Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas/Characters

These are the characters from the manga/anime series Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas.

Some Spoilers are not masked.

Bronze Saints

Pegasus Tenma

Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara (JP)

  • Back from the Dead: When Alone killed him in the first battle of the Holy War; thanks to Athena's divine protection in the flower leash, his soul was kept alive and subsequently rescued by Yato and Yuzuriha from Yomotsu Hirasaka.
  • Break the Cutie: Not very rare. Learning that the place where he grew up was ravaged by Specters and that his childhoold friend is behind it all. Aldebaran's death, while he was unconscious. Dohko's apparent death, and the fact that he blames himself (and Degel doesn't help by agreeing that it's his fault). Yato and Yuzuriha turning into stone. Finding himself face to face with his beloved mother, who came back as a Specter.
  • Brown Eyes
  • The Chosen One: According to legends, the Pegasus Saint is always a key character in the Holy Wars against Hades, so everyone seems to think Tenma is some kind of chosen one and must make it through the war and face Hades. Tenma initially seems to think this means he's Blessed with Suck.
    • Attack Animal: Youma sees him as this, and intends to harvest his soul to use it as a weapon against Olympus.
  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Determinator
  • Disappeared Dad: Until he resurfaced as a major villain.
  • Enemy Mine: He ends up fighting Partita alongside Pandora (although she claims he will be the next one to die). After he saves her life and protects her, they become almost friendly towards each other. Still enemies, though.
  • Expy: Of Seiya.
  • Germany: Country of origin. More specifically, Pandora's castle.
    • He was taken to an orphanage in Italy and grew up there, however. As accordng to daddy's plans.
  • The Hero
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Alongside Sasha and Alone, to banish Hades back into the Underworld and keep him trapped there.
  • Hot-Blooded
  • I Gave My Word: Takes this very seriously.
  • Meaningful Name: Tenma means "Heaven's steed". Chosen by Youma as he knew his son was the reincarnation of the legendary Pegasus Saint.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Both his signature moves consist on this.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Alone.
  • Shonen Hair
  • Three Amigos: With Yato and Yuzuriha. Also with Alone and Sasha.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Many times, but especially after his Training from Hell with Defteros.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid

Unicorn Yato

Voiced by: Atsushi Abe (JP)

Wolf Junkers, Lionet Bleriot, Bear Douglas and Hydra Curtis

Silver Saints

Crane Yuzuriha

Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi (JP)

Altar Hakurei

Voiced by: Kenyuu Horiuchi (JP)

Cerberus, Auriga and Sagitta

Vela Tsubaki, Puppis Lacaille (and Pyxis Rusk)

Gold Saints

Aries Shion

Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki (JP)

Taurus Aldebaran/Rasgado

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (JP)

Gemini Defteros

Gemini Aspros

Cancer Manigoldo

Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (JP)

Leo Ilias

Leo Regulus

Virgo Asmita

Voiced by: Akira Ishida (JP)

Libra Dohko

Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (JP)

Scorpio Kardia

Voiced by: Koji Yusa (JP)

Sagittarius Sisyphus

Voiced by: Hirofumi Nojima (JP)

  • Angst Coma: Hypnos gets him trapped deep inside the Dream World as soon as he falls into a coma, but he doesn't make any effort to get out. Out of guilt (see entry below).
  • The Archer: Bundled with the Sagittarius Cloth, couldn't be otherwise.
  • Bishounen
  • Bodyguard Crush: Strongly implied to be in love with Sasha.
  • Combination Attack: Twice. Once with El Cid, the other instance with Shion and Regulus.
  • Determinator: His eyes were blinded, his body was broken, his heart ripped out, his consciousness fading away, but through sheer willpower, his body still moves and is able to perform the Athena Exclamation.
  • Expy: Of Aiolos.
  • Eye Scream
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Alone shoots his own arrow back at him.
  • I Will Definitely Protect You: Says this to Athena after snapping out of his Angst Coma.
  • It's All My Fault: Thinks it was him who caused the Holy War by taking away Athena from Hades' side.
    • Stupid Good: Even worse than Aldebaran. He let Sphinx Pharaoh rip his heart out just to prove that he was completely loyal to Athena when he could have kicked his ass easily (I mean, if he manages to do it without his heart in place...). Even if he does manage to perform Athena's Exclamation to allow everybody else to pass as a last stand, it still feels like a pointless death.
  • Meaningful Name: Sisyphus was a king punished by the Gods for his arrogance: they made him roll a boulder up a hill to redeem himself, but before the boulder got to the top, it would always roll back down, no matter how many times he tried.
  • The Obi-Wan: To Leo Regulus, his nephew.
  • Power Fist: Although he does have a named technique, his most effective attack to date is an unnamed Cosmo-infused Power Fist.
  • Shonen Hair

