Total Drama Island/Characters/Screaming Gophers
Total Drama Island's cast got so big that the page had to be split into several pages. This page is for the contestants that were on the Screaming Gophers team in season 1.
"Omigosh, hi Chris! It's so incredulous to meet you! Wow, you're much shorter in real life..."
Voiced by: Sarah Gadon
Born and raised on a farm, Beth is a sweet girl who loves her Ma and Pa and they love her back even more. She wants everybody else to love her, too. Just ask the students at her school. In an effort to make friends, Beth constantly makes a fool of herself in front of the whole school, but is completely oblivious as to what she's doing wrong. The problem is, Beth knows how to bond with cows and chickens, but she doesn't know how to socialize with humans.
It doesn't help that her closest sibling is Big Bertha (a pig she's raised since a piglet). Big Bertha has oodles of barn yard friends, so Beth tries to emulate Bertha's social skills, but they don't always translate to the human world. (Like rolling around on the field "snorting loudly" doesn't entice others to join in... Beth found this out at the latest Football Rally. Where Beth does excel is the Arts. She's bursting with creativity. She received the Art Achievement of the Year Award for her full-scale replica of the Sphinx, made out of glue, elbow macaroni, and felt.
When Beth isn't socializing or creating, she's crushing on someone. The boys at her school usually know she likes them because she'll follow them around like an orphaned puppy and make them poster sized homemade valentines with pictures of unicorns running down the beach. They try telling her they're not interested, but that doesn't stop tenacious B. She just thinks they're being shy. Maybe one day Beth will figure it out. Let's all cross our fingers. (And let's hope she doesn't read this. She'd be soooo crushed!)
- Abhorrent Admirer - to Harold and Justin in Action
- Acrofatic - This sort of applies, but she had enough clumsy moments that Chris played a montage of them in the Action finale.
- Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: She was the first one of Heather's "alliance partners" to tell her off and shot her with a paintball gun.
- Beware the Nice Ones - See Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch above. She also exposed Leshawna's Wounded Gazelle Gambit when she said Beth's boyfriend didn't exist.
- Braces of Orthodontic Overkill - She gets them off right before the second season.
- Cargo Ship - In-universe with the pole Bridgette got stuck to.
- Character Focus: She receives a good bit of development during Action; however, she goes Out of Focus in World Tour.
- Chekhov's Skill - In Not Quite Famous, she reveals her talent for baton twirling. Much later in Million Dollar Babies, this (partially) helps her to defeat Heather in a game of badminton during a challenge.
- The Chick - On the Screaming Gophers.
- Demoted to Extra - In World Tour.
- Fun Size - Until Cameron's introduction, she was the shortest character in the series.
- Geek
- Hartman Hips
- Hey, It's That Voice! - She's Ruby Gloom.
- Malaproper - There's the quote above, and then there's this line which has shades of Metaphorgotten:
Beth: (In the confessional with Lindsay) Even though Heather can be really mean, that doesn't mean we should be mean back, right? Buddha says: "You can lead a sheep to water, but you can't make it nice."
Lindsay: That is sooo deep!
- Minion with an F In Evil
- Nerd Glasses
- Not Good with People - She understands farm animals a lot better than people.
- Not So Imaginary Boyfriend - Brady
- Odd Friendship - With Lindsay.
- Older Than They Look - She looks like she's 12 or 13 but is actually 16.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse - In Million Dollar Babies.
- The Runner Up Takes It All - It's hinted in the special that she was the intended winner.
- Ship Tease - With Cody after he got eliminated. She was also shown interested in Trent during the canoeing challenge, as was Lindsay. In season two she briefly liked Harold as well. And Justin, obviously.
- Shout-Out - She has a pink bathing suit shaped like a 24th century Starfleet uniform.
- The Smart Girl - On the Killer Grips.
- Stalker with a Crush - Hinted in "Totally Interactive!" (the official website for Island) to Cody.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Tomboy to Lindsay's Girly Girl.
- Took a Level in Jerkass - In Action, though not as badly as Courtney and others.
- Uncatty Resemblance - To Mr. Whiskers in Top Dog.
- Vocal Evolution - Her voice in Action is about an octave higher and more enthusiastic than in Island, making her sound more like a Genki Girl rather than just a Geek.
"I see the ladies have already arrived. Alright!"
Voiced by: Peter Oldring
Cody's an only child from the suburbs who's been spoiled all his life. While his ample allowance easily buys him every trend-setting, techno-gadget, teen-savvy accessory required to be on the 'cutting edge of cool', he cannot buy the personality required to back it up.
Despite spending most of his life in the local mall (since that's the best place to study teens in the throes of 'being cool') none of it's helped his cause. Unfortunately, Cody doesn't know any of this. He thinks of himself as the coolest-of-all-dudes-in-the-burbs (his words).
At his prep school, Upper Crust College, he is considered pretty cool (but that's only within a select group of guys who belong to the Albert Einstein Fan Club - i.e. all geekier than Cody.) So while he boasts about knowing the 'cool code' (he doesn't), and has devoted his whole life to studying and mastering it (not really), and totally scores with the ladies (all myth and no legend), his real strengths are in maths and sciences, which isn't exactly your typical 'cool kid' skill set.
Cody's confident he can "swing" with the cool kids at Total Drama Camp (his word, clearly!). His only concern: whether or not the cafeteria will be providing the four essential food groups. Just to be safe, he's bringing a doctor's note, because it's hard to be cool when you're worried about the hypoglycemic index of your diet.
One day he'll be cool, when he starts his own tech support firm and makes millions off the kids who peaked in high school (and slept through computer studies). Maybe.
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Adorkable - According to his fans.
- Anti-Hero - Type I in World Tour. He used to be a typical hero, but the third season gave him less admirable traits.
- Badass Adorable - According to his fans.
- Better as Friends - How he views his relationship with Sierra. And, unfortunately for him, how Gwen sees him as well.
- Blue Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Casanova Wannabe
- Character Focus: Despite being Out of Focus in the second half of Island and all of Action, he receives significant Character Development time in World Tour, almost to the point of Spotlight-Stealing Squad.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like - In the Yukon episode.
Sierra: Oh, Cody! If one of us was to drown, I hoped it would be me!
Cody: M-me too...
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - Surprisingly competent at times.
- Decoy Protagonist - In World Tour, especially towards the end.
- Did Not Get the Girl - Not Gwen anyway.
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Dropped a Bridge on Him - His unceremonious defeat by Alejandro in the finale. Made particularly insulting by the fact that the whole tiebreaker process is clearly set up to have Multiple Endings, but doesn't.
- Extroverted Nerd
- Flanderization - From a wannabe ladies man to a Gwensexual.
- Forgotten Birthday - His parents forgot his sixteenth birthday. Apparently as a result he forgets about his own seventeenth birthday...but Sierra doesn't.
- Geek - Not that he's aware of it.
- Groin Attack - The most frequent victim after Harold.
- Hopeless Suitor - To Gwen.
- Hypocritical Humor - As much as he dislikes Sierra, he's still going after Gwen. Of course, Sierra does take it quite a bit farther, at least until near the end of the season.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - Without him, Gwen and Trent probably wouldn't have gotten together.
- He averts this in World Tour, when he is not happy to lose his second chance at her to Duncan.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch - Arguably, Duncan in World Tour, although this only makes things worse in the long run.
- Loser Protagonist
- My Friends and Zoidberg - Tends to get this because he's the only male member of Team Amazon.
- Nerds Are Sexy - According to certain fans, anyway. Sierra had some Real Life inspiration.
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased -
- According to the Cartoon Network website for World Tour, his favorite place is "away from Sierra."
- Not So Different / Double Standard - But doesn't this hair sniffer still have Gwen's bra? (not to mention he's trying to get into her pants again?)
- In the end, he ends up just being good friends with Sierra, which is what Gwen wanted to be with him. Which may explain why Gwen/Cody shippers hate her so much.
- Older Than They Look
- Overly Long Name - Sierra reveals his full name as Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson.
- The Pollyanna:
- Despite being constantly turn down by Gwen, he remains optimistic that he will eventually win her over.
- In "Paintball Deer Hunter", he was optimistic that he would remain in the game despite being in a full body cast, claiming he is a quick healer and that everyone else hates Heather.
- Punny Name - His name is one letter away from "code." As in, computer code?
- Puppy Dog Eyes
- The Quiet One: In Sweden Sour.
