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The King of Fighters/Characters/The NESTS Chronicles

Characters in The King of Fighters introduced during the NESTS Chronicles (from King of Fighters '99 to 2002; this includes 2002 Unlimited Match) will be listed here.

Characters are listed in alphabetical order of last names. It should be noted that all the Chinese and Korean character names are rendered in the Western style (given name-surname rather than surname-given name).

The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle


"Oh yes! I am victorious! And happy as an oyster!"

Voiced by: Kanako Nakano

A Cute Shotaro Boy who joined the Psycho Soldiers for the '99 tournament after demonstrating his abilities to Chin. Chin sensed a connection between him and Kensou, and was proven right when Kensou suddenly lost his powers around the time Bao joined the team. Eventually, Chin figured out that Bao and Kensou "shared" their power: when Bao had them, Kensou lost his, and vice versa. He has not been seen since the NESTS saga ended.

Jhun Hoon

"You are really weak. Throw in the towel!"

Voiced by: Kazuya Ichijo

A friendly rival of Kim's who also practices Taekwando, although his style is far more focused on kicks. He's a huge fan of Athena, which got him into trouble at one point as he was hit by a truck after crossing the street to see her. To add insult to injury, the Athena he saw was only a cardboard standee. He recovered by the time of the 2003 tournament, but disappeared again the next year.


"Now, the finish. Get up, fool!"

Voiced by: Yuuki Matsuda, Andrew Scott (Maximum Impact series, English)

The protagonist of the NESTS Saga, and NESTS first success in using the Kusanagi DNA in another human. He was abducted from his home when he was young for use as a test subject, and was used as an agent for NESTS after his success. After his defeat of his own clone Krizalid in the '99 tournament, he was branded a traitor by NESTS, and he and Maxima went on the run. He eventually helped bring the whole cartel down, and was reunited with his older sister Seirah (a.k.a. Whip). He now works with the Ikaris investigating Mukai's group, along with Kula and Maxima.

  • Aloof Big Brother: To his "sisters" Whip and Kula. And yes, Whip is older than K'.
  • Ambiguously Brown: It's never specified if K' is meant to be African American or anything of the sort. See But Not Too Black below.
  • Animal Motifs: Birds, apparently. A few of his attacks are bird-themed and the back of his jacket reads "A Beast Of Prey" (the words are more legible in character art and in the Maximum Impact series).
    • Expect to see the word "Drive" cap his list of DMs (i.e. Chain Drive, Heat Drive, Heaven Drive, etc). Possibly lampshaded in Days of Memories, where his theme is called "Cool Drive".
  • Anti-Hero: Begins as Type III. He gets better and graduates to a Type II, but not quite enough to get him out of this trope.
  • Anti-Hero Substitute: A rare instance of Darker and Edgier done well.
  • Badass Back: His walking animation.
  • Badass Boast: "Doitsumo koitsumo", in a nutshell, is K' saying that he can take on everyone by himself. Eight times out of ten, he can back up this claim.
    • His intro.

"Just me alone, is more than enough."

