Text Parser

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    /wiki/Text Parserwork

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    Ask All The Tropes about Text Parser

    A text parser is a form of input that takes commands from the player and simplifies this to commands that the game engine can understand. It is commonly found in Adventure Games and Interactive Fiction, where it is used to control the actions of characters and influence the in-game environment. Using the parser to control an in-game story is one of the main elements that blurs the line between the story as narrative and as game.

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    It is probably better to ask a better parser, such as those used in the classic Infocom Interactive Fiction games and the later works created by hobbyists.


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    "You're reading one right now. More examples aren't really necessary, because the point has been made. How well a text parser responds to your input depends on how well it's designed, and what commands the author of the game has anticipated. Clever enough authors will code in all sorts of clever responses to strange things you might try, and will make sure every reasonable synonym is included so you won't have too much trouble guessing the verb."


    "The text parser really got started with Crowther and Wood's Colossal Cave Adventure, but it was not until Zork came along that more advanced forms of the parser came along. The parser used in the classic Infocom games was called ZIL (Zork Interactive Language). The text parser gradually disappeared from commercial computer gaming in the early 1990s (replaced by Action Bar and Point and Click interfaces) as game designers wished to reach a different demographic. Fortunately for text fans, a large number of hobbyists have continued to design text parser based Interactive Fiction. If you'd like to know more, check out the Interactive Fiction article here on All The Tropes."

      This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.