The Flintstones
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"Wiiiiiiiilllmaaaaaaa!!!"—Fred Flintstone, every single episode, ever.
The most famous and beloved of Hanna-Barbera's cartoons that isn't Scooby Doo, this one was set in the Stone Age -- sort of -- and based about half its humor on prehistoric versions of modern technology. Usually an animal was shown rigged to perform some menial task, eg a baby mammoth used as a vacuum cleaner, a parrot used as a recording device, etc. Said animal usually makes an Aside Comment about their situation.
The other half was ordinary sitcom material, springing from the antics of boorish Fred Flintstone, who was constantly hatching insane schemes with the help of his neighbor Barney Rubble and subsequently getting them both into trouble with their wives, Wilma and Betty. Later in the series the Flinstones had a daughter, Pebbles; this inspired the Rubbles to adopt a son, the comically super-strong Bamm-Bamm. Dino and Hoppy were the respective family pet(-asaurus)es.
Was the most successful prime-time animated series ever until The Simpsons.
Like many very popular shows from the 1960s and 1970s, The Flintstones just would not die. It survived cancellation in any number of subsequent forms, from Saturday morning cartoons featuring teenaged versions of Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles (the latter voiced by Sally Struthers) through a pair of live-action motion pictures, all the way to a breakfast cereal which is still marketed in the early 21st century (and which is the occasion for continuous new Flintstones animation). Not to mention the vitamins...
Is also going to receive a reboot via Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane. No, really. Though this project has been in Development Hell for some time now (and will hopefully remain there forever).
The various incarnations of the Flintstones in the media:
- Animated Series
- The Flintstones (1960 - 1966). Lasted 6 seasons, 166 episodes.
- The Pebbles and Bamm Bamm Show (1971-1972). Lasted 1 season, 16 episodes.
- The Flintstone Comedy Hour (1972 - 1973). Lasted 1 season, 16 episodes.
- Fred Flintstone and Friends (1977-1978). Lasted 1 season, re-editing of older episodes.
- The New Fred and Barney Show (1979). Lasted 1 season, 17 episodes.
- Fred and Barney Meet The Thing (1979). Lasted 1 season, 13 episodes.
- Fred and Barney Meet the Shmoo (1979-1980). Lasted 1 season, 13 episodes. Episodes of the previous series, combined with a new segment.
- The Flintstone Comedy Show (1980-1981). Lasted 2 seasons, 18 episodes.
- The Flintstone Funnies (1982-1984). Re-editing episodes from previous series.
- The Flintstone Kids (1986-1988). Lasted 2 seasons, 24 episodes.
- Dino: World Premiere Toons (1995-1997). Only broadcasted 7-minute shorts.
- Cave Kids (1996). Lasted 1 season, 8 episodes.
- Animated films
- The Man Called Flintstone (1966). The only one theatrically released.
- The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones (1987).
- I Yabba-Dabba Do! (1993). Pebbles and Bamm Bamm get married.
- Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby (1993). Pebbles becomes a mother.
- A Flintstones Christmas Carol (1994).
- The Flintstones: On the Rocks (2001). Fred and Wilma face marital problems.
- Television specials
- A Flintstone Christmas (1977)
- Hanna-Barbera's All-Star Comedy Ice Revue (1978). Crossover of various Hanna-Barbera characters, with Fred as the host.
- The Flintstones: Little Big League (1978).
- The Flintstones Meet Rockula And Frankenstone (1980).
- The Flintstones' New Neighbors (1980).
- The Flintstones: Fred's Final Fling (1980).
- The Flintstones: Wind-Up Wilma (1981).
- The Flintstones: Jogging Fever (1981).
- Yogi Bear's All Star Comedy Christmas Caper (1982). Crossover with other characters.
- The Flintstones' 25th Anniversary Celebration (1986).
- The Flintstone Kids' "Just Say No" Special (1988). Anti-Drug Special.
- Hanna-Barbera's 50th: A Yabba Dabba Doo Celebration (1989). Features multiple characters.
- A Flintstone Family Christmas (1993).
