< Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia/YMMV

  • Broken Base: Specifically over the boss battles. Some hate the bosses for being significantly harder than the trash mobs and breaking out of combos, preventing the same kind of combo-lock strategy that tends to work in most other Tales (series) games. Others prefer the challenge and are glad that they aren't just Punching Bags.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: It's a Motoi Sakuraba soundtrack. Shouldn't this have been a Foregone Conclusion?
  • Foe Yay: There is, or perhaps was, quite clearly something between Alvin and Presa.
  • Moe: Leia, Elise.
  • Surprise Difficulty: See below.
  • Tear Jerker: The ending. Sure it leans more toward sweet than bitter, but it's still a huge tearjerker nonetheless. Especially when Jude and Milla are holding hands before they have to say goodbye to each other and when Milla is crying and Jude telling her not to cry.. The beautiful music helps a lot too.
  • That One Boss: The Final Boss in particular gets a lot of ire from the fans for requiring, oddly enough, very little strategy because both enemies churn out stupidly powerful move after stupidly powerful move. And they can stop time.
  • The Scrappy: Jude, Alvin, or both depending on who you ask.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Xillia got some hatred because unlike other Tales (series) games, you can't just be good at comboing and stunlock bosses to death in one endless Spam Attack combo. You will have to block and dodge in this game. If you haven't learned from Graces, then it's a good time to learn now.
    • Some are also rather annoyed over the weak SFX direction, with Overlimit lacking the traditional Most Wonderful Sound.
  • Uncanny Valley: Watch the ending and you'll find that Milla appears to be waaay too skinny at some parts.

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