A self-proclaimed pimp who is the main character of the strip.
- All Men Are Perverts
- All Love Is Unrequited
- Butt Monkey
- Casanova Wannabe: The status, as Monique noted, is self-sustaining.
- Character Development: His experiences and Buddha continue to make him a better person.
- Cool Shades
- Hopeless Suitor: It's not clear whether Monique is content to lead him on and keep as a backup accessory equipped with Male Gaze and ears, or she genuinely wants to get it on, but he always says something dumb enough to ensure a turn-off. Or they both are too insecure and self-absorbed to move more than a half-step toward each other. Or all of this. The net result, however, is exactly the same.
- Out of Focus: Lampshaded in 1/3/2012.
- Sir Swearsalot
God (Frankenstein puppet): "Igor, where'd you get the mouth from?"
God (Igor puppet): "Tourette's patient."
- The Slacker
- Sunglasses at Night
- Super-Powered Evil Side: What's going on here?
- Took a Level In Kindness: As time passes, he seems to become less of a jerk as part of his Character Development.
Hippie feminist girl who is the main target of Slick's attentions.
- Animal Wrongs Group: Averted.
- Attention Whore: Originally. And very straightforward in this. This aspect has toned down.
Porn-hatin' Girl: (stunned) What was that?
Slicky: Hurricane 'Nique. The attention-sucking vortex of doom.
- She craves it, but tried to break the addiction.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Androginique
- Bifauxnen: Androginique and her Important Haircut .
- Calling Your Attacks: She points her ass towards Slick, yells "ASS," and causes spontaneous combustion.
- Character Development: From attention-whore slut to crunchy vegetarian activist feminist.
- Cool Big Sis: Treats Criminy as a little brother. In "Gypsy Nique 5", she was getting ready to attack Fuchsia because she thought he was under threat.
- Also briefly to an "It Girl" fan.
- Everything's Better with Chocolate
- Fan Girl of Obama
- Fluffy Tamer: She loves puppies.
- Fridge Horror: Suffers this in-universe. Her fans are enabling her to be sexy and that leads to her being worth Hell to them. She didn't take that well.
- Granola Girl
- I Hate Past Me: Delete all the old poem files on her computer, burns her old poetry books, clothes and statues from her It Girl period.
- I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: Often more like "I Have Booty, You Must Obey!"
- Important Haircut: The revolution has begun.
- Ms. Fanservice: Demonique is really, really hot, and often dresses to accentuate that.
- Must Have Caffeine: "Super Grande Caffienated"
- My God, What Have I Done?: Guilt. She's feeling it.
- Screwy Squirrel: Likes to "terrorize prudes", which practically means messing with Seymour's poor little brain.
- Sleeps with Everyone but You: How Slick regards her. Apparently he's got a point—Or is this all only show much like with himself?
- Soapbox Sadie
- The Tease: At first, but it has toned down after being approved by Big D and his girls.
- You Are Worth Hell: A lot of guys would agree in-comic.
- Your Head Asplode: She can do this. With her butt.
Nerdy bookworm who reads a lot under a tree.
- Badass Bookworm: Criminy. He breaks into Hell, and later tames a demonic, flying pitchfork and rides it out through the ceiling. And perceives a toothed flame-breathing demonic book as an "interesting challenge".
- Beware the Nice Ones: The end of the Bad Behavior series is the first time he's ever been pissed off in over 10 years.
- Brown Eyes: According to Fuchsia, fitting his down-to-earth, shy nature. She just loves them.
- Character Development: Hollywood Nerd becoming a Badass Bookworm.
- Chaste Hero
- Cute Bookworm: Criminy likes to hide from the world in his book fort.
- Day Hurts Dark-Adjusted Eyes: The first time he stepped away from his book fort.
- Determinator: See Took a Level in Badass.
- Fluffy Tamer: Tomey, a demonic book, Forky and Fuchsia.
- Hollywood Nerd
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness
- Innocent Innuendo: He's probably Sinfest's only example.
- Interspecies Romance: With Fuchsia.
- Mayfly-December Romance: Although the implications aren't discussed, it's mentioned that succubi have eternal youth.
- Morality Pet: To Fuchsia in the earlier stages of her development.
- Not So Different: With his gastropod buddy (he tried many times before he got out of this).
- The Paragon: To Fuchsia.
