Inherited Illiteracy Title

Some works have titles that could have come straight from Rouge Angles of Satin. It's not an error, though, at least not directly. It's a deliberate reference to someone else making the same misspelling (usually one in the work itself, so expect a Title Drop), or otherwise an attempt to counterfeit the inability to spell.

Compare Xtreme Kool Letterz, Funetik Aksent.


Comick Bookz

  • Freex was a series about a bunch of super-powered teenagers that was part of the short-lived Ultraverse line from Malibu Comics in the 1990s. The title came from the misspelling of the word "freaks" by Ray, a boy who looked like a rock monster and, having spent most of his life locked in a basement because his parents were ashamed of his appearance, had a very limited education.
  • Krazy Kat.


  • Inglourious Basterds, the 2009 Tarantino film, contains a group called the "Basterds", but Tarantino has refused to explain the title further than that, saying, "You do an artistic flourish like that, and to explain it would just take the piss out of it and invalidate the whole stroke in the first place." Fanon states that Aldo Raine, who recruited and named the Basterds, is illiterate; the fact that the same misspelling shows up carved into his rifle stock lends credence to this. An alternate take would be that the movie is set in an alternate universe where the words "Bastard" and "Glory" are respectively spelled as "Basterd" and "Gloury". The Frederick Zoller biopic's fake trailer synches it.
  • The Pursuit of Happyness, whose title is taken from a misspelling on a day-care mural.
  • Charly, the film version of Flowers for Algernon. (This is odd, since in the book, Charlie can spell his own name, even before his increase in intelligence.)
  • Weirdly inverted with Beetlejuice. The title is the phonetical spelling of the character Betelgeuse, which is always seen spelled correctly in the film, to the point that a character mispronounces it while trying to read it aloud.


  • Feersum Endjinn by Iain M Banks. One of the narrators is an exceedingly poor speller. It's not just the title, but one third of the entire bloody text!
  • Love and Freindship by Jane Austen is an Epistolary Novel where "freind" is always written for "friend", along with a number of other misspellings. The misspellings are all Austen's (she wrote it when she was 14). She corrected the spelling later in life, but editors of her work tend to leave it uncorrected as they think it's charming.
  • Stephen King's Pet Sematary is spelled as it was written on a sign made by some kids outside the cemetery in the story.
  • Dorp Dead by Julia Cunningham, titled after a note by an angry teenager.
  • Granny The Pag is a nickname that stuck after a little girl tried write a note calling her grandmother a pig, but wasn't sure how to spell it.
  • Darren Shan's Slawter is titled after the name of the town the plot takes place in.

Profeshinal Ressling


  • Back when Cracked was on paper, it always referred to itself as a "mazagine". When Cracked went online, they called themselves a "wesbite."

Live Axtion TV

  • The Australian sketch comedy show The Micallef Program was The Micallef Pogram for its third season. This was because of running debate about the correct spelling of program/programme. It was 'Program' in the first season and became 'Programme' for the second. They went for deliberate misspelling in the third in an attempt to stop the letters.


  • Numerus song titlez by Slade (e.g., "Cum on, Feel the Noize", "Gudbuy T'Jane").
  • The band Y Kant Tori Read, whose lead singer is far better known that the actual band. Tori Amos continued this when she became a successful solo artist. "Caught a Lite Sneeze", anyone?
  • Nevermind the Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols.
  • Likewise, Nirvana's album Nevermind. Part of Kurt Cobain's motivation was the wrong spelling!
  • Indie rock band Carissa's Wierd. They would eventually lampshade it by calling an album I Before E.
  • The Zombies' album Odessey and Oracle: Originally the band said it was intentional, but later they claimed the designer of the cover art made the misspelling and they just went with it.
  • In homage to said Zombies album, Velvet Crush called a compilation A Single Odessey.
  • It's hard to prevent people from mis-mispelling the Tom Waits album Franks Wild Years. It doesn't help that Waits previously had a track called "Frank's Wild Years", spelt correctly.
  • Stereolab's second album was titled The Groop Played Space Age Batchelor Pad Music (on the front cover at least—the spine and back cover spelled "Bachelor" correctly). The same album also had a song called "The Groop Played Chord X", and the liner notes of later albums would continue referring to the band as "the groop".
  • Danielson Famile: In keeping with their childlike aesthetic, a lot of words are consistently misspelled in titles and lyrics: "famile", "hartz", "thanx", etc. When bandleader Daniel Smith started his own record label, he named it Sounds Familyre.
  • Jay Reatard, and by extension his former band the Reatards. It apparently had something to do with a heckler at one of their early shows calling them "retards" and pronouncing it strangely.

Wob Sties

Vidja Gamez

  • Samurai Shodown. Whether this was for Rule of Cool or part of the Blind Idiot Translation that made the series famous is unknown, but it's remained to this day. Supposedly, this is because its originally planned title was Shogun Shodown, with "Shogun" changed to "Samurai" at the last minute.
  • Abe's Oddysee had to shoehorn the word Odd in there. As did its sequel, Abe's Exoddus
  • Mortal Kombat
    • ADK (AKA: Alpha Denshi) parodies this convention with the title "Aggressors of Dark Kombat".

Reel Lyfe

  • Buffalo State College is home to an organization officially named the "Campus Role-Playing, Animae, and Gaming Group", because the original writers of the organization's constitution failed at spelling.
  • Ovomaltine is known in the English-speaking world as "Ovaltine" because someone fumbled the name in the British trademark registration form.
  • According to one possible etymology, the term "OK" is short for the comically misspelled "Oll Korrect"
  • The city of Cleveland was originally named "Cleaveland" after founder Moses Cleaveland. However, the spelling was changed by either the local newspaper who dropped the silent "a" so that the name could fit on the masthead, or by a surveyor who spelled it wrong on the map he published. Either way, the new spelling stuck.
  • Major League Baseball's first commissioner, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, was named by his father after Georgia's Kennesaw Mountain, the site of the Civil War battle where he had received a permanent leg injury.
  • When you type up a program for an evening of folk songs, but make one little typo ... thus is born the Filk Song.
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