Wesley Willis
Wesley Willis wrote some awesome fucking songs!
The music was very formulaic!
He used a Technics KN series keyboard's auto-harmony for the accompaniment!
He called his concerts "harmony joy rides"!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
He suffered from paranoid schizophrenia!
He heard voices from demons named "Heartbreaker", "Nervewrecker", and "Meansucker"!
He had psychotic episodes on the Chicago CTA bus lines!
He called his psychotic episodes "war hell rides"!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
He released more than fifty albums of music!
He liked to greet his fans by head butting them!
He died at the age of 40 of complications from leukemia!
His music will be remembered for all time!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
Wesley Willis!
Rock over London!
Rock on, Chicago!
All The Tropes! It will ruin your life!
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- But You Screw One Goat!: He wrote many songs about bestiality. Apparently, these were targeted at his demons, who he believed would be too grossed out to bother him.
- Catch Phrase: "Rock over London! Rock on, Chicago!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Was diagnosed as schizophrenic.
- He had an astounding gift for hyperbole, too. Check out his song for Alanis Morrisette:
"You are a rocking maniac! You are a singing hyena! You are a rock star in Jesus' name! You really rock Saddam Hussein's ass!"
- Cluster F-Bomb: "Fuck You". The chorus is simply "Fuck you" repeated five times.
- Darker and Edgier: His songs fronting The Wesley Willis Fiasco, a live rock/metal band. Though similar lyrically to his self-produced synthesizer songs, they sound *much* heavier.
- Documentary: The Daddy Of Rock N' Roll. Filmed in 2000, it was finally released in 2003, mere months before his passing.
- Lyrical Dissonance: He wrote songs like "Kill That Jerk" and "Fuck With Me And Find Out", using the often upbeat pre-programmed tracks on his synthesizer as back-up music.
- Madness Mantra: See Once an Episode. Also, the choruses in his songs consisted of the same phrase repeated over and over again.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Heartbreaker, Meansucker, and Nervewrecker.
- Once an Episode: Almost every one of his songs ended with the mantra, "Rock over London! Rock on Chicago!" followed by some kind of commercial slogan.
- Product Placement: After reciting his Catch Phrase, he will sometimes mention a brand name along with its slogan. For example:
"Pontiac: We build excitement!"
- Refuge in Audacity: It helps being insane.
- Refuge in Vulgarity: Some of his songs had titles like, "Suck My Dog's Dick", and "Lick A Bulldog's Nasty Asshole".
- Shout-Out: The Volume 1 DVD for Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law has his song "Birdman Kicked My Ass" playing over the title menu.
- Three Chords and the Truth
- Title-Only Chorus: Of course.
- Word Salad Lyrics