- Only Sane Man: Along with Jesus and Buddha.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Compared to Fuchsia, and Fuchsia is pretty petite.
- Took a Level in Badass: He dug his way into Hell itself for Fuchsia, and grew a spine towards Seymour.
- Has been shown to be able to hold his own against a sentient demonic pitchfork with just a shovel.
- He then flies out of Hell while being pursued by a Succubus (relax Fuchsia got zapped, but it did not take) mounted on the SAME pitchfork. He scares the shit out of Lil'Evil and buzzes past God. If that's not bad-ass, then nothing is.
- Has been shown to be able to hold his own against a sentient demonic pitchfork with just a shovel.
- Understanding Boyfriend: To Fuchsia.
- You Are Worth Hell: See Took a Level in Badass.
A weed smoking stoner pig. Slick's best friend.
- All Men Are Perverts
- Big Eater
- Character Development: He's gotten musical talent and been hoboing a while. Beginning about here and he's apparently lost some weight. Most of the main page shout outs are from him traveling.
- Cowardly Lion: For a sinner and hedonist, Squigley is surprisingly good at defying Satan and throwing wrenches into his plans.
- Everything Is Messier With Pigs: Subverted.
- Le Parkour: Surprisingly.
- Mushroom Samba
- N-Word Privileges: Only pigs are allowed to say "pigga."
- The Plague: During the Swine Flu scare, people thought he was a carrier. Up to the point of people screaming and fleeing in terror (with one person screaming "Nobody have sex with him. EVER!")
- Serious Business: He pulls off several Parkour moves to get to a burrito place right before closing. He also pawns his entire porn stash (it hit the ceiling, not counting the stuff on his PC) for some kind of deluxe taco shop special.
- Seven Deadly Sins: He's gluttony: Big Eater, stoner, drinker, avid consumer of porn... Although he now and then gets sick and tired of his lifestyle and starts dieting, exercising, dropping the intoxicants, and throwing his pornos away. For a while.
- Sky Surfing: He can actually fly when using drugs. Down to carrying other people with him.
- The Slacker
- The Stoner: the point of using pot to allow his sofa to fly (even into, and then back out of Hell). He later tokes up on the toilet. This leads to said toilet blasting its way through the roof and eventually landing in the tree Fuchsia and Criminy hang out at. Needless to say, they pull him down, but not before the flight of the toilet ends up on Twitter and a ton of other social networking sites.
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: While stoned, once dropped to Hell but was kicked out.
- Trademark Favorite Food: He's a big fan of tacos and burritos. See Le Parkour amd Serious Business
- Walking the Earth: As a hobo with a magic banjo. He's home now.
- Yuri Fanboy
- Bunny Ears Lawyer / Genius Ditz / Cloudcuckoolander
- God Is Good: An arse, maybe, but good.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Jerkass God
Slick: "Why did you make me like this?"
God: "Just to see if I could."
- Pet the Dog: When not viciously mocking his creations, God can actually be a nice guy.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He threatens to smite Devil every other time. They constantly pick on each other... But missed him when D retired.
- Also, with the Dragon—they frequently banter, and Dragon tend to pulverize his cloud, torch his hand puppet or something else, they scuffle a bit... rinse, repeat.
- Bishonen: Bishounen Jesus
- Chew Toy: To Satan, about half the time. He can dish it out as well as he takes it, though.
- Good Is Not Dumb: Sorry, Blue.
- Holy Hand Grenade: BLESSINGS!!
- Kung Fu Jesus: Sometimes. He can occasionally be seen duking it out with the Devil. Usually you can see Lil'Evil and Seymour duking it out as well.
- Light Is Good: Usually wears all white. Frequently blesses the damned.
- The Messiah: Well, duh.
- Only Sane Man
- Pals with Buddha
- The Paragon: Usually. He's not above making fun of the Devil though.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Weaponized, complete with no shirt and Bishie Sparkle.
The Dragon
Representative of all Eastern religion.
- Deadpan Snarker: Especially on God vs. Devil issue -- all the time.
- Dragons Up the Yin-Yang
- Pass the Popcorn: His favorite pastime. "Go whoever!"
- Take a Third Option: An advocate of this.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With God, whom he likes to prank and poke fun at.
- Badass Pacifist: Notable for being of the few characters that the Devil can't corrupt. His powers can't hurt anyone, living or dead. He remains one of the strip's most powerful characters.