- Shallow Love Interest - In a way. Shortly after he finishes the I Want My Beloved to Be Happy shtick in Island, he gets eliminated. in a very painful way.
- Then in World Tour he had two purposes: to be Gwen's creepy Hopeless Suitor and to be Sierra's target of affection.
- Single-Target Sexuality - He's first seen hitting on all the girls, but he pretty quickly settles into being a Gwen-sexual. Meanwhile, he's the target of Cody-sexual Sierra.
- Small Name, Big Ego - About whether he's a ladies' man.
- The Smart Guy - When part of Team Amazon.
- The Smurfette Principle - Inverted in World Tour. He's the only male on Team Amazon.
- Spoiled Sweet - According to his bio.
- Sweet Tooth
- Tagalong Kid - When part of the Screaming Gophers.
- Taking the Bullet - During the dodgeball game, in slow-mo, in the crotch.
- Talking to Himself - With Ezekiel and Tyler.
- The One Guy - The sole male member of Team Amazon (although nobody other than Sierra ever remembers).
- Token Good Teammate: Of the final three, himself, Alejandro and Heather, even though they're not really teammates. Lampshaded by Owen and Harold: "He's the only non-evil player left!" That's why everyone wanted him to win.
- Took a Level in Jerkass - In World Tour, though he got out of it pretty quickly.
- Underdogs Never Lose - Subverted. Your Mileage May Vary on whether or not this is a good thing. It's best not to bring it up unless you're prepared to start a flame war.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend - of Gwen
- Would Hit a Girl - Surprising, eh? Attacks Courtney during the final challenge of "Hawaiian Punch", she immediately gets the upper-hand of course, but still.
"If I win, I'm gonna buy Camp Wawanakwa so I can burn it down and turn it into a graveyard."
Voiced by: Megan Fahlenbock
The daughter of a single mom, Gwen was a latch-key kid who grew up taking care of her kid brother. That's cool with Gwen, because she likes helping out her Mom, and has tons of fun with her brother, too. Like that time they put a bunch of beef bouillon cubes into the community Pool. (At least the neighborhood's dogs were happy!)
The only other thing she's passionate about is her art. She can lose herself in her sketch pad for hours and her favorite hobby is to go downtown on the weekends and people watch. She's been told she's talented and hopes to make a career out of it one day.
Gwen's the loner of her school, by choice. She doesn't need to hang out with a bunch of dorks just to feel better about herself and the last thing she'd do is follow a trend. Maybe a Trent... but never a trend. (wink wink!)
In fact, she wishes she never auditioned for Total Drama Island in the first place. She did it on a dare (to humor her brother) because she never thought they'd pick her. But now that she's been cast she figures she might as well make the most of it. Her plan is to play this thing out to the end just to prove what morons they really are. Besides, if she wins the $100,000 it would sure make life easier for her Mom.
Gwen may seem tough as nails on the outside, but when it comes to her family, she's as soft as... well, a marshmallow!
- Action Girl
- Aesop Amnesia - In the second Aftermath, she says she's learned to be "straight up" so nothing can "bite her in the butt" again. By World Tour, she apparently forgot about that.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys
- Anti-Hero - Type II/III
- Author Avatar - In more fanfics than any other character, mostly the ones written by Cody and Duncan fangirls.
- Badass Unintentional - She kicked a psycho killer in the face in "Hook, Line, and Screamer".
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big No - Twice (and both in slow motion no less), the first instance in The Big Sleep when Trent fell asleep leaving her to finish the challenge alone, and the second in The Ex-Files when Courtney tripped her so she'd drop the alien artifact and lose the challenge for their team.
- Birds of a Feather - With Duncan
- Broken Bird - Until the end.
- By the Lights of Their Eyes - When she hides under some grass in "Hide And Be Sneaky" and again when she gets stuck in a cave with Heather, Duncan, and Owen in "Are We There Yeti?"
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin' - In Action and World Tour.
- Captain Ersatz - Someone on the official blog noticed that her outfit and hair matched Tibby Rollins' from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in several places, as seen here.
- The Chick - On the Screaming Gaffers and Team Amazon.
- Cool Big Sis
- Cool Loser
- Curtains Match the Window - Partly.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Deadpan Snarker
- Decoy Protagonist - In Action.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Disappeared Dad - According to her online bio, her mother is now single.
- Damsel in Distress - In Jamaica Me Sweat.
- Dude Magnet - Indirectly.
- Easily Forgiven - Only by Duncan in Action. He wouldn't vote her off and was impressed that she sabotaged her team instead of being angry with her. Averted by Courtney when she cheats with Duncan in World Tour. Trent, however, forgave her in both cases by the time they next saw each other.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Enemy Mine - With Courtney against Heather for the first part of World Tour, but then vice versa in the second half.
- Expy - Of Nikki Wong. Her design also takes some cues from Joan of Arc.
- Eye Scream - In Picnic at Hanging Rock, her eucalyptus allergy causes her eyes to redden and swell to a nightmarish size.
- Final Girl - Parodied in Hook, Line and Screamer.
- Freudian Slip - Accidentally saying she dated Duncan instead of Trent in Newf Kids on the Rock. Made all the funnier because she was talking about Heather's "obvious crush" on Alejandro at the time.
- Friend Versus Lover - Her and Courtney to Duncan.
- Good Is Not Nice - Most prominently in early season one episodes. Still comes up sometimes.
- Goth
- Green Is Blue - Her hair.
- Grumpy Bear
- Hartman Hips
- The Hero - When on the Screaming Gophers.
- Honor Before Reason - Her self-elimination in Action.
- Iconic Item - Her diary in Island, and for Island only. It hasn't been seen since.
- Improbable Weapon User - Knocking out Harold with a golden shovel in The Chefshank Redemption.
- Intoxication Ensues - In "The Am-AH-Zon Race," she accidentally stabs herself with Cody's EpiPen. She's extremely hyper for a good chunk of the episode (one of her Motor Mouthy lines during this is quoted on the page), but she crashes shortly before the challenge ends.
- Just Friends - With Duncan in Action.
- Kaleidoscope Hair - She has alternating shades of light teal, black, and dark teal, though her status as the show's Goth means it's probably a dye job.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch - To Heather, all the time.
- Last Girl Wins - To Duncan.
- Loners Are Freaks - Subversion.
- Love Hurts - The poster girl for this in the Total Drama franchise.
- Meaningful Name - Gwen means "white" or "pale."
- Morality Pet - Duncan's. In all three seasons, he's nicer to her than he's ever been to anyone else (Including Courtney).
- Multicolored Hair
- My Friends and Zoidberg - "Attention, all players and brooding goth chick!"
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero - In The Am-AH-Zon Race.
- Nightmare Fetishist - When it comes to horror movies.
- Odd Friendship - With Geoff in one episode.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Only Sane Woman - Arguably the most normal of all the contestants. This is temporarily subverted in The Am-AH-Zon Race where she accidentally stabs herself with Cody's EpiPen, then goes insane. Hilarity Ensues.
- Out-of-Character Moment - In the last episode of the first season, when she insults approximately three-quarters of the entire cast, saying that only five of them were sane (which included some of the cast's most obviously flawed members).
- Arguably this: Gwen: Suck it Courtney! In your - (falls out the plane screaming) faaaaaaaaace!!!
- Perky Goth
- Perpetual Frowner - At first.
- Plot Allergy - Her allergy to Eucalyptus.
- Plucky Girl
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Red Headed Heroine - In the Camp TV promo.
- Relationship Upgrade - With Duncan.
- Rule 34 - Among all the cast members, she gets hit with it the hardest.
- The Runner Up Takes It All - This is how her loss to Owen in Island is presented, and she was certainly better-liked by the fanbase than him.
- In World Tour, she alludes to this when she loses an elimination tiebreaker to Courtney, referring to Duncan.
- Second Love - To Duncan.
- Shipper on Deck - In Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better, she supports Cody/Sierra so Cody will leave her alone.
- Ship Tease - Her interaction with Trent in the third TDWT Aftermath is either this (showing that they're still friends and acknowledging their relationship for the first time in ages) or Ship Sinking (showing that Trent isn't mad about her being with Duncan and isn't jealous over it). Of course, many Gwent shippers have taken this as meaning they will definitely get back together in Canon.
- Shovel Strike - Famous for it.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man - Well, used to.
