< Suikoden IV

Suikoden IV/Characters

Suikoden IV has Loads and Loads of Characters...

Lazlo En Kuldes

  • Blessed with Suck: The Rune of Punishment. Not only does it have the normal baggage of one of the True Runes, it actively drains the life of its bearer whenever they use it. Unless it successfully transitions to the Forgiveness phase.
  • The Chosen One
  • Conveniently an Orphan: His father is actually still alive. And by the end of the game, they have a very close relationship... without either of them having any clue that they're father and son.
  • Dual-Wielding: His Weapon of Choice is a pair of swords.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Good thing you're big on the whole 'hard work' ethic, Lazlo. Your life depends on it.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: Averted: Lazlo's hard work and dedication is what caused him to catch Glen's eye and be treated as a prodigy.
  • The Hero: He is The Protagonist and the central character, who unite the Island nations against the invasion of the Kooluk Empire.
  • Heroic Mime: Interestingly though, the player can select one of two voice sets for him, or go completely without one.
  • Magnetic Hero: By necessity, with 107 potential recruits on offer.
  • Moses in the Bulrushes: He was washed up on Razril's shore as an orphaned toddler. The Vingerhut family took him in as an adopted servant and playmate for their son Snowe.
    • Happily Adopted: The pair enrolled in the Gaien Marine Knights Academy together, where his dedication to hard work caught the eye of Commander Glen.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Lazlo has a lot of Fangirls in-universe. Must have something to do with the short-shorts...
  • Power Strain Blackout: He faints after each use of the Rune of Punishment, due to it draining its host's lifeforce with each use... until it finally kills them. This can be averted by successfully recruiting all 108 Stars of Destiny.
  • The Scapegoat: Gets framed for Glen's death.
  • Secret Legacy: He's actually the lost Prince of Obel, who was lost to sea at the same time the Queen of Obel sacrificed herself. Ironically, the King of Obel later considers naming Lazlo as his successor despite not realizing his true identity.
  • The Stoic: Not very expressive, particularly when compared to other Tenkai Stars.
  • A Taste of Power: Inverted: he wears the outfit of the Razril Knights at the beginning of the game, including their single-sword style. When he ditches the uniform for plot reasons and takes up his second sword, his attack power effectively doubles.

Snowe Vingerhut

  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: His outfits over the course of the game can be found in the sea.
  • Butt Monkey
  • Character Development: His character arc parallels Lazlo's, and since he's more expressive.
  • Chick Magnet: Ironically enough, he's a Chaste Hero.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Subverted: while Lazlo can offer him a place in his army after defeating him, Snowe refuses. Until the last time you ask, anyway.
  • Dirty Coward: "My arm!" Notably, his attempts to prove that he isn't a coward just makes things worse.
  • Dumbass Woobie: Cops a lot, both fairly and unfairly, but it sure doesn't help that he tends to be a complete idiot about everything.
  • Expy: Like Jowy before him, Snowe is a fair-haired young noble who ends up pitted against his best friend.
  • Fatal Flaw: He simply doesn't understand why he's seen as such a bad leader, and why nobody else can comprehend where he's coming from when he makes decisions.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: On the receiving end of this. Deconstructed in that this treatment actually makes things worse in the long run, as he doesn't understand why he gets punched.
  • Heel Realization: Eventually.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: How he feels about making a deal to protect Razril from Kooluk.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: "Ow, my arm!"
  • Never Live It Down: "My arm!" Also serves as an in-universe example, as the other Knights of Gaien scorn and mock him for this incident.
  • Odd Friendship: Lazlo's master and best friend, though striking a balance between those roles proves difficult.
  • The Quisling: Snowe trades vital information, the dissolution of Razril's chapter of the Knights of Gaien, and the use of their island as a hub for the Kooluk's ongoing invasion in exchange for Razril's safety. In exchange, the Kooluk give him a false title and duties, distracting him from how Razril suffers under their control... leading to his immense surprise when the citizens turn on him.
  • The Resenter: At first, Snowe's confusion over Glen's death allows him to be manipulated by his controlling father. But later, he begins to be angry at Lazlo.
    • Suikoden Tactics reveals that he was been jealous of Lazlo ever since their childhood, as seen when Walter praises Lazlo's fighting skills.
  • The Scapegoat: Kooluk sets him up as one after he strikes a deal with them to save Razril, by giving him a special position that conveniently takes him away from Razril so that he doesn't see its decline firsthand.
  • Upper Class Twit: Snowe is a decent fighter, but is weaker than Lazlo and lack leadership skills. Nonetheless, he is promoted because of his father influence.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He really does want to serve and protect Razril, even if it means making a deal with the Kooluk Empire so they don't have to go to war. When these efforts aren't appreciated, and he's driven out of harbor, he snaps and decides to take a cue from Lazlo, turning to piracy.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Towards his own father and Commander Glen.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Platinum blond, but very pale.