- Elemental Powers: Wind, trees and life energy.
- Friend to All Living Things: Not limited to living, for that matter.
- The Mentor: Aguably, to Slick.
- Pals with Jesus: They hang out together on occasion. Sometimes trying to duke it out, but don't appear to take their differences more seriously than God and Dragon their own regular scuffles.
- The Paragon: Alongside Jesus.
- The Quiet One: Most of the time; whenever he does speak, it's usually in romanized Hindi.
- Sky Surfing: Using a lotus or a cloud.
A fuchsia colored succubus, also known as Fyoosh. Has undergone extensive character development (and got lots of screentime) since late 2008.
- Anti-Villain: After character development and influence from Criminy, she went from a pure villain to a type I to IV to Woobie.
- Ascended Extra
- Berserk Button: Seymore messing with Criminy time ended poorly for him. And don't screw with Forky. She was considering killing Lil' E after Criminy showed up and made her happy.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Until 2009.
- Character Development: Gone from a Chaotic Evil seducer, to a Chaotic Neutral intrigued girl, to a Neutral Good sweetheart.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience
- Dark Is Not Evil: She's a succubus working for the Devil, but she sure can be sweet to
CriminyCrimnee. Also the only demon that can't Bomf people. - Depraved Bisexual: Has become much less depraved. May still be bi though.
- Despair Event Horizon: Breaks down and cries after the end of Bad Behavior. She got better when Criminy broke into Hell for her.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Her weapon of choice when not burning things.
- Fiery Redhead: Well, fire-powered fuchsia-head.
- Heel Face Turn: Without so much as saying a word, she tells tells Big D to piss off.
- Hope Is Scary: Finds that Crimney's affections brings this into play.
- Horny Devil: Has become much less so as of late.
- Hot as Hell: Fire-powered succubus.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Since falling in love with Criminy.
- Interspecies Romance: With Criminy.
- Love Redeems: Clearly a goal for her and a wish of fans.
- Mama Bear: Attempting to make a trophy out of her pet is a VERY bad idea. The only thing that stopped her from killing Little E was Criminy's earlier visit cheering her up after her Despair Event Horizon.
- Mayfly-December Romance: Although the implications aren't discussed, it's mentioned that succubi have eternal youth.
- Meaningful Name
- Morality Pet: To Baby Blue. She genuinely cares about her.
- Noble Demon: Literal example.
- Playing with Fire: The most advanced of the devil girls in terms of her proficiency with fire as she's the only one that can turn it into a projectile rather than use it as a flame thrower.
- Punch Clock Villain: Lampshaded.
- Reluctant Monster: She is not happy showing her demonhood.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Best explanation for her affection towards Criminy.
- Stalker with a Crush: Initially.
- The Storyteller: To the damned, as she started to reform.
- Villainous Crush: Type B.
- Probably doesn't count as a villain these days.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Leave Criminy alone.
- Yandere: Very early in her romance plot. Has long since evolved out of it.
- You Are Worth Hell: Criminy digs through the Earth for her, ready to face what or who he has to. Leads to Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
Baby Blue
A blue succubus. Much more evil than her partner.
- Affably Evil
- (A)moral Dilemma: For the first time, Baby Blue has to affirmatively choose between her loyalty to the Devil and to Fuchsia.
- Back from the Dead: In our first flashback to her past, she sees a boy she has a crush on succeed in resurrecting a dead animal, and fails herself. Then Satan opts for Came Back Wrong.
- Black Magic: Her demonic corruption power, known as being Bomfed in universe.
- Bob Haircut
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Childhood Friend Romance: In our first flashback to her past, she passes a note to a familiar boy to tell him he's cute.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience
- Depraved Bisexual
- Distracted by the Sexy: Weapon of choice. When not using her whip.
- Evil Feels Good: She certainly subscribes to this. Fuchia doesn't seem to get it anymore.
- Expy: Damned if Blue doesn't seem like a succubus version of Nabiki Tendo.
- Glitter-Pointed And Happy: What she briefly becomes when under the influence of the glitter points around Criminy.
- A Friend in Need: Toward Fuchsia.
- Good Feels Good: Seems to enjoy herself when a good force influences her. So far it hasn't stuck, though.
- Good Is Dumb: While under the influence of glitter points, she showed a much less evil personality. And a dangerous lack of concern for what the Devil would do to her.
- Horny Devil
- Hot as Hell: Succubus. She uses that.
