Total Drama Island/Characters/Toxic Rats
Total Drama Island's cast got so big that the page had to be split into several pages. This page is for the season 4 contestants in the Toxic Rats team.
- The Host and His Sidekick
- Killer Bass
- Screaming Gophers
- New World Tour Contestants
- Mutant Maggots
- Others
Voiced by: Unknown
A very intelligent guy who is calm and never says a word.
- Acrofatic
- Badass Longcoat: He keeps tools in his coat.
- Development Gag: He looks a lot like DJ's original design (which is used frequently as an intern).
- Embarrassing First Name: The B stands for Beverly.
- Do Not Call Me Paul: Scott and Chris invoke this.
- Expy: He's basically a black Silent Bob. He's even referred to as Silent B.
- Frame-Up: Scott frames him for sabotaging their team's fort in "Ice, Ice Baby".
- Genius Bruiser
- Nice Hat
- One-Letter Name: Until we find out it really stands for Beverly.
- The Silent Bob
- Smart People Build Robots: Seen only in his audition video.
- The Voiceless: Until he's catapulted off the island.
"No! This has to be a mistake! I didn't get my spin-off series yet!"
Voiced by: Carleigh Beverly
Dakota is an already rich and famous girl with a group of paparazzi constantly following her anywhere, even to the island itself. She is using Total Drama Revenge of the Island as a vehicle to get her own reality series. Unfortunately, her time on the show has caused her to mutate into a monster.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Sam, at first. She does seem to have warmed up to him when she returned to the island in "Ice, Ice, Baby."
- Amazonian Beauty: After she mutated and became a giant monster, Sam loved her even more, as she reminded him of a female warrior from some game. They were last seen leaving the island in the Hurl of Shame, making out.
- American Dream: Although she is Canadian, this is her reason for competing on Total Drama; she aspires to become a successful reality show star, fashion model, film actress, and, if she has the time, pop music star.
- Annoying Giggle
- Attention Whore: Played with. It is exaggerated because Dakota has her own paparazzi entourage and will resort to anything to get her own reality series, yet it is also deconstructed because Dawn states that Dakota's need for fame is really a repressed cry for love.
Dakota: Whoa! Who said you could pan away?
- Bald Woman: She loses all of her hair in "A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste" after spending 40 minutes in the toxic waste mine on Chris' orders. It grows back in the next episode; however, it is bright green and a sign of her mutation.
- Bare Your Midriff: On her intern outfit and when she mutates.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: After her begging and Chris being bribed by her father, she is allowed to return to the an intern. She eventually gets reinstated as a contestant against her will when Anne Maria quits.
- Berserk Button: In "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean", do not harm Sam or Zoey.
- Big No: After she is eliminated for the first time and after Chris makes her an intern.
- Brainless Beauty: At first, it's justified because her family's fame, riches, and her good looks seem to have gotten her through life, but in "Runaway Model", it's deconstructed a bit when Sam asks her for fashion advice and she's positively delighted, since no one's actually asked for her advice about anything before.
- Break the Cutie / Break the Haughty: Regardless of how one interprets Dakota's character, Chris brutally breaks her.
- Butt Monkey: The inevitable result of being one of Chris' interns. Like the other interns, she eventually becomes...
- The Chew Toy: To Chris.
- She gets catapulted off the island a second time by Chris at the end of "Finders Creepers" for no reason other than sick laughs.
- During the recap in "Backstabbers Ahoy", she gets dumped into the lake by Chef Hatchet and bitten by the mutant piranhas as a wake-up call (and for sick laughs...again). Later, while demonstrating the challenge, she is blown to a buoy in the middle of the lake and forced to fend off Fang.
- Then, in "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean", her prior exposures to radiation lead to an Incredible Hulk-esque transformation.
- Crocodile Tears: She gives them in a confessional after the mutated squirrel incident in the first episode.
Dakota: (sobbing) Chris is the meanest ever!! (stops sobbing) Hang on. (takes out her compact and checks her makeup) Not too blotchy. Okay, take two. (puts away her compact, clears her throat, then resumes sobbing)
- Cute but Cacophonic
- Cute Monster Girl: How Sam views her after her mutation.