- Live-Action Films
- The Flintstones (1994).
- The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (2000)
- Video Games
- The Flintstones - MSX
- The Flintstones - Sega Master System
- The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy - NES
- The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! - NES
- The Flintstones - SNES
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Often played straight throughout the series.
- Accidental Dance Craze: Twice...
- In one episode Fred stubs his toe and starts hopping up and down. Bystanders join in, and soon everyone is doing the "Flintstone Frantic".
- "The Twitch" is created when singer Rock Roll has convulsions as a reaction to his pickled dodo eggs allergy.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: Very, very much inverted in the first live action movie with regards to Betty, who went from being slender and pretty to being Rosie O'Donnell.
- Played straight with Barney and Wilma's mother.
- Adjective Noun Fred: In Japan the series was called Primitive Family Flintstone.
- Adult Child: Fred, often.
- All Animals Are Dogs: Dino is a dinosaur that acts just like a big dog.
- Anachronism Stew: We have dinosaurs and large mammals living at the same time(depends on your POV), along with modern-esque technology and culture. And they celebrate Christmas.
- Thousands of years before Christ?
- Apparently, Fred knows the words to "When the Saints Go Marching In". And can sing it in someone else's voice.
- The Artifact: Ads for the aforementioned vitamins, being marketed to parents, haven't featured the characters in any form other than what appears on the packaging or the product itself in years (preferring to feature footage of active, healthy-looking kids).
- Aside Comment: The animals used as part of the Bamboo Technology are likely to do this.
- Bamboo Technology: pretty much the main thing that makes The Flintstones any different from just setting it in 1960s America, this trope provides much of the humor after the standard sitcom plots and all the silly names. Cars? Telephones? Airplanes? They had 'em. Radio? Television? The only reason they didn't have any electronics more advanced than that was because of when the show was made. If one takes the Fruity Pebbles commercials as Canon, then they actually have not only computers and robots, but Humongous Mecha.
- Later spinoffs and TV movies usually update the technology equivalents to match when the spinoff/movie was made. Thus the late 1970s The New Fred and Barney Show featured CB radios, 80s spinoff The Flintstone Kids featured video games, while the 90s TV movies I Yabba Dabba Do and Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby feature desktop computers, VCRs, CDs and car alarms.
- Big Damn Movie: The first film has ambition, loyalty, betrayal, corporate intrigue, and a climactic battle upon an elaborate makeshift Death Trap. An average episode of the TV series is basically just Wacky Hijinks.
- Big Darn Movie: The Man Called Flintstone made at the same time as the Original Series. Originally intended as a multipart season premire, it was adapted instead into a movie parodying the hot Secret Agent genre.
- Big Friendly Dog: Dino, even though he's not technically a dog.
- Black Bead Eyes: Some characters, especially Barney and Wilma.
- Bowling for Ratings: Fred and Barney are frequently shown bowling, either by themselves or as part of an organized group.
- Broken Aesop: In "Samantha", after some ridicule, the wives are determined to prove they can handle a camping trip with Fred and Barney. They are joined by the secretly magical Samantha. The episode ends with everyone thinking Wilma and Betty outdid Fred and Barney, but as the viewers saw, Samantha cheated - using her magic to make things vastly easier for the wives than it would've been otherwise.
- Broken Streak
- Brotherhood of Funny Hats: Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes.
- Bumbling Dad: Fred, when Pebbles was born.
- By the Eyes of the Blind: Gazoo.
- Canon Discontinuity: Dino is a pretty startling example. In his debut episode, he has a different colour, usually walks on his hind legs, and can not only talk, but can act and fast-talk people, with a vocabulary to match. At the end of the episode, he goes home with the Flintstones... and then turns into a dog with only the usual level of cartoon animal intelligence (in that he can understand the exact sentences people say and act upon them, but is never seen to be able to talk).
- Catch Phrase: "Yabba-dabba-doo!"
- In the teenage years spinoffs, Pebbles uses "Yabba-dabba-doozy!" Befitting, as her schemes usually were.
- "Wiiiiiiiilllmaaaaaaa!!!"
