Total Drama Letterz
A pair of Total Drama Island fanfics by cragmiteblaster that is obviously inspired by Frank15's Total Drama Alphabet.
The first story, Total Drama Letterz, takes place roughly a year after the Total Drama Island and subsequent seasons never happened. Twenty six new characters are introduced, each with a different letter name, such as creepy Uzuri, sweet innocent Jimmy, bad guy Wallace and multi talented chef Gary among others. In the end one of them will win one million dollars.
Unlike the real show all of the characters get roughly equal screen time so predicting a winner is harder. While the main plot is fairly common there are a number of subplots such as Lavender trying to prove cheerleaders are not dumb, Xaria's troubled past and couples forming.
The second story, Total Drama Letterama, is hosted by Spider and Quana and features ANOTHER twenty sicx characters. The sequal is where the story 'really gets serious. Several characters from the first story are revealed to have sad backstories (such as Tabitha) and the story has an overall darker tone. Every character from the first story reappears and each of the new twenty six has something new to offer. The story is currently in progress.
This page has a character sheet.
- Accidental Kiss: Gary and Raven get one.
- Adults Are Useless: Well Chris is ... not because he doesn't want to help people with problems but because he doesn't care.
- Afraid of Needles: Eleanor; she conquers it.
- Aliens Are Bastards: Andy doesn't believe this. His stereotype is the Space Fan.
- All Men Are Perverts: Kasimar certainly is to a degree.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Spider; he didn't have too many friends before the contest. This could be understood given that his stereotype is The Sick Kid.
- Alpha Bitch: Nakia pretty much; she discriminates against people if they have bad hair.
- Ambiguously Brown: Quana (she is actually a tanned Hispanic).
- Amusing Injuries: You've gotta laugh whenever Kasimar gets hurt ... which is often.
- Inverted when done to Andy and esspecially Gary. Andy gets a doslocated shoulder and Gary gets both his legs broken.
- Anti Role Model: Do not do what Kasimar does. That includes playing uncle, burning an orphanage, being an all round sociopath bully and the list goes on.
- The Apprentice: Gary teaches Chef Hatchet how to cook. Good luck with that...
- Arch Enemy: Quana and Nakia
- Oscar and Kasimar.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Tabitha and Nakia are from very rich backgrounds and are both antagonists and pretty nasty.
- Attention Whore: Nakia; she loves her hair and having people doing things for her. She also uses the confessional a fair amount, mostly just showing off her hair to the audience.
- Author Tract: The author dislikes Total Drama World Tour and refers to it as 'The Season That Must Never Be Named'.
- Backstory: Xaria's negative attitude comes from a highly abusive family relationship with her older sister.
- Fifi become a feminist and man hater because many boys and even a teacher looked down upon her and mistreated her because she's a girl.
- the reason Tabitha is the reason she is is because of her Abusive Parents forcing her to act like that.
- Bacon Addiction: Barney mentions making fudge covered bacon at one point.
- Bad Santa: Chef doesn't make for a very good Santa.
- Badass Mustache: Wallace.
- Bare Your Midriff: Yessica.
- Beard of Evil: Kasimar has a goatee.
- Being Good Sucks: Kasimar and Wallace think this.
- Berserk Button: A lot of characters have one.
- Do not call Xaria Bumble Bee. Or if you do you'd better apologize pretty convincingly.
- Do NOT call Kasimar a coward, even if he picks on little kids.
- Quana goes NUCLEAR if you call her a Hispanic Horse . Nakia learned this the hard way.
- Do not spoil the ending of Raven's Harry Potter book; it will only end in tears.
- Don't call Uzuri a freak in front of Vinnie.
- Do NOT under any circumstances call Lavender stupid, poke fun at her red hair and never ever look up her skirt.
- Don't mess with Quana around Spider unless you have Balls of Steel.
- Don't mess with Xaria or any of Oscar's friends around him if you value your health.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Tabitha's modus operandi.
- Blackmail: Tabitha attempts to use this tactis on Wallace.
- Blunt Metaphors Trauma: Xaria, played for laughs.