- Daddy's Girl
- Determinator: She hang glides back to Camp Wawanakwa in order to get more camera time.
- Drama Queen
- Dumb Blonde
- Fate Worse Than Death: How she views becoming an intern for Chris. Also, this is how she views her mutation, at least until Sam accepted her for it.
- Freaky Is Cool:
- Friendless Background: A likely reason behind her fame mongering. In a confessional, she states that she has to start the "friending" process since Sam was eliminated.
- Hates the Job, Loves the Limelight: Especially during her time as an intern.
- Humanoid Abomination: As of "Treasure island of Dr. McLean".
- Hulk Speak: After her transformation.
- Idol Singer: One of her (minor) aspirations in life, post-Total Drama.
- I Just Want to Be Loved: According to Dawn reading her aura, this is all Dakota wants. Judging by the latter's reaction, it's true.
- In-Series Nickname: After her mutation, Sam and Chris call her the Dakotazoid.
- The Intern: The only contestant to become one. She lasted from "Ice Ice Baby" until "A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste" when Chris reinstates her as a contestant, much to her chagrin.
- It's All About Me: Her reason for coming back to Camp Wawanakwa after her first elimination.
Dakota: I just want camera time. People need to see more of my sparkly adorableness if I'm going to get my spin-off reality series.
- Literal Metaphor: In her audition tape, she says that after she's done with Total Drama, she'll be "the biggest thing ever". Ironically, she did become the biggest thing ever after her mutation.
- The Load: Her posing for the paparazzi made her a legitimate liability, costing her team the challenge in "Truth or Laser Shark".
- However, this is averted in "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean", when she saves her teammates from Fang and a mutated alligator courtesy of her new found mutant Super Strength.
- Lonely Rich Kid: See I Just Want to Be Loved
- Magic Short Shorts: Along with a Magic Top.
- Mauve Shirt: While she was an intern.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Given her starlet attitude and rich daddy Mr. Milton, Dakota seems to be based on Paris Hilton.
- Not a Morning Person
- Odd Friendship: With Sam.
- And now they are Odd Couple.
- Paparazzi: She has an entourage of them on speed-dial before Chris took away her cell phone. Also, after Dakota becomes an intern, Chris puts a restraining order against her entourage.
- Pink Means Feminine: Her online bio states that her favourite colour is "pink, pink, pink", and her outfit as a contestant consists of a pink tube top, pink ballet flats, and magenta pants.
- Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: See Be Careful What You Wish For.
- She's Got Legs: Though she doesn't show them off, Dakota may have the longest legs of any female contestant. After mutating, though, she is now the tallest contestant in Total Drama history.
- Spoiled Sweet: Though her fame mongering can play her up as a Rich Bitch, when it comes down to it, Dakota is actually one of the nicer campers.
- Stock Scream: She gives off a horror film scream after she coughs up mud in "Truth or Laser Shark". In fact, it is the same exact scream used in the slasher film that the original cast were viewing in "Hook, Line, and Screamer".
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Of Lindsay.
- Third Person Person: Occurs in "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean", after she mutates.
- This Is Unforgivable!: How she feels towards Chris, declaring him a dead man after his mistreatment of her in "A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste" when she loses all her hair and is reinstated as a contestant. The feeling is stronger when she mutates in the following episode.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Despite being mutated and eliminated, she hooks up with Sam at the end of "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean".
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: With Sam, after her transformation.
- Too Dumb to Live
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: A result of her mutation.
"I can read people's auras, and it looks like someone threw up on yours."
Voiced by: Caitlynne Medrek
Dawn is a peaceful and mysterious girl who loves to get close to nature. She has the freaky ability to read people's backstories by merely reading their auras.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: She seems to be quite taken with Scott in "Ice, Ice, Baby" with his "beetle whispering"; however, this is later subverted when Scott frames her for stealing the other campers' possessions in "Backstabbers Ahoy!", leading to her elimination.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie: In "Backstabbers Ahoy", she gets framed by Scott for stealing the other campers' possessions and voted out because of said frameup, had her hopes gotten up with a fake immunity idol forged by Scott, and gets put into a garbage bag by Chef before being catapulted off the island.
- Cloudcuckoolander: The other campers view her as this.