- (In the cereal commercials) "Barney!!!!! My Pebbles!!!!" (Followed by Barney making a lame pun based on his latest scheme)
- Celebrity Is Overrated
- The Celebrity Lie
- Childhood Friend Romance: If you go by historic timelines, it could be said that Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm were the very first pair for this trope. Upon first meeting as babies, they were the best of friends and had many adventures as they grew up together, eventually falling in love, getting married, and having children of their own. It was even Lampshaded by Bill and Joe themselves during a cameo appearance at their wedding.
- Closer to Earth: Wilma is much more mature and level-headed than Fred, who borders on Adult Child.
- Conspicuously Light Patch
- Crossover: with The Jetsons, Bewitched and others.
- Cosmetically Advanced Prequel: The Flintstone Kids compared to the original series.
- Crunchtastic: Their aforementioned cereal. The short-lived Dino Pebbles Cereal, for instance, used "Marshmellow Dinolicious" in their ads, prompting Dino to Glomp whoever said it.
- Darker and Edgier: The Flintstones animated movie made a few years ago called Flintstones on the Rocks. Fred and Wilma's silly cartoon fighting turned into them being a genuinely unhappy married couple, and the opening scene is them fighting in a marriage counselling session.
- Deadpan Snarker: Fred and Wilma, more so on the latter.
- Diet Episode: At least one episode has Fred getting shamed into dieting.
- Does Not Wear Shoes/Foot Focus: Due to the prehistoric setting, the entire cast is constantly barefoot. Lampshaded in a Comic Book Adaptation story in which shoes are invented, but fail to catch on.
- Doing It for the Art: As hard as it is to imagine, the first live action movie. For starters, unless they got John Goodman to play Fred, they wouldn't have even bothered trying to make a movie.
- Door Step Baby: Bamm-Bamm
- Dream Sequence
- Drive-In Theater: Featured in the opening and closing credits.
- Driven to Suicide: A heartbroken Barney attempted this when thinking that the Rockefellers won their court case and were free to adopt Bamm-Bamm, by roping a boulder to his torso from a bridge. Fred saved his life, but caught the boulder by accident and wound up (alive, but grumbling) in the river.
- Drunk with Power: Fred, in the first live action movie.
- Early Installment Weirdness: The show did not feature its famous `Meet the Flintstones' theme song until the third season.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Because a Flintstones which only used creatures that lived during the Paleolithic wouldn't be nearly as interesting, although those kinds of animals are around as well.
- Kangaroos Represent Australia: Hoppy, the "hopparoo."
- Expository Theme Tune: "Meet the Flintstones", beginning in the third season.
- "They're the modern Stone Age family..."
- Feuding Families: "Bedrock Hillbillies."
- The Film of the Series: The two Live Action Adaptations.
- First Name Ultimatum: See this page's quote.
- Freaky Friday Flip: A number of times, including once where Fred and Dino swap bodies.
- The Gambling Addict: Fred is a compulsive gambler. Simply mentioning the word "bet" around him will cause him to get a crazy look in his eyes and start repeating the word over and over in a loud voice:
- Gentle Giant: Fred, at his best.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Betty apparently kept her pledge paddle, when asked what it was used for she simply took a big swing and said "Whacko"....make of that what you will.
- Gilligan Cut
- God for a Day: Well more like "Boss For A Day" when Fred is envious of his boss and the Great Gazoo turns him into a boss. He finds that it's actually a burden, since he has to deal with higher-ups, stay late in meetings, etc.
- Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress
- Hair Reboot: In the episode featuring Stony Curtis, when Wilma quickly gets herself cleaned up to meet the celebrity, four quick strokes of her brush are all that is needed to bring her hair to its usual style.
- Happily Adopted: Bamm-Bamm is notable for being one of the first examples on a cartoon.
- Happily Married
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: The Great Gazoo is only visible to Fred and usually Barney.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: The alien who created 10 clones of Fred.
- Hold Your Hippogriffs: The premise of the whole show is to displace modern stories into a prehistoric setting, so language was obvious to follow.