  • Action Girl: More magical than Jewel, but she doesn't shy away from combat.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Has orange eyes to match her hair.
  • Emotionless Girl: She speaks in a dispassionate manner. Even if she's seeing Lazlo off before his exile, she only takes his hand, and logically states "I believe in your innocence."
  • Generation Xerox: Resembles her mother so closely that the elves of Na-Nal were immediately able to recognize her as Romina's daughter, and bar her from their village because she now shared her mother's crimes (the exact nature of those crimes never being specified, but given the nature of the Na-Nal elves, probably amounting to nothing more than "not being a Jerkass to the humans.").
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: She wields the Elven Sword.
  • Magic Knight: Her magical skills rival that of the starting wizards, although what she lacks in magical affinity is made up for with her sword arm.
  • Michelle Ruff: Her voice actress.
  • Pointy Ears: It's the only way anyone could tell she is an elf.
  • The Quiet One: She is quiet and unassuming, but a good friend to Lazlo and her other Nakama.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Mangos.


Glen Cott

  • Blackmail: After Gaien scaled back their naval funding and left Razril to fend for itself, Vincent Vingerhut took advantage of this to start blackmailing the knights... either do as he asked, or he'd withdraw his financal support. Glen resents this arrangement, but can't bring himself to act against Vincent's wishes.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Done to Snowe, after he leaves his crew at Brandeau mercy and escapes by his own.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Uses the Rune of Punishment to wipe out most of the forces attacking Razril, trading his life for that power.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Despite not feeling Snowe was ready to graduate, let alone act as a leader, Glen complied with Vincent's wishes and kept putting Snowe in positions above what he was ready for. When Snowe screws up, he then slaps him around, contributing to Snowe's confusion and resentment of Lazlo...
  • Plotline Death: Glen makes a Heroic Sacrifice by using the Rune of Punishment to wipe out most of the forces attacking Razril, trading his life for that power.
  • Stern Teacher: In his capacity as Commander of the Gaien Marine Knights.

Katarina Cott


  • Funny Animal: Despite essentially being a giant cat, he's one of the clumsiest characters and frequently asks questions that seem to bemuse everyone around him.
  • Intrepid Merchant: He becomes quite famous in his home village on Nay.
  • Little Stowaway: When he hitches a ride on the wrong boat, he ends up part of Lazlo's entourage.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: To Lazlo and the other two knights that accompany him during his exile.
  • Petting Zoo People: Nay-Kobold is a play on neko-bold; they're a feline-based version of the dog-like kobolds seen in other Suikodens.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Being based on a cat will probably do that. However, it's also mentioned that you're not supposed to treat them like this In-Universe: they are a sentient race, after all. When Axel confesses to mistaking Chiepoo's fur coat for a soft blanket, he claims to feel incredibly guilty about it.
  • Young Entrepreneur: He wants to start his own merchant company.

Vincent Vingerhut

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: The richest resident of Razril, he puts on a good show of being kind and generous while scheming to strengthen his position at the expense of everyone else.
  • Daddy Issues: Snowe's father, and the source of most of his daddy issues.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Smug Snake: Even after blackmailing the Gaien Knights and seeling Razril to Kooluk, Vincent is still suprised when the people of Razril turned on him.




  • Cool Helmet: Wears his helmet all the time.
  • Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind: He wears his helmet purely as a fashion accessory.
  • No Hero Discount: He offers the same price as other shops do.
  • We Buy Anything: If it's part of a store's normal line, he will carry it after it's witnessed in-game. Notably though you can't sell anything to him.
  • We Sell Everything: He sells items that are available from any other store already visited, except for rare items. He's got his own set of rare stuff for that.



  • Doppelganger Replacement Love Interest: Louise apparently looks just like this mystery girl, and so his attentions are temporarily transfered to her.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: He travels the world, looking for a girl he met once at a dance.
  • Heavy Sleeper: He starts every fight asleep due to his permanent Waking Rune, and must be hit by an enemy before he'll wake up and be able to fight.
    • Berserk Button: The plus side is that once he is hit, he instantly goes into a berserk state.
  • The Quiet One: He's friendly and polite, but still says very little.
  • Walking the Earth: Trying to find the woman he loved. He continues after the battle is over.