- The Cuckoolander Was Right: In "Truth or Laser Shark", she states that if Dakota remains at Camp Wawanakwa, disaster will befall her. Six episodes later, in "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean", Dawn's prediction came to fruition when Dakota mutates into a monster.
- Cute Witch: Zoey suspects that she might be a wizard in "Backstabbers Ahoy".
- The Cutie
- Death Glare: A surprisingly effective one. Beware the Nice Ones, indeed.
- The Empath: She can read other people's (and animals') auras and figure out their inner feelings or even backstories based on that. Normally, the other contestants are understandably creeped out by it; however, it comes in handy on occasion, such as reuniting a giant fire-breathing mutant beetle and her baby to stop her from terrorizing the Toxic Rats.
- Expy: Of Luna Lovegood. She also plays the role of some of Russell Hantz's victims.
- Frame-Up: She falls victim to one, courtesy of Scott.
- Friend to All Living Things: Even the mutant animals seem to like her.
- Hair of Gold
- Long Hair Is Feminine
- Lotus Position
- Magic Skirt: She hangs upside-down in episode two, yet her skirt stays in place. In "Finders Creepers", she's caught by the giant spider (Izzy in a costume) and hanging sideways from the web, yet her skirt stays in place, as well as her hair.
- Older Than They Look: Despite being 16, she looks and sounds like a pre-teen girl.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Normally, Dawn is a soft spoken girl who doesn't show ill will towards anyone (disappointment maybe). However, she clearly shows contempt towards Scott for sabotaging their team in "Backstabbers Ahoy".
- Proper Tights with a Skirt / Stocking Filler: Similar to Gwen, the art style makes it hard to tell which. Gwen was only revealed to wear Stocking Filler when her skirt was removed in one episode, but Dawn never ended up losing/taking off some of her clothes.
- She Knows Too Much: She found out Scott's intentions to lose a little too soon for his liking. He frames her for taking everyone's stuff, and she ends up getting the boot from the contest.
- Speaks Fluent Animal
- Strange Girl
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Of Bridgette
- Voice for The Voiceless: Since B doesn't speak, she acts as his voice when he is giving out instructions to the Toxic Rats.
"Lightning never gives up and never surrenders! Sha-Lightning!"
Voiced by: Tyrone Savage
Lightning is a high school athlete with a big ego.
- The Ace
- American Dream: Although he is Canadian, Lightning's biggest dream is to win the Super Bowl.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He has moments of this.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass Boast: Too many to list.
- Berserk Button: You do not tell Lightning that winning isn't everything.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Determinator: "Lightning never quits!" Still tries to win the challenge for his team in "Ice, Ice Baby" even after they already lost.
- Dumb Jock / Dumb Muscle: He does not seem particularly smart and seems to be unable to tell the genders of certain people. He confused Cameron with a little girl, and has not even realized that Jo is a girl until she took the Hurl of Shame.
- Human Popsicle: Temporarily becomes one in "Ice Ice Baby".
- I Was Beaten by a Girl: By Jo in "Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!"; however, he denies it and confuses Jo for a guy.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: "If he wakes me up one more time like that, he's gonna get struck by Lightning!"
- Jerkass: Starting in episode 12, towards Cameron.
- Jerk Jock
- Large Ham
- Locked Into Strangeness: See also White-Haired Pretty Boy below.
- Manly Tears: He gives them after he loses to Cameron in the season finale.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown:
- Was on the receiving end courtesy of Heather with the million dollar briefcase in "Up, Up and Away in My Pitiful Balloon".
- He threatens Cameron with one in the finale.
- Rated "M" for Manly
- Real Men Eat Meat
- The Rival: To Jo, especially after Brick is eliminated.
- Running Gag: Confusing Jo for a boy. He finds out that Jo is a girl by the time she is eliminated.
- Screams Like a Little Girl
- Shout-Out: Lightning is wearing a jersey similar to the San Diego Chargers or the CFL's Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Third Person Person
- Took a Level in Jerkass: For most of the season, he is pretty much just a Dumb Jock. However, he later replaces Scott as the main antagonist near the end of the season.
- Verbal Tic / Catch Phrase: "SHA-(insert word, sound effect or Lightning's name here)!"
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: The reason why he is so over-competitive is because he wants to please his father.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: When he gets struck by lightning in the season finale.