- The Snark Knight
- Soapbox Sadie - Tries to be this, and comically fails due to the sheer idiocy of Katie and Sadie in the Celebrity Manhunt special.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: She appeared in every episode in Island; however, she becomes more notorious as a Spotlight Stealer when she and Courtney get involved in a Love Triangle with Duncan in later seasons.
- Talking Is a Free Action - In the alternate ending of Island.
- This Is Gonna Suck - Most notably in The Aftermath: II.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Tomboy to Heather's Girly Girl.
- Tsundere - The Type A to Courtney's Type B.
- Twitchy Eye - In The Am-AH-Zon Race when under the effects of Cody's EpiPen.
- Vocal Evolution - Her voice is higher in season three than in season one, possibly to show her Defrosting Ice Queen status.
- Woman in Black - Averts the "being evil" part of this trope, though.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit - Uses this on Cody in "Picnic at Hanging Rock" to help her get rid of Courtney. Gwen/Cody shippers didn't like it.
- You Gotta Have Odd Colored Hair - Though no one can agree on what color it IS.
"When I win, I'm thinking of my own spinoff series, "The World According to Heather."
Voiced by: Rachel Wilson
Heather has it all - looks, brains, talent - she could go on and on, but why talk about something that is so obvious!
Heather likes to keep busy with extracurricular activities. (Read: Be the center of attention and hog the spotlight.) She's School President (after several ballot boxes for her opponents mysteriously ended up in the boys' urinals). She's Head Cheerleader (but only attends rallies where the Year Book Photographer is present). She's Head of the Year Book Committee (to ensure that 'said photographer' includes only her best shots, and also to ban photos of anyone she hates.) She's President of the Debate Team, because she loves to argue but will only debate issues of personal interest (i.e. did you see Susie's new haircut? Can everyone say: '80's perm-gone-wrong'?)
The only place Heather is outranked is at home. She has an evil younger brother, Damien, who enjoys torturing Heather by booby-trapping her room and putting glue in her hair conditioner.
Heather would be mortified if the audience discovered her deep dark secret, but Total Drama Island has heard from reliable sources (her brother) that she used to be a fat, brace-faced style challenged junior high reject; something she overcompensates for now with a mean veneer and lots of makeup.
Heather hopes that her experience on Total Drama Island will open more doors for her so she can eventually attain her long-term goal of ruling Europe.
- Action Girl - She has her moments.
- Alpha Bitch
- Annoying Younger Sibling - Damien.
- Anti-Hero - Type IV in World Tour. She was a villain in Island and not much of either in Action.
- Anti-Villain - Type I ("Action") --> Type IV ("World Tour")
- Arch Enemy - To Gwen and Leshawna.
- Attention Whore - Especially during Island.
- Bald Woman – From her elimination in Island to the Action special.
- Balloon Belly - In The Big Sleep and the TDA Special
- Bad Boss - Her treatment of Lindsay and Beth in TDI was almost criminal.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Belligerent Sexual Tension - With Alejandro.
- Break the Haughty
- Butt Monkey
- Cargo Cult - When they go to the Peruvian Amazon in The Am-AH-Zon Race.
- Cassandra Truth
- Catch Phrase / Verbal Tic - "Ugh!", usually because she is easily disgusted or aggravated by almost everyone or everything on the show.
- Character Development - While always mean and manipulative, compare how evil she was in TDI to how she is in TDWT and there's quite a difference.
- The Cheerleader - According to her bio.
- The Chessmaster
- The Chew Toy - Probably the most consistent across three seasons.
- Clingy Jealous Girl - She does not want Courtney to have Alejandro. Ends up hating Courtney more than Gwen.
- Crocodile Tears: She gives them several times.
- In Island, to break up Trent and Gwen, see Wounded Gazelle Gambit below.
- In World Tour, to get Alejandro to let his guard down during the final challenge.
- In Revenge of the Island, to get Lightning to let his guard down when she stole the prize money for TDRI.
- Deadpan Snarker
Harold: I'll have you know this is a selfless act! My lady fans couldn't handle the loss of this perfect behind!
Heather: And by lady fans, he means his mother.
- Death Glare: Her default look since she gives these quite regularly, especially because she is easily disgusted or aggravated by almost everyone or everything on the show. A prominent example is when she arrives at Camp Wawanakwa in "Not So Happy Campers - Part 1".
- Defeat by Modesty - Accidentally does it to herself when her halter top comes off. However the distraction provided by this actually makes her team win the challenge and directly causes Harold's elimination.
- Defrosting Ice Queen - A realistic approach to the trope. She's actually become progressively nicer over the course of the series, while retaining her obsession with winning.
- Determinator - Became this in Hawaiian Punch.
- Does Not Like Barbecue Potato Chips
- Earn Your Happy Ending - Cruelly subverted at the end of World Tour. See Pyrrhic Victory below.
- Easily Forgiven - Averted in the extreme (see Reformed but Rejected).
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Enemy Mine - With Gwen against Courtney in the second half of World Tour, partly because Courtney kept throwing challenges and partly out of jealousy because of Alejandro flirting with her.
- Even Evil Has Standards - Has been on both sides of this trope. Subverted on one occasion: After Leshawna is revealed to have badmouthed the cast to her cousin, she doesn't seem to be that angry as she does the same thing. Although she says that Duncan went too low on her later in that same episode.
- In World Tour, she naturally sides with Courtney when Gwen and Duncan's kiss is exposed and even participates in Gwen's "The Villain Sucks" Song, but draws the line at intentionally trying to lose just to eliminate her, and when Courtney does this for the third time she sides with Gwen.
- Earlier proven in Island as she points out she wouldn't hurt a team member during a challenge. Humiliate them, yes, so long as it didn't hurt her chances at the prize.
- In World Tour, she naturally sides with Courtney when Gwen and Duncan's kiss is exposed and even participates in Gwen's "The Villain Sucks" Song, but draws the line at intentionally trying to lose just to eliminate her, and when Courtney does this for the third time she sides with Gwen.
- Fan Service - Her boobs were shown in X-Treme Torture.
- Femme Fatalons - In the New York episode where she slices open the prize apple with her nails.
- Freudian Excuse - Hinted at in the first special.
- Formerly Fat: According to her younger brother Damien and Harold's assumption for her cold personality.
- Girl Posse: Forms one in season one, but fails at doing so in the next two seasons, unless you count Sierra and Cody.
- Gold Tooth: Gains one after Leshawna knocks one of her teeth out in "Slap Slap Revolution".
- Gray Eyes
- Hartman Hips
- The Hero - On Team Amazon.
- Heroic Resolve - She's on the verge of defeat when trapped in a cage she can't escape from until Cody implies that she's "the Good Guy". At this realization, she bursts out and goes on to defeat Alejandro.
- Hoist by Her Own Petard: She previously threatened Lindsay with a head shaving if she ever betrayed their alliance again. Incidentally, Heather betrayed Lindsay in "That's Off the Chain", and Lindsay used Heather's own threat against her as a dare in "I Triple Dog Dare You", leading to Heather's Traumatic Haircut and subsequent elimination.
- Humiliation Conga - In "I Triple Dog Dare You!" Gwen and Owen decided to double-team Heather with one challenge after another. Surprisingly, Heather manages to take all of them...until the final dare where she had to get her hair shaven. She attempts to reject it, only for her hair to get shaven regardless. To add insult to injury, because she never officially accepted the challenge, she was eliminated anyway.
- I'm Not Here to Make Friends - And because she either manipulated, insulted, had a hand in eliminating or left a bad impression from her actions to every camper in TDI, she made one...Harold. She even manages to alienate the second generation contestants in her cameo appearance in TDRI.
- Important Haircut - Her shaving marks the point where she is utterly defeated by Gwen and ceases to be a main antagonist.
- Improbable Weapon User - "Don't try to stop me! I've got gold statuettes and I am not afraid to use them!"
- Incidental Villain
- It's All About Me - "I'm valuable!"
- Jerkass Dissonance
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Despite being a villain in the first season and an Anti-Hero in the following two, she has in a sense shown acts of real kindness at times. See Pet the Dog below.
- Kids Are Cruel
- The Lancer - On the Screaming Gophers and Screaming Gaffers
- Large and In Charge: Prior to Sierra arriving, she was the tallest girl, making her look more intimidating towards Gwen, Lindsay and Beth.
- Large Ham
- Laser-Guided Karma: Happens quite regularly in Island.