  • BFS: She wields a huge blade called Platinum Breaker.
  • Cleavage Window: Barely noticeable, but present.
  • Cute Bruiser: Her bright smile and large eyes make her adorable, but she's got a big sword and a decent strength to back her up.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Joins Lazlo after being defeated in duel.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: It's implied that this is how she managed to beat Jeremy.
  • Genki Girl: Has about as much energy as a coffee farm.
  • Little Miss Badass: Her age is unclear, but her cheerful attitude, voice and short stature pin her as fairly young.
  • Loin Cloth: She's pretty scantily clad.
  • The Oldest Tricks in The Book: She runs a hustle with Reinhold, tricking innocent warriors into dueling her, by making them believe she has just beaten Reinhold up. She then challenges the unwitting warrior to a duel, with the hopes of beating them for a 10,000 potch reward.


  • Corruption by a Minor: Courtesy of Mitsuba: she drags him into the life of a con artist.
  • I Know You Know I Know: He is paranoid that Mitsuba knows a dark secret about him and so he obeys her very whim, lest she reveals all.
  • Sarashi: He wears a traditional samurai body wrap. It also lends him an "injured" look to help his and Mitsuba's hustle.
  • Self-Imposed Challenge: His speciality, once recruited. He open a dojo at HQ where the player can challenge other recruits of increasing difficulty to level characters up.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: His role in the hustle.



  • Cheerful Child: He desperately wants to cheer up his mother.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy: He's very helpful to his mother, Rikie.
  • Disappeared Dad: His father was a bearer of the infamous Rune of Punishment. Rakgi finds out that it sadly consumed him.
  • Dungeon Crawling: When first encountered, he acts as a guide to the cavernous Obel Ruins.
  • Hello: Once recruited, his job at HQ is to greet people getting on and off the ship.





  • Anachronism Stew: He invents a camera, which accidently records Iluya's destruction at the hands of the Cray Trading Company's Rune Cannon.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Not many people seem to get his camera idea, and it seems his invention is too far ahead of its time.
  • The Smart Guy: Stays out of the fights and sticks with his camera.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses




  • Arms Dealer: He's a dealer in Rune Cannons and a supplier to Kooluk.
  • Heel Face Turn: He was originally in league with the Cray Trading Company, but having found out that Cray was manipulating him to obtain the Rune of Punishment, he joins the hero.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In an act of redemption, he selflessly throws himself in front of a poison dart hurled at Elenor by Graham Cray, during the final battle. He lives to tell the tale...
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He is far more intelligent and wily than he would have people believe.
  • Parental Substitute: To Akaghi and Mizuki.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Ramada wear glasses and is seen as a intellectual Non-Action Guy.


  • Idiot Hair: Seen in his character art.
  • Magic Feather: His main patient is the hypocondriac Trishtan, who is actually in perfect health. Yu gives him a placebo of flour to keep him happy.
  • The Medic: Once recruited, he becomes the HQ doctor.
  • Shock and Awe: He has especially good Lightning Rune firing capabilities in naval battles.



  • Fantasy World Map: His specialty: once recruited, it is possible to view the entire world map.
  • Genius Ditz: Despite his cartographical brilliance, he comes across as a little slow.
  • Non-Action Guy: He doesn't even much like having to steer the ship, even though he is the navigator.
  • Odango: His hairstyle.

Lino En Kuldes


  • Oblivious to Love: He seems to have no idea that Wendel has a big crush on him. Heck, he doesn't even know she's a girl!
  • Pirate: His look: he's the ship's lookout.
  • Super Senses: As his job demands, he is eagle-eyed and has acute sensory perception.


  • Court Mage: He is under the employ of King Lino.
  • Fantastic Science: He is heavily into researching Rune Cannons. He wants to know everything about them, especially how they were created.
  • Gag Nose: He has an unusally large nose...
  • Magic Wand: He wields the Flash Rod.
  • The Smart Guy: Is a genius mage and the pupil of Warlock.


