< Sinfest
- Archive Binge: Oooooh yeah.
- And your mileage won't even vary here. It's over 4000 friggin entries as of November 2011. However, it's worth reading every page, even if it took this troper three whole weeks to do it.
- Archive Panic: This webcomic started in January 2000. According to the archive, it's been updated almost every day...for 17 years. At about 350 (or so) comics a year. Not as bad as some of the other examples on the Archive Panic page, but getting there.
- Base Breaker: Trike Girl.
- Also the whole Sisterhood plot in general for stealing the spotlight from most of the cast in general. To some it has been labeled as when the comic Jumped the Shark.
- Creator's Pet: Trike Girl to those who don't like her. See Base Breaker above.
- Evil Is Sexy:
- Subverted in that, while generally portrayed as appealing (especially when compared to the alternative), the devil's pleasures are ultimately unsatisfying. Even for himself.
- Played straight by the succubi, until Fuschia's Character Development made her not so evil anymore.
- Foe Yay: Between Baby Blue and Jesus, though it's mostly from Blue's side. It's heavily implied however that, as a child, Blue really did have a crush on him.
- Fridge Logic: Lil' Evil frequently mocks the damned, but what does he think is going to happen when he makes it to the other side himself?
- Well, there seems to be a big difference between being the damned souls and being the demons who torment them; he probably assumes he will end up in the second group.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: It's like Ishida saw it coming three years away.
- Ho Yay: A few strips on bromance get pretty close to this, but the most obvious is Lil'Evil and his feelings for Satan...until we learn that Lil'E is actually the devil's son.
- Jerkass Woobie:
- Slick, frequently.
- Baby Blue has been subjected to Good Feels Good a few times, but unlike Fuschia something tends to go wrong before it has any chance to stick, sending her back to square one.
- The Devil and Lil' E now that we get to see some of their backstory.
- Jerk Sue: Trike Girl is every bit as much a fanatical misandrist bitch as Seymour is a fanatical misogynist pig. She never gets called out or suffers bad karma for her behavior.
- Jumped the Shark/Seasonal Rot: The comic used to be light-hearted comedy, never taking itself or anything else too seriously. As Tatsuya Ishida moved further and further to the political left and sank deeper and deeper into Social Justice Warrior culture, the strip became increasingly preachy, gloomy, and overserious, culminating in entire strips where Ishida essentially berates himself (and a large part of the rest of humanity's population) for being a straight male.
- Moe: Criminy, Fuschia, Pooch, Percy, Squig, Buddha and Tangerine.
- Moral Event Horizon: Seymour hit this for many fans in the "Bad Behavior" series, when he went on a particularly hateful fundie racist speech to a reformed Fuschia. She understandably went berserk and tried to kill him, then Criminy called him out on it after yet another speech.
- Monique can see Sleaze and not only left Slick to his fate, but blames him for everything Sleaze does.
- Melancholy Moon: Well melancholy stars.
- Nightmare Fuel: This is a little unsettling...
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Possibly the only thing keeping Ezekiel and Ariel from becoming as hated as Seymore is the fact that they are actually nice. The greatest example is comparing this scene with this scene.
- Romantic Plot Tumor: Arguably the Fuchsia/Criminy romance.
- Though a quick look at the Characters page, the Awesome page, the Heartwarming page, and even the main page will tell you that it seems to be the most referenced, popular story arc in the comic... or at least the only tolerable one left after the rest of the comic became social justice lectures.
- The Scrappy: Seymour has started to gain a considerable hatedom after the September 14th, 2010 block of strips, especially after a recent Despair Event Horizon.
- Also Glossy (fan nickname) the feminazi.
- Post Sisterhood Monique
- "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Seymour is prone to this, with the block of strips beginning here being perhaps the most Egregious case.
- Straw Feminist: While Trike Girl comes off as this to anyone with an ounce of common sense and rationality, to Tatsuya Ishida himself and many feminists they see her as the arrival of the comic's true hero.
- Take That, Scrappy!: Seymour, after getting turned into a demon.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: The longer this strip runs, the more horrifyingly adorable it gets. And then we have...
- Ugly Cute: The zombie and his attachment to Fuschia.
- What an Idiot!:
- Seymour in "Bad Behavior". Starts here.
- Wow. It must hurt to be that dumb.
- The Woobie: Most of the non-deity characters have gotten moments of this, but Fuchsia, Squigley, and Slick are the most frequent, especially Squig over the course of 2010.
- The Zombie. Have you EVER wanted to comfort a mass of undead, maggot-ridden flesh this much since Corpse Bride?
- Took a Level in Badass: Fuchsia herself has taken one and decided she's not going to hide her relationship with Criminy any longer. She even blows up the Devil's security alarms as she proceeds to march out of the mansion. Granted, Fyoosh always had that kind of power, but she's also always been shown to cringe at the thought of having to face her boss.
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