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Blue will destroy you, Criminy.
- Meaningful Name
- Murder the Hypotenuse: May have been attempted in Dig 7 given the look of murderous intent in her eyes. Might have suceeded if not for the glitter points.
- Perky Female Minion
- Playing with Fire: Apparently, she can do this if she's mad, at minimum, though unlike Fuchsia, her flames are more like a flame thrower rather than a long range projectile.
- Start of Darkness: She used to attend Divinity School. Then she meets The Devil...
- Stop Helping Me!: Fyoosh has tried on-and-off to get Blue to reform as well. The first attempts were shot to hell, and Baby has lost all patience with the concept of redemption. Fuchia won't take the hint.
- Whip It Good
- Yandere: Note her reaction to seeing Criminy in Hell.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki
An unnamed, dark orange succubus created from a country girl.
- Ambiguous Innocence: Is a succubus and a gun-toter, but behaves without malicious intent, for the most part.
- Amnesiacs Are Innocent: Her behavior, even when criminal, tends to be childish.
- Anti-Villain: Type 3, see Obliviously Evil below.
- May lean towards Designated Villain, as she seems to practice (in her own strange way) Christianity. She even sanctifies Lil E.
- Ax Crazy: Probably the most violent character in Sinfest. Is plotting to kill Santa/Satan (her pronunciation makes it unclear). She's also taken to "killing" pastries.
- Black Magic: Bomf. She cocks her hands back like she's aiming a gun, like Yusuke's Spirit Gun and Sailor Mars' Fire Soul. She's sometimes done this two-handed.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience
- Cool Big Sis: She's been playing this to Lil E since that whole Lethe affair.
- The Ditz: She's not quite getting the hang of being a devil.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Before becoming a devil girl she asked Squigley to play a Britney Spears song on his banjo (during his hobo phase).
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Evil Feels Good: While probably not coming from any sense of sadism, she relishes in "bomfing" whatever she feels like on a whim, describing it as "fuuuuun".
- Fan Nickname: Both of the names provided for this page are not her official name, and she has yet to be given one as of February 2012. Pebbles comes from one strip, where Monique refers to the succubus as Pebbles due to her orange hair. Tangerine was proposed by the fans to go along with the Theme Naming amongst the other succubi.
- The Fashionista: Has twice shown interest and desire in another characters clothes.
- Happy Dance: Over her hoodie.
- The Kleptomaniac: Has also stolen said clothing from the characters whose wardrobe she liked.
- The Malaproper: "JAY-Z IS MY LOAD AND SAVOUR!!!"
- Morality Pet: Has some shades of this towards Seymour, incredibly. If nothing else, he has acted more decently when around her than at any other point in the comic. Their interactions aren't numerous yet, and Seymour's "gentlemanly behaviour" might just be him feeling responsible for her (as he's responsible for her Cloudcuckoolander attitude), but there's hope yet.
- Either that, or he's at a loss when someone heeds his sermons only to run with garbled version.
- No Social Skills
- Nubile Savage: In attire, and owing to the lack of social skills, behavior. Though she does avert Exposed to the Elements.
- Obliviously Evil: Tangerine doesn't seem to bear ill will to anyone she doesn't perceive as attacking. Being an impulsive childish Pyromaniac slightly "out of it" is enough to occasionally make people run away screaming, though.
- Pettanko: At least before transformation. Still flatter than the others.
- Pyromaniac: Loves to make things go boom. Especially after she gets Seymour's shotgun.
- Running Gag: Her habit of stealing pieces of clothing from people she runs across is starting to shape up as this.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: BOMF (and BKOW as of 8/15/11).
The Devil
- Allergic to Love: "Yech! Ick!" This includes angel-glitter and (of course) "father-son thing".
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Bad
- Big Red Devil: Not a classical example but his color motif is red.
- Black Magic: Bomf.
- Came Back Wrong: When the young Satan finds the young Baby Blue trying unsuccessfully to bring a dove Back from the Dead, he brings it back as a devilish creature.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Chew Toy: To God. Also frequently has a back-and-forth of this with Jesus.
- The Comically Serious: "You could say that."
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Is often depicted as such.
- Deal with the Devil: Weapon of choice in his schemes.
- The Devil Is a Loser: "What are you implying?!"