  • Green Thumb: He is an experienced mycologist and provides the HQ with a useful harvest of mushrooms.
  • Loners Are Freaks: There's a genuine sense of creepiness when it is found out that someone (or something) has set up shop in the lower decks, conducting bizarre biological experiments.
  • Mad Scientist: Well, mad mycologist and botanist, if you want to be specific.
  • Mini Game: He and his brother operate a bizarre mini-game battle, where the player contols an army of mushroom or mint warriors on a Suikoden I inspired miniature battle field.
  • Night Vision Goggles: He has to work in low-light conditions.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Nao, who grows mint. They argue a lot, each insisting that the other cannot continue cultivating his plants.


  • Green Thumb: He is an experienced horticulturist and provides the HQ with a useful crop of mint.
  • Loners Are Freaks: There's a genuine sense of creepiness when it is found out that someone (or something) has set up shop in the lower decks, conducting bizarre biological experiments.
  • Mad Scientist: Well, mad mycologist and botanist, if you want to be specific.
  • Mini Game: He and his brother operate a bizarre mini-game battle, where the player contols an army of mushroom or mint warriors on a Suikoden I inspired miniature battle field.
  • Night Vision Goggles: He has to work in low-light conditions.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Mao, who grows mushrooms. They argue a lot, each insisting that the other cannot continue cultivating his plants.


  • Betting Minigame: He runs the HQ lottery, which can be played to increase potch and win prizes. Its top prize is one of the game's best helmet.
  • The Eeyore: His look: he's hardly the happiest looking guy around.
  • Plot Allergy: He had set up shop in Nay, at the Nay-Kobold settlement, but found out he was allergic to his feline customers.






  • An Axe to Grind: He wields the Platinum Axe.
  • Bash Brothers: His unite attack with his friend and fellow fisherman Shiramine.
  • Fishing Minigame: His speciality, once recuited. He runs the pole-fishing game, where the fish caught can be taken to the restaurant and made into HP restoratives.
  • Heroes Gone Fishing: He's known as a legendary fisherman around the Island Nations.
  • Stout Strength: He's on the portly side.


  • Bash Brothers: His unite attack with his friend and fellow fisherman Ugetsu.
  • Eyes Always Shut: In his character portrait.
  • Fishing for Sole: He actually is this: Ugetsu catches him in his net in the middle of the ocean.....
  • Fishing Minigame: His speciality, once recruited. He runs the net-fishing game, which is used to haul up treasure (and sometimes characters!) from the ocean.
  • Heroes Gone Fishing


  • Bob Haircut
  • Cute Monster Girl
  • Fishing for Sole: She actually is this: Shiramine catches her in his net and pulls her onboard.
  • Item Crafting: Her speciality: she works with her sisters in the accessory store.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Unlike traditional mermaids, Lilan and her sisters have humanoid legs, as opposed to fish-like tails.
  • Shrinking Violet: Like Lilin, she's very wary of humans and presumes the hero wants to skin her when she's first encountered.
  • Tagalong Kid: Of the mermaid Five-Man Band: she is the youngest and smallest of the sisters.


  • Badass Mustache: Has a mustache.
  • BFS: He wields the huge Sword Of Purging
  • Big Guy
  • Depopulation Bomb: He is one of the only survivors of Cray's giant rune cannon attack on Iluya island.
  • Fetch Quest: He asks the hero to bring him a flower seed. This is so he can plant a tribute in memory of a young girl he knew, who loved flowers.
  • Zen Survivor: He's definitely this, after surviving the island-flattening catastrophe.



  • It's Personal: She is deeply affected by the Iluya tragedy and resolves to help the hero fight the Kooluk.
  • Nice Hat
  • No One Should Survive That: She is one of the few other survivors of the Iluya explosion.
  • Video Game Interface Elements: Her speciality: she can change the colour (and design) of the in-game menu windows.


  • Bathtub Bonding: Certain combinations of characters and antiques placed within the baths will activate a variety of mini scenes.
  • Furo Scene: His speciality: he has a passion for making baths, and once recruited, he builds a large onsen on the ship HQ, where party characters can be seen enjoying a nice soak. The onsen also serves as an area to display a mural of all islands visted and any treasures found.
  • Naked on Arrival: He joins the allies after the hero retrieves his misplaced clothes whilst he is having a (naked) soak in a mountain spring on the Deserted Island.


  • Cute Monster Girl
  • Item Crafting: Her speciality: she works with her sisters in the accessory store.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Unlike traditional mermaids, Lilen and her sisters have humanoid legs, as opposed to fish-like tails.
  • The Smart Guy: Of the mermaid Five-Man Band: she doesn't have the peculiar speech pattern of her sisters and is the most adept at writing because she's the only one who bothers to learn.