Capricorn El Cid

Voiced by: Kazuya Nakai (JP)

Aquarius Degel

Voiced by: Daisuke Hirakawa (JP)

Pisces Albafica

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (JP)


Underworld Judges

Wyvern Rhadamanthys

Griffin Minos

Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (JP)

Garuda Aiacos / Suikyo

Other Specters

Alraune Queen

  • Combat Tentacles: The vines in his Surplice act this way.
  • Gender Blender Name: Yes, a male named Queen.
  • Mercy Kill: He claims to have killed his partner Gordon so he wouldn't have to live with the humiliation of having been defeated and rendered powerless.
  • The Nose Knows: He's able to smell blood to the point of distinguishing the particular odor of each person's blood. That's how he discovers that Dohko is hiding a vial with Athena's blood, and that the Gold Saint himself was infused with the divine blood.
  • Off with His Head: His preferred method of killing. He does this to countless soldiers in the Sanctuary and attempts to finish Dohko this way.
    • Also the way he kills Minotaur Gordon.
  • Razor Wind: His signature move seems to consist on this.

Balron René

Basilisk Sylphid

Behemoth Violate

Voiced by: Takako Honda (JP)

Bennu Kagaho

Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama (JP)

Cait Sith Cheshire

Voiced by: Soichiro Hoshi (JP)

Deadly Beetle Stand

Deep Niobe

Hanuman Tokusa

Voiced by: Miyu Irino (JP)

Harpy Valentine

Mandrake Fyodor

Voiced by: Kentaro Ito (JP)

Mephistopheles Youma Kairos

Nasu Veronica

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (JP)

Owl Partita

Sphinx Pharaoh

Gods and Other Deities


Voiced by: Aya Hirano (JP)



Voiced by: Tomohiro Tsuboi (JP)


Voiced by: Shinji Kawada (JP)

Dream Gods


Voiced by: Hideo Ishikawa (JP)


Voiced by: Ryusei Nakao (JP)


Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (JP, female form), Satoshi Hino (JP, male form)


Voiced by: Hiroshi Tsuchida (JP)



Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (JP)


Voiced by: Nana Mizuki (JP)

Pope Sage

Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (JP)





Sea Dragon Unity




Pisces Rugonis

Dryad Ruko

  • Badass Long Hair
  • Big Bad: Of the Pisces Anecdote.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Offers his help to Albafica, when his real intention is to strip him of his powers. The reason why he cures everyone who asks his help isn't very noble, too (see below).
  • Evil Twin: Pisces Rugonis's younger Specter brother, who bears a striking resemblance to him.
    • Evil Uncle: To some extent, as Rugonis raised Albafica as his own child, and Ruko is the former's younger brother.
  • Love Makes You Evil: The reason why he became a Specter was to achieve the power to lift his brother's curse, his poisonous blood.
  • The Medic: Widely known as a miraculous healer.
  • Mook Maker: The people he cures are transformed into Skeletons, Hades's foot soldiers.
  • Green Thumb



Youaltepuztli Nahualpilli


Koh-i-Noor / Krest

Carnelian, Tourmaline, Chalcedony and Flint

Don Avido





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