< Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia/Characters


Jude Mathis

Voiced by: Tsubasa Yonaga (JP)

"You might say I'm nosy or naive, but I just can't leave you alone."

A fifteen-year-old medical student studying in Il Fan, the capital of La Schugall. Despite his young age, Jude is level-headed, analytical and highly intelligent.

His special ability Integration Evasion allows him to Flash Step to an enemy's rear if he dodges an attack, while his Support Skill Restore picks up his Link partner when they are knocked down and restores some of their health.

Tropes associated with Jude:

Milla Maxwell

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP)

"What's necessary to make a decision is not time or circumstance. It is your will."

A mysterious young woman who claims to be Maxwell, the king of the spirits. She is dedicated to her mission of protecting the world, and approaches her responsibilities with a headstrong and mature manner. She lacks first-hand knowledge of human society and is fascinated to learn about how humans live, even if she is prone to misinterpretation.

Her special ability is Magi, which allows her to instantaneously change her elemental spells into elemental combat artes. Her Support Skill Bind lets her freeze an enemy in place for her Link ally to attack.

Tropes associated with Milla:

Alvin (Alfred Vint Svent)

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (JP)

"I won't betray you anymore, I promise... If I do betray you again, then you're welcome to strike me down by your own sword. That's why, please let me come with you."

A smooth-talking mercenary who has travelled over the entire world. Though powerful and charismatic, Alvin is ridiculously untrustworthy and hides a cold and calculating personality beneath his joshing smile.

His special ability Charge allows him to combine his gun and sword, increasing the power of his artes and even changing them. His Support Skill Breaker is used to break the guard of a defending enemy.

Tropes associated with Alvin:

  • Anti-Hero: Mostly a Type III, but puts a foot into Type V territory once or twice when he's at his treacherous and sociopathic worst. Eventually develops into more of a traditional Type III.
  • Badass: His design is awesome to begin with, but the latest story trailer confirmed it by showing him shoot an Elite Mook with a chainsaw for a hand in the face. After that, he just turns around and rejoins the fray like nothing happened.
    • Badass Coat
    • Badass Normal: For the same reasons as Jude. It is later revealed that as a citizen of Elenpios, Alvin does not have a "Gate" and cannot create mana, essentially making him unable to use Spirit Artes at all.
  • Being Treacherous Sucks: It's established ridiculously early on that Alvin is not to be trusted and he soon proves to have a serious case of Chronic Backstabbing Disorder. Yet it causes him a fair deal of angst because, since he was raised as a child spy, he doesn't know any other way to live.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Played with, because it's implied by the latest story trailer that he sees himself as this to Jude, but The Hero views him more as just being a bit weird. It eventually gets flipped around when you realise that Alvin is much less adjusted to reality than Jude due to his lack of being able to form real attachments.
  • The Big Lancer: He's the most battle-hardened and Blood Knighty of the party and also provides a cynical, not to mention very treacherous, Foil to Jude and Milla's goodness and loyalty.
  • Blood Knight: He seems to rather rather enjoy kicking Mooks about.
  • Child Spy
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: This pretty much defines Alvin's character. It's so bad that at one point he has to plead with the party to let him continue travelling with them, and promises to let them kill him if he betrays them again. And he still betrays them one last time!
  • Consummate Liar: At first, but it gradually deteriorates as people become wise to his tricks.
  • Dating Catwoman: Somewhat, as there's a bit of Ship Tease between him and Presa.
    • He used to date her, which is why there's so much UST between them.
  • Elemental Powers
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
  • Expy: Facially, he's basically Sousuke Aizen if he styled his hair like Zack Fair. His role, however, has more in line with that of Kratos. How appropriate, then, for one of his costumes to be just that [dead link] .
  • Gangsta Style: Does he ever hold his gun upright?
  • Heel Face Revolving Door: He spends a good portion of the game seemingly playing every side of the conflict, nonchalantly betraying and returning to the party so frequently that "Liar" becomes a de facto nickname for him with Elise and Jude. If there is a virtuous side to his behaviour, it's that he's usually sincere about his loyalties and why he switches sides.
    • Reliable Traitor: Despite everything, Jude trusts him because even if he doesn't agree, he understands Jude's decisions and feelings. He sticks with the party in the end though, but not before some holy shit moments.
  • Hired Sword
  • Japanese Pronouns: Uses the antiquated otaku for "you".
  • Magnificent Bastard: An in-universe Deconstruction that shows what happens when someone who doesn't have the stomach for it tries to be one. Alvin is suave, charismatic, calculating and is out to do the best for his mother. However, as time goes on and he keeps betraying people, he continually loses their trust, earns the nickname "Liar" and eventually finds out that he's been played for a fool all along, causing the start of a Villainous Breakdown that culminates with Alvin shooting and nearly killing one of his friends. He finally realises then just how much of a douche he's been, to the point where he wants to rebuild his relationships but is worried that he's burnt his bridges.
  • Meaningful Name: His Mystic Arte is one of the few in the series that relates to a character trait: "Expendable Pride".
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He goes way too far in trying to snap Jude out of his slump by attacking him and eventually, accidentally, shooting Leia while she was trying to defend him.
  • Name's the Same: As The Hero from Tales Of Commons, which was part of the Tales Of Mobile series. They don't seem to be connected, however.
  • Nice Guy: His attitude is stated to be "mature and friendly".
  • One Head Taller: Than all of the other party members sans Rowen.
  • Necktie Of Asskicking: That is one impressive piece of neckwear.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The manly man to Jude's sensitive guy.
  • Sword and Gun: His weapons of choice.
  • The Tease