  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Kula and Whip.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Pulls one of these in 2001 when he saves Kula and a wounded Foxy from K9999 and Angel.
  • Bishonen: Although he is manlier than average.
  • The Bus Came Back: His return in XIII.
  • Cloning Blues: Not a clone in the traditional sense: Kyo's DNA was used on him to see if the pyrokinetic abilities could be transferred.
    • However, he tries to affirm his existence as something more than a mere "clone" of Kyo. He believes that he'll perpetually be stuck in Kyo's shadow, a feeling that is only reinforced when he fights Mukai in 2003.
  • Cool Shades: Is almost never seen without his sunglasses, unless he's in the middle of battle.
    • The Glasses Come Off: As said above, K' always takes off his shades before battle and tucks them away. He even throws them at his foe to initiate his Chain Drive DM.
      • And now it seems that the shades will stay on in XIII, the sole exception uses being infamous Chain Drive DM. However, as seen here, he uses Bullet Time to put them back on!
  • Creepy Cool Crosses: He wears a cross pendant around his neck. Concept art for '99 also shows a cross emblem on the back of his jacket, although this design wasn't implemented.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond:
    • But Not Too Black: Zigzagged all the time. Art depictions usually show him with very dark skin. His early sprites give him the same complexion as Heavy D!, but later depictions play the trope dead straight. Averted in The King of Fighters 2 pachinko game though.
  • Darker and Edgier: Not just as a protagonist, but his inclusion into the story marks a stark departure from the Orochi Saga.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Dresses in all black and has moves with names like "Crow Bite", but is still a pretty straightforward hero.
  • Defrosting Ice King: After the conclusion of the NESTS Chronicles. Sadly, the results are akin to trying to melt an iceberg with a match...
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: In regards to his origin as a "Kyo clone".
  • Emo: Believed to be this by the fandom, but isn't. Probably because some of his design was used for Rock Howard, who's commonly misconstrued as emo.
  • Finger-Poke of Doom: The "One Inch".
  • Fingerless Gloves: That's right. One. The other glove is his Power Limiter.
  • Flash Step
  • Glasses Pull: His revamped Chain Drive in XIII has him seemingly stopping time mid-combo just to put them back on. Next thing you know...
  • Good Is Not Nice: Although he's the main hero of his story, he's one cold-hearted SOB.
    • The dialogue he shares with the other fighters in XIII seems to suggest everyone is aware of his status as a heroic and well-intentioned character, but he never has a kind word to say back to anyone. Most of his statements to his opponents are cold, stoic and harsh.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather
  • Irony: K' loathes King of Fighters, yet seems to be dragged into a new tournament each year. As a result, he seems to be very disaffected while fighting. His previous Idle Animation had K' repeatedly dozing off before falling asleep for good in the middle of a battle. His XIII sprite has him cracking his neck multiple times.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's brash and very crass, but he does legitimately care about those who are close to him. Maxima notes that K' has a tendency to mask his relatively amiable actions with harsh words.
  • Meaningful Name: Although the ' symbol in his name is rarely (if never) pronounced as "prime" (as in derivatives), K' was the first of several cloning processes used to see how Kyo's DNA could be implemented into ordinary humans. In some way or another, he was the precursor to Krizalid, Kula, Nameless and Isolde.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Owns a large and dedicated female following.
  • Nineties Anti-Hero: Given life at the end of the decade, but still fits in with the trope. Abrupt and harsh name ("Kay-Dash"), cold-hearted SOB who only cooperates when it suits his end (his victory pose has him saying he's good enough to fight your whole team), and has a laser-like focus on his objective (stamping out the NESTS organization and anyone associated with it). However, as said before, he does move away from this a bit as time goes on.
  • No Pronunciation Guide: As seen above, it's pronounced "Kay Dash".
  • One-Letter Name
  • Only Known by Their Code Name: Justified, as the memories of his former life (and thus, his name) were suppressed when Kyo's DNA was grafted into his body. K' still has no recollection of his past life, minus a few flashes following the downfall of NESTS.
  • Playing with Fire: He has to wear a special gauntlet to control them though.
  • Power Incontinence: His body can't properly handle the Kusanagi flames (and can even flare out of control and harm K'), thus the reason behind his Power Limiter.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Maxima's Blue.
  • Red Right Hand: Again, his Power Limiter. He's not evil, but was designed to be the "dark hero" of the series.
  • Rule of Cool: K' is probably the patron saint of this trope in the King of Fighters world. Seriously, he seems to give little effort in battle (notice how he nonchalantly flings his wisps of flame at you, or how bored he is at the prospect of fighting). He tosses his snazzy sunglasses at you and then proceeds to warp next to you and beat your face in with a flurry of punches and kicks. He can blow you to Hell and back with a simple thumbs down. To put the cherries on top, there's this display of sheer badassery in XIII. Words fail us.
  • The Stoic: Given his past, he's not fond of others, bar certain individuals. This still doesn't stop him from having outrageously Hot-Blooded Kiais (at first, anyway).



"Useless. It's so hard to find good help now."