- Born Detective: Eddie, from the aftermath specials.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Wallce tells Tabitha and Uzuri to meet their maker; Uzuri replies with Cragmite Blaster, the author of the story.
- The Bully: Kasimar's stereotype is the Big Bad Bully. Word of God says he is the story's main antagonist.
- Burn the Orphanage: Kasimar claims he wants to do this.
- Butt Monkey: Kasimar. He gets punched, kicked in the balls, knocked out by an oar, electrocuted, burnt, made sick, hit with a baseball bat and knocked unconscious, though he very much deserves it.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Wallace; he cheats in every single challenge.
- Catch Phrase: Barney says Yaaar a lot.
- The Cheerleader: Completely Averted with Lavender. She's a cheerleader but not only is she really intelligent but she is nice too. Her reason for auditioning was to prove the 'cheerleaders are dumb' stereotype wrong.
- Chef of Iron: Gary; do not insult his cooking or call him small.
- Chekhov's Gun: Vinnie's metal arm.
- Uzuri's Emo Doll.
- Barney's fake dagger.
- Wallace's tainted star fruit. Which was his own undoing.
- Chekhov's Skill: Kasimar's immunity to feeling pain from hot foods. It helped him win the gross eating challenge in episode 13 when it came down to a plate of raw jalapenos.
- The Chick: Quana.
- Nakia is a Dark Chick.
- Classic Villain: Kasimar.
- Class Clown: Jimmy likes telling jokes.
- Claustrophobia: Raven has this.
- Clear My Name: Vinnie when he is blamed for digging the hole Fifi fell into. Hector and Gary were on his side but he nearly got voted off. His name is later cleared and Wallace is found out as the culprit.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Barney; he dresses as a pirate, speaks like one too, is hyperactive and genki, considers himself a love expert despite never having a girlfriend and sings a sea shanty. But he is quite funny.
- Irene as well, who often drifts into her own little world.
- Uzuri too; but when you're on a strict diet of horror movies and ant burning it comes natural.
- Collective Groan: The people on the episodes losing team when they lose.
- Collector of the Strange: As revealed in her audition tape, Uzuri has a collection of pet rocks.
- Companion Cube: Uzuri's Little Miss Emo doll.
- Cool Loser: Spider.
- Creepy Doll: Uzuri's emo doll; it was featured in the fear challenge.
- A Day in the Limelight: Averted: the author likes to give each contestant roughly the same amount of attention.
- Dead Baby Comedy: Kasimar finds this hilarious.
- Deadpan Snarker: Xaria, though she probably doesn't know what one is...
- Andy at times.
- Deliberately Bad Example: Word of God says Kasimar was created because the author needed a cruel, heartless and mean antagonist.
- The Ditz: Patch. He made a single confessional and it was about food. Moving on.
- Doorstopper: The completed story is the longest in the total drama fandom at OVER 620 000 words long.
- Dramatic Pause: In the Bonfire Ceremonies.
- Dumb Blond: Averted with Tabitha; she's really intelligent.
- Dumb Muscle: Averted with Oscar; he has all the muscles and has reasonable intelligence.
- Electric Torture: Day seven's challenge hands down.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Starting in the 'say uncle' challenge, Chef sternly tells Chris he's going too far. Chris just brushes him off.
- Also in the 'say uncle' challenge, Wallace alters his cheating strategy for Spider. He simply ejects him from the torture chair rather than increasing the Pain. This is because he finds it unsporting to hurt a sick person to a specific degree.
- Everyone Meets Everyone: The first chapter; some meetings are good and some are bad.
- Evil Eyebrows: Kasimar's eyebrows are very big and bushy.
- Evil Genius: Say what you will about Wallace; there is no denying his intelligence. He even invented a special gun that can hack into things from a distance so he can remotely control them. And then there is all the bombs he uses that he made himself.
- Evil Laugh: Wallace, hands down.
- Of note is that a number of characters have their own signature evil laugh, like "Mwahaha", "Yahaha", "Yohohoho", "Teehee", etc.
