.

    • The torture part of the challenge, Tyler boasts about being able to take stretching easily, then when the challenge starts:

Noah: ... You do realize we haven't started yet, right?

      • What makes it even better is that after his little Freak-Out, Tyler's face goes perfectly calm and neutral again.
    • Gwen taming the Corgis and making them sit
    • Owen talking in a fancy British accent. Even while being attacked by corgis.
    • "Oww, my wiener!" It then shows the corgis eating a sausage.

Noah: (talking about Alejandro) I don't trust him. He's like an eel dipped in grease swimming in motor oil.
Owen: Dirty?
Noah: Slippery.

    • The call back, when Al reveals he knows what Noah thinks about him, "Like an eel, dipped in grease..."

Noah: Where I come from, that's a compliment! Tough neighborhood!

    • Whhen Team CIRRRRH shows they caught 'Jack', the bag is pulled off dramatically: cue everyone gasping in sync and going, "Old Man Jenkins!?"
    • Tyler's expression after seeing Gwen and Duncan kiss, "D8"
      • The horrified expression on his face is funny enough but it gets even better: IT'S ACOMPANIED BY SLIDE WHISTLE!
      • And it gets even better when you remember that Tyler supports Gwen/Cody.
    • Owen talking about Noah:

Owen: I'd like to top his honor roll!...D-Did that sound creepy?

Chris: Welcome to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, home to many of the very first Olympians, who as my intern has informed me, competed naked.
Owen: (sighs) Alright... Time to drop the laundry...

Rest of cast: (various sounds of disgust and protest)

Chris: No no no! that was just a quirky fact, not an order. There's no need to be 100% accurate. Stay dressed. very dressed. We only have to resort to nudity if there's a tiebreaker.

    • Duncan spending the entire episode singing. Especially the first "Owwwww~!". Way funnier than it sounds.
    • Chris when he realizes that some wires got crossed when gathering info for that day's destination. He tells everyone to hold on as the plane rolls and an intern goes flying out.
    • Heather's expression when she sees how "flexible" Alejandro is.
    • Owen's, Tyler's, and especially Cody's faces when they start wrestling.
    • Chris after Sierra says another "Cody Fact".

Chris:"The things you know frighten us....really, they do."

    • Also, toward's the end of the episode, Chris' decision to not vote off Duncan. He blatantly says, "I'm ignoring the vote".

Chris: And the person who will be taking the drop of shame is.. THIS INTERN!

    • Even better when Duncan, who knows fully well that all three voted for him, smiles at them and chuckles evilly. Alejandro's Oh Crap face just sells it.
  • The Ex-Files:
    • One word: " Revenge".
    • When Cody pokes a strange pod-type-thing in Area 51, it activates and creates a demonic looking alien Cody. It starts advancing towards him, when, who else:

Sierra: Eeee! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Two Cody's! I'm confused... and excited!

(Sierra crushes both Codys in a hug. Alien-Cody EXPLODES)

Sierra:...Okay, now I'm just confused.

    • The scene where everyone is on Area 52:

Chris: Everyone, welcome to the coolest, extraterrestrialiest place in the world...Area 52!
Gwen: 52? Area 51 is where all the cool alien stuff is.
Duncan: The show's so broke, we have to fake an area now?
Chris: Nope. This really is Area 52. And that's Area 51 right there. We're just inside the border. Well, everyone except Duncan.

    • Tyler's reaction to imminent death: furiously doing pull-ups.

" Must!... leave!... beautiful!...corpse!"

    • Duncan doing a Foot Pop while kissing Gwen again.
    • Courtney recalling her "empowering" breakup with Duncan which seemed to involve throwing a plate of pasta at Duncan, calling him a "stupid jerkface" and lying on the floor having a sobbing fit while everyone looked on in embarrassment before finally kicking him in the kiwis.
    • Who wasn't laughing when you saw Bunny get zapped by lasers then run across the screen screaming and in flames?
    • "Don't probe me, bro!"
    • Tyler tripping and breaking Team CIRRRRH's alien artifact with his head buried in the ground.

Tyler: Why is the purple meatball playing the piano?

    • The Alien reaching out it's finger to touch Tyler's finger like ET before grinning evilly and zapping him.
    • "Gothie's going down... Gothie's going down... Gothie is going down..."
    • Courtney's slow motion "OOOOOOPS" after purposely tripping Gwen so Team Amazon could lose the challenge.
    • This:

(Courtney kicks a giant robot, and it activates)
Robot: Intruder alert. Initializing elimination procedure.
(the robot points its giant arm cannon at Courtney...and falls right through the floor)
Robot: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

    • Tyler climbing an electric fence and getting shocked every single second. Oh, and while he's doing this, Alejandro and Duncan simply use the door!
    • Demonstrating his hypnotism, Alejandro causes Owen to sing TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME while doing the RUNNING MAN. Was anybody who actually watched that not laughing?
    • Pretty much all of Tyler's lines, but Duncan gets one when Tyler and Al are being face-hugged by aliens.