"This is the longest I've ever been without playing video games. My fingers feel empty."
Voiced by: Brian Froud
Sam is your average gamer.
- Annoying Laugh
- Elimination By Irony: By "Runaway Model", all of Sam's handheld have been confiscated, and he starts hallucinating everything in "gaming" graphics, including the scaffold he needs to climb to rescue Lindsay from Sasquatchinawkwa. He makes it past the rolling barrels and such, but then Reality Ensues with Sasquatchinawkwa tossing him off and he ultimately loses the challenge for the Rats and is voted off. Brick unintentionally lampshades this after Sam is thrown off the scaffold: "Game Over.".
- Expy: To Seth Rogen, appearance-wise.
- Freaky Is Cool: His reaction to the mutant squirrel in the first episode. Also, this is how he sees Dakota after her mutation.
- Gasshole: His farts are strong enough to knock Gwen out as seen in "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean".
- Genre Savvy: After Dakota is eliminated from the game for the first time, he confesses that he was already expecting her to reject him many times at every point in the future.
- Give Geeks a Chance: Seems to have successfully wooed Dakota by the time he's eliminated; she gives him her phone number, only for him to drop it when Chris catapults him off the island.
- Hopeless Suitor: Wanted to become Dakota's, but she was eliminated before he got the chance. She came back as an intern, and they hooked up by time he is eliminated.
- Human Popsicle: Temporarily becomes one in "Ice Ice Baby".
- Nice Guy
- Odd Friendship: With Dakota. Eventually upgrades to Odd Relationship.
- Super Reflexes: He claims 10 years of video gaming gave him this. He demonstrates it by grabbing a piece of cheese from a Mouse Trap without setting it off; however, he unwittingly set off about half a dozen additional traps when he stepped on the trap he just undone, claiming that his gaming withdrawal is throwing him off.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: He looks like an older, fatter version of Cody with glasses and a full row of teeth.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: With Dakota, after she transforms.
"Chris McLean, your little island won't know what hit it!"
Voiced by: James Wallis
Scott only thinks of himself and tries to win by using anything and anybody who might benefit him. He is the main antagonist of Revenge of the Island.
- And I Must Scream: He ends up getting so viciously mauled by Fang that he becomes completely paralyzed and has to communicate through a machine. Played for Laughs.
- Animals Hate Him: He gets attacked by both a woolly beaver and his team's mascot in the second episode. Not to mention his ongoing feud with Fang.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Badass Beard: In his original design.
- Blackmail: Once he discovers Mike's secret, he uses it to make him his lackey under threat of telling Zoey.
- Break the Haughty: Like every antagonist of seasons past, he gets broken in an epic fashion. See And I Must Scream above.
- Chekhov's Skill: Scott is shown whittling a piece of wood in some of his confessionals. In "Backstabbers, Ahoy!" it's revealed that he has used this skill to create fake immunity idols.
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Crocodile Tears: See Wounded Gazelle Gambit below.
- Devil in Plain Sight: Played straight early on; however, the other campers eventually realize one-by-one that he is up to no good.
- Elimination Houdini: Naturally.
- Evil Is Hammy
- Evil Laugh: He seems to be rather fond of these.
- Evil Redhead
- Expy: Of Russell Hantz from Survivor, due to his willingness to screw over his own team (especially those he feels have crossed him or he just plain dislikes) and his hunting for the hidden immunity idol. Much like Russell, he is also beaten by his own arrogance.
- Fate Worse Than Death: See And I Must Scream above.
- Frame-Up: How he eliminates B and Dawn.
- Freudian Excuse: Implied by Dawn's aura reading.
Dawn: You weren't held enough as a child.
- Graceful Loser: He takes his elimination surprisingly well, even showing approval towards Zoey for "duping" him.
- Griefer
- Hoist by His Own Petard: His overconfidence in his ability to manipulate others is what eventually leads to his downfall.
- Iconic Item: The shark tooth that he took from Fang in the second episode. However, Fang reclaims his tooth when Scott is eliminated.
- Impossibl Task: His reaction to his flying machine selection in "Up, Up and Away in My Pitiful Balloon".
Scott: (upon drawing a flying machine card) A bird?! How am I supposed to build a bird?