  • Adventurer Archaeologist: She is an expert treasure hunter and loves the thrill of finding treasure more than the actual items themselves.
  • Meganekko: Wear glasses.
  • Mini Game: The "Tresure Hunt" minigame, a Metal Detector Puzzle where Rene uses her dowsing rods to find buried items.
    • Metal Detector Puzzle: The player can take control of Rene for a treasure-hunting game, where she uses her dowsing rods to find buried items.
  • Plucky Girl: When it comes to treasure hunting.
  • Precocious Crush: It's apparent that Noah, Rita and herself have a crush on the hero.
  • Treasure Map: These are her speciality and can be used in a variety of locations to activate her treasure-hunt game.



  • Boisterous Bruiser: To the point where Kika has to scold him about picking fights with people who haven't committed any sort of crime.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: He's pretty foul-mouthed.
  • Drunken Master: He likes his grog.
  • Fastball Special: Gets thrown into the enemies by Gau in his unite attack.
  • Heel Face Turn: He initially menaces the Gaien, and picks fights in naval combat until Kika approached him and told him to behave himself.
  • Hot-Blooded: Very much so, and sometimes to the point where Kika and the other pirates wonder if he's either drunk or just plain has no self-control.
  • The Lancer: To Kika: he is her right hand man.
  • Lovable Rogue: He might be a loud-mouthed pirate, but Dario isn't really a bad guy and appears to be a loving father to Nalleo. He also despises people who capture and kill mermaids.
  • Parental Substitute: To Nalleo.
  • Pirate: Of the Type 2 variety.
  • Stout Strength
  • A Twinkle in the Sky: If his unite attack fails.






  • The Big Guy: Of the mermaid Five-Man Band: she's the big sister of the five and easily the most confident.
  • Cute Monster Girl
  • Item Crafting: Her speciality: she works with her sisters in the accessory store.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Unlike traditional mermaids, Lilon and her sisters have humanoid legs, as opposed to fish-like tails.



Elenor Silverberg

  • Badass Bookworm
  • Cool Old Lady
  • Cynical Mentor: At first, she seems a bitter, broken woman, but she does mellow into a more traditional Obi Wan type over time.
  • Famous Ancestor: Of Mathiu, Odessa and Leon Silverberg.
  • Fetch Quest: She's reluctant to join the hero, and to prove his worth, she instructs him to retrieve a green bottle and a seal from a cave behind her house. When he succeeds, she is compelled to join.
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Guttural Growler: She has a decidedly husky voice.
  • Hermit Guru: When first encountered, she's living in isolation on Hermitage Island.
  • Heroic Lineage: She is from the famous Silverberg family of the Scarlet Moon Empire, who are renowned for producing the Suikoden world's leading strategic minds.
  • Lady Drunk: She enjoys a drink...
  • Never Found the Body: After the final confrontation with her ex-pupil Cray, it is believed she lost her life in the crumbling fort El-Eal, although it is belived she could be Missing in Action.
  • A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: Graham Cray is her ex-pupil.
  • Slipping a Mickey: When the hero's party arrive at her hermitage, she is initially very suspicious and drugs them to found out their intentions.
  • The Strategist: She was a former strategist of the Scarlet Moon Empire, and is recruited by Lazlo for the Liberation Army.





  • Big Guy: A physically strong and imposing guy who loves to fight.
  • Hulk Speak: Only Dario was able to understand him at times. Also, his letters to you are all variations of the word UGA!
  • In the Hood: He wears a headdress made from the skinned head of a Demon Wolf.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He also has excellent speed stats.
  • My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours: He joins the allies, only after the hero proves his strength in a duel.
  • No Social Skills: Gau was unable to communicate and didn't cope well with other people once he encountered them. He later learned to speak some simple sentences and conduct elementary conversations. See Wild Man below.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Super Strength: He is one of the best fighters in the game due to his incredibly high HP and Strength.
  • Wild Man/Wild Child: He lived his entire life alone in nature and is more beast than man.

Lo Fong

  • The Con: She and her brothers had unlawfully commandeered the Mordo Springs and were charging unwary travellers exhorbitant fees to use them.
  • Defeat Means Friendship
  • Genki Girl: Can be very energetic.
  • Loveable Rogue: She is one of the Mordo Springs Bandits.
  • May–December Romance: She clearly has a fondness for older men (and mustaches), as when she decides to rank the most attractive men on the boat, Gunter took bronze, Konrad took silver, and Izak took the gold.
  • Power Trio: Lo Hak, Lo Seng and herself.