Gwen: (in confessional, after Heather falls into the jellyfish pool) Sometimes, the universe just gives you a freebie. (looks up at the sky and gives a thumbs up)
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The dark to Lindsay's light.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch - In World Tour.
- Manipulative Bitch
- Meaningful Name - Heathers, anyone?
- Modesty Towel: Especially during Island; she is seen one so often, it's almost a secondary outfit.
- Ms. Fanservice
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown:
- Odd Friendship - With Harold, Depending on the Writer. She had one with Leshawna near the end of Action, prior to World Tour where Leshawna suddenly hates her again.
- Pet the Dog -
- Here's a shocker, in TDA, she gives Leshawna her wig as a gift to remember her, on the episode Heather gets voted off.
- Warning Leshawna that Alejandro was up to no good, consoling a heartbroken Courtney after it was revealed Duncan and Gwen had kissed, and giving Sierra a headdress and wheelchair because she sympathized with her being bald on national TV.
- She even had one back in Total Drama Island: being sincere in being part of DJ's goodbye group hug when he was eliminated. She also tried to calm DJ down when he got freaked out by her facial.
- Pixellation - In Island, when her halter top was accidentally ripped off by a tree branch.
- Plucky Girl
- Pyrrhic Victory - In World Tour. She finally wins the competition and the million dollars only for her million to get stolen from her by a feral Ezekiel seconds later. She is last seen swimming away for her life from an erupting volcano with a giant boulder about to hit (and maybe even kill) her just before the camera cuts away.
- In the Canadian ending, she mistakenly throws Alejandro's effigy into the volcano instead of hers, making him the winner instead. She doesn't get hit by the flaming boulder at the end, however, and Alejandro still loses his money the same way.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Reformed but Rejected - She's not nearly as evil in TDA as she was in TDI (which isn't the same as saying she's turned good) but no one trusts her even when she is genuinely trying to help her team (except for possibly Harold) - in "Riot on Set," Gwen (her team captain) outright tells her that an idea simply being suggested by Heather is reason enough not to do it.
- In World Tour, this only gets worse: she's even less evil at this point, but the rest of the cast now seems to hate her more than ever. When she is in the final three, she has literally zero cast-mates rooting for her, just because of the evil things she did ages ago in season one, while Alejandro, who has been more actively villainous in this season than Heather ever was, has five. Though Bridgette actually becomes the only sane woman here and calls the other contestants out on this very thing, stating that Heather deserved more than Alejandro did, and Cody and Harold help Heather out as well, namely trying to defend her from a highly vindictive Courtney trying to ruin Heather's chances of winning.
- Rich Bitch
- Schemer
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Subverted a few times.
- In "Not So Happy Campers - Part 1", after being disgusted by the conditions at Camp Wawanakwa, she claims that no one can make her stay; however, Chris waves the contract that she signed, stating otherwise.
- In "Wawanakwa Gone Wild", she walks out on the challenge after being assigned to catch a bear, especially when the other campers got seemingly less dangerous targets; however, she quickly changes her mind when Chris reveals the penalty for failure or coming in last: cleaning the communal washrooms.
- She's Got Legs
- Shipper on Deck - To Gwen/Duncan and Cody/Sierra, but only to ruffle some feathers. She actually doesn't give a damn about anyone's love life.
- Ship Tease - With Duncan and Harold
- Shower Scene: Several during Island.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis
- Social Darwinist
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: She is one of the most focused-on contestants in the series. In fact, she receives two full seasons worth of development and has the highest episode count of any female contestant. She only goes Out of Focus during the second half of Action.
- However, despite her major role in the series, she was completely absent in the show's prototype phase, Camp TV.
- Strong Family Resemblance - With her mother.
- Take Over Europe: Her aspiration in life is to conquer Europe and become its queen.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Token Evil Teammate
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Girly Girl to Gwen's Tomboy.
- Took a Level In Kindness - In World Tour; however, she seems to reverted back to being a snob in Revenge of the Island.
- Traitor Shot
- Traumatic Haircut - Played straight when her hair was shaved off, but averted with her attempts to take Courtney's.
- Trickster
- Villainous Breakdown - When she gets eliminated in Island.
- Vocal Evolution - As the series progresses, her voice gradually loses the Alpha Bitch-esque tones it had in season one.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?
- Why Did It Have To Be Sumo Wrestlers?
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: In "Search and Do Not Destroy", to break up Gwen and Trent, she tells Trent that Gwen was being mean to her and she shouldn't be trusted in an attempt to gain his sympathy. To seal the deal, Heather kisses Trent in front of Gwen to make it appear that he is cheating on her.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: How she betrays Lindsay towards the end of "That's Off the Chain".
"Genius runs in my family... so does psychotherapy... HEY did I tell you guys I have an IQ of 188? cuz I do."
Voiced by: Katie Crown
Izzy has been described by those who know her as a "wingnut", a "psycho hose beast" and "some kind of crazy". For as long as she can remember, she's been a big fan of 'the witching hour'. Her parents once awoke at midnight to find 1 year old Izzy shaking the bars of her crib and howling at the full moon. They soothed her back to sleep with her favorite lullabies - horror movie soundtracks; the only music that relaxes her.
Being around Izzy is like being on a roller coaster - one that hasn't been inspected for safety. Some of her favorite pastimes include impersonating her parents friends, burning things and making up stuff that scares the crap of people.
There's no rhyme or reason to what Izzy does. For instance, a guy from her school remembers when Izzy stalked him for a whole week because she had a major crush on him. He also remembers how later she changed her mind and threw him in a sewer.
When Izzy heard about Total Drama Island audition, she camped outside a producer's front door for three weeks until he agreed to cast her on the show. He now has a restraining order against her and she can't come within two miles of his house. Izzy is willing to do whatever it takes to survive 8 weeks of camp and is definitely one to watch... she'll definitely make the highlight reel!
- A-Team Firing: Caused her second elimination in TDI.
- Action Girl: She's taken down Chef Hatchet at least once every season.
- Attention Whore: Given her crazy antics at times, it's almost justified.
- Ax Crazy: Her bio at the official pages at Teletoon and Cartoon Network hints that she is this.
- Badass Adorable
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Big Girl: On the Killer Grips and Team Amazon before the switch.
- Can-Crushing Cranium: In Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island, and she has shown herself to be quite thick-skulled on a few other occasions as well.
- The Chick: On Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.
- Cleavage Window: In her signature outfit. Also used as a Victoria's Secret Compartment in one of the Action aftermaths.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cluster Bleep Bomb: In the Action special, she goes ballistic, Christian Bale style, on her filming crew for no apparent reason. The American airing supplants the bleeps with other words like "stinking".
- Cool Crown: She wears one in her second audition tape.
- Cute and Psycho
- Cute Bruiser: See her Action Girl entry.
- Ditzy Genius: Did she mention to you that she has an IQ of 188? Cuz she does! In World Tour, a blow to the head makes her a super genius; however, she reverts back to her usual, crazy self with another blow to the head.
- Do Not Call Me Paul: With "Kaleidoscope/E-scope" for the first part of the second season.
- Fiery Redhead: So fiery, she is certifiably insane.
- Fish Eyes: Briefly in "Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon".
- Flowers for Algernon Syndrome: Becomes a super-genius in the Jamaica episode but returns to her "normal" self in the second aftermath.
- Freaky Is Cool: In her first audition video, she openly admits that she enjoys being freaky.
- Friends with Benefits: How she probably sees her relationship with Owen (a G rated version no doubt).
- Furry Fandom: Possibly, considering the bear suit. Also, E-Scope, Explosivo and Esquire could be fursona names.
- Genki Girl: So genki that she seems to enjoy pain.
- Green Eyes
- Harpo Does Something Funny: Most of her dialogue is improvised by her voice actress.
- Hartman Hips
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- The Hyena: She is usually seen laughing at something or someone, mostly at herself and her crazy antics.
- Loophole Abuse: How she returned to the show in Action. After forcing everyone to call her "Kaleidoscope" or "E-Scope" from the Island special up until her first elimination in Action, she makes her way back on the set and points out that technically, "E-Scope" was eliminated rather than "Izzy."
- Meganekko: As Brainzilla.
- Motor Mouth
- Ms. Fanservice
- The Munchausen
- My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Literally inverted. "Izzy is name my!"
- Nightmare Fetishist: See Too Kinky to Torture.
- Noodle Incident: "If I can handle hand-to-paw combat with a polar bear, I can handle a bald, emotionally-withdrawn cook in a Halloween costume."
