< Total Drama Island

Total Drama Island/Tear Jerker

  • "Oh, My Izzy Mix" somehow manages to combine Tear Jerker, Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, and Crowning Moment of Funny due to the cutesy kid-style art, the constant kiwi-shots, and...well, just listen to the lyrics.
  • Scruffy looked so sad when Harold accidentally squashed him.
  • Tyler's fear of chickens was Played for Laughs, but the poor guy was CRYING on his way to the Boat of Losers. Made even worse in by how his teammates make fun of him, Chris enforces his fear by filling the boat with chickens, and Lindsay started forgetting his name! That must REALLY screw up a guy, psychologically.
  • Arguably Alejandro's final fate in World Tour.
  • Mike's farewell to Zoey also counts, especially when he gave her a gold medal.
  • Everyone knew Scott eventually had to get his comeuppence in TDRI. But did he have to lose most of his body along with the ability to move or speak? Especially cruel in that after explaining what happened to Scott, Chris exclaims "But who cares? It's Scott!" while everybody else LAUGHS. Scott sheds a Single Tear, because that's all he can do.
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