Lo Hak

Lo Seng


  • Betting Minigame: He operates a "where's the coin?" game once recruited, which can be played for potch.
  • The Gambler: He makes a living from it.
  • Healing Spring: He is the rightful owner of the Mordo Springs.



  • Cats Are Mean: He's not as cute as the other Nay-Kobolds, and is much gruffer too.
  • Non-Human Sidekick
  • Petting Zoo People: Nay-Kobold is a play on neko-bold; they're a feline-based version of the dog-like kobolds seen in other Suikodens.
  • Sticky Fingers: He and Champo are pick-pockets, he's the brains behind the operation. He and Champo cross paths with the hero after they steal King Lino's Golden Seal.


  • Authors
  • Her Codename Was Mary Sue: He writes the novel "Rose Swordsman", focusing on Reinbach III's extremely embellished exploits, which later becomes a hit.
  • Old Retainer: To the Reinbach family: although he is still young, he's been in service with the family for years.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes: He looks very sad and mournful, but he's probably just concerned for his master.
  • Undying Loyalty: To his master Reinbach III.

Schtolteheim Reinbach III

  • Ambiguously Gay
  • Arranged Marriage: To Millay, as arranged by his over-bearing father, although he has no intention of going ahead with it.
  • Big Brother Instinct: To his loyal retainer Micky and also to his best friend Charlemagne.
  • Blue Blood: He is a noble.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He has the tendency of thinking that he is instantly great friends with someone and he has these friends everywhere.
  • Continuity Nod: To Suikoden I, where Viktor uses the fake name "Schtolteheim Reinbach III" while going through the Fortress of Kwaba. Tir also can adopt "Schtolteheim Reinbach IV".
  • Fetch Quest: The hero must bring him his beloved Rose Crest for him to join the allies.
  • The Fighting Narcissist: He's a surprisingly competent fighter and magician.
  • Flower Motifs: Specifically roses
  • Fluffy Fashion Feathers: Sports a musketeer style outfit, complete with a wide-brimmed hat that incorporates huge ostrich feathers.
  • Impractically Fancy Outfit
  • Leitmotif: The narcissist's theme "Scarleticia Castle" plays whenever the hero interacts with him.
  • Petal Power: As seen in his Love Love Attack with Charlemagne.
  • Princess Curls
  • Running Gag: He is actually the living embodiment of Suikoden's Running Gag. In Suikoden 2, Riou suggests this name as Flik's fake name. In Suikoden 3, Chris can adapt this fake name (despite being a woman). Here? The man himself appears in person.
  • Upper Class Twit: An actually sympathetic example. Despite his foppish attitude, Reinbach III is a good man at heart that values his friendship and he doesn't seem to be a fan of Arranged Marriage that nobles are mostly fond of, especially if one side doesn't have consent.


  • Fetch Quest: He must be contacted to retrieve Reinbach III's Rose Crest.
  • Magnum Opus: He's a sculptor and engraver, so he has a few of these... including the Rose Crest for Reinbach III, a large statue in the saloon on board the ship HQ and various items on Mordo Island for the hot springs visitors.


  • Music and Sound Effects: His speciality: he plays the various tunes used throughout the game upon request.
  • Nice Hat: Tall, double-peaked and jester-like.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Reinbach family.
  • Wandering Minstrel: His look.





  • Ambiguously Gay
  • The Fighting Narcissist: He's a surprisingly competent fighter and magician.
  • Flower Motifs: Specifically roses.
  • Gag Nose: He has a very large Cyrano de Bergerac-esque nose.
  • Hair of Gold: He has long flowing blond hair.
  • I Dub Thee Sir Knight: Unlike the other Suikoden narcissists, he's initially not actual nobility, but is enobled by his friend Reinbach III following his bravery in the war.
  • Impractically Fancy Outfit: Although he's less fancy than some other Suikoden narcissists.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: He is incredibly chivalrous and gentlemanly, even offering to pay Helga's bill after she trashes her room at the Middleport Inn.
  • Leitmotif: The narcissist's theme "Scarleticia Castle" plays whenever the hero interacts with him.
  • Petal Power: As seen in his Love Love Attack with Reinbach III.