- Odd Friendship: With Noah and Eva in the Island special.
- Only Sane Man: Obviously, she is normally the opposite of this, but in Masters of Disasters when they're locked in a tank that is slowly filling up with water, the rest of her team goes crazy and she is the only one on the team to stay calm and actually try to get out of there.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Anytime when she is not her crazy, talkative, and cheerful self.
- Out of Focus: World Tour is the only season in which she didn't return to the competition after her first elimination.
- Perpetual Smiler: Aside from some moments, she is almost always seen with some kind of smile on her face.
- Ping-Pong Naivete: Not as much as Owen, but thinking the crate of radioactive materials on their team's sled in "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better" actually contained a radio definitely stands out.
- The Pollyanna: Only someone as crazy as her would take being strangled by a snake in stride, even going as far as calling it friendly and referring to a bite as a kiss.
Duncan: Uh, Izzy, you've got a snake on your head.
Izzy: I know. But don't worry. He's friendly! (the snake bites her) See? Kisses! (passes out)
- Prim and Proper Bun: As Brainzilla.
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend / Stalking Is Love: Not towards Owen, but to some of the guys she's dated according to her bio. One of her ex's, Graham, gets a restraining order against her.
- Pyromaniac: She has quite a sadistic grin on her face when she creates the Izzy Fireball in the first season, and when she rigs (and detonates) the explosives in the War episode in the second.
- Redhead in Green: Her regular outfit as well as her swimwear.
- Red Headed Heroine
- Sarcasm Blind
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Energetic Girl to Noah's Savvy Guy.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She's wanted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for blowing up a marine base.
- Sickly Green Glow: She has this for the latter half of "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better." Her team's sled contains crates of radioactive materials. Izzy dives into one of the boxes, thinking "Radioactive" means "Radio Activated." Nobody else seems to notice or care except Tyler.
- She's Got Legs
- Shipper on Deck: In fanon, she usually ships Noah/Cody, but in World Tour, she ships Cody/Sierra.
- Ship Tease: With Noah in the episode "Slap Slap Revolution."
- Her carrying Ezekiel out of the pyramid may well have been a reference to the popularity of the "Ezzy" Crack Pairing.
- Slippery Swimsuit: She somehow loses her bikini bottom in "Haute Camp-ture".
- Strange Girl
- Stripperiffic
- Suddenly Fluent in Gibberish: In one episode, she is able to talk to a camel. Its even been confirmed that camel is her favorite foreign language.
Izzy: *grunting sounds* I just introduced myself in camelese.
- She then asks the camel where they can get some lemonade. It leads them to the finish line.
- Surrounded by Idiots: "I'm surrounded by loons!" in Masters of Disasters
- Talkative Loon
- Talks to Camels
- Team Pet: For the Screaming Gophers. (Well, sort of...)
- The Smurfette Principle: The only girl on Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot.
- Tomboyish Name: In this case, it's to give a hint that somethings not quite right with her.
- Too Kinky to Torture: She eliminated herself from one of the challenges in Island because of this.
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth
- What Does This Button Do?: In "Can't Help Falling in Louvre."
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Compared to the other female contestants.
"Okay, brain, it's all up to you. I know you haven't had a lot of exercise in the past um... sixteen years, give or take, but you can do this."
Voiced by: Adam Reid
From the moment Justin was born, he was a vision of loveliness. He was a test tube baby and his mother paid handsomely for that test tube. Justin has always been a looker.
As a child, old ladies lined up to pinch those magnificent cheeks. This led to him becoming a successful child model and he hasn't stopped working since. His grade 5 teacher had to send him to the principal's office on a daily basis just so the rest of the class could get some work done. His only crime was looking so darn good.
Justin's bone structure is currently being studied by the Italian branch of the Centre of Analysis of Breathtaking Feature. He's a straight-A student, but there is some doubt as to whether he has earned a single one of those grades.
Truly, Justin is more than a pretty face. He also has washboard abs. No, seriously, Justin is good guy and volunteers at a retirement home. The old ladies still try to pinch his cheeks. People just feel compelled to give Justin stuff for free so he doesn't have to work for a living like other mortals.
For this reason, Justin will be donating his winnings to this favorite charity, The Unattractive-Looking-People Wish Foundation. No one knows why Justin auditioned for Total Drama Island, and no one really cares... they are just soooo glad he did.
- Aborted Arc: Hs role as a villain in Total Drama Action.
- Affably Evil
- The Artifact: The existence of Alejandro has now rendered his character completely obsolete.
- Attention Whore: Particularly when he's shirtless.
- Bishonen
- Beauty Is Bad
- Bishie Sparkle: Even his photos have this.
- Blue Eyes
- Brainless Beauty: Actually he's pretty savvy, but he believes this to be the case about himself (see above quote, made when he believed his looks to be ruined by a black eye). Apparently he thinks his ability to strategize only work when his beautiful looks are in tact.
- Character Focus: He received significant focus as the main antagonist of Action, at least until Courtney returned to the competition.
- Death by Irony: Eliminated when the girl he's infatuated with manipulates his feelings for her to get ahead in the game, something he'd been doing to other girls since the season started.
- Disc One Final Boss: Set up as the main antagonist contestant in Action, but when we learn he's only smart and strategic when it comes to his looks and that his sexiness was having less and less effect on the girls he just became a whiny pretty-boy. When Courtney came back, it was pretty clear he had been replaced.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Has this effect on all of the female characters, and Owen and Chef.
- Easily Forgiven: Nothing is mentioned about him doing anything evil in the reunion special, and he got to be a member of the Drama Brothers with no one complaining. Then again, Action is mostly forgotten as a whole anyway.
- Plus, he never really got around to actually doing anything evil, aside from what he did to Gwen.
- Eleventh Ranger: On the Screaming Gophers.
- Even the Guys Want Him: He has this effect on Owen, and then on Chef in the Total Drama Drama Drama Island special.
- Fake American: The only American character, and his voice actor comes from Ontario.
- Flat Character: In Island.
- Foil: To Noah, who refers to Justin as "Anti-Me."
- Hello, Nurse!: A very direct male version.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: see Humiliation Conga.
- Humiliation Conga: He gets voted off by his crush, Courtney, to whom he had just surrendered immunity and who seriously injured him during the challenge in question, including damage to his precious face. He can't even get the girls he'd been trying to manipulate for the entire season to acknowledge that he's leaving; the best he gets are some sarcastic farewells from the other guys. He hurts himself again getting into the Lame-O-Sine.
- Informed Attractiveness: Obviously he's not "really" as good-looking as he is in-universe, and indeed, most Real Life fangirls gravitate towards Noah, Cody, Duncan, Alejandro or Trent rather than fawn over him.
- It's All About Me: He is genuinely outraged at cheating, betrayal, or other unfairness directed at his own interests, but he doesn't quite seem to grasp that other characters don't appreciate it when he exploits them.
- The Lancer: On the Killer Grips.
- Leitmotif: Plays every time his sexy overwhelms the opposite sex (and Owen).
- The Load: In the second season once he hits Villain Decay (i.e. when Courtney drops in).
- Manipulative Bastard
- Minor Injury Overreaction: In Action, he thinks he's become "a hideous beast" when he hurts his face.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Out of Focus: In season one due to almost never speaking, in season two his role as a villain was turned into an Aborted Arc and in season three, they introduced Alejandro, and even in episodes featuring the Drama Brothers he didn't do as much as the others.
- Pixellation
- The Quiet One: See "Suddenly Voiced."
- Romantic False Lead: He becomes this to Duncan/Courtney in one episode. With expected results.
- Shirtless Scene
- Smug Snake
- Suddenly Voiced: A variant: In season one, he only spoke two sentences in the first episode, then never again until "Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island." From that point onward, however, he talks as much as any other character, with no real explanation.
- Took a Level in Jerkass
- What Would X Do?: In The Princess Pride, when he's trying to figure out how to get past Chef dressed as a troll: "What would Courtney do?"
"Do I look like a farmer to you?"
Voiced by: Novie Edwards
Leshawna (a.k.a The Lively Girl) is one bootylicious shortie! She is large and in charge and everyone else might as well pack it up and go home 'cause she came to win. She is as street-smart as they come but put her in the woods and the girl is like a fish out of water.
Back home she can often be found strutting the halls at her school, rolling with her girlfriends and giving anyone who throws attitude her way all kinds of trouble. While most know better than to be gettin' all up in her bizness, there's always some clown who didn't get the memo.