- Horse of a Different Colour: Dino is just like a dog, except he's a sauropod dinosaur; Hoppy is a kangaroo-like "hopparoo".
- Dino's official species is apparently "snorkasaurus".
- Housewife
- Identical Stranger: Fred's lookalikes J.L. Gotrocks (in "The Tycoon") and Rock Slag (in The Man Called Flintstone movie). Not to mention his robot doppelgangers in "Ten Little Flinstones".
- Incessant Chorus: The end of "The Hot Piano" involves Barney and a troupe of policemen who keep singing "Happy Anniversary" to Fred and Wilma, much to Fred's annoyance.
- Incessant Music Madness: Fred and Wilma find the perfect maid/cook, and everybody's happy--except that Fred keeps singing (badly) an inane song he made up. The hired help finally quits.
Fred: Oh, Lola Brigada/Your food I dig-ada!
- Inexplicably Awesome: It's never explained why Bamm-Bamm has super strength.
- Possibly a sendup of the sort of people who coo over babies and find their every smelly fart to be evidence of what an exceptional child they have on their hands. "Oooh, look at him grip my finger! Feel how strong he is!" Well, this kid really is.
- Ink Suit Actor: James Darren, Tony Curtis, Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York gave voice to their cartoon likenesses on the show.
- Instrumental Theme Tune: "Rise and Shine", used in the first two seasons.
- Invisible to Normals: Gazoo is invisible to everyone but Fred and Barney, and later, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm.
- Intellectual Animal: Dino, in his debut episode. He reverts to a standardly intelligent non-talking cartoon animal in the next episode he features in and stays that way.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: No matter the series, movie or special, Fred always falls into this trope.
- Jumping Out of a Cake: In "Frantic City", the cake at the Water Buffalos' convention was supposed to have showgirls inside. It had their angry wives instead, rolling pins in hand.
- The "I Yabba Dabba Do" special played with this when the woman supposed to jump out of the cake at Bamm-Bamm's bachelor party walked out because she wanted more money. This leads to Barney being forced to substitute.
- Kangaroo Pouch Ride
- Knife-Throwing Act: "Dial S for Suspicion."
- Last Day to Live: This was the plot of the prime-time special "Fred's Final Fling".
- Last-Minute Baby-Naming: Pebbles doesn't get named until she's born. Ditto for her own children Chip and Roxy.
- Laugh Track: Notably edited out in the syndicated airings on Boomerang.
- Limited Wardrobe
- Man in a Kilt: Pretty much every male character wears a prehistoric man-kilt.
- Meaningful Name: In The Movie, the character of Sharon Stone was so named because the Producers had hoped to get the actress Sharon Stone to play her (they ended up with Halle Berry instead). Which becomes Hilarious in Hindsight when you consider that in the 2004 Catwoman movie, Halle Berry's Catwoman fights a villain played by Sharon Stone.
- Mel Blanc: Barney was possibly Blanc's first major non-Looney Tunes role since giving up his role as the voice of Woody Woodpecker.
- Metronomic Man-Mashing: Bamm Bamm BAM-BAM-BAM!
- Mistaken for Dying
- Motionless Chin
- The Movie: The Man Called Flintstone.
- Mythology Gag: In the live-action movie, Fred is mistakenly called "Flagstone" a couple times. The Flagstones was the original planned name for the series.
- It was changed to "Flintstones" because there was a comic strip called Hi And Lois (co-drawn by Mort Walker) whose family was named the Flagstons.
- It has been said that Bamm-Bamm was inspired from Ubble-Ubble, the cave boy in the Ruff & Reddy story arc "The Chickosaurus Caper."
- Nice Kitty...: Subverted: Barney sees a Bantydactyl and cheerfully says "Here, pussy pussy" to it until it cheerfully opens its mouth and grabs him leaving only his feet exposed.
- Never My Fault: In "The Astra' Nuts" Fred and Barney go to get their physical, but Betty gives the wrong address and they end up accidentally enlisting in the army. Of course Wilma and Betty blame them for "bollixing" it up.