- Evil Minions: Kasimar is Wallace's right hand man and is even worse than Wallace.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Vinnie. The guy with a Metal Arm.
- Expy: Wallace seems to be an expy of Todd from TDABC and An inventor of the same name.
- Extreme Omnivore: Patch; his stereotype is The Burger King.
- Fake Boss: Daisy, deservedly, was voted off first.
- Fan Service: The talk of the girls underwear colors in chapter twenty one.
- Fat Idiot: Patch.
- Fear of Thunder: Andy is afraid of this. He conquers it. Chris doesn't count the point because Andy jumped in surprise, still.
- Fiery Redhead: Lavender.
- First Kiss: Each couple gets one.
- Five-Token Band: Though there is a lot more than five characters the author seems to have given the cast a lot of culteral diversity. Mable, Raven and Ireen are black, Quana is Hispanic, Vinnie is Russian, Andy is Japenese and a recent Word of God confirms that Wallace is Italian.
- Flat Character: Chris views pretty much all the contestants as this; especially Yessica.
- For the Evulz: Wallace is obsessed with being evil; he has the maniacal laughter, a henchman, he cheats all the time and according to his bio he has a secret lair in his basement.
- Kasimar loves hurting people and traumatizing little kids because he finds it funny. He shows no remorse for this.
- Kasimar: So; am I going to use my strength and intimidation to hurt people, cheat, lie, make people cry, break bones and scare the children … duh!
- Freudian Excuse: Fifi's hatred of men.
- Zita's love of stealing; it comes from an extreme form of obsessive compulsion disorder.
- Gamer Girl: Sasha, from the Aftermath specials.
- Gang of Bullies: Kasimar mentions he has henchmen back at his school.
- Genki Girl: Barney is the male equivalent ... in pirate form!
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Quana says she has a full body tan. What would you need to do in order to get one, hmmm? Basically she, at some point in time, sunned herself ... nude.
- Barney when he was peeling a banana is episode ten.
- Barney: One skin ... Two skin ... Three Skin ... Four-." (Is interrupted by Eleanor).
- Get Rich Quick Scheme: Jimmy mentions that his friend Ted has attemped a number of these like the time he entered their gang in a wrestling competition.
- Girls Are Really Scared of Horror Movies: Oh so extremely averted with Uzuri; she is especially fond if SAW and finds it funny.
- Give Me a Sign: Uzuri asks for one ... she literally gets a stop sign.
- Good and Evil For Your Convenience: It is fairly easy to tell who is a protagonist and who is an antagonist by looking at them.
- Good Is Boring: Yessica
- Groin Attack: Chris and Kasimar suffer from this quite a lot.
- Gullible Lemmings: Uzuri to Tabitha; she's a nice persob but Tabitha is pretending to be her friend.
- Heroes Want Redheads: there is some Ship Tease with Barney and Lavender
- Heroic Sacrifice: In episode thirteen the Bonfire Ceremony for Team Jungle ends in a three way tie, one vote for everyone left on the team. Chris tries to eliminate Uzuri because he doesn't like her but Vinnie steps in and quits so Uzuri could stay. Chris allowed this but didn't understand why Vinnie did it.
- Hired Guns: Kasimar will do any deed, no matter how hienous, for monetary gain.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Wallace caused his own downfall when his cheating backfired.
- Humiliation Conga: Wallace gets this in episode ten. After his team loses he is held down and force fed his own tainted star fruit; then at the Bonfire Ceremony he is betrayed by his henchman and voted off ... which nobody cares about. And as an extra insult to injury he falls flat on his face while walking the dock due to a missing plank taken earlier in the episode.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Chris tells completely terribly bad jokes; Barney is most affected.
- Barney: Bad pun alert, bad pun alert, bad pun alert, yaaar.
- I Broke a Nail: Nakia; but replace nail with hair.
- I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham: Mable doesn't like junk food and ends up getting a fondness for doughnuts, though she still eats healthily. Of course, she had a little help from Andy.
- If I Were a Rich Man: Some of the contestants fantasize about what they would do with the money if they won. Desires range from buying a Play Station 3 to buying the local candy store.