Duncan: "What's this, a double date?!"

    • Boyfriend Kisser. All of that song.
  • Picnic At Hanging Dork:
    • THIS.
    • This troper always laughs at this:

(jumps off without bungee cord and plows into ground)
Chris: "Medic!"
(two interns come and get sheep)

  • Sweden Sour:
    • The freeze frame we get right before Owen smashes into Team Amazon's boat.
    • Cody built a giant wooden replica of Gwen's head with the materials Team Amazon were supposed to be making a proper ship out of. When Sierra suggested they use the head as a boat we got this exchange:

Sierra: If Gwen's head is hollow-
Courtney: Huh, don't get me started.

    • The ABBA inspired musical number.
      • To clarify: Duncan, Alejandro and Owen were in flamboyant, brightly colored, sparkly jumpsuits. With high heeled disco shoes to boot!
    • Duncan and Alejandro having to speak like pirates to humour Owen.
      • Especially(after Owen destroys their sails with the last "cannonball"):
    • Heather literally throwing herself at an unwilling Duncan to try and make Alejandro jealous.
      • Also Heather trying to get him to look at her "booty".

Heather: Someone look at my booty!

    • "Let me cheer you up by taking you to a happy place, it's a beautiful mountainside filled with Codies, some are giant, others are small enough to tuck in your pocket and some are chocolate covered marshmallow Codies."
      • Cody responds by vomiting.
    • Heather trying to kill Cody with a sledgehammer after he built Gwen's face, causing her to get into a fight to the death with Sierra and when Sierra's raising her weapon she accidentally hits Courtney knocking her out
  • Aftermath Aftermayhem:
    • Noah dodging lasers.
    • Lindsey balancing meatballs on her nose like a seal. Complete with "arf, arf" sound effects.
    • Geoff's song to Blaineley:

Geoff: (singing while doing a Ukrainian folk dance in his boxers) She's a phony scheming weasel-nose, and her real name isn't Blaineley! She steals and lies, and she's evil, bros, and her real name isn't Blaineley! It's Mildred!

      • Blaineley's reactions throughout are great, especially since she is sufficiently vain to assume any song about her must be complimentary, even when coming from someone she knows hates her (it takes her a couple of seconds to clue in.)
  • Niagra Brawls:
    • 'Blainerific', Blaineley's hilariously narcissistic entrance song.

Blaineley: (singing) "Dishin' dirt is my game. Invading your TV with my Blainericious brain!"

      • For this troper it was the coffee line.

Blaineley: Get me a half-fat, no-foam latte, steamed to a hundred and two heat. (beat) I'm quite specific.

    • Owen's Dream

Owen: "You can't use Candy Canes for evil!"

    • Sierra shoving Alejandro back up the slot machine because she wanted to win Cody instead.

Alejandro: (his arm is stuck in the door) Por favor! I'm stuck!

  • Chinese Fake Out:
    • The donkey kicking Sierra off the Great Wall.
    • Courtney wearing the mask. You have to see it to get why it's funny.
      • And then throwing up through it's nostrils.
    • Heather grumbling about Blaineley:

Heather: Diva.
Blaineley: Thank you!

    • The entirety of the second challenge, from the disturbed faces everyone has during the song, to Cody, Heather, and Duncan giving Courtney suspicious looks as she helps Alejandro cheat in each round, ending with the final round where Blaineley and Alejandro break down in one of the many vomit shots this show is known for. Not to mention Chris trying to deal with the producers' constant interruptions, eventually just tossing his cell phone away rather than answering it.
    • Not to mention the practically trippy video sequence during the singing parts, where Chris starts out floating in the middle of the air with the other contestants, and then a table randomly comes near him. And then later the Musicalis Interruptus.

Chris: Man man chi, man man--huh?
Alejandro and Blaineley: (vomit)

    • Alejandro's male Gainaxing.
    • Courtney vomiting through the dragon mask after hearing Sierra's lousy song.
  • African Lying Safari:
    • Every single time Cody gets hit in the face by a soccer ball.
    • The lyrics of the song:

Sierra: (slurred) I better sing or I'll get kicked out. I got something I want to say. Cody? Cody? Cody? I... I can't feel my face. Where'd you put it? Cody?! Cody! Codyyy! (falls over)
Alejandro: (to Heather) Well "loser" is what the lion called you When you couldn't find your baaaaaalls! Tranq balls I mean.