- Evil Is Petty: He has his moments
- Foreshadowing: Take a look at this strip, and the next few after it. Compare with what you know now.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: To Seymour in Bomf 4.
- And he did it right after Seymour attacked Fuchsia with holy water while she was just relaxing and admiring a passing butterfly.
- Lack of Empathy: Understandable since he IS the Devil after all. Not that this still isn't quite sad.
- A Lady on Each Arm: Well, a succubus; YMMV as to whether they are ladies. Less as the succubi became developed characters.
- Lonely at the Top
- Luke, I Am Your Father: To Little E.
- Not So Harmless: Sure, it's fun seeing Satan as a subtle, mundane, glamorous and occasionally pathetic exec. Then Tat reminds us that Satan is NOT funny.
- Oedipus Complex: Towards God, obviously.
- Real Men Wear Pink/Villains Out Shopping: He likes My Little Pony. Really. No, seriously.
- Stock Phrases: Can avert the "X doesn't grow on trees" phrase, it seems. See?
- All Animals Are Dogs: And so are books?
- Animate Inanimate Object: It talks and barks.
- Black Magic: It can BOMF things.
- Books That Bite
- Conflicting Loyalty: To follow The Devil or Criminy?
- Fangs Are Evil: On the PAGES.
- Fluffy the Terrible
- Game Face: When called by its true name.
- I Know Your True Name: Malevolum.
- The Power of Love: Why Tomey does not attack Criminy despite being bomfed back its original state by the Devil.
- Throw the Book At Them: Or worse, MAKE IT CHASE THEM DOWN.
- Tome of Eldritch Lore: Presumably beside bomfing, it's full of spells.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Even before he Took a Level in Jerkass, he still wasn't a favorite of God due to his obsessive fanboyishness.
- The strip that hints that God actually created Seymour fully formed and acting the way he is becomes either hilarious or His Moral Event Horizon by proxy when taken into light the things Seymour does because of said obsession.
- Bullying a Dragon: Crosses into Too Dumb to Live territory. To Fuchsia. He also pisses off Criminy, the guy who dug into Hell to be with his girlfriend. Before that, he literally pokes the Dragon's nose.
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Sort of. After his baptising of Tangerine turns her into Ax Crazy Cloudcuckoolander we know, he's terrified that he'll be responsible for the damage she causes.
- Egomaniac Hunter: Probably by accident, but his hunting gear and shotgun are his second most worn outfit.
- Fantastic Racism: Towards Fuchsia, who has been actively trying to change her ways, making it even more repulsive.
- Fate Worse Than Death: A epically hilarious one in Bomf 4. Turned into the thing he hates as an ironic reflection of his true nature.
- Flanderization: He actually had a few decent moments at the beginning, and was no worse than anyone else, but while everyone else has gotten Character Development and Lighter and Softer treatment, he became more and more intolerant and intolerable in his fervor... and then finally learned something and has since begun to be less Flanderized.
- Friendly Enemy: Outright states he is this with Lil' Evil.
- Actually, he comments that he is confused as to the best description of their relationship, suggesting The Rival and Vitriolic Best Buds as alternative ways of viewing them together.
- The Fundamentalist: Subverted, since Christianity has a fundamental belief in helping repentance.
- Heteronormative Crusader: Almost takes a shotgun to an incredibly flamboyant gay couple. The scene is now the page picture.
- Holier Than Thou: Goes into Knight Templar territory on this one.
- Jerkass
- Kick the Dog: His book burning and the Bad Behavior series.
- Knight Templar: Has become worse around 2010.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Turned into a demon after an unprovoked attack on Fuchsia.
- Light Is Not Good: Jesus fanboy? Check. Averse to demons? Check. Jerk? See the rest of his tropes.
- Loony Fan: Hilariously enough, he fails to recognize the real thing in person. Despite having bought a metric fuckton of Jesus merchandise. MIGHT be a Metaphor for his obsession with the rule of his religion, and not the spirit of it.
- Which is fairly along the Canon. Also, even "Fellowship of the Lord" is quick to keep their distance.
- Not So Different: With Lil' E.
- Pet the Dog: Well what do ya' know. Seymour can actually ACT like a Christian.
- Is... Is that even the same Character???
- Pure Is Not Good: Is convinced that he is almost completely without sin, and truly has done little that could be considered evil in the usual sense. Which just makes all the times he acts Holier Than Thou that much more despicable, knowing he could be good but is too much "against evil" to truly be good.