Voiced by: Yoshiyuki Iwamoto ('99), Eiji Yano (2001)

A clone of K', and the second-in-command to the cloned Zero. He was given orders to gather battle data from the victors of the '99 tournament for use in the awakening of an army of Kyo clones, but after his defeat, the project was abruptly canceled, and Krizalid was killed by his superior. He was later resurrected by the real Zero for his skills, but his whereabouts after the fall of NESTS are unknown.

Kyo-1 and Kyo-2

"Victory is mine... was there any doubt?"

Voiced by: Masahiro Nonaka

After Orochi's defeat in '97, the famed Kyo Kusanagi went missing. The cartel known as NESTS had captured his unconscious body and dragged him away, analyzing his fighting style and extracting his DNA for future use. Kyo-1 (the one in blue) and Kyo-2 (the one in reddish-brown) were but two of numerous clones of the Japanese schoolboy.


"I read your moves like the funny papers!"

Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi, Mike Jarnus (Maximum Impact series, English)

K's lifelong friend and partner. He was an ex-policeman whose partner Rocky was killed by NESTS. Maxima decided to go undercover, and with the help of a man named Dr. Makishima, was given a new, cybernetic body armed with several features. His abilities caught the eyes of NESTS, and they recruited him as he had planned. He met K' while in the organization's services, but in '99, he and K' ran away from NESTS. They spent the next two years destroying any and all NESTS bases around the world. Upon reaching Igniz in 2001, Maxima was shocked to find that his partner Rocky had been turned into a full cyborg. Igniz, however, killed Rocky once again to display his godlike power. Before he died, Rocky activated the full abilities of Maxima's enhancements, allowing him to fire a large laser out of his chest. After the downfall of NESTS, he acts as an uncle for Kula while both of them, including K' and Whip, rebuild their lives.


"All show. No substance!"

Voiced by: Shiho Kukuchi

Whip is a mercenary who joined Heidern's squadron under the alias "Muchiko" to investigate NESTS, believing it to have some significance to her past. She was a former NESTS agent, but she betrayed the organization and ran away. She confronts Krizalid and reveals that he's a clone of K'. Afterward, she confronts Clone Zero, and after he reveals that she is a clone of K's sister Seirah, she shoots and kills him. Afterwards, she confronts Igniz along with K', and after Igniz's defeat, she settles down with K' and Kula.

Li Xiangfei

"Since I win, you buy dinner. First, some Dim Sum, then...."

Voiced by: Mami Kingetsu

A Chinese-American resident of Southtown who trained in the martial arts from a young age. Living with her uncle, she works as a waitress and doubles as the bodyguard for his restaurant. Her brief scuffle with Kasumi after a misunderstanding gives King and Blue Mary the idea to scout them in the '99 tournament. Xiangfei later returns to the Women Fighters Team in 2001, bringing Hinako in tow.

The King of Fighters 2000

Kula Diamond

"Are you cold? Are you okay? I'm ever so sorry."

Voiced by: Yumi Kakazu, Kat Cassteneda (Maximum Impact 2, English)

The end product of NESTS' Anti-K' Project, of which Nameless' lover Isolde was a subject of. Her powers over ice were used as a counter to K' own flames, and she, along with her caretakers Foxy and Diana, were assigned to eliminate K' and investigate the cloned Zero's activities. After the fall of NESTS, she settles down with Diana and Foxy and becomes a little sister of sorts to K', joining him on occasion in King of Fighters.