- I Was Beaten by a Girl: Kasimar and Wallace were ... more accurately they were beaten by a girl, a child and a sick guy.
- Improbably Low IQ: Patch.
- Insane Troll Logic: Carltons reason for being scared of pizza.
- Carlton: Pizza has cheese which had milk which comes from cows and I'm scared of cows!
- In Harmony with Nature: Irene to the point she hugs trees and talks to them.
- Jerkass: Chris (obviously), and also Kasimar. Both have been called dicks by other contestants.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Xaria does have a good side under her grumpy outer shell.
- Justice Will Prevail: Good has beaten Evil most of the time so far, and like Gary says It's karma, no two ways about it. What goes around comes around.
- Kick the Dog: When Uzuri doesn't get a present from home in the first part of episode twelve Chris jeers and insults her to the point she ran off in tears. Shockingly he basically told Uzuri her own parents don't love her.
- Kid Hero: Jimmy is only ten years old; he is obviously a protagonist. Likewise Eleanor is twelve and also one of the good guys.
- Keet: Jimmy.
- Large Ham: Barney and Wallace take the cake, err, ham.
- Laughably Evil: Wallace; Word of God says he is comic relief.
- Let Me At Him: Lavender tries to seriously hurt Kasimar after he insults her one too many times. It takes Xaria and Mable's combined strength to hold her back. and they only did so not because they like Kasimar but because they didn't want Lavender to overturn the boat and make them lose the challenge.
- Level Grinding: Chris is far more sadistic and nasty than in the first season. The torture challenge was designed just so he could watch the campers suffer.
- Living with the Villain: Oscar bunks with Wallace and Kasimar, and not by choice.
- Lovable Coward: Carlton; you have to feel bad for him that he's scared of pretty much everything.
- Love Triangle: Spider is in love with Quana while Kasimar is shamelessly and peversely hitting on Quana. Quana hates Kasimar and doesn't actually realise how Spider feels about her.
- Mama Bear: Quana to Spider, in a way. Recently Spider is showing signs of being a Papa Wolf to Quana because he is starting to fall for her.
- The Matchmaker: Barney is actively trying to hook up Spider and Quana. Spider is aware of this and takes their advice seriously while Quana has no idea.
- Manipulative Bitch: Tabitha; just take a look at her bio!
- The Maze: The first challenge was a maze called the Labyrinth Of Despair and was full of traps.
- Minion with an F In Evil: Kasimar is the exact opposite.
- Mistaken Age: Uzuri looks very young but is in fact sixteen.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: UZURI hands down. Just look at her drawing of Chris in chapter nineteen.
- Noodle Incident: Wallace claims his days as an inventor are best left forgotten.
- What exactly did happen that week Andy was with his cousins. It apparently involved Twilight and was a crazy week.
- Uzuri's film class project was apparently so scary it made the teacher faint.
- Jimmy's friend Ted's sports watch was flushed down the toilet so Jimmy, Ted and the others had to go into the sewer to look for it. Jimmy says he doesn't want to get into it.
- Nice Hat: Barney, Eleanor, Gary, Jimmy and Vinnie. Each has a different styled hat.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Uzuri.
- Once Per Episode: Several. Most obviously Chris demanding a latte.
- Secondly Wallace cheating at a challenge.
- And in almost all episodes oh no it's Kasimar, He's a dick!
- Only Sane Man: Oscar is easily the most normal guy on Team Grenade; then again he is bunking with Carlton, Kasimar and Wallace.
- Ostentatious Secret: How Vinnie lost his arm. It apparently Involved Easter Eggs, the army and a crashed paint truck.
- Oven Logic: Barney attempts this ... and it works.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: In chapter 20 when Kasimar has an argument with the narrator.
- Perpetual Frowner: Xaria ... almost all the time.
- Pirate: This is Barney's stereotype; he not only dresses like a pirate but he talks like one too. And he's quite hyper.