- Redemption Rejection: Does this to Fuchsia on multiple occasions, most prominately in Bad Behaviour. This trope (which makes him a hypocrite) is one of the main reasons he's so hated by the fandom.
- Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny: Has moments like this, usually as a result of being around Nique or Baby Blue for too long.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Bad Behavior.
- As well as Took a Level In Dumbass, since he's still talking trash after Fuchsia is clearly pissed. Remember kids, succubi with fire for hair are best left alone.
- Windmill Crusader: Takes his struggle against the Devil and his minions seriously. So seriously, he forgets not all of them are bad, or that he isn't a threat to them, in the slightest. The Devil doesn't pay attention, unless there's an easy opportunity to torment him.
Lil' Evil
- Allergic to Love: Or says so. Still fails at not being cute in process. Angel-glitter too.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Lil' E was picked on for his demonic appearance as a child. The Devil was the only one to stand up for him.
- Amnesiac Dissonance: Drinking from Lethe produced quite a change.
- Amnesiacs Are Innocent: Afterwards, he is rather childish, a great friend of Tangerines, and quite baffled by his past behavior.
- The Antichrist: In all probability.
- Cute Monster Boy: See Half-Human Hybrid.
- Evil Is Petty
- Evil Versus Evil: His target of choice is Seymour, who's generally as bad at being good as Lil' E at being evil. Also, he has no aversion to preying on his own kind.
- The Fundamentalist
- Half-Human Hybrid/Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: The Devil and a woman who looks like a bit like Eve. Also the reason why he can't BOMF people.
- Harmful to Minors: Here's a tip, Satan: don't kill something in front of your kid. It tends to freak them out.
- Harmless Villain: With a few exceptions, he posts images of a certain pig flying on a toilet online, and occasionally gets into Karate battles with Seymour. Plus, angels find him adorable.
- Ho Yay: His crush on the Devil is rather transparent.
- Goes beyond transparent to explicit in this strip. He likes the idea of spending eternity "locked in homo erotic embrace with the devil."
- May actually be a case of If It's You It's Okay or even Single-Target Sexuality, seeing as he doesn't really act that way over anyone else, male or female, and often talks down to the oversexed or hormonally frustrated main characters.
- If certain implied theories began panning out, then it might fall under another trope...
- Goes beyond transparent to explicit in this strip. He likes the idea of spending eternity "locked in homo erotic embrace with the devil."
- Identity Amnesia: Accidentally mindwiping himself with Lethe water and getting picked up by Tangerine may be his chance to get a life.
- Loony Fan: "Big D" is bewildered and quickly driven to Head Desk. Dragon thinks it's an elegant prank.
- Not So Different: With Seymour.
- Number of the Beast: Note how his alarm is set 66 minutes past the hour.
- Poke the Poodle: Lil' E wants to master the deadly sins, and had a lot of achievements—mostly, in Sloth. He does Eeeeevil. Cuz he's evil! He contributes to the cultural demise of civilization.
- Strawman Political
- Troll: Time and again, happily goads Seymour, then welcomes him to the Dark Side. Or resorts to PM trolling.Not that Seymour was a really challenging target, of course.
- Vitriolic Best Buds with Seymour—less so after his amnesia.
Ezekiel and Ariel
An inseparable pair of angels.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Lil' Evil seems stunned by how beautiful they are.
- Chekhov's Gun: Their "glitter points" apparently have the power to protect the pure of heart from minor demons and can temporally remove demonic corruption from the Devil's minions (they still look like demons, but they lose the personality).
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Yes, it is.
- Holier Than Thou: Not to the extent of Seymour, but they sometimes come across as infuriatingly snobbish, although they're legitimately trying to help people and have good intentions.
- Also, unlike Seymour, they are pretty nice to Fuchsia and other demonic characters—as long as you're trying to do good, they're on your side.
- Informed Attractiveness: In the cartoony style, hard to tell.
- Knocking on Heathens' Door: Do this or a lesser degree of evangelising, depending on whether these two do it regularly as the "Fellowship of the Lord" or just to prank Big D.
- Light Is Good: Still irritating, obnoxious and sanctimonious though.
- Love Redeems: They aren't an example of it themselves, but they definitely believe in it if this strip is any indication.
- Protective Charm: Their glitter appears to a one-use charm.