What Leshawna lacks in social graces, she more than makes up for in community service. She's a natural born leader, so she's always on the look out for troubled teens, which is why she volunteers three times a week at The Community Centre. To them, Leshawna's like a big sister. It's a role she enjoys since she wants to make sure they stay out of trouble and off the streets.
And like her high school homies, her surrogate siblings learned pretty quick that they can't pull one over on their Big Sistah! When one of them used her do-rag as a dishrag, Leshawna taught him a valuable lesson of how to check himself before he wrecked himself.
- Acrofatic - The show actually averted this at first, when she quickly tired out during the long run at the beginning of the third episode and didn't stay awake very long in the actual challenge. It didn't take long until it was played straight, however.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Hero - Type III/IV in World Tour.
- Beauty Mark
- Big Beautiful Woman
- The Big Girl - On the Screaming Gaffers and Team Victory.
- Better as Friends - How she views her relationship with Harold.
- Brought to You by The Letter "S" - The "L" on her swimsuit.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Development Gag: One of her prototype designs was retooled for her cousin Leshaniqua.
- Disproportionate Retribution - Beating up Heather for no reason in Slap Slap Revolution.
- Expy - Of Queen Latifah.
- Funny Afro - During Total Drama Action, Every time Leshawna would either get her hair wet, or if it got too hot, her weave would turn into a gigantic afro. Despite the fact that in the first season she is in the water multiple times without ever having this happen to her hair.
- Gag Boobs - Her triple D size bra has been used as an surprisingly effective catapult.
- Gainaxing
- Good Is Not Nice - Only a couple of examples, though. First, her badmouthing of the entire cast in Action may count. The second example is when she beat Heather for saying Alejandro is EVIL!!. To go further on, when we next see her after her elimination in World Tour, she's still glad for laying the smackdown on Heather, even though she found out she was wrong in doing so.
- Informed Flaw - In a way, while her dancing could be better, the people on the Aftermath act as if it is literally painful to watch.
- Jive Turkey
- Kick the Son of a Bitch - To Heather several times... though the one in World Tour wasn't justified.
- Large Ham
- Mama Bear
- The Nicknamer - She even rattles them all off to motivate her team.
- Pixellation - When she flipped off Heather in "Hawaiian Punch."
- Sassy Black Woman
- Small Name, Big Ego - On her dancing skills.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Though not as egregious as some characters, she gets focused on a good bit during the first two seasons, especially because of her conflict with Heather; however, she gets eliminated fairly early in World Tour.
- Team Mom
- Third Person Person
- Took a Level In Dumbass - In World Tour.
- Took a Level in Jerkass - In Action and later World Tour.
- What the Hell, Hero? - Her teammates' discovery of the below gambit.
- Later on everyone discovers her badmouthing them to her cousin.
- Averted in the third season, Heather tried to warn her about Alejandro... Leshawna responds by beating the crap out of her to the point of knocking out a tooth. Nobody ever calls her out on this, and Bridgette even commends her for it on the Aftermath. Made even worse because when she gets voted off and realizes that Heather was right, she still openly brags about it.
- Cody's fans did not like her after how she interacted with him in the episode "Paintball Deer Hunter"
- Why Did It Have To Be Spiders?
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit - How she won a night at a spa away from the set.
"Can I have the cabin with the lake view because I'm the prettiest?"
Voiced by: Stephanie Anne Mills
Lindsay is proof that life is easy when you're drop dead gorgeous but to be fair, Mother Nature balanced things by making her as sharp as a frosted cupcake. She's also a Daddy's girl...and Daddy makes a lot of money. When he's not spending time taking care of this vintage Ferrari, he lavishes his "little chipmunk" with whatever her heart desires. Lindsay's Sweet Sixteen party cost more than your house. By the way, Lindsay is a dumb ass who forgets to look at the camera like she always does.
Lindsay doesn't have much in the way of plans for her future. She just wants to spend all her waking hours prettying herself up for any cute guy who's willing to give her all of his attention.
Her hobbies include primping, preening, plucking and posing in any nearby mirror to make sure she's still stunning. Lindsay also loves to chat on the phone, on-line, or to whoever will listen. Generally speaking, anything that isn't too demanding for her brain.
Lindsay is surprisingly athletic - MVP on her high school gymnastics team. (And she looks sooo cute in the outfit!) Her teammates have to admit Lindsay's not just pretty - she's pretty nice too (like a can of soda, sugary sweet and effervescent). Because of this, her mother fears Lindsay will be taken advantage of by 'stronger' personalities.
Usually Lindsay doesn't like things like "work", or "dirt", or "working in the dirt", but when she found out about the auditions for Total Drama Island she couldn't resist being on TV so that her gorgeousness could be shared with millions of people. If nothing else, Lindsay is generous.
- Anti-Villain - Type IV in the first season, until Heather betrays her. Also could be considered this in the final episode in the third season. She helps Alejandro, but only because it was part of the challenge.
- Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: In "If You Can't Take The Heat...", she helps Leshawna and Beth lock Heather in the walk in cooler. Heather does forgive Lindsay because she let her out of the cooler. However, Heather threatens Lindsay with a head shaving if she ever teamed up with Leshawna against her again.
- Beauty Equals Goodness
- Bare Your Midriff
- Berserk Button - See Beware the Nice Ones below.
- Beware the Nice Ones - She's indirectly the one who caused Heather's downfall.
- Bilanguagal Bonus - "I speak fluent English and American."
- Blue Eyes
- Bowdlerization - The American airing of her famous cursing scene was redubbed by the original actress... very badly.
- Brainless Beauty
- Break the Cutie - When Heather betrays her in "That's Off the Chain!" It turns into a Crowning Moment of Awesome thirty seconds later when Lindsay fires a string of swear words at her, flips her off while doing it, and finishes her tirade with "And P.S.: Your shoes are tacky!"
- Catch Phrase - A very distinctive sounding "Ohhhhh!" when someone explains something to her or she has a major realization.
- The Cheerleader - Of the "cute, but brainless" rather than "pure evil" variety.
- The Chick - For the Screaming Gophers and Killer Grips.
- Cluster Bleep Bomb: Her telling off Heather in "That's Off the Chain!".
- The Cutie
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - Cussed out Heather, then came up with the most ironic dare which caused her downfall.
- Daddy's Girl: According to her Island bio.
- The Ditz
Justin: Which way do we go?
Lindsay: North is nice, but east is least... West is best!
Leshawna: Can't argue with that. Wouldn't even know how to!
- Dumb Blonde - Although she isn't a real blonde as you can tell by her eyebrows. One of the specials confirms her former non-blonde status.
- Dumb Is Good - Her tension with Courtney and Heather really emphasizes this, but aside from those two, she is friends with just about everyone else on the show.
- Genki Girl
- Hair of Gold
- Hair Decorations / Nice Hat: She is usually seen with something in her hair. 90% of the time, it's her blue bandana.
- The Heart - For Team Victory; overlaps more and more with The Lancer as the team dwindles in number. Even after the team had lost half its members, she did her best to keep DJ and Leshawna from giving up. And after Leshawna was eliminated, she still pep-talked DJ enough that they worked together and scored their first actual win.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf - Played incredibly straight in "Rock N' Rule," although she gets much better by World Tour.
- Informed Deformity - Her feet are so big that she could only fit the glass boot over her big toe. Except when her feet have been shown several times to be normal sized.
- Impossible Hourglass Figure
- Lethal Chef - She attempts to prepare blowfish and ends up poisoning Trent by mistake. He got better, but still.
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The light to Heather's dark.
- Little Black Dress: She sports one during her solo in "What's Not to Love", though it's not actually colored black due to the Art Shift. It also serves as a Shout-Out to Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's.
- Minion with an F In Evil
- Ms. Fanservice
- My Name Is Not Durwood - A very prominent running gag is that she constantly mispronounces other characters' names, especially if the person in question is her boyfriend Tyler, where she sometimes gets it outright wrong.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Played with. While she is usually extremely naive and far from book smart, she has shown to be clever at times. Even Heather admits that she may not be as dumb as she seems.
- Odd Friendship: With Beth
- Perky Female Minion
- Pink Means Feminine: With some of her alternate outfits such as her sleepwear and her lioncloth in "One Million Bucks, BC". Also, in the prototype trailer for Island, she wore a pink bikini.