  • An Ice Person
  • An Ice Suit: One of the few female cyromancers who doesn't have a Stripperiffic outfit.
  • Attack Reflector: Her Counter Shell.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Her personality becomes The Stoic during her "Freeze Execution" SDM, where she fills the entire air around her with ice, signified by the entire background becoming light blue. It's also a full screen attack.
    • To be fair, it's only a full screen if the first part hits.
    • Only in XI, XIII and Maximum Impact 2 (and its update, Regulation A). It's full screen regardless of whether the slash from Diana actually hits in every other game (both the regular and the Neo MAX version require the first part to connect in XIII).
  • Breath Weapon: Her icy Diamond Breath.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Ever since losing her stoic attitude and becoming more cheerful, she's learned to do this to some of her more mundane attacks. "WAN IN-CHI!!! SULAIDA SYUTO!!!"
  • Children Are Innocent: Deep down, she's a innocent, naive girl with little knowledge of the outside world.
    • Creepy Child: Unfortunately, her upbringing as an assassin hasn't completely been wiped clean. Luckily, this doesn't rear its head often.
  • Code Name: The Anti-K'.
  • Dance Battler: To an extent. A few of her attacks resemble graceful movements that you'd see coming from a ballerina, and several moves (and in XI and Maximum Impact 2 onward, her running animation) are pulled straight from a figure-skating routine.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Introduced in 2000 to complement K'.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Her alternate outfit in Days of Memories involves this.
  • Elemental Hair: Her hair turns light blue when she activates her cryokinetic powers. Some of her attacks suggest that this trope may be literal, as her hair seems to actually become ice, or at least take on some of its properties.
  • Emotionless Girl: At first, but then...
    • Break the Cutie: After Foxy was stabbed by K9999, she realized the true nature of the organization she served. Also happened a year earlier with the "death" of her robot companion Candy.
  • Everything's Better with Sparkles: Her neutral stance is accompanied by sparkling gusts of chilled air that swirl around her.
  • Face Doodling: It's implied that she does this to Nagase in her Maximum Impact 2 ending.
    • Her profile also states that she enjoyed doing this to Candy.
  • Finger-Poke of Doom
  • Genki Girl
  • Hair Decorations: Can occasionally be seen with a small ribbon tied to a lock of her hair, almost exclusive to her neutral state, where her hair is its normal color (her select screen art in 2000 and 2002 Unlimited Match, as well as her introductory cutscene in 2000 being the primary examples).
  • Has Two Mommies: More or less: Foxy and Diana did raise her, y'know. However, it should be noted that Kula considers Maxima to be her uncle figure in the Secret Project Refugee Family that the NESTS traitors have created.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather
  • Hero Secret Service: Coming to her aid during Freeze Execution are none other than the other members of her personal Amazon Brigade: Foxy, Diana and (depending on the iteration) Candy.
  • Little Miss Badass: She's only 14 years old.
  • Not Blood Siblings: She and her "sister" Candy Diamond.
  • Opposite Gender Clone: Possibly. SNK was never clear on what a clone was in King of Fighters and if Kula was a "built-from-the-ground-up" clone in the vein of K9999 or a normal human injected with DNA.
    • If her Maximum Impact 2 profile is to be taken into account, it's surgical implantation, much like K'.
  • Power Limiter: Maybe. She wears yellow gloves similar to the ones K' and K9999 possess, which were made specifically to prevent Kyo's DNA from going out of control.
  • Prehensile Hair: It's unknown if her hair actually turns into ice when powered up or if it simply takes on the properties of ice, but her crouching C attack suggests that she can at least use her hair as a weapon.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Waist-length, extending to her rear.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Doesn't reflect upon her disposition though. They're blue in some of the promotional illustrations created for 2000.
  • Rollerblade Good: While running, skates pop out of her shoes (so they're like rollerblade Heelys?), which ties into why some of her moves resemble ballet/ice dancing. They also double as effective weapons.
  • Snow Means Death: Not intentionally, but the fact that she can drop a friggin' snowman on your head and crush you with it says something.
  • Sweet Tooth: Ironically, her favorite food is candy, particularly lollipops, which she can be seen licking in some of her intros and promotional artwork.
  • Theme Pairing: Expect to see her paired up with K' (fellow NESTS refugees, Kyo "clones", fire and ice)... a lot. There hasn't been much evidence in-universe, but Kula is one of the few people that K' is actually friendly towards (per se).
  • Third Person Person: At times, she'll start a sentence with her name instead of "I", most likely due to a combination of the experiments and her mental immaturity.
    • To elaborate, she only started doing this around Maximum Impact 2. The first signs of it in the main series were in XI and XIII, but only in the original Japanese (none of the text from the English localizations, be it her winquotes in either game or the pre-fight dialogue in XIII, seems to account for this).
    • Scratch that. She dabbles in it a bit in the English dub of XIII.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Her hair is normally a chestnut brown color, but changes to light blue when powered up.


