Zero Wing
Narrator: In A.D. 2101 War Was Beginning.
Captain: Take Off Every 'ZIG'!!
Captain: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move 'ZIG'.
Captain: For Great Justice.
Zero Wing is a Shoot'Em Up Video Game created by Toaplan in 1989, where it was mildly (but not wildly) successful in Japanese arcades. Typical of the genre, after an opening cinematic establishes the setting, the player takes control of a one-man fighter to shoot down enemy forces in massive numbers.
Fairly typical and unremarkable compared to the rest of its genre, there is no particular reason people today would give this game a second look ...
...that is, except for its infamous English translation (that has even inspired examples of Intentional Engrish for Funny):
Made Memetic Mutation for great funny was when send happiness to users of Interweb reality highway quotes did. Popular most is the conquerance of CATS dialogue, "We have conquered all of your bases." Main screen not on; no plans of justice to rerelease Zero Wing make time at now.
Inspire epic song, posted here for great justice, a Rhapsody of Boheme song of parody and a Dub project.
No with Wing Zero be confuse, or game Giga Wing.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us
- For Great Justice: The captain has of great sense of justice.
- Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb
- War Was Beginning
- You Have No Chance to Survive
- Ace Pilot
- Ass in Ambassador: Version PC-Engine CD view show CATS Kingdom contain half-metal head man is representative merely.
- Attack Drone: The Zig is constantly fighting against them.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Version PC-Engine CD king of CATS set himself up the bomb.
- Big Bad: CATS, in apparent.
- Big "What?": What you say!!
- Bishonen: Version PC-Engine CD looking king enemy CATS hair long.
- Blondes Are Evil: Version PC-Engine CD view another of CATS ownership blonde king.
- Bridge Bunnies: Classic famous is operator signal get who main screen turn on. Version PC-Engine CD another bridge officer is purple-hair chick.
- The Captain
- Cats Are Mean: Figurative of way speaking.
- Cool Starship: The 'Zig', which move.
- Creepy Monotone: Issued computer voice there so humorous.
- Damsel in Distress: Version PC-Engine CD sub romance plot surround the purple-haired princess is captive by Big Bad.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: For lose life checkpoint still in existence.
- The Dragon: Version PC-Engine CD show blonde king servant prosess red-head final boss.
- Evil Gloating: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
- Evil Redhead: Version PC-Engine CD The Dragon is contained red-headed woman.
- Evolving Attack
- Excuse Plot: Best ever.
- Fighter Launching Sequence: Before namer of trope was; for re-direction Take Off Every Zig still can use. All ship in intro of launching but one only safe from explosion.
- Flash of Pain
- Fling a Light Into the Future: Good original language Japanese translation show instead of "For Great Justice".
- Good Bad Translation Blind Idiot Translation Train Wreck: Translation of badness? This game? Shock! Even more shock if new translation of game would release in America.
- Gratuitous English: Version PC-Engine CD of ZIG pilot sequence for launch shout "All green!" and "Scramble!" and "Okay!".
- Hollywood Cyborg: CATS.
- Homage: Command and Conquer 3 for Play Station 3 made for referencing Zero Wing in the soundtrack under extras!
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Internet Trailer into George Takei "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" be referenced.
- Mega Man Battle Network also be referencing Zero Wingrish.
- The Eleventh Fantasy that is Final use effect of Speaking Orks for great justification. Here for observation (Spoiler apparent).
- In game of war guilds, for efficient attacking more can Shout-Out warriors and paragons "For Great Justice!" and "Make Your Time!" with respect.
- Contact of professor military section say, wish "a base like this belonged to us".
- Futurama exhibit the line to show of great fame.
- Professor Dementor take control of Kim Possible battlesuit, but she not wearing. What he say? "All your battlesuits are belong to us!"
- Monsterpocalypse;;'s series third was given name of "All Your Base".
- Mysterio say "You have no chance to survive make your time" in Spider-Man 2 movie game.
- Radical Dreamers have scene extra project of fan translate model intro after.
- Last Starfighter: Is of only escape from exploded when "Take Off Every Zig!" sequence.
- Organic Technology
- Right-Hand-Cat: Averted: CATS of name of kingdom with Big Bad named of Ass in Ambassador who say famous line that start all.
- Space Navy: CATS is in command of one, and there are also Zig houses, which only Zig can survive.
- Space Opera: The backstory of the game involves and interstellar war.
- This Cannot Be!: Only in original language Japanese by Captain say oppose Engrish "What you say!!".
- Tractor Beam: Usable to One-Hit-Point Wonder-Mooks hijack for purpose Grievous Harm with a Body.
- A Winner Is You: Less notorious than the introductory cutscene, but still in Blind Idiot Translation.
- You!: "It's you!"
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Version PC-Engine CD is dispray of bridge bunny and Damsel in Distress hair purple.