- Please Get Off Me: In episode 4 Yessica and Irene fall down the hole trap. Gary and Raven had already fallen in and Irene landed on Gary (more accurately his spine) and Gary asks Irene to please get off him.
- Plot Allergy: Spider's allergy to apples.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Kasimar ... Up to Eleven.
- The Pollyanna: This is Jimmy's stereotype.
- Popular Is Dumb: Nakia.
- "Previously On...": Done every episode after the first. Chris's recaps are becoming more nasty and insulting every episode.
- Reality Show: Well duh!
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted with Lavender. She has red eyes but is a protagonist.
- Read the Fine Print: Raven has. Jimmy had his friend Charles read it. It is complex and somewhat unfair.
- Rule of Three: Andy, Spider and Barney hang out a bit.
- Somewhat Lampshaded with Hector who claims nothing good comes in fours such as squares.
- Running Gag: Latte!
- Also "Oh no, it's Kasimar!" "He's a dick!"
- And Kasimar getting hurt. Iron Butt Monkey much?
- Also Jimmy recalling several Noodle Incident memories of hijinks he and his friends got up to before the show.
- Schemer Tabitha. And how.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Tabitha is rich to the point of carrying at least $200 dollars around and giving it away as though it were nothing. Of course; it was given away as a bribe to get Kasimar to hurt someone she didn't like.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Hector
- Serious Business: Shipping, school, perfecting an accent and tiddlywinks ... or at least according to Barney. He admitted the last one was a joke.
- Ship Tease: Oh so very much. There is a total of seven pairings.
- Some of the teases are somewhat humorous like Lavender getting hit by a throw bomb, falling off the stage and into Barney's arms to which all Barney can say is; what, no flowers?
- Shorter Means Smarter: Wallace is one of the shortest campers and yet he is very intelligent; just look at his 'evil gadgets'.
- Shout-Out: To TDABC.
- Also to One Hundred and One Dalmatians.
- One to SpongeBob SquarePants
- And to Celebrity Deathmatch
- There is an entire challenge based around Pikmin
- To Toy Story
- Another challenge is based on Harry Potter
- To The Lion King
- Sick Episode: Every episode is one of these for poor Spider but especially episode thirteen.
- Smarter Than You Look: Barney and Lavender; Braney because of his ... unique personality, and Lavender becuase she's a cheerleader, and with the stereotype that goes with it ...
- Soap Opera Disease: Spider has contracted over one thousand diseases in his life; currently he has some weird gut bug. It saved him, Jimmy and Eleanor from being beaten up by Kasimar and Wallace.
- Strange Girl: Uzuri; her stereotype is The Sweet Sadist.
- The Strategist: Lavender is this in red headed cheerleader form. She wants to win by using her brain and not backstabbing anyone.
- Straw Feminist: Fifi.
- Straw Misogynist: Kasimar seems to be one to a degree.
- Chris might be this as well.
- The Swarm: Kasimar is attacked by a swarm of bees in episode 9.
- Take Over the World: Wallace wants to do this.
- Talent Contest: Day eight's challenge.
- Talk Like a Pirate: Barney ... Up to Eleven.
- Team Mom: Quana.
- Teens Are Monsters: Averted with most of the characters, but played straight with Kasimar.
- Tempting Fate: Kasimar wishes for someone who could be a real challenge to defeat ... could this backfire on him?
- Too Dumb to Live: Patch; he swam in hot sauce!
- Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: In Chef Hatchet's case, even one is too many; though thanks to Gary, It Got Better.
- Tsundere: Lavender.
- Unwitting Pawn: Uzuri; she thinks of Tabitha as her best friend when in reality Tabitha is just using her. She was manipulated into manipulating Vinnie to vote off Hector
- Up to Eleven: Kasimar's evilness. Also Carlton's wimpiness.
- Villain Cred: Wallace worries that his will go down the drain when he helps an old lady across the street in the fear challenge.
- Villainous Crush: Kasimar leers at Quana.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Tabitha; everyone besides Wallace sees her as a kind and thoughtful individual when really she is cruel and an under handed schemer.
- Weapon of Mass Destruction: Wallace uses bombs.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Fifi.