"My venom has no antidote... death is the only cure."

Voiced by: Takaya Kuroda

Lin is a member of the Hizoku clan, a mysterious band of assassins. After his superior Ron massacres much of the clan and leaves without a trace, Lin sets out to find him. He encounters Ron in 2001, alongside the members of NESTS, and is seen with him in XI, indicating that he may have joined forces with his former enemy.


"Viva Mexico!"

Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto

An agent working alongside Vanessa and Seth. Has a crush on Vanessa, but she doesn't return the favor.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: He tries to woo her, but Ramon doesn't seem to have any luck. Lampshaded in XI with the Unrequited Love Team (him, Robert and Kensou).
  • Dogged Nice Guy: To Vanessa.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Played with in King of Fighters XIV, where Shun'ei thinks the eyepatch is a Power Limiter of sorts for Ramon.
  • Flanderization: In 2000, his relation with Vanessa was little more than playful flirting, fitting his personality. Fast-forward to XI: his sole purpose in any scene is to loudly and comically swoon over Vanessa, including during fights.
    • Alternate Character Interpretation: Is he really that crazy for Vanessa, or is he playing the Manic Pixie Dream Guy, acting silly to cheer her up from her husband's death?
  • Friend to All Children: Playing with children is listed as his hobby: due his clear Tiger Mask inspiration, Ramon likely wants to be a role model for them.
  • Fun Personified
  • Gratuitous Spanish/Patriotic Fervor:



"For victory, bring wine and chinchilla. It is all I desire."

Voiced by: Hidetoshi Nakamura, Glenn Haig (Maximum Impact series, English)

Seth is an agent working alongside Heidern's faction to expose NESTS. He has not been seen since 2001, but in the Maximum Impact series, he is investigating Addes all by himself.

Hinako Shijou

"I reacted without thinking. You okay?... Didn't think so."

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi

A rich girl who formed part of the female team in 2000 and 2001. Her goal was to show that a sweet little girl like her could fight in par with males... by practicing sumo.


"I don't need victory champagne, give me a beer. And make it ice cold!"

Voiced by: Kaori Minami

She is a normal Housewife who discreetly serves as a mercenary agent. Working under the orders of commander Ling, Vanessa and fellow agent Seth are commissioned with the job of joining the King of Fighters tournament, held by Ling himself. They are to follow the footsteps of the NESTS cartel, which Ling and his agency persecuted. The two agents part from one another with Vanessa recruiting prime suspects K' and Maxima as her teammates. She also scouts the talents of Mexican wrestler Ramon to complete their team. Her objective from then on is to observe the activities of the NESTS defectors based on Ling's orders.

Clone Zero

"Zero doesn't mean I'm nothing. I'm the everything that is equalled by none!"

Voiced by: Kinta Futogane

As his name suggests, he is a clone of the true Zero, created to oversee the 2000 tournament and to infiltrate Heidern's organization. He killed Heidern's partner Ling and impersonated him in order to obtain the Zero Cannon, a Kill Sat that siphons the energy from fighters. He made a clone of Ling in order to hold Heidern off while he challenged K'. He lost, and tried to use the Zero Cannon, but Heidern killed the Ling clone, which held the switch to the generator, effectively crippling his plans. He was apprehended by Kula and brought before Whip, where he revealed she was a clone. Appalled by this, she shot him dead.

The King of Fighters 2001


"Is it a sin to be mighty? Then call me the devil!"

Voiced by: Mina Tominaga (2001), Mayumi Shintani (2002, Neowave)

An agent of NESTS who was allied with Kula, Foxy and K9999. After K9999 wounded Foxy, she went after him and hasn't been seen since.


"If you want to sustain your bloated ego, then get some ability!"