- Pixellation - When she flipped off Heather in "That's Off the Chain!".
- The Pollyanna
- Popular Is Dumb
- Rousing Speech - Gives one in "Full Metal Drama" to get the team to try harder in the war challenge.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis - Her feud with Courtney in TDA. The only person on the show Lindsay has a larger conflict with is Heather.
- Spoiled Sweet - One of the nicest characters in the show, which makes the times she's pushed too far all the more awesome.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Though not as egregious as some characters, she gets focused on a good bit during the first two seasons, especially because of her conflicts with Heather and Courtney, but she goes Out of Focus in World Tour fairly early.
- Squee - Not as often as Katie and Sadie, mind you.
- Stupid Boss - She appoints herself team leader partway through the second season. Her competence varied between certain episodes, but her ditziness remained a constant.
- The Dog Bites Back - See Beware the Nice Ones above.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Girly Girl to Beth's Tomboy.
- Too Dumb to Live - To the point where, in TDA, she eliminates herself.
- Took a Level In Dumbass
- What Could Have Been: According to Word of God, in the series' early development stages, she was intended to be the show's Alpha Bitch.
"You got my memo about my life threatening allergies?"
Voiced by: Carter Hayden
Ever since Noah was in diapers and examining the nutritional content of his pablum ingredients, his parents knew they had a genius in their midst. Noah is a child prodigy with IQ readings that are off the charts, but the only numbers Noah is proud of are the high scores on his online video game competitions. He's the only one in his Underground Alliance who knows how to get to the secret 12th level of Dragon-Assassin.
His heroes are Newton, Pythagoras, and Kranthor from the game Kosmic Kaos. With his multi-weaponed-fantasyland survival skills unchallenged, he auditioned for Total Drama Island hoping he could apply those skills to the real world.
While he's not remotely coordinated or athletic, Noah is clever enough to come up with remarkable theories of why he should sit this one out, should he be asked to participate in anything that involves more than mental acuity. He learned that trick in gym class.
He may have an active mind, but he sure likes to sit. He includes that as one of his favorite hobbies. He also likes lying down - and occasionally leaning. He knows that for being the egghead nerd of the group, so he intends to beat them to the punch by unleashing an arsenal of sarcastic digs and put-downs. He's got a sharp mind and plans on doing some cutting.
Being the runt of a nine-sibling litter, Noah has found a way to use his brain over brawn with clever manipulation. He never got picked on in the school yard because he always knew how to draft some lunkhead into smashing somebody's face in if they got too close.
- Anti-Hero - Type II
- Berserk Button - While he doesn't exactly go "berserk" for obvious reasons, in Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special, as the cast watch Chris read out his speech on a television outside the Gemmies studio, Chris begins praising his staff members but forgets to include Noah, who had been working as his assistant previously. Noah becomes surprisingly angry at this, even going as far as to yell at the screen, and then kick the television all the way off-screen.
- Big Guy, Little Guy - The little to Owen's big.
- Brainy Brunet
- Brilliant but Lazy - In season one, but he becomes more active in the third season.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine - Tsukommi to Tyler's Boke.
- Bollywood Nerd - According to Word of God.
- Brown Eyes
- Character Development - Amazingly, despite having hardly any screen time, Noah has managed to go from an almost eternally frowning Non-Action Snarker who hates physical activity, to being a Not So Stoic Deadpan Snarker who's completely willing to take part in physical challenges despite his dislike of sports, just for the sake of the team.
- Crowning Moment of Indifference - After a season of teasing and Foe Yay, Heather finally admits that she's in love with Alejandro, the other contestants all gasp in shock and/or horror, while Noah just shrugs, having already predicted it several episodes ago.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Deadpan Snarker - He's got the sharpest tongue out of all the campers.
"Eeeeeee. Congratulations, you just peaked. It's all downhill from here, honey."
- He even manages to snark while singing:
"Come fly with uuuuus, come die with uuuuuus."
- And while falling towards certain death:
"But first we must cease dropping, our goal here would be stopping."
- Double Entendre: "Cody's got a tiny sausage!"
- An Elimination In The Limelight - In "Dodgebrawl" and "I See London..."; the first time the extra screentime justified his elimination; the second time it revealed him as a threat.
- Fascinating Eyebrow - His default expression.
- Foil - To Justin, his "Anti-Me."
- Good Is Not Nice - More so in Island.
- He Knows Too Much - Eliminated after he is heard saying that he doesn't trust Alejandro.
- Informed Ability - In Island, his stereotype was "The Schemer." This became "The High IQ" for World Tour.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Never much of a jerk to begin with but he's much nicer these days.
- Knight in Sour Armor - During World Tour.
- Nerds Are Sexy - The legions of fangirls agree.
- Never Live It Down - An in-universe example occurs when he accidentally kisses Cody on the ear in The Big Sleep and many characters continue to tease him about to this day.
- Non-Action Snarker - In Island primarily.
- Not So Stoic - Shows rare moments of sympathy or anger in Action and smiles and laughs surprisingly often during World Tour, along with showing a surprising amount of concern towards other contestants.
- Obfuscating Ignorance - In "I See London" he reveals that he knows all about Alejandro's true motives, despite acting friendly to him in early episodes.
- Odd Friendship - With Izzy, Eva and Owen.
- Only Sane Man - The clearest example in the series, at least in World Tour.
- Out of Focus - During the first two seasons.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Sarcasm Mode
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Savvy Guy to Izzy's Energetic Girl.
- Short, Dark, And Snarky
- Shorter Means Smarter
- Shipper on Deck - Surprisingly supportive of Tyler/Lindsay and, ironically enough, Cody/Gwen.
- Ship Tease - With Izzy in World Tour.
- In the Yukon episode, when everybody else huddles for warmth with their respective Love Interest or crush, he randomly hugs Bridgette while smiling. Make of that what you will.
- And of course, the infamous ear-kiss with Cody. Perhaps aware of the fandom's reaction, they repeat this tease in the season two special, where you can briefly catch them sleeping huddled together.
- The Snark Knight
- The Slacker - In Island, averted in World Tour.
- The Smart Guy
- Suddenly Voiced: He doesn't say anything in TDA until the finale, where he speaks two words: "Yeah, right."
- Surrounded by Idiots - Eternally. Most prominent in, "I See London..." where Noah replaces Alejandro as Team Dad and has to deal with Tyler and Owen's incompetence throughout the challenges.
- Teen Genius - Noah applies much of his vast intelligence on avoiding as much work as possible.
- Vocal Evolution - His voice gets much lower and deeper as the competition progresses.
"This is awesome! WOOOHOOO!!"
Noah:"He's a ticking time bomb of noxious fumes."
Voiced by: Scott McCord
Owen's one big lovable tub of fun. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he has more pure optimism than an arena full of Maple Leafs fans during the playoffs.
Being the youngest of three boys really takes the pressure off of Owen having to do anything with his life. And since he's 'the baby' of the family, his parent let him do whatever he wants - which isn't usually much. Unless scratching yourself and eating things that make crunchy sounds count. In that case, Owen's an over-achiever.
If there's one thing that Owen likes more than anything else, it's his own smells and sounds. He really gets fired up about the things that come out of his own body. (Let's just say it's safest to keep him away from open flames after a bean chilli cookout.)
As a child, he once shoved his head into a fish bowl just to see if it would fit and got stuck. He had go the hospital to have it removed. (He did it again last week to see if the same thing would happen. It did.)
Regardless of the his faults (and there are many) Owen's got a lot of heart. He doesn't care who you are, if you like to party then he'll be your best bud. Owen's friends know him as "The-guy-who-will-do-anything-on-a-dare-especially-if-his-reward-is-all-you-can-eat-pancakes". This comes in handy for anyone who needs their dirty work done for them, because Owen doesn't mind getting dirty. In fact, he's proud to say he has a brown belt in Judo. (It's actually yellow, but he spilled some gravy on it.)
Owen auditioned for Total Drama Island because summer camp is just about the funnest place in the whole wide world - there's babes in bikinis, free food three time a day and your farts can echo right across the lake! Awesome!
- Acrofatic - Usually played straight, but sometimes averted as per Rule of Funny. For example, he was out of breath before trying to run away from the monster in the premiere of Action, and it took him ten-and-a-half hours to run three city blocks.
- Anti-Hero - Type I
- Art Shift - Whenever he tells a story, and during his musical number in Jamaica Me Sweat.