Chris: Did you, or did you not steal the car?
Duncan: I-I was framed!

    • When Duncan tries to convince Sierra to vote with him.

Sierra: Who cares about votes and alliances and the million dollar statue of Cody made of prize money? MONKEYS STOLE MY HUSBAND!!!

  • Rapa-phooey:
    • Cody/Alejandro. Cody/Alejandro. CODY/ALEJANDRO.
      • "Get off of me before someone sees us!"
    • Chris and Chef having a slap-fight over the plane controls.
    • The contestants have to find easter eggs hidden in giant stone heads representing their eliminated teammates: Lindsay's head is empty, Izzy has bats flying around in hers and Owen's mouth is stuffed full of food.
  • Awwwwww, Drumheller:
    • Muppet Alejandro, the song being a Crowning Music of Awesome makes it all the sweeter
      • And the puppets banging their heads along to the music.
    • Sierra eliminating herself by blowing up the plane.
      • Chris doing the outro while in tears over his plane
    • Chef and later Chris being launched by the catapult.
    • Everyone's use of 'Drumheller!' for some Last Minute Swap.
  • Hawaiian Style:
    • Harold's unexpected rap.
    • A Polish clip from the episode ([1]) sees Duncan throwing a sandal at Courtney after she insults him and Gwen through song.
    • Cody having to win - says Owen - because he's "the only non-evil person left!"
    • The bear not liking PDA.
  • Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles:
    • The Sasquatch's unexpected crush on Alejandro. Made even more hilarious when it kisses him, and later makes kissing faces towards him, to which he responds by shuddering.
    • Zombie Ezekiel smiling when Heather hits him with a pillow.
    • "I spy something that is..." (when they're about to fly into some storm clouds) "...gonna kill us!"
  • Hawaiian Punch:

Chris: (chuckles) Spaz.

Alejandro: Hey, where's my prize money? I demand to get what's coming to me! (Immediately gets run over by everyone and drenched in lava.)

    • Heather's Big No when she lost made even funnier by the fact it was her fault he won
  • Is it wrong that this troper finds the Heather/Alejandro Attraction/Conflict one of the funniest part of the show? Nearly every moment they share has some sort of humor in it.
  • Notice how almost 98% of the dialogue Noah has on the show made it here? The guy's practically the snarky embodiment of the trope.

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island:

Lightning: I'll save you, little girl!
Cameron: I'm a boy!

  • When Chris shows everyone the wooden Chris head:

Chris: Is the cleft on my chin really that big?
Scott: Yep. And it looks like a butt.
Chris: Moving on.

  • In the "Truth or Mutant Shark" challenge, Chris asks the person whose real first name is Beverley to buzz in. Sam wonders aloud what's so humiliating about that. Then B buzzes in. Chris exposes them to the mutant shark anyway.
    • When Dakota and B are on the chopping block Dakota is viciously filing her nails the entire time.
    • "You kissed a gentlemen?"
  • Pretty much all of Scott and Dawn's interactions in "Ice Ice Baby".

Scott: No I'm not gonna LISTEN to the snowball, I'm gonna chuck it!
Dawn: But it's full of negative energy!
Scott: So am I! *snowball literally blows up in his face*

Dawn: You weren't held enough as a child.

  • Brick and Zoey using Ann Maria's hair as a moving shield during the snow fort challenge.
  • "Here's your cat!" (falls over and faints)
  • In "Runaway Model": The teleporting frog, and everything involving the yeti. The icing on the cake has got to be Sam running up the wood steps to the yeti while making video game noises.
  • In "Up Up and Away", Heather tries to play the same trick she did in last season's finale by pretending to cry and then beating her opponent down when they start to show sympathy, this time on Lightning. Except it takes multiple hits to get him down.

Lightning: *gets smacked* AH, what is wrong with- *gets smacked * You're crazy. *gets smacked*

  • Zoey's Out-of-Character Moment in "Up, Up and Away in My Pitiful Balloon", when she sees the briefcase containing the season's prize money.

Zoey: (entranced) Money! Removing all common sense and fear of danger.
Scott: Too bad you'll never win it. (Zoey pushes him down) Owww!!
Zoey: (angrily) Just watch me! (reverting back to her normal self) If that's okay with you.

  • While it's actually not funny what happened to Scott after his elimination, it's undeniably hilarious how he responds to Cameron getting hurt by beeping "Yes".
  • One of Brick's best lines in the entire season, "Fashion school, here I come!"
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