Voiced by: Haruna Ikezawa

Kula's other caretaker. Also skilled with a rapier and is playable in 2001 and 2002 Unlimited Match. It was originally thought that she was killed by K9999 on NESTS' orders, but she was only wounded slightly. The incident, however, did traumatize poor Kula.

  • Animal Motifs: The bee. Though generally implied in previous games, the motif first appeared in Kula's Neo MAX in XIII.
  • Badass Longcoat
  • Christmas Cake
  • Combat Stilettos: It's more evident in the artwork than the sprites.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Kula, although she also sometimes has the air of an Onee-Sama.
  • Cool Sword: It's an elegant-looking rapier that also only causes blunt trauma, not evisceration.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Depending on your score upon reaching Zero, in the end of King of Fighters 2000, Kula will be seen deactivating the Zero Cannon. When it happens, she and Diana will show up next to Zero, chastising him for his betrayal.
  • Flash Step
  • Flechette Storm: Using paralyzing darts.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Diana.
  • Lady of War
  • Not Quite Dead: Supposedly killed off in her first appearance. She still hasn't appeared in other games though. Played with endlessly with her supers Honey Bee and Schroedinger's Cat, as seen below.
    • She makes a cameo with Diana during Kula's special intro vs. K' in XI.
    • And again during Kula's Neo MAX in XIII. She also randomly takes Diana's place in Kula's win pose and during the regular version of Freeze Execution.
    • Also, the guy who supposedly killed her may or may not been RetGoned.
  • Parental Substitute: Shares this role with Diana in regards to Kula.
  • Punny Name: "Foxy" is slang for an attractive woman.
  • Rapunzel Hair: In artwork, it varies between artists (Falcoon—his drawing can be seen above to the right—and Hiroaki both have her hair as at least reaching slightly below her hips, but Nona's drawnings have it a bit shorter), but it definitely shows in the sprites. Still, it's nowhere close to Duo Lon.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: In 2001. Her appearance at the end of 2000 gave her brown eyes, and her eye color seems to switch between the two ever since.
  • Self-Made Woman
  • Statuesque Stunner
  • Stripperiffic: A few of her alternate artworks feature Foxy without a shirt under her overcoat. This has yet to transition to any of her playable appearances though.
  • Sword Beam
  • Taking You with Me: Her Honey Bee super move, where she rushes towards the opponent with her rapier, and it explodes, killing her instantly along with her opponent.
    • Joke Character: In 2001, due to that particular move.
      • Lethal Joke Character: In 2002 Unlimited Match, where the Honey Bee is now her MAX 2, meaning it can only be used if she has 3 power stocks and less than 3/4 of her life left.
  • Team Mom: Towards Kula, but not quite to the same extent as Diana. Notably, she did act as Kula's caretaker in 2001 while leading the NESTS Team and keeping an eye on K9999 and Angel.
  • Wearing a Flag on Your Head: She has a new super in 2002 Unlimited Match where she wraps the opponent in the NESTS flag and slashes them repeatedly.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl


"I'm nearly a god. No wait, I am a god."

Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto

The Final Boss of 2001 and the CEO of the NESTS Cartel. Igniz spearheaded the Kyo Clone, Anti-K' and Zhe Projects, and masterminded all of the events leading up to 2001. He was the second-in-command to his father, the leader of the organization, until Igniz killed him in a surprise move by disintegrating him. He explains that all of the experiments and the tournaments were just a ruse to fuel his true ambitions of becoming God. He is defeated by K's team, and in a last ditch effort, initiates a Colony Drop, saying that if he cannot become a God, then he would become the Devil instead. Unfortunately, Ron foiled his plan by landing the satellite safely into the ocean. Igniz's fate is unknown, but he most likely died.

"If I am not worthy of becoming a God... I shall become the Devil! All shall return to nothing!"

May Lee Jinju

"As I live and breathe, evil will not prosper."

Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami

An adoring fan and disciple of Kim Kaphwan, and a firm believer in justice. She ends up joining his team in 2001, but has not been seen since.


"How does it feel to be defeated by the new ruler of the universe?"