- Be Careful What You Wish For - In Jamaica Me Sweat he states his intentions to break up with Izzy. One plane to the head and one jolt of hyper-intellegence later, Izzy is airlifted away by the army. In that episode's song, Owen admits that he was wrong to want to end things. It's sadder than it sounds.
- Berserk Button - Three of them.
- Don't make him hungry. You wouldn't like him when he's hungry.
- As Heather found out, don't insult Izzy in his presence.
- And as Jack the Ripper found out, don't hurt Noah in his presence either.
- Big Eater
- Big Fun
- The Big Guy
- Big Guy, Little Guy - The big to Noah's little.
- Catch Phrase -
- "You gonna finish that?"
- His liberal use of the word "awesome."
- "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIEEEE!!!!!" whenever it looks like the plane is going to crash.
- Companion Cube - Probably in a reference to Wilson from Cast Away, he creates one out of a coconut after being separated from the other campers during a flood. The coconut gets voted off at the end of the episode.
- Extreme Omnivore - He'll eat anything, dead or organic. He'll also eat anything that remotely LOOKS like food, which ends up giving him some extreme constipation after he ate an entire buffet made out of foam-cord.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Loser - Inverted. He is popular in universe despite having some pretty heavy loser traits.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?
- The Ditz
- Dumb Blonde / Fat Idiot - Somewhat subverted. He has show at times he is actually quite intelligent.
- Expy -
- Of Richard Hatch.
- And Chris Farley.
- And Craig Slike (especially in TDA).
- Follow Your Nose
- Gasshole
- Gentle Giant
- Hair of Gold
- The Hero - Sometimes.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Well, used to.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Huge Guy to Izzy's, and occasionally Heather's, Tiny Girl.
- Keet - He's a much larger version of this.
- Kevlard - Briefly in Greece's Pieces, when Cody tried to tackle him but bounced off his stomach instead.
- The Load - Occasionally, often played for laughs.
- The Mole - When he's brought back in TDA, he's supposed to give the rest of the cast Conflict Balls in exchange for the money to pay off debts from his mom buying a cheese cellar.
- Morality Pet - Probably the closest thing to one for Chris and in a way for Izzy. (She acts most sane when around him.)
- Naked People Are Funny - Unfortunately, you'll be seeing Owen naked far more than any other camper. Thankfully toned down by World Tour.
- Nice Guy
- Odd Friendship - With Noah.
- Overly Long Gag - "My mom says I eat when I'm upset. And happy. And tired. Not to mention bored, gassy, morose, joyous, comatose, semi-conscious, avuncular, (suddenly sprouts a mustache)...hehehe, avuncular."
- Papa Wolf - Even though he's usually a cheerful, friendly guy, if you dare harm Noah or Izzy, you're in for a lot of pain. Or laughter. But it's still pretty cool.
- Ping-Pong Naivete - Depending on the episode his intellect ranges from merely slightly below average to a ditz.
- Pixellation
- The Pollyanna
- Shout-Out - Possibly to Canadian pro-wrestler, the late Owen Hart.
- Showing A Maple Leaf On Your Shirt
- Small Name, Big Ego - On his wilderness skills.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: He is one of the most focused-on contestants in the series, much to the chargin of the fanbase.
- Talking to Himself - When talking to Trent.
- Tan Lines
- Token Good Teammate - When his team is down to him, Duncan and Alejandro in Total Drama World Tour.
- Vitriolic Best Buds - with Duncan, Alejandro and for the first half of Island, Heather.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom - indirectly helped the break up of Gwen and Trent.
- Wacky Guy
- Wide-Eyed Idealist -
Gwen: Have you ever had a bad thought about anyone?
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness - His second elimination in TDA and his elimination in TDWT. And when Chris, quoting the trope, attaches an explosive to his face in TDRI.
"DJ, I need you hold me down, while Geoff, you stuff the slice in my mouth. And no matter how much I scream or beg, you have got to feed me that slice!"
Voiced by: Scott McCord
Trent is proud to say that he just got his motorcycle license. He loves to RIIIIIIDE and can't wait to buy his own set of wheels so he can convert it into a chopper - just as soon as he gets his hands on some 'scratch'. Eventually, Trent's goal is to have his own bike shop where he can build super-cool choppers that are world renowned.
Trent has never gone out of his way to 'get' people to like him. it just turns out that way. He'd rather chill and get a good view of everything that's going on in they world. He's also a straight shooter, who tells it like it is. He would never say he's 'the cool guy.' (He doesn't have to - everybody says it for him.)
Trent is the kind of guy that gets the girls and has other guys admiring him for it. He's just too likeable to hate. His guitar and skateboard skills seal his status as one cool compadre. In his Junior High Graduating Class he was voted as "Most Mysterious and Irresistible". (It was later discovered that the Voting Committee was comprised completely of girls; all of whom dated Trent.)
Despite his good looks and easy going manner, Trent is smarter than he's given credit for. Though his grades don't reflect it, he an IQ that is well above anyone's expectations - including his own. His Dad wishes he would follow in his footsteps and become an accountant, to which Trent has four words.... NOT - IN - THIS - LIFETIME! (Specifically in that order.)
Trent auditioned for Total Drama Island because it sound like a cool way to spend the summer... and hey, $100,000 would make a nice down payment for that dream chopper.
- The Ace - In Island, he had the least amount of faults of any male contestant.
- Better as Friends - Him and Gwen since the second TDA Aftermath.
- Butt Monkey - For a nice guy, he takes a lot of abuse.
- The Chew Toy - Well let's see, the poor guy has suffered a concussion, been poisoned, put in a full body cast after falling out of a plane, landed on a fence post crotch first, and finally suffers a mental breakdown. Note that all of these were actually Played for Laughs.
- Arguably ties into the below Shallow Love Interest trope-the Island writers didn't seem to know what to do with him in an episode where he didn't have a subplot with Gwen, so...
- Chick Magnet - Aside from Gwen, Lindsay and Beth also seem to be interested in him during TDI, and after the break-up Katie and Sadie quickly start fighting over him. He also notes that he's "met a ton of chicks" since the relationship ended.
- Crazy Jealous Guy - In season two, see Derailing Love Interests.
- Demoted to Extra - in World Tour.
- Derailing Love Interests - Through sudden, nine-centric Super OCD. After the second aftermath he's not as crazy and in future episodes he and Gwen seem happy as just friends.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Everything but the Girl - As a celebrity, he seems to be doing pretty well on his own.
- The Heart - For the Screaming Gophers.
- The Hero - For the Killer Grips.
- Informed Attribute - While he clearly has a weird "nine" obsession in TDA, Harold informs us he's always had it. This was never even hinted at in TDI.
- Leaning on the Furniture - Whenever he's shown sitting, he almost always has one foot propped up on the chair.
- Love Makes You Crazy - He got better, but only after they broke up.
- Meaningful Name - He's either named after Trent Reznor or Trent Lane.
- Nice Guy
- Out-of-Character Moment - His threat to "rearrange (Cody's) face" during the canoeing challenge. Granted, the thought that Cody was making fun of him would probably make the guy a bit touchy, but it seems pretty extreme for him, especially as the two are supposed to be friends.
- Breaking up with another girlfriend by text message in the TDA special. This could be a Derailing Love Interests example.
- Out of Focus - Starting with his elimination in Action and throughout World Tour. The reason for his decrease in appearance could be because of the Gwen/Duncan/Courtney Love Triangle.
- Pair the Spares - Many Duncan/Gwen shippers like to pair him with Courtney, even though they've interacted very little on the show.
- Romantic Runner-Up
- Shallow Love Interest - Aside from his relationship with Gwen, he doesn't bring much to the show. His role in Action makes him border on a Deconstruction. When the only reason that he is there (Gwen) seems to be taken away from him, well...
- Ship Sinking - Apart from the breakup itself, there's the TDA Celebrity Manhunt special, where he and Gwen have no interaction at all and he mentions another girlfriend (whom he unceremoniously dumps via text message).
- And this [dead link] is from someone that works for the show. Quote: "Like Trent was."
- Ship Tease - With Gwen, arguably, in the third TDWT Aftermath.
- Straight Man - Until Total Drama Action, where his jealousy of Duncan and number 9 obsession rear their ugly heads.
- Standardized Leader - On the Killer Grips, before he went nuts.
- Talking to Himself - When talking to Owen.
- Why Did It Have To Be Mimes?