  • Career Killer: He is an old assassin, hired to kill Sigurd. However, the two set aside their differences to concentrate on the war.
  • Confess in Confidence: His speciality: he runs the ship HQ's confession booth, essentially a way of finding out trivia about the recruited characters.
  • Gonk
  • Kubrick Stare: He has decidedly creepy eyes.
  • Money, Dear Boy: He'll only join the hero for a 10,000 potch fee.



  • Badass Long Hair
  • BFS: He wields a huge broadsword named the Grand Sword.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond: Like most residents of Na-Nal, it would appear.
  • Fantastic Racism: He's really not keen on elves.
  • Heel Face Turn: He initially rejects the hero's request to join him, stating that he is happy with the Kooluk's presence on Na-Nal, even branding the hero "rude". However, after Kooluk's betrayal, he is sent by his father to help the hero fight them.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's pretty rude when first encountered, but mellows a lot when he joins the allies.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy



  • Anime Hair: She sports a wild, bouffant mane of lime green hair.
  • BFS: She wields a vicious looking falchion named the Evil-Slicing Sword.
  • Black Sheep: She was banished from the Na-Nal elven village when she refused to follow her chief's underhand orders.
  • Hot Amazon
  • Our Elves Are Better: She is far more amazonian and less typically fey than other Suikoden elves.
  • Pointy Ears: Hers are particularly huge.
  • Proud Warrior Race Girl: Is very proud of being an elf.
  • The Stoic: Oh so very much.


  • Happily Married: To Pam.
  • No One Should Survive That: He is one of the few other survivors of the Iluya explosion and was found face down in the sand on nearby Nay Island.
  • Team Chef: He sets up a food stall on board, selling food items that can be used to replenish health and sometimes cure status anomalies.



  • Action Girl
  • Anime Hair: She sports very full, lavender coloured hair.
  • Arranged Marriage: To Reinbach III, as organised by his over-bearing father.
  • Badass Adorable
  • Bodyguard Babes: She becomes one of the hero's self appointed bodyguards, alongside Gretchen and Helga.
  • Genki Girl
  • Hair Decorations: A ribbon.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword: She wields the Platinum Sword.
  • Runaway Bride: She's less than happy with this arrangement and runs away to Na-Nal. Luckily, Reinbach has no intention of going through with it and straightens things out when they finally meet, just as she is about to be dragged back to Middleport by his father's goons.






  • Action Girl
  • Ambadassador: She is from the Scarlet Moon Empire and was sent to investigate the destruction of a small Scarlet Moon/Kooluk border village.
  • Always Gets Her Man: She knows Graham Cray is at the centre of the mystery, and so joins the allies to bring him to justice.
  • The Archer: She wields the Dragon Bone Bow.
  • Fiery Redhead





  • Badass Grandpa: One of the most powerful sorcerers in the game.
  • Court Mage: He is a powerful sorceror and is an old ally of Glen Cott.
  • Honorary Uncle: He is very close to his student Katarina, especially after her father Glen is killed.
  • Magic Wand: He wields the Force Rod.
  • Playing with Fire: He comes equipped with the most powerful fire magic rune, the Rage Rune.
  • Ten-Minute Retirement: The war with Kooluk pulled him out of retirement.



  • The Archmage: He is an incredibly powerful sorcerer.
  • The Atoner: He joins the hero to destroy his creations and make amends. Sometime before Tactics, he is summarily executed by a lynch mob.
  • Badass Beard: Has a small beard.
  • Badass Grandpa: See above.
  • Badass Long Robe: Wears a sorcerer robe.
  • Fantastic Science: He invented the rune cannons, in a process shrouded in mystery to all but a select few.
  • Hermit Guru: When first encountered, he's living in the basements beneath his house in Middleport.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's an old curmudgeon, but he has a big heart and is keen to join the fight.
  • Magic Wand: He wields the Sacred Wood Cane.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He eventually grew depressed, ashamed of the destructive power of his invention, which he hadn't dreamed of when making it.
  • Summon Magic: His greatest power: he summoned a number of creatures from the World of Emptiness, most notably the Giant Tree and the Eye Fish. The seeds from the Giant Tree became the ammunition for the rune cannons, and the eyes of the eye fish became a component of the muzzle.
    • Auction of Evil: He then sold this technology and the Giant Tree to the highest bidder.