Leia Rolando

Voiced by: Saori Hayami (JP)

"There's nothing wrong with trying your hardest to reach something!"

A perky apprentice nurse from Jude's hometown. Leia is Jude's childhood friend and training partner. She is a massive fan of sports, although she favours effort over victory.

Her special ability is Extension, which increases the reach of her weapon if she dodges an attack. Her Support ability Item Steal gives her a chance to steal rare items from a downed enemy.

Tropes associated with Leia:

Elise Lutus

"I'm going... with my friends. I don't want to be alone anymore!"

A young and timid girl who is ostracised from her village. Her only friend is Tipo, a chatty plush doll who is somehow sentient. Though Elise is incredibly shy, she is a powerful user of Spirit Artes.

Her special ability Change Tipo gives her two stances: during "Tipo ON" the power of her magical spells is increased, while during "Tipo OFF" she can use Tipo to attack in melee and defend her while casting spells. Her Support ability HP Steal drains health from enemies and grants it to both Elise and her Link partner.

Tropes associated with Elise:

Rowen J. Ilbert

A dedicated butler to the Schall noble family in La Schugall. He was once known as "Conductor Ilbert", a famous La Schugall soldier, and knows Nachtigal on a personal level.

His special ability, Spell Aftertune, allows him to control spells after they have been cast, such as increasing their power or moving the target area. His Support skill Auto Magic Guard automatically activates a shield that reduces magical damage.

Tropes associated with Rowen:

La Schugall

Nachtigal I. Fan

The king of La Schugall. Described as "a king who reigns like a tyrant", Nachtigal seeks to use the forbidden power of Jin and the Spear of Kresnik to conquer A Jule and the world.

Tropes associated with Nachtigal


A genius technician who works alongside Nachtigal in developing the Spear of Kresnik. Though a gifted user of Spirit Artes, she is vindictive, impulsive and quite crazy.


One of Nachtigal's underlings. Jiland is a scientist who helped him develop the Spear of Kresnik.

  • The Chessmaster: It turns out that he is from a world beyond Liese Maxia called Elenpios. As the leader of Ark Noah, an organisation of people from Elenpois who became stranded on Liese Maxia after an accident, he manipulated Nachtigal into constructing the Spear of Kresnik so that his people could break through the Shell barrier dividing the two worlds. Though he deceived the majority of Ark Noah into believing their only goal was to return home, his true objective was to allow the army of Elenpois to conquer Liese Maxia and plunder their mana supplies.
  • The Dragon & The Evil Genius
  • Expository Hairstyle Change
  • Evil Uncle: He's Alvin's.
  • For Science!
  • Moral Event Horizon: He takes a little too much joy in watching innocent people dissolve into mana during his experiments to increase the Spear of Kresnik's efficiency.
  • Smug Snake: For the mastermind behind the Spear of Kresnik and Ark Noah (and thus the plot of two-thirds of the game), he comes off as more of a megalomaniacal Jerkass than anything else. He doesn't even get a Mystic Arte.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Is it "Jiland" or "Jirand"?
  • Summon Magic: He's the master of Celsius, an artificial Greater Spirit created by his newly-developed "Origin" magic.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: With red-tips. Not that "pretty boy" is a phrase you'd ever use to describe him.

A Jule


The ruler of A Jule, known as a hero who unified the warring clans of A Jule under his command. He believes that the strong should protect the weak, and only wishes for the prosperity of his people.

  • A God Am I: An odd case, as he wants to become one because he feels that the current Maxwell has abandoned the people.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's not the king of A Jule for nothing.
  • Badass
  • Bigger Bad Duumvirate: Together with Musee.
  • Blue Oni: Despite his fiery colour scheme.
  • Elemental Powers:
  • Fireballs: His Mystic Arte is basically a few of these followed by a slash.
  • Katanas Are Just Better
  • Obviously Evil: Subverted. His outfit just screams "boss fight", but the more you learn about him the less antagonistic he seems. After all, despite being one of the Final Bosses, he was only trying to replace Maxwell so he could have the power to protect others in his stead.
  • Ryotaro Okiayu
    • Funny enough, he shares many of his attacks with Dymlos, who is also voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu.
  • Samurai
  • Shiny Midnight Black
  • The Stoic: He doesn't express his emotions well. At first...
  • Sword Beam: Hadoumeppuu returns!
  • Team Dad: To all of A Jule.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: He seems to put a lot of energy into his Mystic Arte for a move that just involves a couple of fireballs and a slash.
    • It's not only that. On a visual level, he somehow manages to make the basic Majinken and Shunjinken attacks look epic... and that's not even getting into his Hien Shunrenzan. Basically, Gaius takes the basic Tales moveset and infuses an unnecessarily large amount of energy into it.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He believes that the strong must protect the weak. And will do anything to adhere to that philosophy. After teaming up with Musee he starts a campaign to completely eradicate Jin from the world because it poses a threat to Liese Maxia. The problem is that Elenpois is reliant upon Jin to survive.
  • Worthy Opponent: Jude's intro for the game shows them fighting on a fairly equal footing and the ending indicates his respect for the boy's abilities.