- I'm Not Here to Make Friends: More so than Heather. And that's saying something.
- I Meant to Do That: His confessional response to the Wrong Genre Savvy incident below (as it actually helped his strategy).
- Jerkass: So, so much.
- Kick the Dog: He has several moments of this:
- Refusing to help Cameron when he was drowning in "Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!".
- Getting Dawn's hopes up with a fake McLean idol after already framing her and getting her voted off in "Backstabbers Ahoy".
- Forcing Mike to help him in "Grand Chef Auto" on the threat of blackmail, nearly causing Zoey to breakup with Mike.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Metaphorgotten
Scott: I'm like a little kid in a candy store full of suckers! (chuckles) And I'm gonna... uh, like, break 'em and stuff.
- The Millstone: See Team Killer below.
- Revealing Hug
- Running Gag: Scott really shouldn't use the confessional so much, seeing how often he manages to hurt himself in it.
- Schemer
- Single Tear: He is genuinely upset when everyone, aside from Cameron, laughs at his condition in "Brain vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown".
- Smug Snake
- The Sociopath: Dawn outright calls him this, while Mike refers to him as "psycho".
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute:
- He is essentially a male version of season one Heather, although she did not resort to team killing to get ahead.
- He is also one of Alejandro. The two use similar tactics to betray their opponents and suffer a similar fate at the end of their respective seasons.
- Team Killer: His initial strategy is to intentionally sabotage his own team.
- In "Truth or Laser Shark", he slows down his team by petting the mutant rat instead of handing it off to B.
- In "Ice, Ice, Baby", he melts his own team's fort to frame B for sabotage.
- In "Backstabbers Ahoy!", he shoots Sam in the back, causing him to pass out and crash their team's boat. He then frames Dawn for stealing the campers' possessions and gets her eliminated.
- In "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean", he gives Jo and Lightning a hint on where to go and sends his own team to dig in the wrong location.
- Throwing The Game: Part of his team killing strategy.
- However, this is subverted in "Finders Creepers" when Sam wins the challenge, despite being bound to Scott.
- Subverted again in "A Mine Is a Terrible Thing To Waste" when he threw away the statue they are suppose to find, unaware that the statue landed in Anne Maria's hair which wins them the challenge once they leave the mine.
- Token Evil Teammate: For both teams, eventually.
- Would Hit a Girl: Just ask Zoey.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Successfully pulls one on Zoey in "Runaway Model". He falsely claims that he shows remorse for his team voting out Dawn, stating that she could communicate with Sasquatchanakwa and save Lindsay.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: For winning the first challenge in "Ice Ice Baby", the Rats are allowed to choose which fort they will command for the second challenge. While most of the team immediately chooses the more impressive one, Scott convinces them that it's a trick and the other fort will look nicer on the inside. It doesn't.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In "Grand Chef Auto", after blackmailing Mike about his condition, Scott promptly eliminates him after winning the episode's challenge.
- You Just Told Me: He uses this method to trick Cameron into telling him about Mike's condition.
"Yeah, my Great-Great-Great Uncle James invented log cabins, before him people had to sleep in the trees, and they kept falling out all the time. And my Great-Great-Great-Great Aunt Phillis invented roofs and before her, homes were just walls and furniture. And every time it rained you had to get a new sofa, hehe."
Voiced by: Ashley Peters
Staci is a girl who is very proud of having famous people within her long family branch (or so she claims). Sadly, she talks so much about them that anybody is bound to grow annoyed with her.
- Attention Whore: Due to her pseudologia fantastica[1].
- Bad Liar
- Bald Woman: After she receives the first Marshmallow of Toxic Loserdom.
- Character Filibuster / Motor Mouth: She is always talking about her ancestors and their supposed contributions to society.
- Expy: Of Benjamin "Coach" Wade, who was known for telling silly stories.
- Fat Girl
- Flat Character
- Hair Decorations: A red hair bow.
- The Load: She wasn't useless in challenges, but her constant chatter was irritating enough for her teammates to boot her off in the first episode.
- Verbal Tic: Begins most of her sentences with "Yeah". See quote above.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: She only appeared in the first and last episodes of the fourth season.
- ↑ Medical term for compulsive lying