- Screwy Squirrel: Ariel and Zeke "the Wascally Angels" just love to mess with D in any way they can, from slapstick pranks to making him Face Palm to evangelizing to him with straight faces to distracting him from clients and subverting his "employees".
- Sickeningly Sweethearts
The grim reaper.
- Allergic to Love: Pheromones, to be specific.
- Always a Bigger Fish: Or a Bigger Dragon.
- Cool Ship: Has a transforming coffin version of KITT from Knight Rider, as seen in the link above.
- Nothing Personal: He claims so.
- Sinister Scythe: Naturally. Also functions as a Sniper Rifle.
- The Grim Reaper: Obviously.
The Cartoonist
Mostly keeps to himself. The owner of Pooch and Percy.
Percival and Pooch
A cat (Percy) and dog (Pooch) of the Author Avatar whose antics are mostly irrelevant to the rest of the strip (but are funny!)
- Alliteration: Pooch and Percy, of course.
- Cats Are Mean: Or proud at the very least. Also fond of making kitty "goatse" screen savers.
- Cats Are Superior: Percy tries HARD to invoke this.
- Cats Hate Water: Percival's weakness.
- Companion Cube: Bally and Yarny.
- Cute Kitten
- Dogs Are Dumb: Pooch.
- Green Thumb: Sexy seeding.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Percival.
- Meaningful Name: Pooch, lampshaded by 'Nique who sarcastically tells their owner, "Hello, my name is 'girl'".
- Precious Puppy
- Ridiculously Cute Critters
- World of Cardboard Speech: Percy is a fan.
Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty
Not the happiest family, at least these days. Uncle Sam is theoretically well-meaning, but flinchy and easily misguided. Most definitely not depressed. Also, get off his lawn.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of America.
- A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: Uncle Sam was a pupil of Jesus before he learned the Corporate Side of the Force. "But there's still good in him."
- Glory Days: They remember, and have nostalgia.
- It's All About Me: Uncle Sam.
- Obliviously Evil: "I was only... Freedom!" Okay, now he is depressed.
- What Did I Do Last Night?: Uncle Sam is prone to heavy drinking. Waking up after this is not always easy.
Trike Girl
A short, shades-wearing arch-feminist who rides a Big Wheel tricycle.
- Arch Enemy: To the Devil, believe it or not.
- The Corrupter / The Messiah: Triggered some unexpected changes in Monique, YMMV if it's for the better or worse.
- Also the reason Fuchsia finally left the Devil for good.
- And later tried to corrupt the Devil Girl who replaced her.
- Creepy Child: An early version
- Crossover: Takes a certain famous cartoon boy to task for his treatment of Susie Derkins.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Slick and Seymour, it would seem.
- Fan Nickname: The Sinfest forums have made a habit of referring to her as Glossy.
- Jerkass: Much like Seymour, she forces her fanatical views down people's throats.
- Knight Templar: Her feminist views sometimes reach this level.
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Feminist senses...tingling!
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Her trike's ability to create an energy shield and transform into a spaceship had no hints of ever existing.
- No Name Given: Not yet anyway.
- Plot Tumor: See Spotlight-Stealing Squad. Lampshaded by Slick.
- Shout-Out: To The Matrix.
- Soapbox Sadie
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Starting around October 2011, a very large amount of strips focuses on her and the effects of her actions.
The Zombie
The zombie of one (or more) of the damned souls who loved Fuchsia's stories. Deprived of these after her Heel Face Turn, he's now escaped to look for her.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Fantastic Racism
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Except not exactly badass.
- Man Child: All he wants is a story to ease the pain of eternal damnation.
- Undeathly Pallor
- The Big Guy
- The Determinator
- Our Zombies Are Different: Never have they been cuter or woobier.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Subverted to all hell. Figuratively speaking.
The Fan Girl
A young fan of "It Girl" Monique
- Fan Girl: Obviously.
- Loony Fan: Also obviously.
- Hero Worshipper
- I Just Want to Be Special
- I'm Your Biggest Fan
- Irritation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery: Looks just like Monique, only fun sized.
- No Name Given: Yet.
- Squee: Anytime Monique does something.
- Token Mini-Moe: Seems to be the youngest recurring character so far.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: 'Nique takes down all of her photos and burns her old poems. Fan Girl is about to put them on YouTube.
- Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: She's patterned herself after 'Nique during her Attention Whore phase. 'Nique is not pleased.