  • An Interior Designer Is You: Her speciality: she is a famous interior designer and once recruited, a special room onboard the ship HQ can be decorated with various pieces the hero acquires.
  • Authors: She has published her own book on interiors.
  • Gossipy Hens: Her look and demeanor.
  • Rapunzel Hair: She wears her very long hair up in an elaborate bun that projects a clear couple of feet from the back of her head.
  • You Are the New Trend: She's a real inspiration to the fashionable people of Middleport.


Flare En Kuldes


  • Control Freak: He's panicky, pessimistic and is obsessed with manners and decorum.
  • Jerkass: When first encountered.
  • Non-Action Guy: Well, except for the one time he distracted the Kooluk army by basically going "neener neener" complete with butt-slapping.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: Initially: he is very cold when the hero first shows up in Obel, but it's mostly due to the fact that he is wary of the hero's Rune of Punishment.
  • Old Retainer: To the En Kuldes royal family of Obel.
  • Overprotective Dad: His manner towards Lino and Flare.
  • Undying Loyalty: His saving grace.



  • Closer to Earth: She's far more laid back than her boisterous husband.
  • Continuity Nod: She and Gary are suspiciously similar looking to Maximillian and Sancho from Suikoden I.... making her a bit of an odd Distaff Counterpart to Sancho.
  • Happily Married: To Gary.
  • Right Woman In The Wrong Place: She and Gary were just passing through Obel in search of the perfect place to settle down, when it was attacked by the Kooluk. They bravely supported the Obel people and joined hero's team once Obel was liberated.


  • Continuity Nod: He and Ema are suspiciously similar looking to Maximillian and Sancho from Suikoden I.....
  • Dastardly Whiplash: His look... although he's definitely one of the good guys.
  • For Great Justice: He is a firm believer in justice and freedom
    • Many years down the road, there would be a group of knights of which one (and a partner) would always join the Hero in each game... all of whom share this exact trait, word for word. The amulet he wears is also suspiciously similar to their insignia. See Continuity Nod above...
  • Happily Married: To Ema.
  • Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: He looks more like a villain than a good guy.
  • Right Man in the Wrong Place: He and Ema were just passing through Obel in search of the perfect place to settle down, when it was attacked by the Kooluk. They bravely supported the Obel people and joined hero's team once Obel was liberated.


  • Betting Minigame: His chinchirorin game can be played for potch.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: His smile, as seen in his artwork.
  • The Gambler: He's a professional.
  • Neat Freak: He disliked how the smell of the sea stuck to him whilst on the ship HQ, so he had to take frequent baths to keep his hygiene and fresh smell.







  • Bishounen
  • The Eeyore: He's a pretty miserable, angsty kind of guy and is prone to long periods of depression.
  • Gotta Catch Em All: Recruiting him is an arduous process: the player must travel right through the Obel Ruins to find him. When finally encountered, he asks the hero if he has an Escape Talisman and asks him to prove it by using it. This (irritatingly) warps the hero right to the start of the Obel Ruins, which must be navigated again to finally recruit him.
  • Ineffectual Loner: He constantly strives to be away from others.
  • Mysterious Past: He is first encountered standing over the spot where the grave of a former Rune of Punishment bearer stood.
  • Not Good with People

Leknaat the Seer

Suikoden IV's Antagonists


Graham Cray

  • Artefact of Doom: Years previously, under unknown circumstances, he had come in contact with the Rune of Punishment, becoming its bearer.
  • The Beast Master: He activates the Giant Tree, the game's final boss.
  • Big Bad: He is Suikoden IV's primary antagonist.
  • The Chessmaster: He manipulated the policies of the Kooluk Empire to try to achieve his ultimate goal: recover the Rune of Punishment.
  • Evil, Inc.: He established Cray Trading Company and its front Orark Maritime Trade in order to gather resources and establish an information network in order to ascertain the rune's location.
  • Life or Limb Decision: Unable to control the rune, he eventually decided to cut off his own arm in desperation, freeing himself from the rune's curse.
  • Never Found the Body: Following the defeat of the Giant Tree, he is presumed to have died in the subsequent collapse of El-Eal fortress, although his body was not found.
  • A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: He is a former strategy student under Elenor's tuition.
  • Steampunk: He has a steel Artificial Limb in place of the arm he severed.
  • Survivor Guilt: The Rune's power transferred to his son, who used the rune to stop Scarlet Moon nobles attacking the village where the Cray family lived, killing not only the nobles but a large number of villagers, as well as himself. Cray endlessly seeks the rune, as it was the only thing left in his life which contained some essence of his son.
  • Uh-Oh Eyes: He has particularly piercing, ice-blue eyes.
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