Arthur Conan Doyle

/wiki/Arthur Conan Doylecreator

The creator of Sherlock Holmes and Professor Challenger. He wrote many other stories, but mostly only the ones regarding the famous detective are remembered now. Recently he's appeared as a fictional character in a series of murder mysteries featuring Oscar Wilde and Robert Sherard as the Holmes/Watson characters. Anyone with an interest in medieval history and historical fiction should read his novel, The White Company, providing both an fairly accurate depiction of the subject for its time (and the knowledge they had), and a fine insight into A.C.D.'s own time; British Imperialism, The Empire (after all it was the largest ever), and the mentality that justified and drove it.

Works by Arthur Conan Doyle with their own trope pages include:

Other works by Arthur Conan Doyle provide examples of:
  • Artistic License Geography / Artistic License Geology: The Terror of Blue John Gap has the titular cave (a source of the semi-precious stone Blue John) several miles from Castleton in Derbyshire. Blue John is in fact only found in the immediate vicinity of Castleton.
  • Flying Seafood Special: The Horror Of The Heights.
  • My Card: Common due to the Victorian setting.
  • Napoleonic Wars: The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard and The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard. Loosely based on the (themselves not very reliable) memoirs of French general Marbot.
  • We Help the Helpless:
    • Doyle himself in real life had a soft spot for sad stories. Doyle was even known as the Champion of the Oppressed for some time after his much publized campaign against Racial Profiling.
    • Painfully averted with Professor Challenger who after learning that a poisonous gas was about to kill every human in the face of the Earth keeps it a secret and goes to build himself a panic room and invites only a few of his friends and their wives to join him as they all see with apathy how everyone, including Challenger's faithful servants who never stopped working, dies.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever? / Really Four Thousand Years Old: The Ring of Thoth.
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