Voiced by: Nozomu Sasaki

The 9,999th clone of Kyo, assigned to kill any traitors to NESTS alongside Angel. His powers are very different, more resembling that of Tetsuo Shima's from Akira. His role in the story was eventually replaced with another character Nameless, as SNK felt he was too blatant a copy of Tetsuo.

Original Zero

"Before the fangs of the black lion, you're prey!"

Voiced by: Toshimitsu Arai

Unlike his traitorous clone, the Original Zero is completely devoted to NESTS's goals. He is a respectable and honorable fighter. In 2001, he fought K' and his comrades aboard a spaceship disguised as a blimp. To even the odds, he fought alondside Krizalid, Ron and his own personal pet: an enormous, genetically-engineered, black mountain lion who he named Glaugan. All of them lost, and Zero beckoned the team forward to the true base of NESTS. The blimp then began to careen downward into the atmosphere, and Zero's fate has been left ambiguous since then. He would have most likely fought against his comrade Igniz if he knew of his betrayal.

The King of Fighters 2002


"Hallelujah, brother! You just met your maker!"

Voiced by: Mitsuo Iwata (2002-2003), Masahiro Nonaka (Sky Stage)

Kusanagi is a servant of Chizuru Kagura created using the Yata Mirror while she was under the possession of Botan. He exists to test the strength of the contestants in the 2003 tournament.

Kusanagi: "Temee! Sude de shoubu shiagare!" ("You [bastard]! Fight me with your bare hands!")

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match


"I'm on my way... Count on it!"

Voiced by: Daisuke Ono

The real 9,999th clone of K'. Nameless is the only survivor of Project Zhe. The objective was to combine both K' and Kyo Kusanagi's flames and inject the combined DNA into various test subjects. Nameless knew only suffering as a test subject, and had to watch as his "brothers" (other test subjects just like him) were horribly killed or injured by the experiments. One day, after he suffered severe injuries, he saw a beautiful girl named Isolde near the infirmary who was a part of the Anti-K' project and was given the ability to control ice. He fell in love with her, and suddenly gained a newfound resolve to endure the experiments in order to see her again. The scientists noticed the connection, and after realizing that wielding the flames required strong willpower, they changed Nameless's training regimen to endurance tests. They allowed him to visit her to bring out both of their true potential. Unfortunately, Isolde died during a test, but rather than waste her progress, the NESTS scientists grafted her DNA into Nameless' glove, which would allow him to control the combined flames. Nameless was assigned to apprehend an escapee from the organization, and when he was cornered, he confessed to everything. Nameless decides to continue working his way up in the eyes of his superiors with the hope that he can give Isolde a new body.



Voiced by: Kaori Minami, Haruna Ikezawa (2002 only)

Kula's caretaker and head of the Anti-K' project. Skilled with a rapier, although she's never been playable.


Igniz's girlfriend/lover. She can be seen in his winpose after Igniz defeats anyone related to NESTS. She apparently has the ability to translocate herself. Last seen at Ron's side in the Psycho Soldier team's XI ending.


The eponymous leader of the NESTS syndicate, he is a no-nonsense type of man. Less than pleased with Krizalid's failure and the betrayal of Clone Zero, he personally oversees the 2001 tournament. Unfortunately, he's done in by the machinations of Igniz, his son, and Misty, his secretary, the former of whom kills him unceremoniously right before the finals.


Voiced by: Takaya Kuroda

Former leader of the Hizoku clan. Ron is an ambitious man with a thirst for power. In order to fulfill said ambitions, he betrayed the Hizoku clan by killing several of their members, and then disappearing without a trace. He joined NESTS at some point in time, and assisted the Original Zero in fighting K's team. Ron escaped from the collapsing blimp and guided the falling satellite into the ocean. He then heads into hiding once again, yearning to obtain the mysterious "Dragon Power", held by Kensou and Bao. Surprisingly, Lin seems to have joined him for some reason. He has several children, including Duo Lon and Xiao Lon, the latter of which he considers a bastard daughter.

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  1. Although to be fair, K' really isn't a clone per se; he's just a dude inserted with the DNA of another dude.
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