- Never Sleep Again: In one episode, Wilma, Betty and Barney are led to (falsely) believe Fred has an ailment that will kill him if he falls asleep. Also, he must not be informed of this or he'll die too. The gang uses increasingly creative methods to keep Fred awake.
- No Accounting for Taste: Fred isn't a bad person per se, but he's not putting as much effort into the marriage as Wilma, who is often forced to suffer his tantrums and schemes. Subverted in one of the movies, though, where Fred had to struggle to get Wilma's favor back after a fight during a holiday trip.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: With all the rock-based playing on celebrity names, The Flintstones almost deserves to be the Trope Codifier.
- No Indoor Voice: Fred is frequently guilty of this.
- No One Could Survive That: The Green Goose and his henchmen, as Fred and Barney trapped them inside the doomsday missile/rocket, which is launched into space, that Fred set it to. The screen fades to black just as the rocket is about to ascend into space.
- Obnoxious In-Laws: Wilma's Mother.
- Old Shame/Values Dissonance: There were commercials for Winston cigarettes promoted by the Flintstones.
- On One Condition
- The Only Ones: Fred and Barney in The Man Called Flintstone, when Rock Slag and the Chief were incapacitated, and their double agent XXX is really The Green Goose.
- Open Mouth, Insert Foot: Fred. Literally and frequently.
- The Other Darrin: Hanna-Barbera voice actor Daws Butler replaced Mel Blanc as Barney Rubble for a few episodes in 1961 while Blanc was hospitalized following a near-fatal car accident. (The Hanna-Barbera publicity department, however, did not acknowledge this, and Blanc was still listed in the closing credits.)
- In addition, Gerry Johnson replaced Bea Benaderet as Betty Rubble in the show's fifth and sixth seasons when Benaderet left to concentrate on her role as Kate Bradley on Petticoat Junction. Johnson died soon after The Flintstones ended its ABC run and would be replaced in 1971 by Gay Hartwig.
- Alan Reed lent his voice to Fred for the final time in the debut episode of Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics. He died soon after and would be replaced by Henry Corden.
- Overprotective Dad: Fred, in regard to Pebbles.
- Panty Shot: Pebbles in a couple of viewer participation segments of the NBC Flintstone Comedy Hour.
- Wilma had a panty shot in a one-page comic in an issue of Scooby Doo (Archie series). She's wearing a fancy new dress that subsequently gets eaten by moths.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Roxy and Chip from Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby.
- Pretty in Mink: Fred is having some sort of problem, making him almost completely lethargic. Wilma buys an expensive fur coat of "genuine Siberian mammoth", knowing the cost will make Fred freak out. That and their clothes are most likely all animal skins.
- Punny Name: Pretty much every character or locale on the show has one, based on some variant of "rock" or "stone." Also, "Barney Rubble" (nearly always shortened to "barney") was Cockney rhyming-slang for "trouble" long before movies were invented.
- The Spanish dub version changed everyone's names for no apparent reason, but still followed this trope. The Flintstones (who should have been called Los Pedernales) were instead called Los Picapiedra (the Stonecutters). Made even stranger because occasional characters with the last name Pedernal did appear in this version!
- The Film of the Series would have lampshaded this - the producers wanted actress Sharon Stone to play character Sharon Stone (the role ultimately went to Halle Berry).
- The original Hungarian dubs also renamed almost all of the characters (most famously Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble to Kovakövi Frédi & Kavicsi Béni, and Wilma & Betty to Vilma & Irma, in keeping with the rhyming-theme the dub had going on), but the dubs of later spin-offs and movies restored the original English Flintstone surname. Could get confusing, since there were at least three kind of dubs, with wholly different voice-casts.
- A Robot Chicken sketch parodied the phenomenon when a deliveryman rattles off a long, awkward URL mishmashing and at least three shoehorned rock puns. Fred looks at him for a minute and he says, "Look, not all of these rock puns are easy."
- Purely Aesthetic Era
- The show is a Retool of a concept for an animated version of The Honeymooners. Not The Honeymooners with any sort of gimmick, just vanilla The Honeymooners.
