< Total Drama Island

Total Drama Island/Shout-Out

The first season of Total Drama Island is a parody of Reality shows, while the second and third also parodies of films and musicals, respectively. So, it'd be impossible for them not to have their very own Shout-Out page.

Reality shows

  • World Tour has many towards The Amazing Race, the most obvious being the world travel aspect of the show, and that almost every episode has a challenge that include racing to a "finish line".
    • The episode title "The Am-AH-zon Race" is a direct reference to the show title.
    • In "Walk Like an Egyptian - Part 1", racers are given the option of going over or under a pyramid, presented in the exact same way Detours are given on the Race.
    • In several later episodes, team are given tasks for only one team member to perform, which mirrors Roadblock on the Race.
    • Both challenges from "Walk Like an Egyptian - Part 2" (the camel race and boat building) were lifted from different seasons of the Race.
    • The statue assembly challenge from "Can't Help Falling In Louvre" was originally a Roadblock on Season 9 of the Race.
    • In "Niagara Brawls", players are split into teams of two. Later, they're tasked with crossing a high wire over Niagara Falls, another frequent Race challenge.
  • Owen's jump on the first challenge of season one is a reference to Survivor: The Australian Outback, when one contestant overcame his fear of heights to jump off a cliff, giving his tribe the victory.
    • Another shout out to Survivor happened with Alejandro being turned into a ratings machine - Survivor had one of those, his name was Russel Hantz - and if you watched Samoa, you'd think the cast consists of just Russell Hantz and nobody else. And in Heroes vs. Villains, it consisted of Russell, Parvati, and Boston Rob.
  • An episode was called "Phobia Factor", in tribute to "Fear Factor"
  • "Wawanakwa Gone Wild!" is a reference to "E! gone Wild" shows.
  • Blaineley apparently hosted The Puppy Bachlorette.
  • Team Victory and their abysmal record is likely a reference to the infamous Ulong tribe in Survivor.
  • The second episode of Revenge has a challenge reminiscent of Wipeout.


Chris: The first rule of dodgeball is-
Noah: (amused) Do not talk about Dodgeball?

  • To Romy And Michelle's High School Reunion (Almost verbatim to the conversation Katie and Sadie have in the confessional)
  • Heather's aforementioned evil little brother Damien references Damien Thorne from The Omen.
  • Harold's entire character is a Shout-Out to Napoleon Dynamite. Heck, the final episode of TDA had him asking Duncan and Beth to draw a picture of an imaginary animal to win his vote.
  • Chris's farewell to LeShawna in Slap Slap Revolution references both The Sound of Music and Project Runway

Chris: "So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen!"

Music and Musicals

  • Some of the episodes are named after music:
    • The episode titled "Newf Kids on the Rock" is a reference to "New Kids on the Block"
    • "No pain, No game" to "No Pain, No Gain" by the Scorpions.
    • "Search and Do Not Destroy" to "Seek and Destroy" by Metallica.
    • "Walk Like An Egyptian 1" and "Walk Like An Egyptian 2" are reference to the song by The Baggles
  • ACDC in the Australia episode.
  • ABBA in the World Tour episode where they go to Sweden.
  • Blainerific looks a lot like Fergalicious.
  • Tom Cochrane's song, Life Is a Highway in the semifinal episode.


  • To 6teen (Ronita the Rent-A-Cop)
    • Also, in Dial M for Merger, they parody the intro to 6teen.
    • In World Tour, Lindsey mentions the Khaki Barn, a store on 6teen.
  • Wawanakwa Gone Wild, the raccoon mecha references Transformers. Duncan even utters the Transformers mantra: "That's more than meets the eye."
  • When Heather loses her hair we get a reaction shot of a squirrel played just like the dramatic chipmunk.
  • The Total Drama Action episode "Crouching Courtney Hidden Owen" had one to Mortal Kombat character Raiden.
  • In the TDA episode "Ocean's Eight - or Nine," when Owen smells chicken scented perfume coming from outside his cell, his eyes turn green and he goes, "People shouldn't make me hungry! You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry!"
  • To Saturday Night Live, of all things (specifically the Synchrnoized Swimmers episodes) in the second episode:

Owen: I'm not really a strong swimmer...

Noah: (as contestants face three different tunnels) Oh great. Our friendly neighborhood host-dude failed to mention there were different paths.

  • The expression Tyler makes after his Dream Sequence in, "The Big Sleep" is a slightly obscure shout-out to the painting, "The Scream."
  • During the third TDA aftermath, the boy in the webcam has a Halo poster
  • Scooby Doo in the London episode
  • Slap Slap Revolution is a clear Expy of Dance Dance Revolution.
  • Owen's mantra of, "Al, Al, Al, Al, Al!" in, "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better" may be a reference to this video.
  • In the finale of Total Drama World Tour they give Sierra (who lost her hair in an explosion) a wheelchair and a mohawk.
    • It makes even more sense when you realise that Sierra is a Take That against "Original" Characters made by Cody fangirls.
  • "Grand Chef Auto" is one to Grand Theft Auto, particularly San Andreas, where the campers had to steal Chef's prized go karts and race to graffiti tag three (later four) landmarks.
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