The leader of Gaius' personal lieutenants, the "Fourve". Wingull is Gaius' right-hand man and strategical expert. He is a powerful swordsman in his own right, though in combat he switches to a violent and bloodthirsty persona.


One of Gaius' "Fourve", Presa specialises in information gathering and intelligence. She has a love-hate relationship with Alvin, and is a powerful user of Spirit Artes and summoning magic.


One of Gaius' "Fourve". Jiao is a calm and empathetic fellow whose bloodline contains the ability to control the "Gate" of monsters, essentially placing them under his command.

Other Characters


Milla's personal aide, who has served at her side since she was a baby. Ivar takes enormous pride in his role, even if his enthusiasm far outstrips his intelligence. He quickly develops a rivalry with Jude, incensed that Milla has chosen to travel with Jude over himself.

  • Ambiguously Brown
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: Inverted as his 'brows are more like tiny tufts of hair, but the "over-the-top" use of the trope is still in play.
  • Bishounen
  • Butt Monkey -> The Chew Toy: His suffering just gets played up, and is exaggerated, for more and more comedy value as time goes by.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy
  • Comedic Sociopathy / Slapstick: Whenever he appears in a scene, the odds of this happening go up. Usually to him.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Looks like an idiot, acts like a bigger idiot, sounds like an even bigger idiot... and yet he's the only story character who isn't a villain nor part of the Six Man Band who has a Mystic Arte.
    • Not to mention the fact that he climbs up a giant cannon on a moving airship in the middle of a battle with no discernible effort.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: His Mystic Arte has shades of this.
  • Dual-Wielding
  • Easily Forgiven: He never really gets a comeuppance for firing the Spear of Kresnik. In fact, everyone just seems to forget about his role in activating it, even though it directly causes all the problems in the second half of the game.
  • Expy: Of Haseo. Personality-wise he acts like Gokudera.
  • Genre Blind: The kid acts like a silly Lancer character in a Shonen series; acting like a general buffoon while trying to be endearing to his allies. The poor guy just doesn't seem to "get" what the Tales series is.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Towards Jude, whom he envies for stealing Milla's attention away.
  • Idiot Hero
  • If I Can't Have You / Murder the Hypotenuse: Very narrowly averted. Much like Chitose, his rivalry with the new person in his master's life has shades of this but it isn't carried out. He comes damn close when he fires up the Spear of Kresnik, though.
  • Kill'Em All: He very nearly accomplishes this when he feeds the party to power the Spear of Kresnik.
  • The Lancer: To be fair to the kid, there is evidence to suggest that he was this to Milla before she met Jude. Afterwards, he became more like The Load.
  • Large Ham
  • Lawful Stupid: Mocked, as his loyalty to Milla doesn't really accomplish anything and just results in his frequent humiliation... until he snaps.
  • Loony Fan: You know how you normally meet somebody who's suicidally loyal to a main character in an RPG? Ivar takes that basic idea and runs about eighty-thousand miles with it.
  • Made of Iron: Well, what else do you call a guy who breaks his sword off on a rock, has the blade embed itself in his forehead and then pulls it out with minimal injury?
  • Nightmare Face: His face is positively batshit insane when he goes up against Jude out of jealousy.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Nobody takes him seriously, everything he does is accompanied by cartoonish sound effects...
    • The Scrappy: ... And eventually he becomes a minor in-universe example. Milla even Facepalms at him the splitsecond she sees him in one scene...
      • Not So Harmless: ... That is, until half a minute later when he fires-up the Spear of Kresnik. On a less-spoilery note, the kid has a Mystic Arte; something which Xillia is surprisingly stingy with.
  • Red Oni: To Jude and Milla's Blue.
  • Undying Loyalty: Towards Milla.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He believes that he's doing the right thing by firing up the Spear of Kresnik, as he thinks it will free the spirits. Instead, it just plays right into Jiland's hands.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Although he... rather lacks the typical personality.


A Greater Spirit that shows up after the Spear of Kresnik is fired. Musee has a whimsical personality and quickly attaches herself to Jude. She was created by the original Maxwell to protect the Shell dividing Liese Maxia and Elenpios. She takes her job a little too seriously and would gladly do anything to ensure the Shell stays in place.

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