- "What Do They Fear?" Episode: Episode five.
- Would Hit a Girl: Kasimar again; he's not nice is he? He shamelessly admits to this in episode six.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: "Letterz" is spelled that way in the fic's name.
- Yellow Snow: A case of the trope and Fridge Logic. Carlton wet himself in fear in the Christmas challenge when there was snow. Where would have loose bits of pee gone? The answer is onto the snow.
- You! Get Me Coffee!: More specifically a Latte.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Kasimar has a blue Mohawk.
Tropes that appear in Total Drama Letterama:
- The Atoner: Tabitha.
- Abusive Parents Tabitha, to a point where it becomes genuinally horrifying and makes her actions from the previous story understandable.
- Bi the Way: Vay Vay is bisexual and in the earlier parts of the story she sometierms flirted with Winnie. This stopped when she fell in love with Paul.
- Bubble Boy: Paul.
- The Bully: Quarla.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Opal is the most obvious example, but Vay Vay also qualifies.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Kim, and unlike Tabitha she has no freudan excuse. She has a similar stratergy to Tabitha in the previuous story but is as horrible a person as Kasimar.
- Catchphrase: Several characters have one.
- Tyson- "Totally Awesome"
- Vay Vay: Adding "And all that doo dah" to the end of her sentences.
- Chekhov's Gun: Midway through the previous story Tabitha said sh ;stands to lsoe a lot more if she doesn't win but it isn't explaiend. In this stoiry though ... it is. See Freudan Excuse below for details.
- Darker and Edgier: Letterama, while still rated T, is a lot more serious than the mostly light hearted Letterz.
- Deadpan Snarker: A lot of the characters are this at some point but the biggest examples are Jill (labeled the Sarcastic Chick), Donny, Rheneas and Helen.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Eddie and Sasha were the hosts of the aftermath in the previous season, this time they are contestants.
- Everything's Better with Chocolate: Tabitha eats chocolate for the first time in episode 16 and goes NUTS on a sugar rush.
- Fantastic Racism: KIM. She is a complete racist bitch with no redeeming qualities who refers to Sasha as an 'Indian Nigger' and Opal as a 'chink'. Granetd it is only in the confessional but it is still very nasty.
- Freudan Excuse: read Total Drama Letterz and you will see Tabitha as a Manipulative Bitch who only cares about money and winning ... this is far from the truth. Turns out it was all a Jerkass Facade. This was ebcause her Abusive Parents were forcing her to be like that and everytime she failed at ANYTHING they would beat her and usually hospitalize her. All this made ehr become very insecure about herself and up until episode fourteen she is an emotional wreck who just wants to make things right. Tabitha even admits she was jealous of Uzuri, her former pawn.
- Hide Your Lesbians: While played straight for the vast majority fo Total Drama Letters, this time it is averted as Irene's sexuality is much more important to the plot than in the first story.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: BRUTALLY averted with Kim; she admits she has slept with fifty guys in the past and is willing to sell away her body to Kasimar in return for him finding her the immunity Idol.
- Large Ham: Max occasionally.
- The Mute: Yannis.
- Odd Couple: Cloudcuckoolander Opal and Farm Boy Zed, sarcastic and pink loving Jill and nerdy tech wix Max, and even Pyromaniac Rheneas and rich girl Tabitha.
- Redemption Quest: Tabitha goes through one.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Bishop.
- Sex for Services: Kim gives Kasimar this in eturn for his services.
- Shocking Elimination: Tyson is eliminated by Kim's tie breaker vote after in a three way tie.
- This is Irony as he was invovled in a tie breaker earleir in the story and was saved hecause Cherry, the tie breaker, had feelings for him, and this time he was eliminated BECAUSE Cherry had feelings for him and they voted together.
- Shout-Out: Even more than in the first story to things such as TUGS, many obscure video games and even popular cereals.
- Straw Misogynist: Bishop.
- Take That: Alice was this to Courtney fans who bothered the author because he despises Courtney from the real show; she was also this to several fan characters he LOATHS.