- Pygmalion Snapback: When Wilma and Betty changed Fred and Barney.
- Recycled in Space: The Honeymooners in the stone age. The short-lived spinoff Cave Kids is Rugrats in the stone age.
- Replaced the Theme Tune: They used an orchestral theme (and completely different opening sequence) early on before switching to the iconic "Flintstones, meet the Flintstones..." This first opening directly influenced that of The Simpsons (Fred drives home from work through town and ends up in front of the TV).
- That first theme sounded eerily like "This Is It," the theme to The Bugs Bunny Show, which premiered the same season on ABC.
- Reset Button
- Rhymes on a Dime: The entire Hungarian dub is in rhyming prose. Often considered a Woolseyism.
- Right-Hand Attack Dog: The Green Goose and his pet sabre-tooth tiger Ferocious in The Man Called Flintstone.
- Schemer: Both Fred and teenage Pebbles.
- Schizo-Tech
- Scout Out: one episode features the Cave Scouts who all decided to go camping in the same valley that Fred and Barney decided to go camping in.
- Show Within a Show: Several; none particularly important or prominent -- just parodies of then-current shows. Captain Caveman comes to mind , in Flintstone Kids.
- Sincerest Form of Flattery: Hanna-Barbera openly admit that this show was inspired by The Honeymooners.
- Jackie Gleason, who starred in The Honeymooners, thought the resemblance was too close for comfort so he filed a plagiarism suit against Hanna-Barbera.
- Sleeping Single: The early seasons; although the show was the first animated show to portray a married couple sharing a bed later on.
- Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying: Dinosaurs may or may not have coexisted with humans: one POV says that mammals that existed up through the Cretaceous were small and rodent-like. Of course, that hardly matters.
- Sound Effect Bleep
- Special Guest: Several.
- Spin-Off: Several.
- Spinoff Babies: The Flintstones Kids, the largely forgotten Cave Kids
- Spin Offspring: The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show.
- The Sponsor: Fred Flintstone once joined Eaters Anonymous, and his sponsor would grab whatever food Fred got a hold on while giving the group's secret call, "Gobble, gobble, gobble!"
- Springtime for Hitler
- Spy Speak
- Stonepunk: You can't miss this, it's all over the place.
- The Theme Park Version: It's early-1960s suburban America transposed into the Stone Age, with dinosaurs.
- Thick Line Animation: The early episodes when the animation drawings were hand-inked on cels. Later on they switched to xerox and the line art got thinner.
- Time Machine: Besides The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones, a season 5 episode of the original series has the Flintstones and Rubbles stepping into one of these at the Bedrock World's Fair and traveling to the future to encounter several Historical Domain Characters (including Emperor Nero, King Arthur, Christopher Columbus, and Benjamin Franklin) before ending up at the New York World's Fair of 1964!
- Title Sequence Replacement: The original Title Sequence was rarely seen until recently.
- Title Theme Tune
- Tsundere: Wilma is a Type B, a sweet and adorable housewife who only explodes when Fred goes Jerkass.
- Turn Out Like Their Fathers: As teenagers, Pebbles is often a schemer that gets in way over her head and Bam-Bam is a loyal accomplice prone to urging caution.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Both couples.
- Except in the 1994 Live Action Adaptation where Betty was played by Rosie O'Donnell.
- Every couple to appear on the show, really, with the exception of the second generation of the leads.
- Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born: Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm eventually got married and had fraternal twins... much to the surprise of Fred and Barney who were expecting them to have only one child (Fred wanted a boy, Barney a girl).
- Ventriloquism: "Ventriloquist Barney"
- Vocal Evolution: Barney has a high nasally voice in the earliest episodes.
- Watch Where You're Going: Happens a few times in the series. One person is running, and literally runs into someone else because neither were paying attention.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Barney. By the time of some of the later shows, Barney is shown to be working alongside Fred for Mr. Slate's quarry.
- Wild Child: Bamm-Bamm, in the live action film, was found with wild mastadons.
- Wraparound Background: One of the most famous examples, and is cited whenever the technique is lampshaded.